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Z:I'nO W".P.M.P,N03. o:C ZOOlJ
..-s:-.' .
" .
t .......-';,..
. ,Develppment CotJlipil,
represented. hy;i ts'5ecretaryr
f/ ".L;;
r'. r. '., . J .:,:'.:! -'I ft,.-; .', ';'
. .l'Erode-5.!",
, .. i' i
. 1.
',to' .. .:
:.. '."
, l', I:':
), 't -,
, , . ", . ;.:::.;; ...
. -:p.g: "t., ::.:,"
4 Collector, , . . .....; .
. !.!':; ;.- ,. ; :'>1 ..;'
Erqde ..,..l1.
..i ":':,:
5'.: Hyde r Ali and '::::,'; '.
-I:in; ..'.;' 1< ".
; :!,:.jl-' L

;' ;.,
. ;
, r.,:
,1,,;" '.;:,i:' :... '
.; ,,:::;i,j " if;...': .,,'. ",
. .' ..... .. , r l -.! . ,''''',hc. '.' I .
'I" , I" 1 .. I ,.
.i;;:" . ;,:':'-' '. :. },..l

. .1'......
. -. . .. ;. . .. i..
' ..
." <.....:-.
... , .. :1'
:,' ," ". 1.'1 '", h .
. ,'." . 1:,( t'_ h':'
.., . ,t', ". ,'';
; : ::.. . . :
::l 1",; . ;,' ,
;' .. CoUnSe1 !"Or:- Mr.T.P . '''''
. Menoharan: - For R9, t o R-13, R-15, R-18 toP.-ZO,
3'?":,in'1/.;P:S494198.., ",' ....
,,,,' '". . ':i . 'i ,!!.;!'. .
.. ,_ , i:,. .:..r .." .. ' '" . '"
". .1.,. ,:.1-;... . ....,. '..:I,
., ..'.
Senior counaeL for: Mr: 'I'.
.:,Dhanaseka"f:an:- For-'R-8, R'::29 in
, ':;'. '.1' ...; "." ..... 'd .. .. , . ,. . l!:, . , . .
;'.;\.' .J:..,:
,,,:::,:. FotJ>.-21,. 31, '33 and 36 in
..:':. : .. , ... .. .,'
. "':' \;(':0lW. .IJ":: . ,,:.'
No.5494 (9B W. f?
Fot:" R-5 i,D 'W'. p.30153/2003.
. "/",g}f ....>.;.. "'"1, ..r ,
"j P. 5<;19<;1/96.
:'.. .,..: ... :. .. ...... . . . .
" ". 30153/2003.
C} -t'
;,'<1" , , :;;',1',' lP r CQMM'O'" I'd On:D"'R.....,.
. ,:i'" , , : f .1 un,.,.'" fi: J:J .,.
. . .,,' i ., .. ." ...... ,:':
-'., , . (: ". : ...
. ":; .... ',: n:.>H'=" .
\.fB3 by P. J.,)
\ fL',;:' :"'; .
. . .' \Heal th .and COtincj.;l, 't'epresentedby
Puthurj." t petit.J:on No. 5494 . of 1998 fo ... ;6;,:
.t ssuance -,.9f the respondents 1 to 4
. nainelyy\F6rest 'and Environment" Department, Housing and
.. Urban':> Developme-ne
' ... DepElrtment, Pollution'control .. Boer-d end
COlled:or,:.:::'.Ei6di to close doWn
"to ',".. <One ?-1.Thangavelli of
. . has filed ':Wr:1. t
Petitj,;'QP of "200;3 pray:inq' .for Writ of.Mandamus,
:1; to ,3,',namely,T'Wnil Po).lution
c6nj;:i:fBf; .' sf.1sithe: Dif'trict'
Tamil, Nadu.' Pollution Control' Boar:d,
Erode"-;;l't.o tak'e'action: all t.he indul3trie5 in and around
closinct industries. .
. j .. .: .:...,". : ..;,
. .' ;;;" " . .: :2 .:7he C8Ele of the Peop,;le Health and nevea.opmerre
'8B'l".'se-t'ou\::.. in'W.P.No. 5494/1998 is briefly 'stated
fJere:under:: . '.' " .,',
a r
; 'and publiche?lthin and
a Dis tdct.<of: Ez-ode, The' said wti t peti cion was filed
-B:gains'i:: '()f 34 tarmedes were shown BS
...: ....
: "" ....
. U:-';Ui;.::AT; ." ..j .:..u::n
. r
. GanqapUr81l1 an'd Kandampalt=\yam "'"
a,l;'e funct.i ol1i,ng' withO'tit proper ,':,"."
all ". ',.
.., ..:"'",. .. .. J,:
the '110 1::he/;'iJrJ.r. .
. ell
..,,:'" YJ.ll.ages Ln-. tttat area ',po,H.u.t,iinn,iiJtanne,rieBW's'SoLlola;ie wi,thi'n
89 dated $0-3,1989 which
which ar,e . fig .. 1dE,#I; ... [
zones n . k:i;,J;,o' .... .
started tItltl10ut obtsifrtLng' "from the,(Z
respondent he "':"//e': .. ':,"
: 3.; I,e is, tl;i, tannet:.:!,.es
are. letting out; urrt reat.ed into, 9a};;,ery
tanneries use about 170 types. ..
process: . th

of . have . by
percoletJ..on. :. ;'I'Qi3, J.B ceuBJ..ngqnifrQ:tdroise:1 to..
that area'. There: 1..3 .. e: a.n :f;lJ.r
eve ry t6\lne.ry rrtEiking t; for t,he.. . rhe: lettJ.p.g '. o{jie pcll\j'!:.ed
both surface liTateY/:as "'
that ,the
water which is /has unfit
the same.' Agrj.culture' has been "badly and''"yielcls have
gone down. . .This hardahip
to local, far.mets. The"l1ouseholcl . ,nave become
corroded' 'because, of ;'.:-chei",uae oft . :Tne
relati\-'esof the petit,iqner a fln.d )1i3 .
. family and hie!' in'Chei r' ty,:, of
water, lin
. residues remai'nirigin the ear carcasses
even aft;e r t he preliminary st'j:ay
doge ch have bee n': feeding, 0n n;:'to
an abnormal size.""f ",
. .

