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LC1 8LSLn1A1lCn
Panlsh na[lb
" 4 5tudy on ueo/ership 5otisfoction on vesto ice
creoms from k5 Limited with specio/ reference to
1hrissur uistrict"
CU1 1nL CCM-
lL was ln 1963 LhaL kerala SolvenL LxLracLlons LLd
now known as kSL LLd enLered Lhe SolvenL LxLracLlon
lndusLry seLLlng up Lhe very flrsL solvenL exLracLlon
planL ln kerala
1he solvenL exLracLlon planL wenL on sLream ln 1972
and ln 1976 a new planL was seL up Lo manufacLure
ready mlxed caLLlekSL LlmlLed ls a publlc llmlLed
company wlLh around 4300 shareholders
1he shares are llsLed ln 8SL nSL We are Lhe largesL
manufacLurer of compound caLLle feed ln rlvaLe
secLor ln Lhe counLry 1he lasL Lhree decades have
seen kSL emerglng as a leader ln solvenL exLracLlon
and ready mlxed caLLlefeed ln Lhe counLry
Statement of rob|em
IesLa lce creams ls faclng dealershlp problems
and hlgh compeLlLlon for LhaL Lhe researcher
conducLed 4 5tudy on ueo/ership
5otisfoction on vesto ice creoms from k5
Limited with specio/ reference to 1hrissur
r|mary ob[ect|ve
W 1o sLudy abouL dealer saLlsfacLlon of ILS1A lce
Secondary ob[ect|ves
W 1o know abouL Lhe brand preference among Lhe
W 1o measure Lhe dealers lnfluence ln purchaslng
W 1o know Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween company and
W 1o undersLand Lhe saLlsfacLlon level of dealers
1he research meLhodology descrlbes Lhe research
procedure 1he research problem research deslgn
research lnsLrumenL Lhe sampllng procedure
populaLlon sample frame sample slze sampllng
meLhod and sLaLlsLlcal Lools ln Lhls sLudy Lhe
oplnlons are collecLed from 30 respondenLs of MALA
CPALAkuu? and kCuAkA8A
W 8ar dlagram
W WelghLed Average
1he perlod Lo sLudy Lhe feaslblllLy of IesLa lce creams
ln 1hrlssur ulsLrlcL ls beLween 3
CcLober and 30
CcLober 2011
W 1lme consLralnL 1he Llme consLralnL for Lhe sLudy ls
noL adequaLe Lo go Lo Lhe depLh of Lhe sLudy
W Accuracy of lnformaLlon Some daLa glven by Lhe
respondenLs need noL be 100 correcL lnaccuraLe
lnformaLlon may affecL Lhe pro[ecL sLudy
W Sample lacLor 1he sample slze and area of Lhe sLudy ls
llmlLed So Lhe researcher cannoL generallze Lhe resulL
W ersonal LlmlLaLlon As a human belng researcher has
personal llmlLaLlon Lo sLudy
W All consumers cannoL be covered as random sampllng
ls applled
W ILS1A ls one of Lhe favorlLe brands of lce cream
chosen by Lhe cusLomer
W AvallablllLy ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL reason for
preference of ILS1A
W Some of Lhe dealers prefer ILS1A only because of
Lhe credlL pollcy
W Ma[orlLy of Lhe cusLomers are Leenagers and
W Ianllla ls Lhe mosL preferred flavor by Lhe cusLomer
followed by sLrawberry buLLerscoLch chocolaLe
plsLa plneapple and mango
W Ma[orlLy of Lhe cusLomers do noL come wlLh Lhe
brand preference4 uA1A AnAL?SlSdocx
W Ma[orlLy of dealers have good oplnlon abouL Lhe
quallLy of ILS1A lce cream
W Comparlng Lo oLher brands ILS1A charges hlgh prlce
for Lhelr producLs
W 70 of dealers face heavy compeLlLlon from oLher
W ILS1A ls always avallable Lo 80 of Lhe dealers oLher
20 of dealers had problems wlLh Llmely dellvery
W 4 uA1A AnAL?SlSdocx
W 1he company should glve proper lmporLance Lo
dealer saLlsfacLlon because Lhey are Lhe ma[or crlLlcal
success facLors' of Lhe company by provldlng addons
Lo Lhe dealers llke freezer faclllLy
W 1he company musL Lry Lo malnLaln good relaLlonshlp
wlLh dealers and cusLomers
W Conslder Lhe markeLlng sLraLegles of oLher lce cream
lndusLry llke brlnglng more flavors Lo Lhe markeL
W lL ls advlsable for Lhe company Lo reduce Lhe prlce of
ILS1A lce cream Lhen more and more consumers wlll
chose Lhe brand
W romoLlonal acLlvlLles llke free glfL coupons eLc can
be glven Lo aLLracL Lhe cusLomers
W 1he company should provlde more promoLlons
oLher Lhan banners and posLers
W 1he company should malnLaln a proper mechanlsm
for Lhe redressal of dealers complalnLs
W 1he company should provlde freezer faclllLles Lo
Lhose dealers who conLrlbuLe more volumes Lo Lhe
W Company can lmprove lLs packaglng by lnLroduclng
new packages wlLh aLLracLlve shapes and colors
W AfLer a Lhorough sLudy l came Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL
Lhe kSL LLd ls developlng very fasL 1hls success ls
achleved Lhrough Leamwork and excellenL human
relaLlons Consumer orlenLaLlon and excellenL afLer
sale servlce ls anoLher facLor of success 1hey can
achleve hlgh level of LargeL Lhrough Lhelr quallLy
producLs 1he quallLy of goods ls malnLalned by Lhe
adopLlon of laLesL Lechnology efflclenL
empowermenL of raw maLerlals and effecLlve
uLlllzaLlon of resources 1hey Lry Lo malnLaln good
flnanclal dlsclpllne As a parL of Lhe corporaLe
responslblllLy Lhey have opened a chlldren's park for
Lhose who are under 14yrs
1PAnk ?Cu

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