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Iacu|dade de Lconom|a Un|vers|dade Nova de L|sboa

numan kesources Managment | rofessor k|ta Campos e Cunha

winter semester 2010/2011
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
Are Are there prob|ems |n the recru|tment process? there prob|ems |n the recru|tment process?
Why? What are your recommendat|ons Why? What are your recommendat|ons? ?
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
SeL of acLlvlLles and processes used Lo legally obLaln a sufflclenL number of quallfled
people aL Lhe rlghL place and Llme so LhaL Lhe people and Lhe organlzaLlon can selecL
each oLher ln Lhelr own besL shorL and long Lerm lnLeresLs"
Iob Des|gn
Cpen|ng Iob
of Iob
Iob offer
Ma|n Steps
%roblemaLlc assessmenL of
resumes ln uSA
%candldaLes LhaL dld noL maLch
Lhe lnLended proflle
%nLervlews should be conducLed
noL only by P8M sLaff
%1lme beLween
recrulLmenL and
% ap beLween hlrlngs
and [ob poslLlons
%lnd candldaLes Lhrough ads
ln ma[or magazlnes
%Puge amounL of Cvs
%1here ls noL a clear
deflnlLlon of whaL
s' Lasks are
Iob Des|gn
Cpen|ng Iob
os|t|on and
Co||ect|on of
Iob rsums
of Iob
ksums and
Iob Interv|ews
Iob Cffer
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
Are Are there prob|ems |n the recru|tment process? there prob|ems |n the recru|tment process?
Why? What are your recommendat|ons Why? What are your recommendat|ons? ?


