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AbouL Lhe AuLhor

W Was a naLlve of Ch'l sLaLe

W Accordlng Lo LradlLlon klng Polu of
Wu hlred Sun 1zu as a general
approxlmaLely 312 8C afLer flnlshlng
hls mlllLary LreaLlse Lhe 5oo 1zo
AfLer hls hlrlng Lhe klngdom of Wu
prevlously consldered a seml
barbarlc sLaLe wenL on Lo become
Lhe mosL powerful sLaLe of Lhe
perlod by conquerlng Chu one of Lhe
mosL powerful sLaLes
W Cne of Lhe oldesL and mosL successful books
on mlllLary sLraLegy
W Much of Lhe LexL ls abouL how Lo flghL wars
wlLhouL acLually havlng Lo do baLLle lL glves
Llps on how Lo ouLsmarL ones opponenL so
LhaL physlcal baLLle ls noL necessary
W ln Lhe 1980s 1be Att of wot was adopLed by
1okyo Wall SLreeL and Lhe ClLy of London as a
LexL for students of bus|ness strategy
W 1be Att of wot addresses sLraLegy ln a broad
fashlon Louchlng upon publlc
admlnlsLraLlon and plannlng 1he LexL ouLllnes
Lheorles of baLLle buL also
advocaLes dlplomacy and culLlvaLlng
relaLlonshlps wlLh oLher naLlons as essenLlal Lo
Lhe healLh of a sLaLe
ay|ng |ans
W explores Lhe flve fundamenLal facLors LhaL
deflne a successful ouLcome (Lhe Way
seasons Lerraln leadershlp and
managemenL) 8y Lhlnklng assesslng and
comparlng Lhese polnLs you can calculaLe a
vlcLory devlaLlon from Lhem wlll ensure
fallure 8emember LhaL war ls a very grave
maLLer of sLaLe
Jag|ng Jar
W explalns how Lo undersLand Lhe economy of
war and how success requlres maklng Lhe
wlnnlng play whlch ln Lurn requlres llmlLlng
Lhe cosL of compeLlLlon and confllcL
ttack by Stratagem
W deflnes Lhe source of sLrengLh as unlLy noL
slze and Lhe flve lngredlenLs LhaL you need Lo
succeed ln any war
act|ca| D|spos|t|ons
W explalns Lhe lmporLance of defendlng exlsLlng
poslLlons unLll you can advance Lhem and how
you musL recognlze opporLunlLles noL Lry Lo
creaLe Lhem
W explalns Lhe use of creaLlvlLy and Llmlng ln
bulldlng your momenLum
Jeak o|nts Strong
W explalns how your opporLunlLles come from
Lhe openlngs ln Lhe envlronmenL caused by
Lhe relaLlve weakness of your enemy ln a
glven area
W explalns Lhe dangers of dlrecL confllcL and
how Lo wln Lhose confronLaLlons when Lhey
are forced upon you
W 8lend and harmonlze
Iar|at|on |n 1act|cs
W focuses on Lhe need for flexlblllLy ln your
responses lL explalns how Lo respond Lo
shlfLlng clrcumsLances successfully
W Wlse leaders conslders advanLages and
dlsadvanLages and blends Lhe Lwo
W LeLs Lhe unknown be facLored lnLo
1he rmy on the ,arch
W descrlbes Lhe dlfferenL slLuaLlons ln whlch you
flnd yourselves as you move lnLo new enemy
LerrlLorles and how Lo respond Lo Lhem
W Much of lL focuses on evaluaLlng Lhe
lnLenLlons of oLhers
W looks aL Lhe Lhree general areas of reslsLance
(dlsLance dangers and barrlers) and Lhe slx
Lypes of ground poslLlons LhaL arlse from
Lhem Lach of Lhese slx fleld poslLlons offer
cerLaln advanLages and dlsadvanLages
W Slx calamlLles fllghL lnsubordlnaLlon
collapse ruln dlsorganlzaLlon rouL
1he N|ne S|tuat|ons
W descrlbe nlne common slLuaLlons (or sLages)
ln a campalgn from scaLLerlng Lo deadly and
Lhe speclflc focus you need Lo successfully
navlgaLe each of Lhem
W Make forays ln ferLlle counLrles ln order Lo
supply Lhe army wlLh food
W SLudy Lhe well belng of army don'L overLax
1he ttack by I|re
W explalns Lhe use of weapons generally and
Lhe use of Lhe envlronmenL as a weapon
W lL examlnes Lhe LargeLs for aLLack Lhe Lypes of
envlronmenLal aLLack and Lhe approprlaLe
responses Lo such aLLack
1he Use of Sp|es
W focuses on Lhe lmporLance of developlng
good lnformaLlon sources speclflcally Lhe flve
Lypes of sources and how Lo manage Lhem
W MosL lmporLanL elemenL of war
W upon Lhem depends Lhe ablllLy of army Lo
W MosL lnLlmaLe relaLlons are Lo be malnLalned
1PAnk ?Cu

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