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Find the correct translation from the given Indonesian sentences. 1. Dia punya anjing besar yang hitam a. He has a big dog and black. b. He has a big and black dog. c. He has a big black dog

2. Tolong, jangan merokok di rumahku a. Please, dont smoke in my house. b. Please, not smoke in my house. c. Please, no smoke in my house.


Dia sedang mencari mobil baru a. She look for a new car. b. She looks for a new car. c. Shes looking for a new car.

4. Uang anda tinggal berapa ? a. How many money have you ? b. How much money do you have ? c. How many money do you have ?

5. Saya pernah ke Bali a. I ever go to Bali. b. Ive ever gone to Bali. c. Ive been to Bali.


Choose the best translation for the sentence. 1. Siapa anda? a. Who you? b. Who are you ? c. Whos you?

2. Saudaraku bernama Jim . a. My brother is name Jim. b. My brothers name Jim. c. My brothers name is Jim.

3. Aku mau jadi penyanyi. a. I want become a singer. b. I want for become a singer. c. I want to be a singer.

4. Aku mau tiga bir lagi. a. I want 3 more beers. b. I want three beers again. c. I want again three beers.

5. Aroma makananmu enak. a. Your cooking smells good. b. Your cooking smells well. c. Your cook really smells.


Find the best translation 1. Istriku suka belanja a. My wife enjoys to shop. b. My wife enjoys shopping. c. My wife enjoys to shopping.

2. Kemaren aku harus ikut rapat. a. Yesterday, I had to go to a meeting. b. Yesterday, I had to join a meeting. c. Yesterday, I had to went for a meeting.

3. Sudah makan, belum ? a. Youve eaten, havent you? b. You ate, not yet? c. Already eaten, arent you ?

4. Gajah lebih besar daripada kucing. a. An elephant is more bigger than a cat. b. An elephant is bigger than a cat. c. An elephant is not as big as a cat.

5. Aku suka sedikit gula dalam kopiku.

a. I like a few sugar in my coffee. b. I like little sugars for in my coffee. c. I like a little sugar in my coffee.


You know how to do this? 1. Aku berencana pergi ke puncak a. I plan to go to Puncak. b. I plan going to Puncak. c. I plan will go to Puncak.

2. $ 3,469,33 a. Three thousand , four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and thirty - three cents. b. Dollars three thousand, four hundred and sixty - nine point thirty three. c. Three thousands and four hundreds sixty-nine dollar and thirty- three cent.

3. Tanggal 31 Mei, 1958

a. In thirty- one May, one thousand nine hundred, and fifty-eight. b. On May thirty first, Nineteen fifty- eight. c. In thirty-one May, one, nine, five, eight.

4. a. Three fours. b. Three of fourths. c. Three fourths.

5. Aku sudah tinggal di Indonesia selama 3 tahun. a. I stayed in Indonesia already 3 years. b. Ive been living in Indonesia for 3 years. c. Ive been living in Indonesia since three years ago.

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