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Eastern UCLE Church

Volume 1, Issue 1

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January-February 2006

Greetings to all my Fellow EUCLE Youth Members!

Table of
This is Mai Cheng Yang, Eastern UCLE
Contents: Youth President for 2006. God has
Gre e t in g & In t ro 1 helped me through a lot and without
Him by my side I would not be the per-
Youth Calendar for 2 son I am today.
It is a privilege to hold a position like
Past Events 3 this for God to help all of our fellow
EUCLE Youth members. And, of course,
New EUCLE Youth 4 that includes my officers. My Vice Presi-
Officers dent is Tiffany Moua. The Youth Secre-
tary is Kao Yang. Paia Yang is our
Paia’s Testimony 5 Treasurer again this year with Tao
Yang as her Assistant Treasurer. And
Bible Jokes and 6 finally our Historian/Publicist is Rebecca
Games Lor. They’re all as excited as I am to be
serving God and our EUCLE Church. As
Last Page 7
a youth, it is also your duty to help us
out too. We are all doing God’s Work
and the future relies on us! It’s all about

God has given us the potential to do

something, and I will try my best to
make all our plans and activities hap-
From Top to Bottom and Left to Right:
pen. And I hope you will do your best Tao Yang, Mai Cheng Yang, Rebecca Lor, Paia Yang,
too! Kao Yang and Tiffany Moua.

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Jesus replied, “Because you have so little faith.
I will tell you the truth.
If you have faith as small as a mustard seed,
You can say to this mountain,
‘Move from here to there’ and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.”
-Matthew 17:20
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 2

“Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.” - John 4:8

I asked God to take away my
habit. God said, No. It is not
for Me to take away,
but for you to give up.

I asked God to make my

handicapped child whole. God
said, No. His spirit is whole,
his body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me pa-

tience. God said, No. Patience
is a byproduct of tribulations;
it isn’t granted, it is learned.

I asked God to give me happi-

ness. God said, No.

FEBRUARY 2006 I give you blessings;

Happiness is up to you.

This Month’s I asked God to spare me pain.

God said, No. Suffering draws
• February 4—Unity
you apart from worldly cares
Meeting at 12 PM and brings you closer to Me.
at Hmong Lu-
1 2 3 4
theran Church of I asked God to make my spirit
grow. God said, No. You must
• February 5—We’ll grow on your own! But I will
continue to prac-
tice for the Valen- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 prune you to make you fruitful.
tine’s Program.
I asked God to help me LOVE
• February 11—The
Valentine’s Pro-
others as much as He loves me.
gram! It will be God said…Ah!
our 1st Fundrais- 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Finally you have the idea.
ing event this
May God bless you all!
• February 12—Our
EUCLE Youth’s
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 “To the world you might be one
Valentine Pro-
gram! person, but to one person, you
might just be the world.”
• February 14—Don’t
forget your loved
ones! It’s Valen- Even the word
tine’s Day! 26 27 28
• February 25—Bible
Study AND Mai says ‘I M POSSIBLE’
Cheng’s Birthday!
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship: December Youth Revival ‘05

The UCLE Church Youth Revival was held
December 17th and 18th in Fresno, CA, for
all UCLE Youth Members. It was great
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meeting a lot of our fellow youth members
from all over the country! We praised and
worshipped the Lord together and left with
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great memories of the new friends we
found and how we’ve grown in Christ!
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The Revival wasn't only to bring our Youths
closer together, but it was to open our eyes
once again to what the “Heart of Worship”
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was all about. It was always about LOVE
and loving one love as Jesus
loved us.
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We knew in our hearts that we had work
to do for Him: to bring our Youth closer to

It wasn’t long after coming back from the Revival that our
Our Youth Christmas Party: Youth began to plan the Christmas Party held on the
22nd of December at Mai Cheng’s house.

As the EUCLE Youth all gathered together for the party

bringing food, drinks and setting up games...we were
joined by our very own UCLE of NC Church Youths!
Throughout the night, we had fun playing Bingo and all
sorts of Bible games and quizzes for prizes too!

It was fun to hang out with our UCLE North Carolina

Youth members again since the Revival. The Revival
brought the Youths here closer together again. It was
great spending time together even for only a short while
but just remember no matter the distance, the love we
hold for each other will always keep us together in our

~Rebecca Lor, EUCLE Historian ‘06

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We had a wonderful start this year praising the Lord for His many
blessings! The New Year may bring us many joys and sorrows and
our faiths will be tested. But let us strive to do our best for the Lord
so that in the end, we will all see each other again in Heaven.