. q. rne Government: red more
then 2, BOO acres District
fot- locating all has also
assured' finencial r end. up
modern effluent treatment ': 1ioweyei::, .. "tanrier-y . owners
have been resi'9ting and not cooperating with the' Government: plans
'"'" by shifting the1r umt s to the Peruntl1,ut'tli The
' .
.',- .. ..
J.: ...
'.'; -." .
. ... ..: '
'.:i:. ',;' "
pet;;i t:1.oner.;, 'h'as.:iiiade<:;i:feveral" in respect'>o!'
indi to:; :th'e: 'to 4. The Pol1ut1bn
Control B6'afd ::. i'elren:",e'frective and, prompt, st.eps eo t'ar.
o 'r11ey 'h;' :inachinety to ttlke' ,action
,::;:. d .. .:
..i'.l:'-,: .. ,*;," ;:;' .. . .J,:- ",IL,: ".
\'.)It ..-,,J....l_bl : I,., , .: " " ',l
i ,:1[" ,f,c l,5
,r",11,M :'V
c a'5 e,;,or: "the petitioner "1-n W. P.NO. 30153/2003
'. ,,'IJI)/ (.I,)I:) I: J",'Ct ;'/i -", ' ..
is ",t, I" t.';;,:, .r: ,; ,
fto.m nne .' Gani:d;calJ.ed;
,Erode:;. (ire-:
the Kali;m1ar.-ayarl"';'Ganal :fot'i:rr.i:g.ationanddrinking water. ""15,000
Bcresai C,lBs'sif1ed ,jet'. in reaet#lemeht
records, fOr are" about h'lllidred's of:majot'.
'iridueit ring p'rocess .
in'arid ba:'Iiks of,,'-Kalj.ngar.ayan 4 GEJ.l nal. \ Those industries
do:n,ot .. in' :the facto'ry
dis't:hatged the. effluent
'Sf.le\ of i
the:, WBter.
has become:,:':t9ta;I;J:y unf.J. t\ for J.rrJ.gatJ.on. Due:,to t.he
tn:!'King ttie grou.nd.' wfi'ter
The nave facJ:}.:Lty for
the e t rials \h:hei't .umt , :' The
lfl !:{,J;ltge1. and
PoIlutl on . t, t'ull, una t, did,:not, carefo'!:'

been Bet 1:f( ,w:ner1n : ,common
effluent. treatrnent.'-'plants "would,:tbe eSt;ablished
for cne . tanneries
;ando'11 1.n,;,Jlnd:a:-ound . are.
shifted Jto,' P,e'rl.lnduraJ.h the,. p.eople ,relleved of.: their
f _ ..1 "". ". I1t . N", ..' .':. .
e , ,At ,.the ace
,f.Liric:t2'Oninq.. the of the,:Poll.ution
. (} 1 .f}' '. f "'1:... ,.. : ,;: .
':; .. l.;..;1: ,,1;', .: '.:. ;"."",,,.,. I
.. Nadu",c,Pol.j,;t,Ft,bonM,cCont<lwil.uBoa '!i!the" .f 0 rm of", counce r,
'.!'f4no"u'H','. .BHI('''IGf'\l5r;;{;',;'.ID. ,,' ".....\f.'. th"th '-":'d nt":
' ..... 11,:,e,t>,6 'Jl'e.ce::Je"o ." e,,L er respou e 5. '
/ 2003::and .. ' respcndenti'n'
.. has . filed '6 'CoUllte r' '. affidavit
'W;her.ein . erected. en:.effluent. treatment
.. :'::' . . " .:,..,Il.,,., ". ",1',.: : .', ._:, .,\ " /_' .,.,,', . ; ,; . .' !. . ... : ". ..' '.'
plfmtof Rs. 40,lakh8 and ,that the same
Ta.m'i;l; Nfidu Pollution Contr:ol
be:ing'satisfied the' same,
conge.nt wa:W'g,ven;'Jjy"thePollutj.on' Control Board and they haVe
been pe,riodically. no theitr-eam, well, al:!t",rl:!r'o!'the
land. Theficid6ult.uiB:l.,ope;ratf,ol1s ar.e. going on in and around
88 u9l,lal':;r:l11cLnoseti.back has (";auaed ,.either to. th2
agricultura:l operaUons of' to the ir'ri;,gatie,n ort(),,.J.the
'. .
"', ":, . ,::'..JL,1 ".
burnanheali'h ;O,r: tottJe t.y.: or .. or any
ectivi ty er,th' t.o-th.e '4"" respondent. !I"The;" 'Poll,ution
Concrol '"Board thr-oughtheir Unit' mon:Lto'i:'J..'nq',:,'tl.1'd":'f:', tI:in,neries'<end
pollution caused fit' their: ;instance..,:' ,,,. ,.,;::
\ -. .' ..
. ":U ->. .',)1' :;,1iWI'
, \.' ...... ,., . "t , r- .. .:' ':' 11)('" .":
,:":' 7. 5"1> and
namely, Ali and
Pr:-ivate: Liini tied . filed . a t is
stated that. t,heYh,ave been pr?perly ce
statutory ruLea , -t'eguletiorland norms.'. Mosl;'" mode'rn: eff'luent
t reetmerrt plant-s were installed ;inbqth:,.'theI:r iT!' 1'987
al1d 1995, at t.he . COS?;. of R3. One:': "C::c'c)i-'e:,;andRs .80 .,
ai.nce 'then
e f f Luent .J..3
en, the'
up a R:s'earcg 8:'1,9':

