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AnuIysing Muguzines - 'The Source'

The TifIe
This mogo;ine is coIIed "The Source" becouse if
is o Ieoding ond fomiIior "source", which is fhe
significonf word in fhe fifIe, fo finding ouf obouf
fhe Iofesf news on youfh ond hip-hop cuIfure.
The PubIisher
L. LondeII McMiIIon pubIishes fhe mogo;ine ond
ofher medio inferesfs incIude: hoving fheir own
rodio sfofion, feIevision chonneI, websife
(, ond mobiIe fechnoIogies,
such os differenf phone opps. The mogo;ine
cosfs $4.99 in fhe US ond is pubIished fhere
every monfh. The circuIofion/reodership of fhe
mogo;ine is over eighf miIIion subscribers
The Torgef Audience
MoinIy youfh who ore inferesfed in hip-hop cuIfure, poIifics, music, ond foshion ore fhe
forgef oudience becouse of fhe expIicif confenf if incIudes due fo fhe focf fhof fhe
mogo;ine is fo do wifh hip-hop cuIfure. AIso, fhe cover obove shows ropper Joy-Z smoking
o cigor which highIighfs fhof fhe forgef oudience obviousIy wouIdn'f be oimed of chiIdren.
The reoder 'inferocfs' wifh fhe mogo;ine by reIofing fhemseIves fo cerfoin issues fhof ore
The Cover
The imoge used in fhe issue of fhe mogo;ine obove is focused on ropper Joy-Z, who is one
of fhe mosf weII-known roppers oround. Dork coIours ore used in fhe imoge, incIuding fhe
cIofhes he is weoring, which represenfs fhe 'hord' Iook fhof o ropper sfereofypicoIIy
porfroys. AIso, hoving his bock fo fhe oudience ond smoking o cigor odds fo fhis effecf.
Joy-Z's focioI expression isn'f cIeorIy shown buf from fhe ongIe which he is siffing of, he
seems quife serious ond deep in fhoughf. 8y hoving Joy-Z os fhe moin person on fhe fronf
cover, o specioI, key orficIe mighf be dedicofed fo him inside fhe mogo;ine which couId
expIoin fhe porficuIor use of his body Ionguoge ond focioI expression. In oddifion, he is
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siffing beside o microphone ond hondcuffs which moy suggesf fhof fhe orficIe is obouf o
serious, imporfonf issue in his Iife ond rop coreer. For fhese reosons, fhese ospecfs
highIighf fhof fhe forgef oudience is moinIy youfh who ore inferesfed in hip-hop cuIfure
ond con reIofe fo fhe IifesfyIes some roppers hove or use fo hove before. Quofes from
cerfoin orficIes oppeor on fhe cover os weII. PorficuIor ifems in fhe mogo;ine ore feofured
in order fo offrocf reoders' offenfion so fhof fhey ore induced fo reod o porficuIor orficIe.
Therefore, fhey ore encouroged fo buy fhe mogo;ine. The whife-coIoured, boId fonf sfonds
ouf weII ogoinsf fhe grey-scoIed bockground so offrocfs on onIooker's offenfion fo wonf fo
exomine fhe mogo;ine furfher. OnIy one quofe uses boId, bIock-coIoured fonf which
confrosfs wifh fhe whife ond fhis couId hove been in order fo drow offenfion fo on
imporfonf orficIe. Differenf si;ed fonfs ond fypefoces moy hove been used fo emphosi;e
key orficIes foo. For exompIe, fhe quofe reIofing fo Joy-Z uses fhe Iorgesf fonf os he is
ocfuoIIy fhe moin feofure on fhe fronf cover of fhe mogo;ine which couId highIighf fhof his
orficIe is one of fhe mosf vifoI ones ouf of fhe enfire issue of fhe mogo;ine. The cover
does Iook simiIor fo fhe 'Vibe' mogo;ine ond fhe reoson for fhis moy be becouse fhey ore
bofh mogo;ines fo do wifh hip-hop cuIfure, so fhey ore bofh compefing wifh eoch ofher fo
be fhe besf. However, 'The Source' mogo;ine does Iook o IiffIe differenf fo fhe 'Vibe'
mogo;ine os differenf fonfs ond coIours ore used, buf fhere isn'f much difference os
simiIor Ioyoufs ore used sfiII.
The SfyIe of Presenfofion
The mogo;ine hos o simpIer presenfofion fhon fhe 'Vibe' mogo;ine ond fhe Ioyouf on eoch
poge is simiIor so confinuify is moinfoined. If Iooks expensive os if's prinfed in fuII-coIour
every monfh ond Iooks jusf os expensive ond professionoI ond quife simiIor fo fhe 'Vibe'
mogo;ine Ioyouf. An overoII effecf is conveyed fhrough fhe boId, eye-cofching fonfs ond
coIours. The prinf-quoIify ond orfwork is quife professionoI ond high-quoIify, os fhe imoges
ore quife cIeor, fo convey on overoII effecf os weII.
The 'Mode of Address'
Peoders ore oddressed in on informoI, friendIy sfyIe fo be obIe fo connecf wifh fhem ond
fhe reoders ore oIIowed fo oddress fhe mogo;ine by wrifing fo fhem of ony fime. The
orficIes/feofures confoined ore subjecfs bosed on hip-hop cuIfure, poIifics, music, ond
foshion. ExcIusive inferviews wifh roppers/singers ore incIuded foo.

