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来 自 宝 蓝 色 的 海 洋 :与所有王国生活在统一中的祝福;在海啸及其它自然灾害中的灵性

课程,释放与地球大自然有关业力的意想 2005-9-7(无名氏译)


来自 宝蓝色 的海洋
Blessings for Living in Unity with all Kingdoms

与所 有王国 生活在 统一中 的祝福

The Salt Mineral Kingdom through Karen Danrich “Mila”,September 7, 2005

盐矿物王国通过 Karen Danrich “Mila”传递,2005 年 12 月 7 日

Translated by 无名氏 2008-9-26

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


This is the second article in a new

series “Messages from the Mineral
Realm” directed at ascending
humanity. It is the Salt Mineral
Kingdom that greats you today. Salt is
the second largest mineral upon earth
next to the Granite Kingdom which
wrote the first essay in this new section.


Salt was not always the second largest mineral kingdom. Most salt was
imported from nine other creations by Sirian human scientists to create an ice
shield that once existed in the outmost layer of your atmosphere. The ice
shield was constructed in the event that Sirian humans required another
“home” due to warfare and the potential destruction of their own planets of
origin. The Sirian scientists went to a load of time and trouble to create these
shields, which involve the gradual release of salt water into the atmosphere
but at a slow enough rate that it freezes. So much water is used that as the
ice shields collapsed at a later time in history, they became your oceans.

盐 并不是一直都是第二大矿物王国。大多数盐是由天狼星人类科学家为创造曾
家由于战 争以及他们起源的星球潜在的毁灭而需要另一个“家”的情况下建造
进入大气,不过 它以一个足够慢的速度冻结。这么多的水被使用所以历史上当

For 250,000 years, the ice shields allowed for a warming of earth’s
temperatures and a recovery of the many falls in consciousness she had
already known in the third dimension. This was confusing to earth that had no
conscious awareness of the cause of the warming, as she could not perceive
the Sirian humans or their ice shields as they existed in a Sirian dream.
Dreams are very specific to the physical and nonphysical dance that they
create. Because humans and the ice shields were inside of a Sirian dream,
Terra (earth) could not perceive their presence.

二十 五万年间,冰天允许了地球不断升温以及她已了解到的第三维度中许多人
天狼星梦想 中的天狼星人类或他们的冰天。关于他们所创造的物质与非物质舞
蹈的梦想是非常独特的。因为人类与冰天处于天狼星梦想之内,所以 Terra (地球)



Small numbers of humans arrived as an experiment to see if earth could

support human life. The seeded humans had similar genetics to those in
existence upon Sirius. Out of 18 sets of genetics planted upon earth, only 7
survived over time as Terra’s biochemistry and biosphere are very different
from Sirius A and B. Later Sirius seeded another class of human with large
heads and greater spiritual awareness that Mila has called the “Grand
Masters”. These humans were to be as ruling class for the remaining Red
Nation’s peoples. Alas the Red Nation’s peoples rejected the Grand Masters
as their leaders, for after all they had been leading themselves for 25,000
years without such support (75,000 human years).

类与那些生存在天狼星的人类有相似的遗传。在地球上培养的 18 种遗传中,只
有 7 种随时间存活下来,因为 Terra 的生化与生物圈与天狼星 A 或 B 非常不同。
后来天狼星播种了另一种有着大头颅与巨大灵性觉知的人类,Mila 称他们为“

The ice shields recorded the human experiences of these early humans in the
salt. If it were not for salt recording these records, Terra may not have a
complete template of all experiences and karma incurred; indeed the 7
remaining root races lived in harmony with nature, taking only minimally what
was required for nourishment and housing along with raising their young.
These humans were vegetarian also lived in harmony with one another and
did not war amongst tribes, although the tribes tended to live separate
existences from one another with much distance between them. It took
10,000 years for two different tribes to even meet and later intermarry; and
these were the Inuit and Polynesian root races. Perhaps it is for this reason
that some Inuit and Polynesians have similar facial features or body structure
in present time.

Terra 就无法有所有体验与招致的业力的一个完整模板;的确,剩余的 7 个 根
倾向 于彼此之间分隔甚远。经过了一万年的时间两个不同部落才相遇并随后通
与玻利尼西 亚人有相似的面部特征以及身体构造。

The Grand Masters intermarried with Tibetan and Polynesian root races
primarily. These spiritually advanced humans could teleport anywhere upon
earth; out of fear of their lack of ability to do all that they had agreed upon in
the unconscious in terms of managing the human dream, they blended their
DNA with many red nations’ women of these two root races. Perhaps it is for
this reason that these two root races also have the greater remembrance of
spiritual truth and practice in present time whereas other root races recall
more land or earth base spiritual knowledge.

致同意管理人类梦想,他们与这两个根种族的许多红族妇女混和他们的 DNA。

Alas the original Grand Masters themselves fell into deep distortion due to the
variances in biochemistry and energy flow upon Terra. This led to a rapid
death less than 300 years following their arrival. In the death, not enough of
their knowledge had been departed to their surviving heirs of complete or
partial Grand Master genealogy. Without departing all of their knowledge to
others, much was lost and the human dream consequently fell into the hands
of dark forces vying for Terra’s extinction.