%ask for references
%lnLervlews should be conducLed noL
only by P8M sLaff buL also by cblefs of
tbe vllloqe
% 8educe Lhe gap beLween hlrlngs
and [ob poslLlons
%keep ln Louch wlLh good pendlng
candldaLes malnLaln Lhelr
lnLeresL ln Lhe organlzaLlon
% use ads on places dlrecLly
relaLed Lo Lhe company buslness
such as lLs webslLe and
speclallzed magazlnes
%more reallsLlc
overvlew of Lhe Lype of
work equlpmenL and
worklng condlLlons
lnvolved wlLh Lhe [ob
before hlrlng
Cpen|ng Iob
Co||ect|on of
Iob rsums
rese|ect|on of
Iob ksums
Iob Interv|ews
Iob Cffer
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
Are Are there prob|ems |n the recru|tment process? there prob|ems |n the recru|tment process?
Why? What are your recommendat|ons Why? What are your recommendat|ons? ?
g g
g g
e e
g g
g g
e e
Lva|uate the numan kesources Department Work
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
Are Are there prob|ems |n the recru|tment process? there prob|ems |n the recru|tment process?
Why? What are your recommendat|ons Why? What are your recommendat|ons? ?
cost per h|re
qua||ty (|e performance absentee|sm etc% of h|res and cost
rat|o between the number of [ob offers extended and the tota| number of app||cants ca|cu|ated
for each recru|tment method or med|a
t|me taken to f||| a pos|t|on
turnover rate before ("entry cr|s|s"% and after the f|rst year
customer sat|sfact|on
Iurther kecommendat|ons Iurther kecommendat|ons
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
2 Is GC turnover rea||y a prob|em at C|ub Med? 2 Is GC turnover rea||y a prob|em at C|ub Med?
What are the pros and cons of h|gh turnover? What are the pros and cons of h|gh turnover?
A qulL before Lhe end of Lhe
A qulL before Lhe end of Lhe
A was flred before Lhe end
of Lhe season
A was flred before Lhe end
of Lhe season
A qulL aL Lhe end of a
A qulL aL Lhe end of a
A was glven a poor evaluaLlon
by Lhe vlllage chlef and was noL
asked back for Lhe nexL season
A was glven a poor evaluaLlon
by Lhe vlllage chlef and was noL
asked back for Lhe nexL season
C|ub Med's
turnover occurs
|n four ways
C|ub Med's
turnover occurs
|n four ways
An employee ls noL addlng
value Lo Club Med
@bot qoy coolJot teocb o flsb to
swlmbe wos oseless
An employee ls noL addlng
value Lo Club Med
@bot qoy coolJot teocb o flsb to
swlmbe wos oseless
Iunct|ona| Iunct|ona|
turnover turnover
Iunct|ona| Iunct|ona|
turnover turnover
A valuable employee leaves Lhe
company for elLher avoldable or
unavoldable reasons
be wos teolly qooJ l wlsb sbe
woolJot bove polt
A valuable employee leaves Lhe
company for elLher avoldable or
unavoldable reasons
be wos teolly qooJ l wlsb sbe
woolJot bove polt
Dysfunct|ona| Dysfunct|ona|
turnover turnover
Dysfunct|ona| Dysfunct|ona|
turnover turnover
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
2 Is GC turnover rea||y a prob|em at C|ub Med? 2 Is GC turnover rea||y a prob|em at C|ub Med?
What are the pros and cons of h|gh turnover? What are the pros and cons of h|gh turnover?
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
2 Is GC turnover rea||y a prob|em at C|ub Med? 2 Is GC turnover rea||y a prob|em at C|ub Med?
What are the pros and cons of h|gh turnover? What are the pros and cons of h|gh turnover?
roblemaLlc employees wlll leave Lhe company more easlly
Seasonal buslnesses hlghly beneflL from hlgh Lurnover raLes
ro[ecLdrlven companles recrulL people accordlng Lo Lhe requlremenLs of
each pro[ecL and do noL have longLerm cosL
1ool for Lop managers Lo reallze and lnvesLlgaLe lf Lhere ls someLhlng wrong
wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon
Lmployee Lurnover promoLes change
new LalenLs can be capLured conLlnuously and new ldeas can be generaLed
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
2 Is GC turnover rea||y a prob|em at C|ub Med? 2 Is GC turnover rea||y a prob|em at C|ub Med?
What are the pros and cons of h|gh turnover? What are the pros and cons of h|gh turnover?
More recrulLlng and Lralnlng cosLs
LoL of Llme wasLed along Lhe processes
LawsulLs relaLed Lo lnvolunLary Lurnover
Lmployees wlll have no commlLmenL and loyalLy Lo Lhe company as Lhey feel
employers have llLLle loyalLy Lo Lhem as well
SLaff levels can be low dlfflculLy ln flndlng avallable employees Lo sLarL worklng
oor Leam splrlL wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon
CusLomer dlssaLlsfacLlon
Loss of LaclL knowledge
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
3 3 Why does C|ub Med current|y rotate a|| the|r
emp|oyees every s|x months? Does th|s po||cy
make sense? What are your recommendat|ons?
!ob roLaLlon someLlmes called cross Lralnlng ls
one of Lhe many forms of onLhe[ob Lralnlng
and a formal efforL aL execuLlve developmenL
(Zelra 1974 8eaLLy Schneler and McLvoy 1987)
WhaL ls !ob 8oLaLlon?
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
3 3 Why does C|ub Med current|y rotate a|| the|r
emp|oyees every s|x months? Does th|s po||cy
make sense? What are your recommendat|ons?
SLrengLhs of 8oLaLlon
W L keeps Lhe 's moLlvaLlon hlgh
W L ralses Lhe cusLomer saLlsfacLlon (due Lo 's
W 1he company has employees fully adapLed Lo
any [ob beneaLh Lhe resorL ln any area and ln
any 's uncLlon
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
3 3 Why does C|ub Med current|y rotate a|| the|r
emp|oyees every s|x months? Does th|s po||cy
make sense? What are your recommendat|ons?
Weaknesses of 8oLaLlon
W 1he cosLs assoclaLed Lo Lhe Lransference of Lhe
's Lo oLher resorL's and oLher funcLlons
(learnlng cosLs)
W 1he posslblllLy of fragmenLaLlon of a coheslve
Leam (looslng producLlvlLy and efflclency)
W 1he cusLomer dlssaLlsfacLlon slnce ln Lhe flrsL
Lwo Lo four weeks Lhe 's need Lhls Llme Lo
adapL Lo Lhe new funcLlons
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
3 3 Why does C|ub Med current|y rotate a|| the|r
emp|oyees every s|x months? Does th|s po||cy
make sense? What are your recommendat|ons?
8oLaLlon WorLh lL or noL?
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
3 3 Why does C|ub Med current|y rotate a|| the|r
emp|oyees every s|x months? Does th|s po||cy
make sense? What are your recommendat|ons?
8ecomendaLlons Lo Club Med
W SubsLlLuLlon 6 MonLhs Lo 1 ?ear
W 8esponslble for each funcLlon
W never move a wlnnlng Leam
W 1ake lnLo accounL Lhe needs and feellngs
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481
3 3 Why does C|ub Med current|y rotate a|| the|r
emp|oyees every s|x months? Does th|s po||cy
make sense? What are your recommendat|ons?
!ob roLaLlon someLlmes called cross Lralnlng ls
one of Lhe many forms of onLhe[ob Lralnlng
and a formal efforL aL execuLlve developmenL
(Zelra 1974 8eaLLy Schneler and McLvoy 1987)
@hank you!
Group D Carla lres #493 aLrlcla 8afael #682 edro SanLos #633 1nla erelra #481

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