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Sara Castillo, Marta Guasch, Falgs Ross Prctica 5 Refworks Per a la part 3 de la prctica, a la web de la biblioteca, com no he trobat

t la secci Bases de dades, ho he buscat pel cercador, a partir daqu lhe trobat i he comenat a treballar amb aquest. A la pantalla superior no he trobat el logo de Refworks, per hi havia un apartat que posava Exportar i des d all te deixava exportar-ho a Refworks. Desprs he posat els documents a la carpeta Mtodes densenyament. Per a la part 5, he triat lestil Vancouver, i buscat larticle de revista; Self-organized criticality in the game of life. Desprs de tot aix larticle ja
estava a la carpeta Proves. Per a la part 6, a lapartat de formato de entrega, no hi havia el Chicago 14th Ed., i he seleccionat el Chicago 15th. Lhe incorporat a la carpeta Mtodes densenyament. Per a la ltima part, la 7, el tema triat ha set literatura. Hem seleccionat 20 documents sobre aquest tema, el primer lhem posat amb el sistema Vancouver i el segon amb Harvard. Aquests documents es troben a la carpeta Proves. El nom dusuari s MGR.16 i la paraula de pas, mgr16119300. Aqu tens tamb el punt 7:
Ensayo sobre comicidad y literatura (An Essay on Humor and Literature) 1973; 1973, . La dinastia de los Macabeos en Josefo y en la literatura espanola (The Macabees Dynasty in Joseph [Literature] and in Spanish Literature) 1971; 1971, . BAK, P.K. & CREUTZ, M. Self-organized criticality in the game of life". Nature, 1989, vol. 342, nm. 6251, p.780-782. . Bozic, M. & Ducloy, M. 2008; 2008, "Eratosthenes' Teachings with a Globe in a School Yard", Physics Education, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 165-165-172. Bozic, M. & Ducloy, M. 2008; 2008, "Eratosthenes' Teachings with a Globe in a School Yard", Physics Education, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 165-165-172. Castro, C. 1972; 1972, Vida y literatura (Literature and Life). Centurion, H. La literatura infantil en espanol en la clase bilingue (Children's Literature in Spanish in the Bilingual Class). . Davi, H.L. 1972; 1972, Literatura en la Suiza alemana actual (Contemporary Swiss-German Literature). Dopico, B. 1975; 1975, La historia de la Literatura: sus problemas y methodos (The History of Literature: Problems and Methods). Dunn, D.S., Smith, R.A. & Beins, B. 2007, Best Practices in Teaching Statistics and Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences [with CD-ROM], Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 10 Industrial Avenue, Mahwah, NJ 07430. Tel: 800-926-6579; Fax: 201-760-3735; e-mail:; Web site:

Sara Castillo, Marta Guasch, Falgs Ross

Dunn, D.S., Smith, R.A. & Beins, B. 2007, Best Practices in Teaching Statistics and Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences [with CD-ROM], Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 10 Industrial Avenue, Mahwah, NJ 07430. Tel: 800-926-6579; Fax: 201-760-3735; e-mail:; Web site: Ellis, K. 1973; 1973, La ensenanza de la literatura hispanoamericana: cuatro puntos de vista (The Teaching of Spanish American Literature: Four Points of View). Feliciano Mendoza, E. 1969; 1969, Sobre literatura para ninos (Literature for Children). Itzcovich, S.R. 1973; 1973, La literatura infantil y el lenguaje (Children's Literature and Language). Itzcovich, S.R. 1973; 1973, La literatura infantil y el lenguaje (Juvenile Literature and Language). Landy, L. & Landy, R.L. 1976; 1976, Literatura Chicana. Leal, L. 1971; 1971, Octavio Paz y la Literatura Nacional: Afinidades y Oposiciones (Octavio Paz and National Literature: Affinities and Oppositions). McAlpine, D. 1982, Literatura Oral Hispanica (Hispanic Oral Literature). . Paoni, F.J. 1983; 1983, Survey of Teaching Methods of Brookdale Community College FullTime Teaching Faculty. Paoni, F.J. 1983; 1983, Survey of Teaching Methods of Brookdale Community College FullTime Teaching Faculty. Pedemonte, H.E. 1973; 1973, Caracteres de la literatura uruguaya (Facts Concerning Uruguayan Literature). Pellegrini, T. 1997; 1997, "A Literatura e o Leitor em Tempos de Midia e Mercado (Literature and the Reader in Media and Market Times).", Horizontes, vol. 15, no. 0103-7706, 0103-7706, pp. 325-325-335. Rivera, T. 1971; 1971, Literatura chicana: Vida en busca de forma (Chicano Literature: Life in Search of Form). Siebenmann, G. 1972; 1972, Sobre la problematica relacion entre literatura y ciencia (Concerning the Problematic Relationship Between Literature and Science). Sosa Lopez, E. 1971; 1971, Prospectiva de literatura Argentina (A Prospective of Argentine Literature). Steel, B. 1974; 1974, Espanol avanzado para estudiantes de literatura (Advanced Spanish for Literature Students). Trujillo, R.G. 1984; 1984, Literatura Chicana. A Comprehensive Bibliography (1980-June, 1984). Working Bibliography Series No. 1. Welch, M.L. 1990, A Beginning: Resource Book for Incorporating Values and Church Teachings in the Catholic School Curriculum. National Catholic Educational Association, 1077 30th Street, NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20007-3852 ($8.00). Welch, M.L. 1990, A Beginning: Resource Book for Incorporating Values and Church Teachings in the Catholic School Curriculum. National Catholic Educational Association, 1077 30th Street, NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20007-3852 ($8.00).

Sara Castillo, Marta Guasch, Falgs Ross

Zverev, I.D. 1983; 1983, Teaching Methods in the Soviet School. Zverev, I.D. 1983; 1983, Teaching Methods in the Soviet School.

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