end mom.. conmJ/ .. .. "bYk...theJ..t'
p ,,/the (UNIDO r
by! PBlfhlfhing a
"'Qrkshopon held. n
They ..also f'f1ed,oan ::J,-s
the VeIl,ere
Citizens Forum, ...;fot' ..
of .
,Nadu +,nsp:ct 'at.l'. iii:
t radJ.B* 0t:f:\ 4he
report to t;he,\Co\lrt,'\for . tlo
decision on
industri ee
shifting ;':12720 t.3
concerned, 1;hey 1WJ. th pr.eacrJ.bed by
TNPCB. They:a.'i:'e else since ;tl;l-ki.n: steps' .'Co
Reverse Osmosis .P1an-t:'5uggestedby.,TNPCB...
' ... ' . ." . ' . ;:.:' ':,.: ,:l.'"
8. !', 8' ],:".,: 15,
17,18, 19"20,, 21,.. 23, ... 6, 37."fJ.;led
separate countet::affidavit; jJy;:;the"
peti ti<mer.They also h:tghli by
. . .
Lnf ormatdon .' ,Inasmuch as
they rai.gedidentical and simi leT." avermer!ts,,'::t,her-e, .is;:,. no need 1;0
refer the same one QY one.;;;::, . '"
.........:.,,;:?..: .
. 9. Membet' ramil',Niidt{'l?bl1ut:ion Control
Board fur-nished e Labocat;e de'tai1,s in:the'fo'r.m 'of counter. affidavit
and addi counter affidavi.:t::i.n' both the. writ .
. namely, 5494/98 and reference to
',., '-' .,.. _.-;
,;' JUl.'
. "..
. '.,
" .... , ':"
..- ........
;.- -l : .
-r- ::'.,
: , i':,I,. '
,that no tannery un1ts
'mentioning".ine,the";,:annexure'to,ithewrit. petition are permitted';:r;o"
'::::;: having:;p.ollution: :" .measures , -. '.
. by these tanneries "ete

thi'3 .. mq/li t '. \ .
aa ; ..
pollute '" and .:affect;the
frequent. complaints . neve .. been
1:\[. ;cIlJeJ . The is 'in
strict. ooLthe" Court in \l. P.
(C) No. permicte<1to
setup " 3tated',in
the : eft.luent . treatment
plants. I riee are. .. the:4r effluent
into channe'l:f;" ei t.he r di reCtly or
through . said water from the Kalinqarayan
channeI .. R1yer.and' j Q!n Cauvery
Ri n'igatfori>"of .83'00,' .of
the9,auvery :1;:0
public t ". and'j- nearby. eurroundi nq Town
couree on",t]le oovnat.reama. lhe s'aid vater soueces inclUded i.n
G.O.MtL prohibits :14
G. o. N,o.,,12,J., (E.&eF) .. Department.t'dated,B-S-9B which the
. 3 aiel. catr:i'gode3 . 5km radius. Frequent
en thepubli C ofE:roderegaruinq
'g round the dispharge of high TDS trade
effluent' info
.... ';:!' ......, .'
'J,'" ,-1"!';",'R'''; 10,; "T.l1e. Tenul NBdu ..Corporati.on !'or. Industrlal
t 1opme'nt::"'J;TAPD} r- a:,G<?vernment pf:Tamil Nadu
entet'pt':tses have
' put up ' 6n Indu3tt:'ial Gt'o'lorth-' Centre , a.t: Perundurea
.. ..... ";i-rJ .. . ' :: ..... ;'.' .. ':' )';' '. ,' .. ,> .' .;! .. :' .
.. . ErOde acqUiring
)-fi'cr'es)'.ofland. ;,Thls1nduBcriaJ.q'roW'th
cen'tfe: vara.oue types of i0duet.r1es.
including- . and chemt caLa , . 'I'he TACID
applied ito, T/Imi:l Nadu PollutionContl::'ol Board on 2-4-1996 and
obtained' C'onsent to ea t ab.Li ah under \!lTacer and Ail' Acts from Tamil
Nadu On 13 -8 -97. Subsequently,' during
1999, Growth Centre: has been merged
'eith 5IFCQT;' 'Tamil'Nadu: 'Chat: 1:'1:3 nov- known 8S SIPC01' Industrial
Grow'th j)ui'ing 2002, aince.".no concrete:
proposal the t anne deB at Erode to combat. the
TDS di rection under Section 33-A of
C:6ntrol of Pollution} Act, . 1974,S3
amended at Erode"including 34 tanneries
)( nn7l:::770

mentioned ill cne arndayi t to S.h1:q:: tt"lel r lC,t;'lYity 'to
,,)HGC and c:ommon}y; r.9,po3el
for zero In;:,oroer to Pt'Ote:e:t:.gtrtapr:e\7ent.the
wate r 301::1't'Ces .vi'z.". :c'tJ.a'iinel arict. arid' ,to
redr'es3 the. pUblic . f,r'om
. effluent treatItJent systemspcovi.ded "by
34 canne rdea r\1entioned in thiscase are: noc:;,:.comRiYing :,the TDS
by the B08r:-d. these
tanne ra es to.
o.l,ogi es 107;i th ;!3uitebll:;' evapo
reJ f>.phieye .
submitted fo r;. t a r I't!lr.y"
tr.eatment yet "" tQ
Howeve t, the;'o/0po;sa,;I): not ..
These . t anne ra.ea: ,;',,6t.
comprehensive.' 3;l3te:m on 'or- ..

the 34'. .. In haye;'to
comply 1.M C"b 'Chl:> t' 1 . . t'" ,1'''"'' "ff:,,,- , - , .
, . '."'''' . ",. .lmJ. (:. 1. ., ,. \: ",c.". ...
i ;.. - t "Wl. .j ., '<
,-:': 'J ... : . .. . t.,
i .,.11. Boar,d \also filed an
additional. . 34 in.