唉,由于 Terra 上的生化机能与能量流的不一致,最初的大师他们自己跌入了

更深的扭曲。这导致了一个的快速的死亡,在他们到达后还不到 300 年。在死亡
下所有他们的知识给其他人,大量被丢失,于是人类因此跌入了竞相致 Terra

These forces pressed the human genealogy down and down in genetic
materials through continuous stripping of field, love, chi, information and
sexual flow. The first falls left the red nations peoples in lack. The lack then
manifest as a lack of provisions due to changing weather patterns; suddenly
there was less rain in the regions that some tribes lived and not enough fruit
and vegetables grew in a given season. The lack of provisions was a
reflection of the lack of chi available to sustain their vibrations. Lack creates
fear and this was the first known time that the red nation’s peoples went into
fear upon earth. Out of fear, one tribe began to steal from other tribes; or to
overrun other tribes through planned warfare over territorial disputes and who
could gather from a particular region.

这 些势力通过持续剥夺能量场、爱、气、信息与性能量流在遗传物质中将人类的
乏于是 显化;突然,一些部落居住的地区降雨减少且没有足够的水果蔬菜在既
这就是所知 的地球上的红族第一次跌入恐惧。出于恐惧,一个部落开始从其他

The dissonance that developed due to the falling consciousness of the red
nation’s humans called an even more dissonant human family to Terra from
the Pleiades known as the Family of Anu or the Annanuki. This family was so
greedy that they mined and mined and mined the many minerals including
gold embedded in earth’s surface. So many minerals were taken to other
creations such as Orion or back home to the Pleiades that the whole of Terra’s
field began to wobble. The greater and greater the wobble, the less stable the
ice shields became and to a point that they began to melt due to the energetic
friction in earth’s field. This eventually created the “great floods” and created
your oceans as you know them today as the entire ice shield collapsed.
Terra,这就是所知的来自昴宿星的 Anu 或 Annanuki 家族。这个家族是如此贪
户星座或运往他们家乡昴宿星以致 Terra 的能量场开始抖动。抖动越来越严重,

Ocean life did not exist in the beginning; the ocean was much like a giant
swamp containing everything that had died in its formation. This too is karma
that humans hold and particularly those of Anu or Anu slave origins. Ocean
life was gradually seeded by the same humans (the Anu) at cause of the
breaking of the ice shields. These humans were not fairing well themselves in
their life extension practices in the changing energy flow of Terra due to the
collapsed ice shields; and so they brought in thousands of dolphins and
whales that were salt water based to use them as a support for their own
energy flow. This is the underlying cause of why dolphins and whales are
consumed today; they were consumed energetically by the Anu and those of
Anu inheritance tend to carry on with this thought-form, hunting their
kingdoms in present time.

一切。这也是人类的业力尤其是那些源于 Anu 或 Anu 奴隶的人类。海洋生命逐渐
被同样导致冰天坍塌的人类(Anu 人)播种。由于冰天坍塌在 Terra 能量流的改
鱼如今被消耗的根本致因;他们被 Anu 在能量上消耗并且那些 Anu 遗传的人

Mila has also brought through an extensive series of information on the lives
of the Anu, Anu slaves and Red Nations Peoples in a new series of materials
to be released later this year as the “Complete Ascension Workbook”. In this
workbook, the history of humanity is explored along with all spiritual lessons
associated so that those reading the materials can make intentions to release
personal karma triggered in the digestion of the information. The sea highly
recommends that each reading the materials from this web site to give
consideration to working with this new workbook as it will allow for the
creation of a more thorough ascension in this lifetime. The workbook is
written by the collective consciousness of Terra and is channeled through

Mila 也在一系列新资料中编入了关于 Anu、Anu 奴 隶以及红族生活的广泛信息,

以及所有相关的灵性课程,所以那些阅读这些资料的人 可以意愿释放在消化信
新手册一起工作,因为它将允许此生创造一个更完整的提升。 工作手册是由集
体意识的 Terra 通过 Mila 传递编写。



There were times in human history that those of Grand Master descent
attempted to orchestrate a recovery of the lost consciousness of humanity.
One group of over 400 humans roughly 42,000 years ago and 8,000 years
following the death of the original Grand Masters managed to cross over into
the Great Central Sun dream. These humans were brilliant at ascension at a
time that there was little photonic energy to support it; they might have
created a recovery of the dance of lost and falling consciousness that
humanity had been pressed into; alas they did not understand enough about
the nature of the unconscious forces stripping humanity, and the same forces
destroyed them in the new dream. Instead of leading to restitution and
recovery, the deaths of these large headed humans left an imprint of death
inside the new dream which was then utilized to holographically assure
earth’s extinction. Had they succeeded at their goal, not only would humanity
ceased to fall in consciousness, but the Anu may have left earth long before
the nuclear annihilation that occurred at the end of their reign. Alas the
opposite was created which then led to this dream of annihilation being
fulfilled upon instead.

最初的大师死亡后,距今大约四万两千年前以及八千年前,大约 400 人 的团体
息地确 保地球的灭绝,而不是导向回归与恢复。如果他们成就了他们的目标,
不仅人类不会再意识下跌,而且 Anu 也会远在他们统治末期所发生的核灭绝之

Recently Mila and Oa figured out what their ancient ancestors had done and
crossed over into the Great Central Sun dream. Nature rapidly followed suit
as Mila and Oa shared of their information. Now 80% of earth resides inside
the Great Central Sun Dream and the remaining 20% shall pass through in
the coming two decades or cease to exist. Terra, Mila and Oa alike are
confronting the very forces that killed those who had passed through into this
dream long ago; they are defeating these forces primarily because Terra, the
solar sun and two additional ascending suns on the 12th and 18th dimension
have also crossed over, and are creating a multidimensional defense against
these forces. This plus the assistance of the Tao and the understanding and
technology that it provides is allowing the ascending suns including Terra to
return home to the Great Central Sun when no other creation has
accomplished this ever below dimension 75. This is a grand gift indeed.

