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Analysis of my advert

Lighting: it is dark around the outside and gets lighter and brighter towards the centre. It draws peoples attention because their eyes are drawn to the middle where the product is. It is quite dramatic. Product: The product is shown to look sleek and sporty which is what the advert is trying to do Product name/company: The name suggest that the product is designed for the one purpose meant to be exceptionally good.

Slogans/wording: the slogan is very catchy. It is simple and short. Its speaking to the customer and saying that it makes you faster.

Colour: I have gone with a glowing green colour that looks really cool. The colour signifies that the product is bright and vibrant.

Image size: I have used a close up shot of the product to show the customer exactly what they are buying

Image Angle: I have used an eye level shot of the product. This creates the effect that it is right in front of them.

Font: The font looks a bit sci-fi and spacey. It goes with the background well. It is big a bold and looks energetic which suits the target audience which would be athletes.

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