..system :'. arl:d .
However, a n aplte, a<=,hJ.eve
>.. '
ze co impot"tapC'e of: Ka'lingarayan
canal, off fl:orn CauvetY.
river finallYr'is t.:hat' the itpfl.s 1;>,een for
irrigation of 8300 hectares of agricultural: land. the.
aignificence end irnporta'nce of r.i'ver50utce
State of Ls
to Ptlb1i.c Ml.lnacJ.pall ry
Toml Panchayata apartfroW: its dcult:tJFi3::L i t.e
course 'on the,downBtream3 ..
caused: by' public,
Fer-mere ASBocietiOn,""'Non' Governmental: 'the
District Erode "and
Th'e TDS . conte'nt j.,n. 'the
.' : .. .:;..... ..... ; . Hi''':;! H.' :' .... ;. ..',' ; -:, ..',.J;-..i..'; .-1..... " '.,.-". '.,' 1I;,1-I1r. "., ,I ;"' .' .
Br:e fBl" norms 9Y ,th:
Eoard and crdelred or
India; in it31 final judgement
914/9L.The . 'fDS in t:he
.1esB than2,lOO! mg/lit. ('
only Iby- -:-implernenting:s:uitable ',meiilbri"eneo: tre'chtlol'ogies
{Revedse System)'vith 3uit;able for-tbe
l:'ejects. as .
system, the o.f 2100 mg/lj;'t. fot' achJ.eved
':. ", .. '?
. :.::. ,_., ..
. ........"
.. .;.
.,! ." . .
.. ; ...'_...
.'.:" , .j! ":.'.
end permee ce at: 'R.O. :5ystern couto be ceu3ed.
in the tanning, pcoceae .'- ,Hence, by . membrane
technologie'g" the' g'ene'r.ateo in ttre< tanz:li,ng proceas could
be iri' the.j3'r-ocess, , leav:i.!lg. a:. !:'Mall
quant,i-ty 'of".'!' reje.cts')l'which" c01Jl,d"';be evapor.ated rqugh','
'. - . .'. ". 1: ,;; l'Il"r;: :., .. II: :!C.; ,',:I!:\".. .,' ,. '., :.1.' : d.' .'. ;.. ','
e....lEpqra'tioJ'1:': of.: efflt;1ent .. not
:,e.:),;ther':on;;,liirid forirdg'ation or on ,land for,
open co'6'i$e'S":t:ould: beavoided., The;; said .
R. 0; hy two cenne . at AirJbO'd: in'
Vellore containing the
being . tariiffiHj completely; .
FUt'ther,ithe t:11e' said R.O; '3y'6temar:e. nearing
completiotl the'if';rmtka, perteiriingto it are
5__ t.e'. ;Jellore I?istrict: The
R.. W.l tn 1i'.!ible;,,}e,vaporati on. system as')/ treated trade'
. ensure zero:,
dHlcharge::Q;l:: qf\ treated' effluent and'
this,,- ljo{ill;:;:;tg,F;'- the other- water sources'
mentionedv:i,:n:," tb?a.ffidavi .' y:the petitione;r . The
. furnis}1ed'by 15 in

from \The. a e yet: to? '" a
for fhe,tteated
the Plan:t;' with' sewage; ,.
the. '. .)..
.. "Furtperi proposal
-s effluent qa,:3cnarqe sys tel'!lF, Tt:te'
'wl1ave to-.:1-mplement' ther Eippr.ovedcomprepensive,
o!f("l"<tor':;peIor:e .. 2005'.,' .Siinila'r
bY: the.:; Boarl:! .
in"W" ., .., . ,,<{i'I,;r, ' , " .' ,,;" ,'0:',
.' :.. ..:. 0 ... -: ., ..., i : ;: .:. . '" ..-::.:..
:,,:: .!f!:' .'r\, ,;/.; .. ;i;:.. ," -i>, .. . ..... .. .. . - ,
.' kDK.',, ,,,heard, Ms. :0. Nagass1.1a"learned
... ;i;:-)K:,..... ' ', ,.- 1 Ii. ,. 'I. ,;'..... ,. : ... ": . .
'i.P.No.5494/1998 and Mr. R.
Dhenapal ';cou'rieEL: the pe'ti tioner. Ln W.P. No.
30153/200'3'L":an'd Mt:'E. Sampa'thkUma r , learned Government 'Advocate
fql::'Re'sppnaents:,;1/,2 and4'i.n Mrs. Rita
'fpi:- jTNPC'Bf:;;:,j=:':re'spondent iri:'W. P. No'. 5494/1998 and
f or ie5porfde.ri't:3'i and' 3 in W.,E.No. 30153/2003; Mr.R.
,S.enior couns'l, fo r ceepondentie 5, 6 and', 30 in
W.P.No. 5494/19,98;':1'1r. B.' Kumatasamy for- respondents 7, 17, 32.and
34 in 5494/1998;:', Mr.;G. r:lasilamani, senior counsel for
respondents''9. :'toT3; 15,18 to 20, 23, 2.6, 27, 35, 361.1':1 v, P. No.
S494/98;Mt.b'.:Selvar:-aj: f o r respondents 14 and
5494/98; r-1t". S.V. ,J8-:,rararl1Bn; senior- c,ounslel for' respondents a, 22
and 2.9 Mr;-;.v. Thillaisamy for:
31, 33 and 36 in 'W.P.No. Sundaresan for
. (:'i . . ," ..
..' .