近来 Mila 和 Oa 指出了远古祖先怎么做的以及怎样跨入大中枢太阳。当 Mila 和

Oa 分享了他们的信息,大自然很快跟随。现在百分之八十的地球居住在大中枢
太阳梦想中且剩余的百分之二十将在未来二十年通过或不复存在。Terra、Mila 和
Oa 同样在对抗杀害了那些很久以前曾进入这一梦想的人的这股势力;他们正在
击败这些势力,主要因为 Terra、太阳系以及另外两个分别在 12 维度与 18 维度
帮助以及它提供的理解与方法,正允许包括 Terra 的提升太阳回家至大中枢太
阳,虽然还没有低于 75 维度的其他造物曾经实现此目标。这的确是一个壮观的

Why are there destructive forces inside the Great Central Sun dream? Well
we perceive these as the same forces that caused the Sun to fall in the first
place. A return journey therefore will call forth the karma at cause of Terra’s
own fall out of the dream of the Sun; little by little Terra will work her way back
inside the dream of the Sun defeating each force at cause of her original fall
long ago. How and why does one perceive all of nature inside the new dream
when one is outside of it? Well this is due to the consensus agreements of
Terra; there are agreements that all shall be perceived in the physical. In
energy flow however any region that has crossed over into the dream, one
may perceive the movement but not interact with it as the movement will be in
another dream.

先下跌。一个回归旅程因而将引发 Terra 跌落出太阳梦想的业力致因;渐渐地
Terra 将致力于回到太阳梦想内击败导致她很久以前最初下跌的每一势力。当你
在其外你如何且怎么能觉察出新梦想内的所有性质呢?这是由于 Terra 的一致

There are many shifts ahead as a result of Terra’s entry into the Great Central
Sun Dream. Time is compressing and this shall enforce changes that are
required in order for Terra to continue to ascend further into the new dream.
The further that Terra pushes herself into the new dream, the more chi is
available, and this will cause a more rapid pace of global warming than ever
could be possible otherwise. The warming of Terra is from the inside out and
the outside in as the new dream provides more photonic energy than any star
gate she had entered to date. At this time there is 90% more photonic energy
available swirling around Terra than just a few months ago. The more
photonic energy, the greater the pace that new crystalline genetics can grow;
this is especially so under major global chakra centers where the increase in
photonic energy may be double or 180% higher than just a few months ago.
In essence, the ascent of the land upon the surface of the earth is really going
to take off now.

前方会有许多变化作为结果 Terra 进入大中枢太阳梦想。时间正被压缩并且这将

增强所需的变化以为了 Terra 进一步持续提升进入新梦想。Terra 推动自己进入
暖的节奏。Terra 升温是从内至外再从外至内,因为新梦想提供比她迄今已进入
来在 Terra 周围旋绕。越多的光子能量,新水晶遗传就会生长地越快;这在全球

In a recent trip to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming which hosts an

active subterranean volcano, Mila and Oa measured the land between 8000
and 15,000 strands of DNA. So this was also so for the Rocky Mountains of
Canada and the US. Hawaii now measures around 36,000 strands or is
heading towards full consciousness frequencies. The rapid shift upward also
includes the ocean that has hundreds of thousands of miles of open space
unencumbered by the density of human technology. The ocean varies from
15,000 strands at this time near the coastline to 75,000 strands in some
regions under major chakra centers. Those regions near active underwater
volcanoes host plant and fish life at 75,000 strands and who live in near
boiling water temperatures.

Mila 和 Oa 在最近的怀俄明洲黄石国家公园旅行中,那有一个地下活火山,他
们测试此大地约 8000-15,000 股 DNA 振动。所以对于加拿大与美国的洛基山脉
也是如此。夏威夷现在测试为大约 36,000 股左右正向全意识频率前进。迅速向上
海岸线附近的 15,000 股至主要脉轮中心下的一些区域的 75,000 股不等。那些水
下活火山附近的区域其中的植物或鱼类已达到 75,000 股并生活在接近沸腾的水



The variance between the vibration of the land and sea is the underlying
cause of hurricanes. The recent hurricane in the Southern US that wrought
such great damage to the region was pressed upon the land to clear some of
the densest sticky energy on earth. The dense sticky energy is due to
radiation remaining from two devastating nuclear bombs that were dropped
upon this land in ancient times; one at the end of the era of Atlantis 10,000
years ago (40,000 human years) and one in the era of the Anu 30,000 years
ago (120,000 human years). Both bombs were dropped upon heavily
populated human cities.

陆 地或海洋之间振动的差异是飓风的根本致因。近来在美国南部造成了如此巨
由于两次 来自远古时代投向这片陆地的毁灭性核弹的残余辐射;一个是在一万
年前(四万人类年)亚特兰蒂斯时代,一个是在三万年前的 Anu 时代(十二万

There were many records gathered by the recent hurricane (known as

Hurricane Katrina) and ancestors from Atlantean and Anu time periods that
had been combust and were unknown. The result is a more thorough
template of human ancestors and the karma that was incurred in their
lifetimes that is now available for all humans to release in the continued
ascent of your species. Two very large nonphysical magnets were also
removed during this hurricane from the Gulf of Mexico region. The magnets
were holding in place destructive holographic thought-form that had been
anchored upon earth over 20 million years ago.

