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4 solve compound inequalities

LT 6.4: Solve absolute value equations.

A compound inequality is:

And: Or:

Example 1. Translate the verbal phrase into an inequality. Then graph it. a. All real numbers that are greater than 2 and less than 3.

b. All real numbers that are less than 0 or greater than or equal to 2.

Example 2. Solve and graph each inequality. a. 2 < x + 5 < 9 b. -7 -z 1 3

c. 2x + 3 < 9 or 3x 6 > 12

d. 3x 1 < 8 or x + 2 > 0

Example 3. The Mars Exploration Rovers Opportunity and Spirit are robots that were sent to Mars in 2003 in order to gather geological data about the planet. The temperature at the landing sites of the robots can range from -1000C to 00C. a. Write a compound inequality that describes the possible temperatures in 0F.

b. Solve the inequality and graph the solution.

c. Identify three possible temperatures (in 0F) at a landing site.

Pg. 384 #4 26, 34, 36

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