an V.P.No.5494/9B .anc:
i;' :IC{
1:3. ,Before to conSider'Ure of.
cases, i,t the',
importance need for pt'ote'c'td:ng
of' the t.u ti.on provides:;':'that 1:he:
to prot.ect. and, improve the ..
and' willd li!.eo! 'the -count ry, ::'Ar,ticle":-:Sl'i:::.'A,;of'" the:
Constitution i!dp.oses8s one of
i .' ,. '.'" "z. .' ',' '.: ., '. ;' .-::: ... s.... 1:1"1, . :! ![JI(;t.:i; .c-: . 'I \;
the' .co procect; .and ron'ment' .
:inc'lud:ing: for:e$t3i .. lak:es;' r-iver:s. and
.... .
Water "... :;:9:t:<
..19,74 6 of
and corrt 1::'01 of A,-rater. . pollution. anatl\;he'<maintaini.nq\:O'r; t'eeto diiq:':of:
wholDs .. '" t' '.:".'" "'t\- .'. ';""'h' "":C-"""" ," "'t'"
and control of yater. pol1uta0, n t e l' nng\
such and ,:'
connected ". \,. tiJl 1::::-< .
j . 1\ j 11 . j ! ..;.. .
. .; ..,,>1'4 ". In eacuca on ;E:9-h above Efilr::p":Wi1en,J:;'
pssse(j . :J96.;E)) .
has 'bee,n a nto .
from November \19, /1986. j1l,c"t:1"tOnfePB,,:powe:rB. on
the Central GOyetnment \-0'
necessary OJ::' expedient: fort;he: of pr.Qtect;,(ng;
the qLJ6li of: th:e ..
abati,ng enva.ronmenceL 'pollution. 'f;nvi r.-oI1l\'lent 1:., includes water r
air and land Brd. the':"inter."
between and land 81!d hVlng
ct'efl'tut'e3, plant5, tni.cro-o p r ope t't,;y... {Vide .2
(a) ot . the Env,ironnlent 3
(2) (iv) ofthe[ said; Act.'. the
5tandarda for' emission or

._u .
, IJ$;'" .:
: various ; Notwi
concai.ned in of.','.;n
EnV:i ronment; .
under' Section of .the
per-formance .ofJ. ts functl.ons
'wL'iting to any pe t'son;:';off):ce r
bound to tho
the sf:iid t;:11e.
closure, prohibition ,.or
process or stoppage or regulation::;;:6f::t.he supply::;,cof:e'iedtricitY:ol:'
WEiter or any other service Sf:ct:j,;on:9 <of a
duty en eve ry pe r sor; to take the
.. , .... ' . .,..' .::1"':". ."., ,
.... '.1.
. i" . ; '. .
. .
:.'" ,
envaconmenuer . 15' or::, the",: eaa,c Act contaj.ns
':rela;fn'g: . 'to '. penEll-1;ief:l .be imposed for ene
contrd"i''hti on ,(if any: of t'he p rovf.s.i.ons' 'of, ,th,.e> said, Act or
di t'ection8 tl1e reunder . .:";"-"
I ,.,' 15.' Now', us coneaoe..J;': relevant "t" ',:
.(preventic:>fI- and, Control of pollutiori) "Act',
1974, , app''ie: ,'to tIiE(' c'Eises;'oh hand.. Th'e )
effluent" .. in:; the Act;,-
'i.fl ..., ,'1!.,: 'i . ';., :.: i' ..:H,).fl .. . :,., : .
e) '
of}l any. effluent 'or
of' any other' or. solid; ,substance into
'Qirectly ,qr i.n.directlyJjltss or is
3uch .. water
hafnifLll'pe 'iJ.ilPj r or to
tt 9" 6gt',i:g,Ultu1."61 0 r
r: li,fe 'ttnd"wihealthof
'animals! . or Of'; ':!;.
,'::,'I Ii:; a '"P I
'.".' ';:,:!1 J J
,,'.' I' .. , l h "'''li '.' v ..
1 (i) river; /1\ .; . i (::t.
,,. ..heche r
.' '.i '-. qr;",fqr the,':':I:time
'- . ';'J/
". ,{iii). inlarid;watet (whether'
, . '", 'or '
ean :f
. {Y},: sea or tldal ..'..... aters, to 'such
; . '.,;eite'nt';or', 8s':i'he case..::may be,
. .:;. , ,,' . i' . .
. Gd\ret:riiiiEnt mayhy':: noti'ii.'catf'on
in ''bh:e'iOfficial'G'azette',
. . '..... ',' "
speci'fY" in this' ..
.... ,; .t..'.
d'" 'r . PC} trade ,e:t'rlue.qt" ",:l.nclud'eea,ny ..
3ubstance i8discharged from any
Gertfiii'q" onanyindust'ryoperation . or,
pro.:ce.8 S,F" "'p:t nt,;, and disposal .system",/,othe r . than
'. r..;'.. , .. ; U .. ., -. :-p ,_ ,.,., . . . .' .. ,.......
n,' . ....
. ' ...... ,.' ..c'!, "'','c,',""" '.'.; '.1. ,
. . ):.:'. .... ;.: . .". . .. ;:' . -t.:' .
j ':t'i' , ';;:""J....
. .: Centre-lend' State Govl:rnrnents to
order- to exercise pove ee and' perform the
.,' -,".
-,l !; :( .;" . .': . ' -; , ::>. '[:'
.. '
,(>,. .:.;!"r: ". ,r. ;I .. .;,.', , COl!
runcraons or the p rovaaacne , :'the, .ot11er'
Sections 24 are::'relevent: for t:j1ese", cases'..:, Se'ct:ion' 24 speaks
about prohib::t t:lo.t1; on, use of, 'Eitrea'm; .;:6,r::;:,'weIL" f6'1:: ';. dispasai :of
polluting erc..', end ..on
nev out.Le t.s :art:g:new di3charge3. ":::
enables the St:6t:e Board'to grant':(;its
Section (1 ,t() ce r t.a.i n 0 ltow#:= '.,
_>.!l,.:.. ". l :;1.',. ,'::';'{:!':' :,,' . .:i: 1;'
:::';section 25 (1:\) .;:; T,tle "'"
. (a)grant'H.:s'j'consent;';'te!erre<1'toin <'.,
I. subj ect
J.mpose, e rlg- . ..._' ,c.,:. ,,0: .,: .. ... :,.' .
' . . ,;:,;".(i) incases ,;(:a) end
(b) Of. sub'+:sectf0n (1). of 'as to
the po.mtOf di.scna rge of sew-ag-e <1(01:' ,J;,-6S"<,J;o ;the;.t,(seof
that or., any. "discharge. of
sewag <'<'>
Q; .. ".: . _. ..\0.....
, '. _. ., .
. ,.' (ii), in . a\ oJ.s:cherge,
condi as to.' the;:i"i1'
riFi t
and, . "compQs.i t i cn, 'r .
1 ' . . .. -.""'i
te.mperatpre",;' "VOlume .of the
landQ(tJ., '" frpm,,';; the
dJ.3Gharge,ri' made:. ;:;
:.' .. '. .I,.l {:' :J i.......c... ,; ,
" ,/
':;ii!::, . {iii} t.h!at w:t
l l
for' 8UChj ,as max a n
.... any be. any
?i: .....
any. ope retaon ,,,.,:or and::.'
, . the,:'.new or, ,altered -""or the
or. .
'''" ,'.f f.l\ "". '," .' ..
su:ch be .:
d d "f{ t . ." . ell' .r:\lE':. f,1A(r;;.'\S I :1,' : !Z'.'::' ..;J; J:.:f'.;:'
rec.9.r: e.,.:.. -: Hi(-'l<e:,.. ',:rf(i!' . .
.:.. . ..... ;,. 'I . '!'.;;' I::..;i\ ',)i-' 1:.<.:;', :",fl.'};;-. II!' -:-i :.;:.' ': :.:Ij.' .IL:! . ;.\ ..' i : .
. . ... .. " )::4."; . : '.; I ...:. . '7. 'IiT {',l' ." '1111' :.::,:.;.1 .... ' :,,: r- ,\lr::. ; ':-
Sect1on41l presct' ,penalty !ot'j,,,contrav:ention:,,,o!,,,S,ection 25",ot'
Section' --:.?:6, ... ac:q'P,rd1ng :;.tq
. p rovi8i0 e Z5 0
1mpri::mnrnenc' forI,. a term . which year.: 'and
. .' .1''1 . ...,:. . . '. ,': ",.' r.'.' HI,.: .11.'Ll;! .. ("fl,; 1.1I,'! ',"i' 1-: ;i '.r' "I.:.. ' , .' '.
six months ..t:o,>s,i)r;,;,yea.:.r.3. ,">'"
i . . . . .' , ;.:' ;..:: . '''. ., . _.. ,.:. ". .
; ',,:16.;' p;:>liuting bef'oreu3
are leather' lea,ther

