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see goodstyle tips for editing.



_ for italics,

* for bold,

_* for both,

= for fixed width.


* for bullet lists,

# for numbered lists,

term:<new-line> definition for definition lists.

preformatted text: enclose text in <pre></pre> or <verbatim></verbatim>.

indented text: indent the paragraph with whitespaces.

references: joincapitalizedwords or use square brackets for a [page link] or url


preventing linking: prefix with "~": ~donothyperlink, name links like [text |

misc: "!", "!!", "!!!" make headings,

"%%%" or "<br>" makes a linebreak,

"----" makes a horizontal rule.

allowed html tags: b big i small tt em strong abbr acronym cite code dfn kbd samp
var sup sub

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