“Now, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be,
but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing:
Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,
I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which
God, through Jesus Christ, is calling us up to Heaven.”
-Philippians 3:13-14
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 4

C O N G R AT U L AT IO N S E U C L E YO U T H O F F I C E R S O F 2 0 0 6 ! ! !
Words from our EUCLE Youth President ‘06:
Our Eastern UCLE Youth Officers of 2006: “With God, anything is possible!” Remember
that guys! My plans this year are to have
Mai Cheng Yang — President
more worship sessions, Bible studies, and to
Tiffany Moua — Vice President get our Youth closer to God. We’ll have
trips, fundraisers and more! Don’t worry!
Kao Yang — Secretary We are going to have a band too! Anyhow,
MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL and guide all of
Paia Yang — Treasurer us together forever!
Tao Yang — Assistant Treasurer Sincerely Yours,
Rebecca Lor — Historian/Publicist Mai Cheng Yang

Words from our EUCLE Youth VP 2006:

HELLO! We have so much planned this

year, and it’s going to be great! We
have so much to talk about God!!! What
I would like from everyone of you is to
respect your fellow youth members and
esp. your officers. Respect them like you
would respect yourselves and your eld-
ers. Also, don’t be afraid to tell us what
you think or how you feel! We’re here
for you! With your cooperation, this year
is going to be wonderful! God bless!

Love, Tiffany Moua

Special Note from our EUCLE Church Music Director ‘06:

Well, for those of you who think you have something else better to do
than going to church on Saturday or Sunday, think again! I used to be like
that! But after the December Revival at Fresno, CA, I was changed.
All you have to do is believe in yourself! Do NOT let anyone bring you
down or make you think you can’t do anything. When it is your calling
to serve the Lord, you will know! He will speak to you and tell you what
He wants you to do for Him. Our Lord is great! Keep up the faith and
never give up on your hope, your faith, and most of all, yourself! Take
care everyone and God bless!

Tim Moua, EUCLE Youth Member

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Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 5

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Hi Fellow Youths of Eastern UCLE! I’m Paia Yang, your 2006 Youth Treasurer. I’m
looking forward to this year because I can feel that we can accomplish many things.
If you need help or anything just ask or call me up. I’m always here, since I have no
life but school, home and Church! Church is my life, and I love it!

When my mom first received the Holy Spirit, I saw how much she changed. My mom
having the Holy Spirit was one thing that pushed me this far! God had shown her
many things that were to happen, and it scared me because of what some of them
meant, esp. the one about the end of the world!!!

On March 24, 2000, I first thought I had gotten the Holy Spirit. I remember seeing a long dark road, and
I carried a torchlight with me. All I could see was a Gate at the end, but I never reached it. A few years
ago, I went through a really stressful time in my life. I thought about killing myself. I used to ask, “Where
is God?” or “God, I hate you so much, why is my life like this?” I stressed over my parents and siblings,
and yeah, I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING: HOW STUPID, HUH? Don’t worry...I thought I was dumb
too. I hated to play the piano for church and EVERYTHING about church. I only went because I was forced
to and because my friends were there. Then my mom told me her dream.

She dreamed about the End of the World. It scared me the most because one of the people my mom explained about described me! You know...the
people holding the Bible and saying, “I believe in You, Jesus.” But really they only hid behind their Bibles and never really help spread the Good
Word or helped His people! I realized that I didn't have the Holy Spirit. I still thought of WORLDLY things which led me away from God.

I felt God tugging at my heart, but I still denied Him. Until I had a SCARY dream! In the dream, there was a demon in my room, and I couldn’t beat
it. I thought that saying HALLELUJAH would help, but it didn’t. So I asked myself, how is HALLELUJAH going to help when you don’t even believe,
when you’re denying the Truth? I gave up saying it in my dream and started to cry. All the demon did was laugh at me. I felt so stupid because I
thought I had God with me, and I became angry at Him. I kept yelling at Him saying, “I thought I believed you! I thought You were always going to
be with me? Where were you when I needed you the most?” But then I realized, “Where was I when He needed me the most?” I woke up crying
and crying...and from that day on, I looked forward to receiving the Holy Spirit.

On June 1, 2004, my mom called me and asked, “Paia, if you want it come right now.” At that time I
I kept yelling at Him saying, was really shy. My brothers and Nyab Houa was there. Then a thought came to my mind: If I’m scared of
“I thought I believed you! doing it in front of them then how will I ever get it? My mom just said to me, “Forget it if they don’t want
to do it, just do it for you and follow what Rev. Chervunkong says.” So I got on my knees and followed
I thought You were always going every word. When he came to the SIN part, I thought of the bad stuff I had said to God or stuff I had
to be with me? Where were you done, and yet He still forgave me. I thought of that and cried, saying “HALLELUJAH!” I opened my
heart and said sorry to Him. Then I saw a GREAT BRIGHT LIGHT shining before me and even as my eyes
when I needed you the most?” remained closed...this warm feeling
But then I realized, “Where was I? came over me. I prayed and
prayed...and when I received it, I
...When He needed me the most?” heard a voice saying to me, “You’re
name is written in My Book.” I stood
up crying and rejoicing. Ever since then, I became a different person, and every-
one else saw too because I “used” to be the meanest, screamiest girl in the family.