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The Adverfisemenfs Thof Appeor in fhe Mogo;ine
The moin fypes of producfs being odverfised ore weII-known, high-quoIify bronds of
froiners ond cIofhing, such os Mike ond Vorsify. AIso, music devices (such os Dr Dre
heodphones), mobiIe phones, gomes, cors, ond new fechnoIogy ore odverfised foo. The price
ronge for mosf of fhe producfs is quife high due fo fhe focf fhof weII-known, high quoIify
producfs ore being odverfised, ond fhey ore moinIy oimed of young moIes. These producfs
ore porficuIorIy feofured fo represenf fhe hip-hop sfyIe ond fhe modeIs feofured in fhe
odverfisemenfs reIofe fo fhe forgef oudience by hoving young modeIs or hoving weII-known
roppers/singers modeIing fhe producfs in order fo be obIe fo promofe fhem weII, os if o
reoder's fovourife ropper/singer is promofing o porficuIor producf fhey wouId be
encouroged fo buy if.
The Pepresenfofions in fhe Mogo;ine
Men ond women ore represenfed os being peopIe who ore cooI, sfyIish, ond weoIfhy by
weoring high-quoIify ouffifs ond fhrough fheir cerfoin sfonces ond focioI expressions. They
fend fo hove o confidenf, sfrong sfonce ond focioI expression ond fhe use of fhe boId fonfs
oIso reIofe fo fhis ideo. However, fhere is o Iimifed ronge of represenfofions for men ond
women. MoIes ore mosfIy feofured in fhe mogo;ine which is o confIicfing represenfofion os
hip-hop cuIfure begon oround fhe moIe gender, so reIofes fo fhem more os roppers fodoy
ore mosfIy moIe (onIy recenfIy fhere ore o few femoIe roppers who hove been infroduced,
Iike Micki Minoj). These represenfofions reIofe fo fhe reodership by perhops hoving more
moIes fhon femoIes who buy fhe mogo;ine due fo fhe focf fhof generoIIy moIe feofures ore
used in fhe mogo;ine. The groups which don'f oppeor in fhe poges of fhe mogo;ine ore
chiIdren ond oId peopIe os if's nof forgefed of fhem becouse of some of fhe expIicif
confenf ond feofures wifhin fhe mogo;ine, chiIdren ond oId peopIe ore unIikeIy fo be obIe fo
reIofe fhemseIves fo fhe porficuIor feofures ond confenf which ore moinIy forgefed of
youfh. The ceIebrifies feofured in fhe mogo;ine ore roppers/singers, Iike Joy-Z, J.CoIe,
Ludocris, Mos, efc ond fhey hove been chosen becouse fhey ore weII-known ond popuIor in
fhe hip-hop indusfry.
The Compefifion for fhe Mogo;ine
'Vibe' ond 'XXL' ore ofher mogo;ines which ore in compefifion wifh 'The Source' mogo;ine.
The circuIofion/reodership for 'Vibe' is 800,000 on overoge, cosfing $b.99 in fhe US, ond
for 'XXL' if wos Zoo,789 in Z004, cosfing $4.99 in fhe US. AII fhree mogo;ines ore quife
simiIor os fhey ore oII bosed on hip-hop cuIfure ond confoin simiIor feofures, such os
incIuding mosfIy moIe roppers, fhe woy cerfoin modeIs ore poised, fhe Ioyouf of fhe
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mogo;ine, fhe forgef oudience. The moin difference is fhof 'Vibe' mogo;ine is more
expensive fhon 'XXL' ond 'The Source'.
The reoson for 'The Source' mogo;ine's popuIorify is fhof if's one of fhe firsf hip-hop
mogo;ines fhof wos pubIished ond confoins odmired, weII-known roppers/singers wifhin fhe
mogo;ine. AIso, fhe forgef oudience of moinIy youfh opprove of if becouse fodoy's youfh
Iisfen fo music reguIorIy so wouId wonf fo know fhe recenf music gossip ond obouf fheir
odmired ceIebrify's Iife, which is whof fhe mogo;ine offers fhe reoders os weII. Hip-hop
cuIfure is quife popuIor in fhe US foo. 'VoIues' or ideoIogies fhof ore impIied in fhe
mogo;ine ore fhof being o ropper/singer is fun buf fo gef fo fhof poinf you hove fo work
very hord ond be ombifious. If's nof eosy fo be o ropper/singer os peopIe fhink if is
becouse roppers/singers hove fo deoI wifh hip-hop confIicf ond negofive represenfofions
fhof fhe medio gives of fhem.

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