'. :", -.... .... ' ... ' ,_ . . .1 (.1 :' 1f.; ",.:..,. .. ". . '." . :". ' '." ,.'.
to andposea3 a
UNION OF INOf[A": [(1996) 5 SCC64?],: ::dt;carinqt be pe:rmi tted to
. eXpand ot' even .to continue Wi,1;h thepre3ent production unlesfl i1;
\ ..;;.: ,:. '. ,.,' .
.'., [" .
. \
.. P1 on CJ:'e,B:'F
':mr, the s81.Cl
industt:y.Some. of the. tanne.ries,ope.rating in' the :District; of: Erode
by nov have.. neceasary Pollution control:,messures.' They
ofor,ove,t-";. a del:sde anainaome,
. : .' \..,

"'. e.

.'.. ..\' .. !-.,., " , .. '. . '"
.'.,.. ' ,.. ,"." . ",. ''-'.- ,.g '. ,... '-. p ".
'RL1J:e' e,re'n
,per mit e ,the'Board",to3pecifymore
. ", .' ! .. ' ::. ; IM'J::H .. ->. (;i ;j.; (n..,;. ,': I. : l; .. H". . .. : .. :;:..- ".' . c"' '1, . ". .'.: , , .
stt'ingent!':;stanaardsl!frolnthos.e;\.id.ed,uridp.r theooRules. . '.
. ..' . .. ..... "'. "<'."' .''" ., ...... .
, '. and>
tu "pot;Te r cont'e now .we;shell
conaf.dec polluting the
pre-Verl erif ...g;o ". d bY;th.e.. Control 'Board.
:-.'<>" .r . .. .' "... . \, I ' .;."l":":
.:;;:. -,' In otIb order , lLTe: have
?nnedee fact;0riea.
that_ ..
(ETP) pe r
.by the [,eather: Re8eercn ,Insututeend T,entH'Nadu
Control fact haye: /fulfi+;hed the.",.
e t andard Et3 pe ACt,.Rules and ..
the GUideli.nes by t ne ,Sup-J:-eme Court.''ij,}!ember secrecary, )"'"
Tamil Ne.du, RblliJ'Cion Cont-r.e>l)'fL Bos'rdi;; report ";:;;:
,c,ontainingg;:;.t:he:\ addrea8,c&n3eJ1t:"" e carue , ETP
'. pOin't of
. units J.. n the'anilexure to his counter
'Chat7"n"o tannery .unf, t3 >are perrni-tted to
. .'I'P.:p'xa;ution' ", controL:,.'-meesures.. T,h.e .
. :tl1ifse."t'anneriesare
... ,Total"p:i:ssolved and
parametrxcvafuuedoes no;t-':<conform to' thelJ.:nut of;.-21.o0'" mg/lit
high trade' ,8f.: rDS
pollute" 50ljfces, ground wacer.' and aff,.ect the
ag . :'1 t: to'''' Il1entio#, that the Ron' ble
Sup.reme finDl dated 28.... e...:1996in v, P {C) No.
91;ik of the,:Board by
approved by NEERI sh'ailbe
. other,' in the State:of
'.{i aai.d ,;s t.ande .The quality 'of
"e.mbien'," "..hae (,to" be ,"',, ned through the' e cenderds
":: .. ... ; :"':;.;". ;.'" ..- ":.-", ..... ; ....". ',., .; . ":"li:"1 -. :."'.
is, the" t1tfihd of the B08t:'d that iJiorde-t'
to/complY::::W-j.. thtti.'e:;';;cji recti OTlS:.:,of, the StlRperoe Coubt p the' \ BOf;lrd, ..
tanneries the State to
techrlolo.qies as memb.cane 5Y3tem3 with
..:,.:,"'" "._ '}' ._ , ,., I. _ _.. '
aui, met.nods ''.o!:':r.e::lects ..... It;:J,;S ( ..
the furthe rats'i3d of the: Boa .
system, the of .'
. <,:,'
... . t .
. ..... )\.;:;1( ., - :,:;;" ..
i... _.;;J.i:..' . ":"', . ..,f' .... .,( . -:..::: ..:
s: The ,informatiorii";"f.1.irnHitie<;bby;;;theiGBbard;M.ould,
in support of"'W';;P.No. 5494/19'98'''sl:'e'func'tlonihg' vitW"individual

