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As the band Untitled sets oII Ior their Iirst world wide tour, Overdrive manages to catch the
tremendous trio Ior a Iull length interview about their recent popularity and how they are
dealing with it.

So, in a very short amount oI time you`ve gone Irom a band with a purely hometown Ian base
to having a Iollowing Irom people all over the world. What would you say is the reason Ior
your sudden rise in popularity?
1ared: I would say that it is mostly down to us having a bit oI a diIIerent sound compared to
other bands like us. We really try to make our songs diIIerent to other bands in order to have
a really unique and recognizable sound. That was one oI our aims when we started out as a
1acob: Also it could be partly down to the shows we put on, every show we do we give it our
all. In terms oI lights and stage works we really go all out. AIter all that we get Irom our Ians
we think we should give them the same amount oI energy that they give to us.

What can your Ians expect Irom this upcoming tour?
1acob: Well, we have a lot in store Ior our old and new Ians. Since this is our Iirst tour
outside oI the UK we really want to give the people who are seeing us Ior the Iirst
time the real Overdrive experience. People can expect what they`ve seen beIore and
even more.
Elliot: We plan to make everything a lot grander which means more explosions, more lights
and more Ilames. We also have a special entrance that will leave you jaw dropped.
We`re really excited to see people`s reaction

Last year you`ve had to endure the tragedy oI losing your drummer and Iriend, what made
you want to suddenly start touring again?
1ared: Well, the loss oI our Brother has deIinitely had a big eIIect on us, when it happened
we didn`t want to tour ever again. But aIter some time had passed we thought that we should
really play his last written songs to all our Ians as a sign oI respect to our Iallen brother. We
think it`s what he would have wanted. We all have a strong motivation that we haven`t had
with other tours.
1acob: Most oI the songs we play on this tour are going to be the ones that were written
almost purely by him. A lot oI emotion will be put into these songs.

So you will be playing a variety oI both new and old songs then?
1ared: As well as entertaining new Ians who have only really listened to our most recent
album, we also want to reward our old Ians with our old stuII. Without out our Ians we would
be nothing so we hope to give something back to every Ian, regardless oI how long they`ve
been a Ian.

So any news on who is Iilling in as your drummer on this tour?
1acob: We do have Iill in drummer, he`s a great kid named Frankie Mott. We Iound him
when we had a little audition in our studio. We had our Ians suggest drummers that had what
it takes and we tried them all out, needless to say; Frankie stood out miles above the rest.
Elliot: Frankie is the best person we could have asked Ior, Ior now though we are just going
to see how it all works out during the tour, we still aren`t certain on what to do about the
Tickets Ior their show are now on sale on Ticketmaster, it`s shaping up to be an amazing
show that you won`t want to miss, so get your tickets now!

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