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31 Charles SL | London Cn n6P 1P1 | 7037177041 | [_frlLLy[hoLmallcom

8achelor of PumanlLles Ponours
looteotloo uolvetslty
May 2011
O Ma[or Lngllsh
O Mlnor PlsLory
O elaLed Course Work lnLroducLlon Lo 8uslness Commerce loundaLlons of ManagemenL
lnLroducLlon Lo CrganlzaLlon 8ehavlour
O 9roflclenL undersLandlng of MlcrosofL Cfflce and Mac CS wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo compose and edit
correspondence, schedule, co-ordinate and distribute agendas for numerous meetings
O Answer telephones and direct visitors in a polite and professional manner
O &tilize resources online to best answer any public or internal enquiries
O Assist with recruitment, conduct reference checks and resume screening
O Pave aLLended varlous workshops deslgned Lo lmprove sales and markeLlng skllls
O ConsLanLly exceeded sales goals ln prevlous sales orlenLed poslLlons
O DndersLandlng of creaLlng and LargeLlng sales goals
1annlng ConsulLanL/keyholder
9olm 8eocb Meqo 1oo
2006Lo 2011
O Plred as ueLaller promoLed Lo ConsulLanL afLer 6 monLhs
O Larned SmarL 1an CerLlflcaLlon and keyholder poslLlon
O reeLed cusLomers and answered all lnqulres
O Lxceeded sales goals rouLlnely wlLh respecL Lo Lannlng packages
and producL
O 8alanced all cash along wlLh deblL and credlL

etto 9looet estootoot ooJ Comes
2008 Lo 2010
O lnlLlally hlred as hosLess promoLed Lo server ln 2 monLhs
O reeL and seaL lncomlng guesLs
O Crganlze and monlLor seaLlng charL
O Serve food and beverage Lo guesLs
O cellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication
O SLrong aLLenLlon Lo deLall

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