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ke|at|onsh|p between 1he Amount of Loosen

1eeth Shape and S|ze of Condy|e a|so 1he

S|ze of Mand|bu||ary Vert|ca| D|mens|on as
an Attempt of Lar|y Detect|on of 1MD
8Sam Lusl LpsllawaLl 8la n llrman
8adlology ueparLmenL laculLy of uenLlsLry ad[ad[aran unlverslLy
@emporomandlnular !olnL (@,!) ls a very
complex [olnL whlch lLs radlographlc
ldenLlflcaLlon process ls needed as baslc
dlagnosls for LreaLmenL of paLlenL
Ma|oc|uss|on of 1eeth
!aw movemenL lmbalance (8ecause
of loosen LeeLh)
Changes on organs ln
Lemporomandlbular [olnL lncludlng
AlLeraLlon of shape of condyle head
can be occured as
W llaLLenlng
W CsLeophyLe formaLlon
W CavlLy formaLlon known as
mandlble 8lfld
@he quanLlLy and quallLy of @,!
dlsorders can cause varlably
changes of head of condyle whlch
can be examlned from rad|ograph|c
|mage f|nd|ngs
racLlcally 9anoram|c rad|ograph|c can
be used as a med|a to ear|y detect 1MI
d|sorder @hls supporLed by sLaLemenL
from Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of Crofaclal
aln (AAC) whlch recommends LhaL
panoramlc radlography can be used Lo
show gross abnormallLles on @,! Lo
examlne LeeLh perlodonLal Llssue
mandlble and also maxlllary bones
ln radlopaLhologlc Lhere are some condlLlons
on panoramlc radlograph flndlngs LhaL can be
used Lo deLecL Lhe probablllLy of @,u
presence @hose condlLlons are
1) AsymmeLry of ,andlble
2) AlLeraLlon of Pead of Condyle
3) AsymmeLry oslLlon of Condyle
4) AlLeraLlon of Shape of ArLlcular Lmlnence
3) AlLeraLlon of Shape of SLyloldal rocess
8y uslng survey descrlpLlve wlLh cross
secLlonal meLhod performed ln 170
samples @hls research was made by seelng
Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe number of
mlsslng LeeLh quanLlLaLlvely and Lhe
alLeraLlon of shape and slze of Lhe head of
condyle Lhe dlfference of head condyle
and Lhe asymmeLry of Lhe verLlcal helghL ln
mandlble uslng panoramlc radlographlc
Data were obta|ned by
1) ulglLal radlograph daLa whlch fullfllled
all lncluslon crlLerla were collecLed ln
one folder lncludlng lnformaLlon abouL
gender and age
Data were obta|ned by
2) All daLas were arrange by LabulaLlon Lo
calculaLe LoLal numbers of mlsslng LeeLh
from each sample wlLh Lhese followlng
crlLerla @hree polnLs for ,olar Lwo
polnLs for remolar and one polnL for
Canlne or lnclslve robaballLy of polnLs
were ranged from 1 Lo 32 polnLs Lhen
conversed Lo comparaLlve value LhaL
dlvlded wlLh maxlmum polnL (32) @he
resulL was valued as lnLerval scale
beLween 01
Data were obta|ned by
3) vlsually dlglLal daLa were classlfled
regardlng LoLal polnL of shape aL lefL and
rlghL condyle ranged from 0 (normal) Lo
4 Lo see Lhe severlLy of shape of condyle
alLeraLlon olnLs on lefL and rlghL Lhen
added as wlLh probablllLy of polnLs
ranged from 1 Lo 8 polnLs Lhen conversed
wlLh comparaLlve value whlch dlvlded
wlLh maxlmum polnL @he resulL was
valued as lnLerval scale beLween 01
Data were obta|ned by
4) ,easuremenL of wldLh of head condyle
was performed on boLh sldes followed by
Lhe calculaLlon of slze dlfference on boLh
sldes llnally calculaLlon was performed
Lo obLaln N value whlch descrlblng Lhe
dlfference of wldLh of condyle head value
on boLh sldes
Data were obta|ned by
3) lefL and rlghL ,easuremenL of
asymmeLry of mandlble verLlcal
dlmenLlon was performed based on
modlfled Lheory by kambylafkas
,easuremenL of verLlcal mandlble was
performed on lefL and rlghL slde Lo
obLaln 1 value afLer cerLaln calculaLlon
whlch descrlbe assymeLry value of
8ased on sLaLlsLlc resulL from earson
LesL lL ls slgnlflcance ( 003) LhaL Lhe
shape of condyle and Lhe number of
mlsslng LeeLh have a correlaLlon wlLh
coefflclenL of equal Lo 0403
So Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe
number of mlsslng LeeLh and Lhe
alLeraLlon of Lhe condyle shape can be
descrlbed as ln moderaLe level
Conversely Lhe slze of asymmeLry
wldLh of Lhe condyle and asymmeLry of
mandlble verLlcal dlmenslon do noL
have any relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe number
of mlsslng LeeLh
@he assymeLry wldLh of condyle and
verLlcal helghL of mandlble were noL
lnfluenced by Lhe number of mlsslng
1nL LND @PAnk ?Cu

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