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1he uuke of 8lchmond PoLel ln Cuernsey Lhe recenL addlLlon Lo Lhe bouLlque 8ed CarnaLlon PoLel
collecLlon wlll undergo a ma[or refurblshmenL program LhaL wlll brlng new levels of luxury and
comforL Lo lLs guesLs 1he refurblshmenLs wlll dellver Lhe hlgh sLandards for whlch Lhe resL of Lhls
awardwlnnlng porLfollo ls renowned

l have pasLed Lhe deLalls below and would be mosL appreclaLlve of your conslderaLlon for
placemenL ln your publlcaLlon

lease do noL heslLaLe Lo conLacL me lf you have any commenLs or quesLlons

1hank you

My besL wlshes


Arnelle kendall
vlce resldenL of ubllc 8elaLlons
1he 1ravel CorporaLlon
110 LasL ALlanLlc Avenue
uelray 8each llorlda 33444
1elephone (361) 3300830
Lmall akendall[rchmallcom

November Contact Arnelle Kendall USA: {] -8
www.dukeofricbmond Email:

Duke of k|chmond note| Guernsey to Undergo Ma[or kefurb|shment rogram

Under New ked Carnat|on Cwnersh|p

1he uuke of 8lchmond PoLel ln Cuernsey Lhe recenL addlLlon Lo Lhe bouLlque 8ed CarnaLlon PoLel
collecLlon wlll undergo a ma[or refurblshmenL program LhaL wlll brlng new levels of luxury and
comforL Lo lLs guesLs 1he refurblshmenLs wlll dellver Lhe hlgh sLandards for whlch Lhe resL of Lhls
awardwlnnlng porLfollo ls renowned
1he hoLel acqulred by 8ed CarnaLlon PoLels ln CcLober Lhls year wlll close from !anuary 2 Lo Aprll
30 2012 Lo allow Lhe pro[ecLs Leam led by resldenL and lounder Mrs 8eaLrlce 1ollman Lo
underLake Lhe renovaLlons 1hese wlll lnclude a fun and hlp resLauranL offerlng casual dlnlng sLaLe
ofLhearL open klLchen brand new bar upgrades Lo Lhe meeLlng and banqueLlng space and Lhe
refurblshmenL of a number of bedrooms and sulLes
SumpLuous lnLerlors boasLlng luxurlous fabrlcs eclecLlc arL and anLlque pleces are hallmarks of all
Lhe 8ed CarnaLlon PoLels 1hese wlll be comblned wlLh such currenL Lechnology as flaL screen 1vs
lod docklng sLaLlons and compllmenLary wlfl Lo meeL Lhe needs of buslness and lelsure Lravellers
allke 1he refurblshmenL wlll also mean LhaL all bedrooms and publlc areas aL Lhe hoLel wlll be fully
alr condlLloned
ldeally locaLed ln cenLral SL eLer orL Lhe LhreesLar uuke of 8lchmond overlooks a quleL park and
Lhe marlnas wlLh fanLasLlc vlews of Lhe harbour and nelghbourlng lslands of Perm and Sark 1he
upgrade program wlll ensure lL meeLs deluxe foursLar sLandards
1he uuke of 8lchmond ls [usL a flvemlnuLe walk from slsLer hoLel 1he Cld CovernmenL Pouse PoLel
and Spa whlch earller Lhls summer became Cuernsey's flrsL and only flvesLar properLy
!onaLhan 8aggeLL managlng dlrecLor of 8ed CarnaLlon PoLels commenLed Mrs 1ollman and her
pro[ecLs Leam have some brllllanL plans and ldeas for Lhe uuke of 8lchmond We are really exclLed
abouL enhanclng Lhls muchloved LhreesLar hoLel and maklng lL Lhe besL foursLar on Lhe lsland"
Ior more deta||s about the Duke of k|chmond note| p|ease v|s|t wwwdukeofr|chmondcom Ior
|nformat|on about the other ked Carnat|on note|s p|ease ca|| to|| free from the USA]Canada
18779SS1S1S or v|s|t us at wwwredcarnat|onhote|scom

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