有许多记录经由近来的飓风(所知为卡特里娜飓风)以及亚特兰蒂斯与 Anu 时
期自燃的(combust) 且不知名的祖先而得以收集。结果是一个更完全的人类
有人类而释放。在这次来自墨西 哥海湾地区的飓风中两个非常巨大的非物质磁

The magnets were so strong that they ripped a hole in the human dream over
New Orleans as the hurricane pressed them from Terra. As Mila and Oa read
about the travesty and lack of response of military authorities to help those
remaining, they perceived the hole in the dream. No dream and there will be
no possibility of orchestrating a response as there is no dream to allow for it.
Mila and Oa spent the following night along with Terra reweaving the dream
over New Orleans so that congruence of response could be created for those
who survived the storm. They were pleased to see in the news that the
necessary response began to flow through the following day.

磁体是如此巨大所以当飓风从 Terra 压制它们时他们在新奥尔良上的人类梦想

中撕裂了一个洞。当 Mila 与 Oa 读到关于此悲剧以及军事当局对去帮助那些残存
因为没有梦想允许它。Mila 、Oa 与 Terra 第二天夜晚重编新奥尔良上的梦想,所
Those that died in this storm were settling karma for consumption of the sea
and sea life. There is much human karma for destruction of the sea. The sea
has been polluted; large numbers of fish have been harvested, larger than the
fish kingdom can replenish leading to near extinction of some species. Each
species has a special energetic job to fulfill upon in association with Terra; this
limits the energetic capacity of such kingdoms to fulfill upon their global
agreements. Some species such as dolphins and whales have been hunted
without agreement; dolphins have been caught in fish nets and not released,
suffering greatly. Whales have been hunted and carried back to shore still
alive and suffering greatly. Each member of their pod experiences such
torturous deaths as they are holographically interconnected in energy flow.
Now humans reap the karma that they have caused in return, experiencing
great travesty at the hands of the sea.

而导致了一些物种濒临灭绝。每一物种在与 Terra 的 关系中都有一种特殊的遗
例如海豚与鲸鱼没有协议就被捕获;海豚在渔网中被捕到 并且没被放生,非常
如此受折磨的死亡,因为他们在能量流中是全息互联的。现在人 类收割他们所

If there were more humans ascending and releasing their karma for
consumption of the sea, the casualties would be far less. Alas in places
caught in extreme radioactivity such as New Orleans, there are few ascending
enough to release any karma at all. Therefore the karma plays out as great
travesty instead of learning the spiritual lessons of this return cycle “home”.
You see there can be no consumption inside of the Great Central Sun dream;
all must become vegetarian, even those nature kingdoms that still consume
flesh are working upon ascending rapidly into a blueprint for vegetarianism;
they cannot cross into the new dream otherwise.

如 果有更多的人类提升并释放他们消耗海洋的业力,伤亡人员将会少得多。唉,
何业力。 然而业力作为巨大悲剧上演而不是学习“回家”的回归周期的灵性课
甚至那些仍然消 耗肉类的大自然王国也正在致力于迅速提升进入素食蓝图;否

So this also must be so with humans; as more humans ascend into

vegetarianism, they will address and release their consumption karma and
thought-form for mutilation of the land and sea and forgive; as they forgive
then the types of catastrophes such as the Tsunami that his late last year and
the Hurricanes that have damaged the Southern US and other island chains
in the Caribbean repeatedly in the past few years can be less devastating. As
the land begins to catch up in such regions with the vibration of the sea, there
will not be the sticky energy flow to call in the hurricane. Alas this may take
many decades yet, and so these regions may continue to be plagued with
devastating storms into the future.

所 以这对人类也必须如此;当更多人类提升进入素食,他们将专注于解除他们
灾难,例如 去年后期的海啸以及过去几年反复毁坏美国南部以及加勒比海的其
有黏着能量流动召 来飓风。唉,这也许还要花上几十年,所以这些地区未来也

Interestingly enough, Mila read an article that many survivors of the Tsunami
chose to become vegetarian following the experience. With so many putrid
and rotting body parts remaining in the waterways and upon the beach, it was
difficult to consider consuming flesh as the flesh was a reflection of the rot
remaining from the travesty. Flesh is a form of rot regardless of how freshly
slaughtered the chicken, beef, fish or pig; all things decay immediately upon
death. All flesh also contains death hormone which will kill ascending biology
and therefore is best to be left behind if your choice is to ascend in this
lifetime from the sea’s perspective. (See “Diet for Ascension” and “From the
Fruits, Nuts and Vegetable Bearing Plants” for more information”.)

