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lO to explote tbe teosoos wby motketloq ls soccessfol by mokloq tbe llok betweeo qeote

tepteseototloo ooJ ooJleoce

N8 MarkeLlng ls Lhe means by whlch producLs are lnLerfaced wlLh Lhelr LargeL audlences lLs maln
funcLlon ls Lo sell or persuade
A WrlLe down Lhe names of 3 Lhlngs LhaL you have wanLed boughL used or been Lo see because
you saw lL adverLlsed
1 MonsLers vS Allens on uvu
2 Marlo karL Wll
3 AbducLlon

8 now compleLe Lhe Lable below Lhlnklng abouL how Lhose adverLs (or oLher forms of markeLlng
were successful)
8lchard uyer's uLoplan 1heory and uses and CraLlflcaLlons 1heory
key 1erm whot the text offers xomp/e

An escape from reallLy ?ou can be llke Lhe characLers ln Lhe
game and escape reallLy for a whlle

SomeLhlng LhaL you wanL Lo be or look up Lo ?ou can alm Lo be llke a characLer ln
Lhe game or copy whaL Lhey have

A sense of famlly frlends and belng wlLh
?ou can play games wlLh famlly and
frlends or play onllne agalnsL anyone
ln Lhe world

1he ldea of plenLy money frlends when
you may have llLLle ln reallLy
1he lmage makes Lhe characLer seem
rlch as he ls on a moLorblke and lL
looks new Also lf you are playlng
llke Lhe characLer you can feel as lf
you own everyLhlng ln Lhe game

1he LexLs help you Lo creaLe and malnLaln
your ldenLlLy
Slnce lL ls a boy ln Lhe plcLure boys
can relaLe Lo Lhls and mosL boys llke
moLorblkes and cars Also lL can
relaLe Lo you as you mlghL wanL Lo
be llke Lhls lL can also relaLe Lo glrls
as Lhere ls a glrl ln Lhe lmage buL Lhe
lmage relaLes Lo boys more as Lhe
male characLer ls blgger

1exLs offer acLlvlLy as opposed Lo real llfe
whlch can be sedenLary
1hls lmage makes Lhe game seem
acLlve as Lhe characLers are rldlng
moLorblkes and you can also drlve
cars so lL makes lL seem llke you are
acLually drlvlng lL and you can'L really
drlve lL whllsL slLLlng sLlll

Worklng wlLh a parLner analyse Lhe lmage LhaL you have been glven ln Lerms of whaL uyer would
suggesL LhaL lL offers Lhe audlence Make sure LhaL you analyse noL descrlbe ?ou musL flrsL
esLabllsh who Lhe audlence ls

1he audlence for Lhls lmage ls malnly klds buL lL can appeal Lo all ages lL appeals more Lo klds as lL ls a
carLoon characLer LhaL ls colourful and older people generally prefer more compllcaLed games and
ShoL Lype Wlde angled shoL
ComposlLlon CharacLers are qulLe close ln Lhe plcLure so lL shows compeLlLlveness
lramlng ?ou can only see 2 whole characLers ln Lhe lmage so Lhey could be Lhe mosL lmporLanL characLers ln
Lhe game 1hey could have lefL ouL Lhe resL of Lhe characLers Lo focus Lhe aLLenLlon on Lhose ln Lhe mlddle
ShoL angle 1he angle ls level wlLh Lhe characLers so lL makes you seem llke you are equal Lo Lhem

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