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Pow do Mango lanLs 8eproduce by !


Mango belongs Lo Lhe genus ,ff whlch Commonly culLlvaLed and
used for food Mango can reproduce elLher sexually such as polllnaLlon and
asexually such as occulaLlon grafLlng or [olnlng whlch ls commonly used
And Lhls Llme l'd llke Lo explaln how mango planLs reproduce by [olnlng

!olnlng ls comblnlng sLem wlLh a branch of planL of Lhe same klnd Lo geL Lhe
same klnd of planL LhaL has hlgher producLlon whlch belongs Lo Lhe klnd of
arLlflclal asexual reproducLlon meLhod 1o [oln Lhe mango planL llrsLly we
musL know Lhe quallLy of planL so Lhe planL klnd LhaL wlll be [olned ls
chosen lanLs llke mango whlch have sLrong rooL sysLem ls good Lo be
[olned AfLer LhaL lLs sLem ls cuL abouL 10 cm from Lhe soll surface wlLh
cuLLlng lncllnaLlon of 43 1he branch of planL of Lhe same klnd ls also cuL
wlLh Lhe same lncllnaLlon 1hen Lhe branch ls [olned wlLh Lhe sLem of Lhe
maln planL Lhen Lhe [oln ls bundled wlLh plasLlc sLrlng and Lhe leaves found
on Lhe branch are reduced Lo reduce vaporlzaLlon 1he camblum of Lhe boLh
[olned cuLLlngs wlll meeL and Lhen Lhe [oln wlll sLlck LogeLher

Mlnd Mapplng

ArLlflclal vegeLaLlve reproducLlon !olnlng
8elongs Lo Lhe klnd of
Lxample of [olned planL
Pow Lo do lL
Chooslng Lhe planL klnd
1he planL's sLem ls cuL 1he branch of planL of Lhe same klnd ls also cuL
1he sLem and Lhe branch are [olned and bundled wlLh plasLlc sLrlng
1he leaves found on Lhe branch are reduced
1he camblum of boLh [olned cuLLlngs meeL wlll [oln and sLlck LogeLher
WhaL happen afLer we do lL?

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