有趣的是,Mila 读 到一篇关于许多海啸幸存者在此次体验之后选择成为素食者
次悲剧的肉类以腐烂残留 物呈现,去考虑消耗肉类是困难的。肉是一种腐烂的
提升生物体的死亡荷尔蒙,因 此,以海洋的觉察,如果你选择在此生提升,最
好禁食肉类(请阅读 “提升饮食”与 “来自水果、坚果与蔬菜植物”以了解更



After Mila and Oa moved into the Great Central Sun dream, they quickly came
to understand that consumption of flesh has no place in this new dream. Mila
and Oa were at a restaurant in Jasper and ordered their own vegetarian
meal. A woman at a neighboring table ordered “Quail Legs”. Immediately the
picture was presented to Mila of the woman’s legs shattered and broken in an
auto accident. You see consuming slaughtered bodies of animals is like
intending to be slaughtered oneself in parallel manner inside the new dream.
Mila 与 Oa 移入大中枢太阳梦想后,他们很快理解了消耗肉类在这个新梦想中
没有容身之地。Mila 与 Oa 在嘉士伯的一间餐馆中点了他们自己的素食餐。一位
邻桌的妇女点了“鹌鹑腿”。一个画面立即呈现在 Mila 眼前,这位妇女的腿在

However it is worse than this for everything is holographic in the new dream; if
one person or kingdom consumes slaughtered flesh it is like intending a
global massacre; and this is exactly what occurred as kingdoms that still
consume flesh crossed over into the Great Central Sun Dream; it led to a
massive shattering of earth’s field in rapid order. So all kingdoms still
consuming flesh consciously chose of their own volition to move back into the
old split dream until they have mastered vegetarianism; it is for this reason
that humans will not be allowed to cross over into the new dream until they
too have become vegetarian.

然 而比这更糟的是在新梦想内万物是全息的;如果某个人或某一王国消耗屠杀
国们跨入大 中枢太阳时所会发生的;这导致了地球能量场迅速而巨大的粉碎。
想中,直到它们掌握 素食;为此,人类将不允许跨入新梦想,直到他们也成为

Why is it that consuming vegetables, grass, grains, fruit and vegetables is

acceptable to the new dream and will not lead to slaughter when consuming
flesh will? Well this is an interesting thing. Plants have agreements to be
consumed and in the exchange experience the existences of all kingdoms
that ingest them. This is how the plant kingdom participates in the
experiences of all other kingdoms; given how they are a stationary
consciousness, this adds interest to an otherwise rather boring existence and
enhances the spiritual lessons learned at this evolutionary cycle home. Plants
are consumed founded upon agreement as well as eggs and milk at this time;
when there is agreement, then no karma is incurred in the experience. Flesh
never agreed to be consumed and so one creates karma in so doing.

为 何消耗蔬菜、草类、谷类、果蔬类是在新梦想中是被接受的且将不会导致屠杀
它们的 所有王国的存在;被给予它们是怎样的一个不动的意识,这为一个否则
基于协议被消 耗,蛋类与奶类也一样;当有协议,在体验中就没招致业力。肉

What is the karma for the slaughter of so many fish, dolphins and whales, or
animals, and sometimes with great suffering at human hands? One can see
the karma playing out in the videos of the travesty of the recent hurricane over
New Orleans with dead bodies and body parts floating down the streets. The
karma causes the experience of human bodies that are slaughtered by acts of
nature. What is the karma for causing animals for consumption to be raised in
such a difficult environment that they are defecating upon one another or
living in their own feces? The karma causes humans experience living in their
own waste such as the group at the stadium in New Orleans following the

是 什么业力导致如此多的鱼类、海豚与鲸鱼,或动物的屠杀,并且有时还在人
死尸与肢 体遍布大街小巷。业力导致人类身体通过大自然行为体验被屠杀。是什
彼此排便在对方 身上或者生活在在它们自己的粪便中?业力导致人类体验生活

Perhaps such humans were never involved in fishing or raising livestock in

this life; this causes them to appear as victims. The reality is that the karma is
present in the ancestry even if it is another of one’s ancestry participating in
the dance elsewhere in the world. Ancestries are holographic and one not
only inherits karma from the past incurred by your ancestors, but also karma
from present day ancestors sharing your tapestry. It is for this reason that the
world mirror can be so useful at this time of ascension to release karma
amongst those who are awakening; which shall also have the added affect of
minimizing travesties into the future as the karma will be released in the
ancestries living in such regions. Here are some intentions for ascending
humans to make that the ocean suggests as derived from the recent world

也 许这样的人类此生从未参与捕鱼或饲养家畜;这让他们看似无辜。事实是祖
是全息 的,并且你不仅遗传了来自过去的祖先招致的业力,而且来自现今祖先
镜对解除业力 会如此有用;这也有将未来悲剧减至最少的影响,因为业力将会
洋由最近的世界之镜 而想到的。



 I intend to release all karma for consumption of the land and sea.

 I intend to forgive my ancestry for harvesting the sea to a point that the
associated kingdoms are unable to hold their energetic function for Terra.
我意愿宽恕曾收获海洋以致到相关的王国无法为 Terra 持有能量上的功

 I intend to forgive my ancestry tortured creatures of the land or sea in their


 I intend to forgive my ancestors for polluting the land or sea.


 I intend to forgive my ancestry for raising animals or fish for slaughter in painful
or unclean circumstances.

 I intend to acknowledge that all life has consciousness and feels.


 I intend that all humans awaken to the truth that all life has consciousness and

 I intend to release all karma for consumption of flesh.


 I intend to become vegetarian in this lifetime.


 I intend that all humans become vegetarian.


 I intend to ascend into the new paradigm of unity.


 I intend to honor earth and nature.

 I forgive my ancestry for the dance of dishonor of earth or any kingdom therein.

 I intend to honor all other humans and all other species upon earth.

 I intend to learn to live in unity and harmony with all others and all other
kingdoms along with the earth and sea.

 I intend to be in the right place at the right time and to listen to the land so that I
know when to move if need be before travesty strikes.