" .,'
channel eitheri- ctly>ot'
from __ Bhav.,anJ..
. River and j oi:q t:th"'CaL,\\{evy; R:i:ve.r_.h.
of 8 r e-L .......
Cauvery River,los suppli'ed to. of
rf '.' .,.. .
.. i'tB use:
13 l.
..... r sou lp 2
. dated . of'lnduatrlea
inCllld, ""1 1 . is thi!t ,the
Cauvery ?;Hs.
(E,<F) DepBrt:mentdated B-.5-.98 l.vfJ,J:.yli p'roh,1.bJ.t.e ;th,e Bald cateqones
of S KIlt \Ii, ': . r,: ,
, '1Jt.' f< 1 "'.;,,,
\ ';20.
remedial'rneaB(i,res::;,talcen by ..rnrttgnt 9f Nadu, namely,
setting of at,.""':
Villages, . Taluk, by
hectares (2S00 .ecrea) of land. The J30srd:,<,haa that .thls
industrial. growth to,,<accommodin::e vahous'
types of 1:;lii,x'-f,i-t'e'''' . and
chemicals. furt;her, seen .. .> r
Industrial t.o. 'l'arni,:l
Nadu Pollution .Boa rd on:
establish "arid Ai
Gontrj)1 .. , Boa . 18.,8"797 . 9 ...the .::.e /:i.i"d
Perundu re.i I G!:'oWt h
and that i s 8.8 'S1 peOT; (5IG,C),.
It 1iS signif:tcapt . to mention :i3
located . .avrBYi,J'rom in
. G. O.Ms. No . ..and F anp"G. O.Ms.,No.
d F:' D ...ct -t- d "'8 . 1:' '1998" .'".; l' t bt:'o"ght' to' our :1';'0"
127r .. E en --" I.epa!:,tmen", aye, ...:-:-:..(7:,:_,;",. ...'J." .. ..... ,., '.
notice that; lt ha Di s t rf ct; addr'eaaed the
Chei rman and: Managing' Di recto t:',"si.i?cOT:;,:7Che'nne:C, -: in,., hi sletter
dated 24-3-2061.. allot land fOT.the
tanneries. 'f'hestatus report concrece .
proposal was fOl:."thoom.i.nq from t he tanner.ies . ay; E;9de to combat the
erDS proble:Jfl'rthe: TNPCB hB::S issued di r-ection Section 33-A of
.. - :'11';,
":: . .-,:J'"

I ....
, .
.....,.. ...,....
. .
.. ,..... :-- ,
.,.... .'
, ..
tbe: end Contl:"ol or Pol.1.ut1.on) Act, 1914 as
emended tci: al.f:'ihe -,tan'nerl.e'e: at Erode including 34' tanneries'
ment.Loned ,,:in P. No. 5.494/1998 to shlft,thelr
indu8trieJ;.;' SIGC!rl1'noniY: implement. the
p.t'opoaalfQt? ze ro. of efflUent ':1n
order to water sour...ces,V,iz. 1 l<alingarayan
channel redreaa the pUblic sornplaints.'suantto Perundurai"Leather:<Industri'es,'
Eco 5ecurf:ty . by 25: . member aeco
effluent!, 'per:undl.lrai.:, Erode .
witll Institute, Cl1ennai,.8. paonee r
. ". ./ " ,'.' . .. ..:::)l1ri;>JU\:;.;.p.' . 1.'" . .... ......
leather'ch,lH'.i!ns,t-i,tuteas tfletr It J.3
flirCherhr:o;lQh't}t6:: ,out 'aa per' the nprecaut;i.onary
01'1t6-:.9,8'-"'2'O02, . and,t;.hEi't
the Mis. as pe.r the. concli, tions;i.mpQsed
zero . ensure
.. WJ.Di 1- not; affect the
of \tlle:'ilidustrJ.a.l' area', ofl:t.SIGC, P.erundurBi,
Erode. ..,.:':".'; l 1l/" .,i,;; .
. ,.. , f 21. As sal' . ijil1.e:r., .,.;1;hOugh aJ.l:'1,the 34 tanneries.
mennaerred,':::".tn ;:1'. No. 54 'have p ET P system
indivldueJ;ly, C9mptrising treatment:oft, physio-chemical
. . t 1<',:' ;t . : !. ..' .
system 'l:mcl,'"\Ytreatme,j:jtl{tlfbiological treatment system, the
ETP h8S"!flot,reqpced. T:he decai;:ls
.futnished:'irl. t;Be 'l'f1!ocuhonar. C{iu:h:te r affi'de.v:i. t da'\:ed 'J-l:':':Z005
:a how-s
. ,that 2100
.'.' :. rge'9f 'high,.. TDS . ffLuent; ihc.reases the salinity
.of ,rer;ei'vng",:b'Od,,:;0a.nd Hil1u!:!. pollutes the;""land;':>Jate r sources and
"cultura'l"activitY_ . The-:fact3
l t'ba rct .. _cle-et11' . :l:ilibw .... tha'i' .'tf].e '']'DS
f t:'oin;,;:the ,fat'
of 2100' mg/li-t;:F' and this . proves
,,'.',:' ..... ';. ''''.< ,_...:00,'_.:,. ,. ...! ..!!.l . .:i.:r.." ... .' ....:.. ... . .' ....
,:thatthe;\iol,exlst::ungllcC>ltteatme.nt,,_,\\:provl.ded'by these' 34tanne.ries
5494/1998) ,:16
TOS . ;''Hence ::::the c.Lai.m of the
;tiarine the Tanul Napu .
p eoved ncot:'reS,1=- . "
. .. ;..:,..-.: ,'. .. ' ,
.. . suggefited"tpaf. the parameter
.TDS in t r om.. the 'prima#y . and
be' con'cat.ned "l'ess'-"than' 2100
mg/lit. unde r Tre'attnent Plants only by
. technologies -(-Revet:'se
Systemltirit.h auf.t.ab'Le : evaporation, system f or . the rejecta as
te r t i. a ry' a tmellt. -By Jig theaaadvR, O. system, the
St:andaJ:.'ds:of2:l0d:rag)'iit.':fo:r ,ros could 'be achdevec andfurthet:'

