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My Poll Results

To belp me get a better idea of wbat I sbould

include in my own magazine, I carried out tbis
online and pbysical poll. Tbis bas enabled me to
directly take into account wbat my audience
wants to see in my magazine.

Medla SLudles

What |s the |dea| format to read a magaz|ne |n?
lnLerneL 16
hyslcal copy 30
L8ook/1ableL 30
Moblle phone 0

nave you ever or are you subscr|bed to a mus|c magaz|ne?
CurrenLly subscrlbed Lo a muslc magazlne 33
no buL l have consldered subscrlblng Lo one 33
no never subscrlbed Lo a muslc magazlne 33

Do you read a magaz|ne cover to cover or sk|p parts?
Cover Lo cover 33
Sklp parLs 63

What |s your pr|mary source of ||sten|ng to mus|c?
Cu 0 l1unes 33
CLher onllne slLes eLc 16
l do noL pay for muslc 66

What attracts you to a certa|n mus|c magaz|ne?
lronL cover 83
1rusLed brand 16
Maln arLlcle 0

What do you |ook for most |n an art|st]group?
Slnglng ablllLy 33
lashlon sense/ldeas 30
Cenre of muslc 16
Appearance 0

What do you |ook for f|rst when read|ng a mus|c magaz|ne?
Maln arLlcle 80
8evlews 0
LeLLers Lo Lhe readers 0
Lxcluslve sLorles 20

now often do you read mus|c magaz|nes?
8ellglously 60
CfLen 20
Seldomly 20

AfLer Lhe poll closed l came up wlLh more magazlne speclflc quesLlons Lo ask Lherefore l
asked Lhese followlng quesLlons manually Lhey are more speclflc Lo help me declde a
sulLable LargeL audlence for my magazlne

now much are you w||||ng to spend on a mus|c magaz|ne?
1 or less 20
130 230 60
300 300 20
What co|ours appea| to you most on a magaz|ne?
?ellows/8eds 20
lnks/urples 23
8lacks/WhlLes 40
Creens/8lues 13
What types of art|sts]bands |nterest you most?
8ock/unk 0
lndle 20
88 40op 20

What do you prefer to see on a magaz|ne front cover?
MlnlmallsL/slmple 30
8usy and lnformaLlve 70

Do rev|ews change your op|n|on on part|cu|ar art|sts]bands?
?es 13
no 70
uepends on where Lhe revlew has come from 13

Why wou|d you read a mus|c magaz|ne?
1o flnd ouL abouL Lhe hlsLory of muslc 10
1o flnd ouL abouL upcomlng concerLs 20
lnformaLlon on new upcomlng bands/arLlsLs 40
1o read revlews 20

What do you |ook for |n an art|c|e?
MosLly LexL 10
MosLly lmages 30
A balanced amounL of LexL and lmages 60

If you read a mus|c magaz|ne you ||ke do you v|s|t the webs|te?
?es 70
no 30
now often do you buy mus|c magaz|nes?
Weekly 3
MonLhly 20
?early 23
Whenever l can 30

Do you read the ed|tors notes?
?es 10
no 90

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