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Simple steps to have a rope

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A rope could be used to decorate your website or printing ads, although it is quite simple, but it
brings a lot of ideas to play around.

Step 1: With some people,this first step may not be very familiar if not used to pentool.So try to
search for a tutorial about pentool and read it before doing this.First,use pentool to draw a line as you
want,try to make it look as smooth as you can.Then after use “Convert Point Tool” right click on the
path,select “Stroke Path” by brush (pixel of the brush is up to you,also stroke path on a new
layer).Then after that,delete or hide the path:

Step 2:Now select the layer which contains the line,select Blending Option.First we go to Drop
Shadow and make the value like in the pic below:

Note: the value above and of the next steps are just reference,you should adjust it follow to your
liking or your line to have the best result

Now we go to Inner Glow:

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9 tutorials » Simple steps to have a rope Page 2 of 3

Finally we go to Bevel and Emboss:

After that,you are done,you will have the result look like this:

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This tech may be simple but it can be used in many ways.Also you can always experimenting more
on it to make it looks better than this.Good luck.

(2 votes, average: 4.5 out of 5

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