J, .
...,' j
... , '.
Che permeate or R. o. Bystem cou.+qj; be c-eLis,,ed. in the
tanning process!. Hence, by implemellttng t he t:ecl1nqlogie8
the effluent. geJrierated in t.he- tanning. ,could; be ,completely
recovered and .eeusec in' t.he ,a3mei'ii.,quant.i.ty'0{'
rejects .:<:0U,1<1 be .
systems, anddis<;:harge "q( the'
norms e;itherior.i;;;; land or,:::on'::;: open'
pe rcolati "'cours es cOl11d-;:be
effluent by the ;respondent theif"
treatment t'I8tem8,. on" land roC, vit:hout:
complYing ,the',TD norms- the asvze ro
dischat'ge In-,this' t'egaFqr-"'i:t
that the system
at" Ambur: :t:j;:in'cti;'9.chi'l1q
i:.n cO!)tai}ling t he "TDS.. ..
to tl1e. pe ,<:f
effectave ,.::canm. .,Board,
hasalsb ..,
.Pe runduraa.; co', in1pletp:ent:<.the
effluent 'discharqeJ syst em: and tne'';',:;:,aid CETP,W8B \'perrnittedto'
the Court in
W.P. NO:. 1682 9f ha
.' to ". f\ the
treatment on or before}1arq}lji,. r2005, counsel
appeat'ing for respondents Court ,t,hat . by
time, i t':){041Q be ,feJF "them to
ach.i eve t.he of 2100 by the R.O.
system. i'f1 .\ .,
i t:': s"
/. "23. In the light at, our ditgCUBSion, it is cleat'
that though all the tianne rd.e s i,n''''and_ Brou"nd Kal-::Lngarayan channel
and Bhavanf, Ri1-er:<: have iri the abserice .
of .implemel'ltatJ.on::of: 'su;i. namely,"

control. Undoubtedly,, al,L-;the ta:nne:nes
to etrictly to .th-e no rme .

In order to achieve this goel,
, .. . ';'.,/ .. ; .' I! .. r .'. ;;':f.<',! .. '_':..A.... ..'.";- .. ';,., .., ....
suitable .rrtembt"ane, t , ,;.-, Reve rae
evaporation syStem. for . 3;;: w:l;,,l. 1,
go .along' way'in"curbing i.he
of the eame, ,;Court .feels mey
be A.cco:rdingly, .:811. 10.CBted granted.
in Erode Dist ;'are granted :t:i;11-'3
Collector and .tlle:'offlcer$:of
. tv i.n the: a tea rdi ngthe 'di'liectiqn: .end the
extension of ttme:gr-artteo":if6r compliance ..... It is rnadecleartl1at
.x 0075781
. , '. ..
":''-. '
: :..... ; . ....:..... ..
,. ,'.1' :i""!"'
, , ;':' , r , .-,
r-e 'to. tm.e<1j;'rection:>emd ed.Opt
the. R. O. :' systein,.:,:the are free -to shift their" concerh: to SIGC,
TIle Collector arid the, officers :'of'
pe the
fat' . irnplementat#>n
obaerved: Ln}.td Unio.n
of India ",'though we ere conscious of" the f!'lct .Jj
Bij.'ngJn6te:; ,and,'ve'nue,./but ;life, . 'ti
,heel t h ;;:import,ancet.o'tl1e PoSt
r.epqt.',tiry!J comp'lHmce ,..
, ..' ",' .;,.r:!:.:'-! (.. j' .,!:'
., : " ;-: 'i, ;, ';':".' . :.r.l
::;'- ''';
.;:>';L;;: 50/- ,.,' .
... ;.;;ri;-j ,".n";;:;-{
,1'9 (,t" Regi-St r.,
. ,'I"
;; f:
'/true copil
; ... ;
: i ,
'" '
: .. - .' ,'I .' _.. , .... .:
6 . 'the Er:iY:i;ronrne,ntWel:far.e Eng1neer.,
Cont'rol Boar'd,
Aanul:' r Arntitlin Er:bQ:e."3.:' .
,:.;;" ...

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