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Leynes vs CCA

1 ursuanL Lo Lhe Munlclpal Crdlnance LhaL was passed and approved by Lhe Sangunlan !udge
Leynes was granLed an addlLlonal 8A1A whlch Lhe provlnclal audlLor lssued a dlsallowance
envoklng LhaL such addlLlonal granL of 8A1A ls ln vlolaLlon Lo Lhe nCC 67
2 lndlcaLed ln Lhe provlslon ls no 8A1A shall be glven from more Lhan one source
3 WlLh LhaL !udge Leynes appealed Lhe declslon of Lhe rovlnclal AudlLor Lo Lhe 8eglonal Cfflce
buL Lhe same Lhe declslon of Lhe rovlnclal AudlLor was upheld and added LhaL Lhe Munlclpal
Crdlnance falled Lo ouLllne Lhe reasons why Lhere ls a need Lo granL addlLlonal 8A1A
4 lL was laLer on appealed Lo Lhe of Lhe Commlsslon of AudlL whlch upheld Lhe declslon of Lhe
provlnclal audlLor
3 Pence a peLlLlon was flled wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL
WheLher or noL Lhe MunlpallLy can passed a resoluLlon granLlng an addlLlonal 8A1A Lo Lhe
1 nCC 67 merely perLalns Lo offlclals LhaL asslgned Lo oLher agencles and lf such wlll be granLed of
8A1A LhaL wlll be Laken from anoLher naLlonal agencles funds such ls prohlblLed Such
lnLerpreLaLlon ls based on Lhe sLaLuLory consLrucLlon where a provlslon or secLlon whlch ls
unclear by lLself maybe clarlfled by readlng and consLrulng lL ln relaLlon Lo Lhe whole sLaLuLe

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