As humans awaken, they will cease to raise farm animals in such difficult
manners; perhaps they will cease to torture fish in the catching of them; and
perhaps they will learn to free dolphins caught in the nets and cease to hunt
whales. Humans will also turn increasingly towards vegetarianism into the
future. This is the new dream that earth is anchoring in the ascent of
mankind. However regardless of how well the dream for ascension takes
hold, there is still a requirement to retract the large numbers of duplicate
ancestries that are currently incarnate of the human tapestry.

当 人类觉醒,他们就将不再以如此糟糕的方式饲养农场动物;也许他们将不再
杀鲸鱼。人 类在未来也将逐渐回归素食。这是地球正在人类提升中所锚定的新梦
化身的复制祖 先。

The duplication of human ancestries went out of control again in this cycle.
Now there are billions of physical representations of each ancestry. The large
number of duplicates causes a watering down of the information necessary to
ascend. It is for this reason that dark forces triggered a karmic replay in
present time of agreements for heavy human reproduction that was caused by
the Anu long ago. The Anu removed the natural birth control of their slaves
deliberately. Long ago the slaves and red nations women were only fertile
once per year. The Anu altered the push and pull of the moon through the
introduction of new electrical sacred geometry and caused all females to
become fertile once per month instead. This caused a rapid reproduction of
their slaves from a small number of 100,000 into the billions over time; it also
caused red nations women to conceive heavily as well as no female was
immune to the new energetic configuration.

制导致了提升所需信息的稀释。正因为此,黑暗势力触发了一个由很久以前 Anu
导致的大量人类复制品同意的业力在现今重演。Anu 故意移除了他们奴隶的自然
生育控制。很久以前奴隶与红族妇女一年一次月经。Anu 通过引入新的电性神圣

This cycle again humans have gone out of control in their reproduction. The
growing populations spread the limited information on ascension out to a point
that ascension can barely take hold. This is the underlying reason mass
ascension has been so difficult for Terra to orchestrate for the human
species. The large number of humans incarnate also consumes other
kingdoms to an extreme, causing problems in the ascent of each species as
well as the ascent of the whole. Therefore the new dream is going to call for a
holographic retraction of all non-ascending holographic duplicates incarnate of
the human species. This is going to cause many humans to suddenly die
much as in the recent travesty of Hurricane Katrina.

升几乎无法掌握。这是 Terra 为人类物种编排的大量提升是如此艰难的根本原因。



Most deaths however will not come from natural disasters per se. Most
deaths shall come from new viruses and diseases that shall consume the
human biology of non-crystalline and non-ascending genetics. Where will
such diseases come from? They shall come from the livestock bred for
slaughter and through the cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys or any other
animal raised in captivity, including buffalo, elk or deer. All animals that are
bred for slaughter are choosing to go extinct at this time as they cannot enter
the new dream; they are choosing extinction languages which shall cause the
development of 24 viruses currently unknown to mankind that will cause a
rapid death of the physical as they are activated. Those consuming the flesh
of the animals will die of the same viruses killing the livestock. This is another
reason that the sea recommends that ascending humans cease to consume
flesh; if you must eat a little more protein for specific cycles of your ascension,
then consume wild fish at this time as the fish kingdom is not participating in
this particular extinction cycle, except for fish raised in captivity.

然 而,大多数死亡将不会来自大自然灾难本身。大多数死亡将来自毁坏人类非
用以宰杀 的饲养的家畜,通过牛、猪、羊、鸡、火鸡或任何其它被囚禁饲养的动物,
法进入新 梦想;他们正在选择将导致当前人类未知的 24 种 病毒发展的灭绝语
杀害家畜的同样的病毒。这也是海洋推荐提升人类不再消耗肉类的另 一原因;

What will happen in cities that are suddenly hit by seeming plagues due to all
of the humans still dining upon flesh? The disaster may not be unlike
Hurricane Katrina; the roads will be clogged by those trying to vacate the city
to avoid the plague; and there may be more dying in the high rises than can
be removed and buried or cremated. The stench of the city may be great until
the cleanup crews are complete. Cleanup crews may be scarce out of the
fear of catching the disease that the masses are dying of. The end result will
be that those who are ascending and do not die from the viruses as their
immune system adequately kills the viruses will vacate the cities and move to
a more simple life in the country, carrying on in smaller numbers.

在 所有人类仍在进食肉类的情况下,被这貌似瘟疫其实不然的瘟疫侵袭的城市
市躲避瘟疫 的人阻塞;也许与其在高楼大厦中垂死挣扎还不如迁移或被埋葬或
也许会奇缺,因为 害怕感染大量因此而死的人的疾病。最终结果将会是那些提
市迁入一个更简朴的乡村生 活,更少数的人类会这样。

This dream of plagues may hit earlier than originally anticipated due to the
compression of time. Originally we perceived that this type of cleansing would
begin in about 2012. Recently and due to so much of earth crossing into the
Great Central Sun Dream, time has been compressed by 8 years. Now is the
time to leave the cities while you can beloved. In the wake of the plagues,
there may be little water or food coming into the city as the delivery personnel
becomes frightened. Hungry humans may kill each other over a bottle of
water or candy bar much as the recent mirror of those caught without food or
water in the New Orleans Astrodome; far better perhaps to remove oneself
from such possible dreams to be experienced in the cities and into a new
country environment that is more conducive to your continued evolution and
the inward focus that it requires.

