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ASklnC ClnlCn

Asklng oplnlon adalah suaLu ungkapan unLuk memlnLa pendapaL conLoh

1 WhaL ls your oplnlon abouL?
2 WhaL ls your ldea abouL?
3 uo you have any ldea?
4 uo you have any oplnlon?
3 WhaL dou Lhlnk of?
ClvlnC ClnlCn
Clvlng oplnlon adalah suaLu ungkapan unLuk memberl pendapaL conLoh
1 ln my oplnlon
2 l Lhlnk
3 ln my suggesLlon
4 l assume
3 l personally Lhlnk
ConLoh dlalog 1
x whaL do you Lhlnk of our engllsh Leacher?
? oh l Lhlnk she greaL
ConLoh dlalog 2
SuLan Cood mornlng
naz[la Mornlng LooPow are you Lo day?
SuLan l am decrease healLy
naz[la Ch Why?
SuLan My head very llll have lll Lhree moons up Lo now WhaL do you Lhlnk abouL?
naz[la l Lhlnk you cake up Lo adocLor!
SuLan llne 1hank you for suggesLlon
naz[la you are welcome l Lhlnk our Lalklng ls enoug because l wanL Lo Lhe markeL see
SuLan See you Loo
x8SSlnC Cl SA1lSlAC1lCn
SaLlsfacLlon adalah suaLu ungkapan unLuk menyaLakan rasa puas conLoh
1 l llke very much
2 l really llke lL
3 lL saLlsfled me LhaL
4 l feel conLenLed wlLh lL
3 l very saLlsfled wlLh
x8SSlnC Cl ulSSA1lSlAC1lCn
ulssaLlsfacLlon adalah suaLu ungkapan unLuk menyaLakan keLldakpuasan conLoh
1 l don'L llke
2 l haLe very much
3 l am unhappy
4 l am dlssaLlsfled
3 l can noL complaln abouL
ConLoh dlalog 1
Sandra how was Lhe semlnar ?"
llka CreaL! l feel conLenLed wlLh lLlL presenLed Lhe new Lrend ln markeLlng"
ConLoh dlalog 2
SuLan Pow waw your vacLlon ?"
ka "lL was Ck 8uL every Llme l llL up aclgareLLesomeone asked me sLop smoklngl
goL slck Cf Lhls resLrlcLlon"
8C81 1x1
8eporL LexL adalah mengupas hasll pengamaLanpenellLlanobservasl aLau sLudy
LenLang benda blnaLang orang aLaupun LempaL
1u[uan Lex reporL adalah unLuk menggambarkan parLlclpanL apa adanya 1exL reporL
hanya menyoroLl fungsl darl benda LersebuL
Cenerlc sLrucLure/sLrukLur LexL reporL
1 Ceneral classlfaLlon pernyaLaan umum yang menerangkan subyek laporan
keLerangandan klaslflkaslnya
2 uescrlpLlon penglmpormaslan clrlclrl umum yang dlmlllkl sub[ek mlsalnya
slfaLslfaL flslkologls perllaku Lampllan flslk flLurflLur khasdan kuallLas
LlngulsLlc feaLures/clrrl kebahasaan
O Ceneral noun kaLa yang meru[uk pada sesuaLu secara umum Mlssal 8lrds can
fly (burung mana pun)
O 8aLlonal process menggunakan kaLa ker[a yang dapaL menggambarkan
keadaan parLlclpanL aLau menglsyaraLkan kepemlllkan ConLoh 8lrds have
O Slmple presenL Lense unLuk menyaLakan suaLu kebenaran yg umum aLau fakLa
llmlah ConLoh A baby of Lhe blue whale generally welghs more Lhan 300
CnLoh reporL LexL
lor many years many people belleve LhaL Lhe cleveresL anlmals afLer man were
Lhe chlmpanzeesnow however Lhere ls proof LhaL dolphlns may be even cleverer Lhan
Lhese blg apes
AlLhough a dolphln llves ln Lhe sea ls noL a flsh lL ls a mammal lL ls ln many ways
Lherefore llke a human belng
uholphln have a slmple language 1hey are able Lo Lalk Lo one anoLher lL may be
posslble for man Lo learn how Lo Lalk Lo dolphlns 8uL Lhls wlll noL be easy because
dholplns cannoL hear Lhe klnd of sound man can make lf man wanLs Lo Lalk dolphlns
1hereforehe wlll have Lo make a Lhlra language whlch boLh Pe and dolphlns can
uolphlns are also very frlendly Lo ward man 1hey ofLen follow shlps 1here are many
sLorles abouL dolphlns guldlng shlps Lhrough dlfflculL and dangerous waLer


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