On the Passover night, December 23rd of 2005, I realized where I belong, where
I was needed, and why God called for me. That night Becca, Tiffany, and May-
cheng got the Holy Spirit with the help of God. I pushed them to not quit and
inspired others to ASK, SEEK, AND KNOCK! God has called all of us for a rea-
son, to help someone who is in need of help. Sometimes you may feel as if
you’re falling but remember God will always be there, and He will always
give you strength!
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 6

The Walls of Jericho

Joshua obeyed God at Jericho to begin the Israelite conquest of Canaan. God
gave the battle plan and the Israelites acted in faith. Archaeologists confirmed
the historical accuracy of the Bible in the ruins of ancient Jericho. ]Éá{ât {tw t
I want to tell you about the battle of Jericho. After 40 years of wandering in
the wilderness, Joshua and the people of Israel had crossed the stopped waters zÜxtà àxáà Éy yt|à{M
of the Jordan River (another miracle!) and now were ready to begin to conquer
the land of Canaan. Joshua was an experienced military leader, but nothing in
all his military training could have prepared him for God’s plan to take Jericho. [x ãÉâÄw {täx
He would have to act on faith and trust God for victory.

Jericho is considered the oldest known inhabited city in the world. Around 1400 àÉ tvà ÉÇ yt|à{
B.C. Joshua laid siege to the fortress city. The armies of Israel surrounded it so
that no one could enter or leave it. Our Lord Jesus is named with the same name
as Joshua, Yeshua in Hebrew, which means “Jehovah is Savior.” Before the bat- tÇw àÜâáà ZÉw
tle began, the captain of the host of Israel (Joshua) had an encounter with the
captain of the Lord of hosts (Jesus). Joshua worshipped Him and listened care-
fully to the battle plan. He spoke as if the city of Jericho was already won. This
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surely strengthened Joshua’s faith. He was being told the future before it even
happened by God!

This was the plan: For six days the army would circle the city once while the priests blew their
ram’s horns. The priests with trumpets went first, then the priests which carried the Ark of the
Covenant, then the army. The only sound would be the sound of the horns; no one could speak
a work. Then on the seventh day, they would circle the city seven times in the same manner,
and then when Joshua gave the signal, they would shout with a great shout. Then the walls
would fall flat, and they would run into the city and burn everything and everyone in it.

Joshua had a great test of faith. Would he try his own brilliant military plan, or completely
trust God and obey in faith? He had an intelligence report from the spies, and might have
even drawn some plan of attack. If you think Joshua had a hard time believing God, we are
not told anything about it. So never underestimate the power of faith.

The army of Israel marched around Jericho as God commanded while the priests blew the horns. They may have been tired of covering the same ground over
and over again each day, but they obeyed God exactly. As Christians, we may tire of dealing with the same problem over and over again, but we can
trust God to help us. Finally, on the seventh day after the seventh time around the city, Joshua gave the command and everyone yelled as loud as they could
shout. Then a great miracle of faith happened: the walls fell out from the city, flat on the ground, making a ramp for the invading Israelite army! They ran
straight in and burned everything. The only family who survived inside Jericho was Rahab and her family. She had helped the spies and was later a part of
the ancestry line of Jesus (Matthew 1:5) because she had faith
to trust God to save her.

Archaeologists (people who dig up old places) have found

these ancient walls of brick, and the burned remains of the
city. We can trust what he Bible says. The Bible is an accurate
record of history. Nothing was taken from the city. Joshua put
a curse on Jericho and no one ever rebuilt it on the same site
again. God was determined to wipe the idol worship and
practices in Canaan. God began the conquest of Canaan with
this miraculous victory at Jericho, where the walls came tum-
bling down!

© 1996 by Pierre R. Shwob.

Sermon can be found at
Check our EUCLE Youth Website out at: Letter from the Editor:
Dear Eastern UCLE Youth Members,

I hope that you guys enjoyed this month’s issue of our Eastern
Eastern UCLE Church
Youth Newsletter of EUCLE. If you have any questions, comments or
EUCLE Youth Historian/Publicist
suggestions about the article, you can reach me by ME! Or by the infor-
Rebecca Lor mation to the left. Thanks and may
825 Jamestown Road
God bless you all!
Morganton, NC 28655
Cell Phone: 828-403-0866

Rebecca Lor,
EUCLE Youth Historian ‘06

"We are pressed on every side by troubles,

But we are not crushed and broken.
We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit.
So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now;
Rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen.
For the troubles we see will soon be over,
But the joys to come will last forever."
~2 Corinthians 4:8-18

CHECK OUT THESE OTHER SITES by our United Christians Liberty Evangelical Church!

The Official Eastern UCLE Church Website:

The Official UCLE Headquarters Website:
The Official Youth Mission Department Website:
The UCLE Music Planning Department Website:

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