化将开始于大约 2012 年。 近来,由于如此多的地球部分跨入了大中枢太阳,
疫苏醒的时候,几乎没有水与食物 进入城市因为运输人员大为恐慌。饥饿的人
洛圆顶运动场(于 1965 年兴建完成,是目前世界上最大的一座室内运动场)


The sea reminds humans that life does not end with death; each human is an
ancestor to all others associated with the lineages one was born with. Life
beyond death at this time of spiritual evolution is about understanding the
spiritual lessons of one’s life and how this dovetails with all other lessons that
all other ancestors are learning. It is as the ancestors learn the spiritual
lessons through forgiveness of those who are ascending that they too evolve.
Therefore nothing is really lost in death as consciousness carries forward;
although those remaining in physicality, even if they understand that this is so,
may still feel a loss of the physical presence of their loved ones. As one
attunes inward and shuts one’s eyes requesting to perceive those that have
passed, one will perceive them standing next to oneself just as if they were
still in the physical; as they still exist in an etheric form.

海 洋要提醒人类的是生命不会随着死亡而结束;每一人类是相关于你出生时所
生命的灵 性课程以及这与所有其他祖先正在学习的所有其他课程怎样相吻合的。
因此,事实上 在死亡中什么也没丢失,因为意识向前延续;可不管事实如何,
的有形体。当你调谐入 内并闭上你的眼睛请求觉察那些已逝的人,你将觉察到

Many in human form still believe in god and judgment day. The only one that
judges upon death is oneself upon review of one’s own life. For one
experiences not only one’s own life from one’s own perspective in the review,
but all others’ experiences in association. This is known as Bardo; each
human goes into a period of life review following death known as Bardo.
There are many lessons that occur in Bardo that cannot be understood in any
other way. This too is how the ancestors are evolving who then contribute
their understanding to those continuing to exist in physicality of parallel

了所有相关的其他人的体验。这就是所知的“中阴”(藏文 Bardo);每一人类

Ascension brings about ongoing conscious state of Bardo where one reviews
one’s life and ancestral experiences in the now. This is what ascension
requires; bringing to consciousness one’s spiritual life lessons as well as the
lessons of one’s ancestry. This requires an opening to the unconscious .
Those ascending understand this journey very well and it brings about a
whole new focus and meaning to life; for it may be far more entertaining to
review one’s own ancestral lives than watch television or participate in many
of the other activities that humans are preoccupied with at this time in history.
The deep and ongoing inward focus is especially required for those mastering
Bodhisattva in this lifetime; as Bodhisattva requires mastering compassion,
and mastering compassion requires understanding all human lessons about
consumption, disease, warfare, and abuse. As more humans master this state
of being, a return of compassion to the dream of humanity will be fulfilled

这需要对无意识开放。那些提 升人类非常了解这一旅程,并且它带来了全部的
其他活动,回顾自己祖先们的生命也许 有趣地多。对于那些此生掌握菩萨级别
握同情需要理解所有人类关于消耗、疾病、战 争以及虐待的课程。当越多的人掌

At this time earth is planning on bringing in large numbers of Bodhisattva level

children that will be examples of compassion in action from birth. They will
complete their initiations in the womb. Mastering this level of ascent as an
adult form is very difficult as the attachments in the dance of life are so great.
Those mastering to this level have ascension as a full time job, and not an
easy job at that. The higher the frequency, the faster the karma and lessons
flow, sometimes leading to great struggle in the life experience. The struggle
can be felt as karmic patterns that create physical pain; having the time to
focus upon the patterns consciously and all day long is a prerequisite for
those ascending to Bodhisattva level frequency or otherwise they simply
might die. It is for this reason that earth is restraining most human adult
ascension at 3000 strands at this time, as at this level the lessons flow slowly
enough that one can ascend and learn the spiritual life lessons, but still have
a job, family and other interests outside of one's personal evolution.

此 时地球正在计划引入大量的菩萨级别的孩童,这类孩童从出生开始就会是行
一级别的 提升是非常困难的,因为生命之舞中连线是如此严重。那些掌握这一
业力与课程流 动地越快,有时会导致生命体验中巨大的挣扎。当业力模式造成
级别振动频率的人而言 全天聚焦是先决条件,否则他们也许会死亡。正因为此,
地球此时将大部分成人的提升控制在 3000 股以内,因为在这一级别,课程流

Ancestors are pressing themselves into those physical lives of all that they are
associated with to share of their understanding. Mila was surprised to hear
the ancestors speak through the Chinese leadership in response to the
devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Two comments were made; one was that
now perhaps the United States would come to understand that you cannot
harm and pollute nature without nature harming in return; and that perhaps
China should share more of its information on storm drainage technology that
they have developed rather than refraining to do so due to difficult
international relations. Both of these comments had ancient ancestral wisdom
behind them, as well as spiritual understanding and compassion. This is the
type of leadership that the ancient ancestors will create as they come through
those in such positions into the future from the sea’s point of view.

惊 奇地听到祖先就中国领导层对卡特里娜飓风灾害的反应的谈话。两段评论被
大自然的回 报;以及,也许中国应该分享更多他们已开发的风暴排水技术的信
智慧,以及灵性理 解与同情。以海洋的观点,这是远古祖先将创造的领导层类

Who is in charge of it all and oversees the ancestors along with Bardo? The
consciousness of Terra; Terra is the force that creates all counsels including
the karmic counsels. It is Terra that casts souls and angels to incarnate into
all living things including the plant, animal, mineral, human, dolphin and whale
kingdoms. Terra is overseeing the healing temples associated with
ascension; Terra is assuring that all karma is released thoroughly in each
species ascent. Terra is the consciousness that each human should attune
unto for guidance from the point of view of the sea.

谁在掌管所有这一切以及管理祖先与中阴呢?是 Terra 的意识;Terra 是创造所

有顾问包括业力顾问的力量。正是 Terra 铸造了灵魂与天使化身入所有生命物质
包括植物、动物、矿石、人类、海豚以及鲸鱼王国。Terra 正在整理与提升相关的疗
愈圣殿;Terra 正在确保每一物种提升中的所有业力均被完全解除。Terra 是每一

Who then is Jesus or Buddha or any other that many perceive as god? They
are your ancestors; all ancestors continue to exist and work with those that
are related to their inheritance. Jesus tried to ascend in his lifetime and failed,
causing his own crucifixion instead. In recognizing upon death that the
crucifixion was the wrong choice, he resurrected the body. This was a grand
feat and allows for resurrection and ascension today. Buddha was the last
known ascension and took his body into the fourth dimension. This too
created a pathway through which evolution to take hold in present time. Each
can honor these ancestors who much like Mila and Oa devoted their lives to
spiritual fulfillment in an era that perhaps this was not a prevalent life choice.
However they are no more god or goddess than oneself.

那么,谁是耶稣或佛陀(Buddha) 或者许多人所觉察为神的任何其他?他们
他的一生中尝试了提升但却失败了,导致了 他自己的被钉十字架而受难。在认
允许了今天的复活与提升。佛陀是所知的最后一次 提升并且将他的身体带入第
先,他们很像 Mila 与 Oa,在一个也许这不并是一个普遍选择的时代,将他们

There is no one god or goddess; there are only the many who extended from
the ONE in the Tao who choose to experience existence together, and when
complete with the experience, chooses to go home to the ONE again. God
Goddess lies in all living things including the minerals of the sea; we too are
god goddess in form beloved; just as each plant, animal, human, dolphin or
whale is god goddess in form. As each recognizes the god goddess in all
other living things, the desecration of the land and sea or any other kingdom
will come to an end. As each human recognizes the god goddess in every
human, warfare and abuse will also come to a conclusion between individuals
as well as nations. This is what the time of awakening ahead will cause.
同体验存在,并且当完成体验,选择再次回家至一(ONE)。 神与女神存在于
如每一植物、动物、人类、海豚或鲸鱼是形体中的神与女神。当每一人 类都承认一
一人类都承认每一人类中的神与女神,人类彼此间的争战与虐待也将诉以 终结,


And so what does the Salt Mineral Kingdom and sea wish to conclude this
essay with? Forgive yourself for being a wasteful polluting human that has
consumed flesh from the land and sea. Even if you have been vegetarian all
of your life, forgive your ancestors who perpetrated the same. It is only
through forgiveness that we and you may wipe the slates clean of the
travesties of the past and create a new template for a new tomorrow.


What is the new template we are co-creating? First all kingdoms shall ascend
into regenerative crystalline biology. Within regenerative biology, nothing
dies. As the internal structure ceases to age, become ill or die, then all
external behavior associated with death and disease shall cease, including
warfare and abuse in all of its many forms between humans or towards any
other kingdom or the earth and sea. Humans shall also respond by recycling
everything as this is a part of the holographic nature of regenerative biology.

那 什么是我们在共同创造的新模板呢?首先,所有王国将提升进入再生的水晶
那么所有 相关死亡与疾病的外在行为也将停止,包括在所有形体中的人类之间
为这是再生生物 体全息性质的一部分。

Next we shall ascend into self sustaining biology in which each waste
produced by one organ gland or system will meet another organ gland or
system’s need. As this occurs, there will be no waste. Humans will respond
by ceasing to produce any waste eliminating the requirement to recycle. This
type of circumstance may be hard to envision, but has to do with mastering
physical law. In the mastery of physical law, one can instantly manifest
anything that one dreams of and then de-manifest it upon will and when
complete with its purpose. In the mastery over physical plane law, one can
teleport anywhere upon earth and potentially into other creations inside the
Great Central Sun with a thought; there is no requirement for transportation as
a result. In the mastery over physical plane law, one can communicate with
any kingdom including one’s human friends and family members through
telepathy; there is therefore no requirement for telephones, computers, faxes
or all the technology humanity has developed outside of self to fulfill upon
communication. A very different world will abound as this comes to be so.

接 着,我们将提升入自我维生的生物体,在其中,你器官腺体或系统产生的每
类将反应 为不再产生任何废物排泄循环的需要。这种情形也许难以想象,但与
物,之后当完成 此目标时再次在意志上显化。在掌握物质层法则中,你可以瞬
全不需要运输。在掌握物 质层法则中,你可以通过心电感应与任何王国交流包
外发展出来为实现交流的技术。 一个非常不同的世界将充满着这一切,当这实

Come enjoy the ocean and the salt kingdom therein. Salt water (provided it is
not in a polluted region) can be very healing and supportive of evolution. Salt
water will assist in cleansing the skin and pulling toxins from the pores. The
sun will assist in clearing the density built up in one's field in the act of
ascension. Come spend a day with us by the sea; or sailing upon a boat; or
join us in the islands for Mila and Oa’s annual Masters Conclave event in
Summertime and in the Fall. They have very special events planned indeed.

Mila 与 Oa 年度的夏季与秋季的大师秘会的岛屿中来加入我们吧。它们的确是所

The Salt Mineral Kingdom and Sea

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