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lnLer SLaLe MlgranL Workmen AcL

AgenLs of conLracLors recrulL large number of workmen from oLher sLaLes 1he workers are ofLen noL
pald Lhe remuneraLlon promlsed Lo Lhem aL Lhe Llme of recrulLmenL 1hey have Lo work under adverse
condlLlons and have no flxed worklng hours rovlslons of varlous labour laws are noL observed ln Lhelr
case and Lhey are sub[ecLed Lo varlous malpracLlces 1he mlgranL workers are unorganlzed and hence
Lhey are explolLed 1he ob[ecLlve of lnLer SLaLe MlgranL Workmen AcL ls Lo regulaLe Lhe employmenL of
lnLer SLaLe MlgranL Workmen Lo safe guard Lhelr lnLeresL and provlde for Lhelr servlce condlLlons
1he AcL applles Lo every esLabllshmenL and every conLracLor who employs flve or more lnLer SLaLe
MlgranL Workmen or who have employed flve or more lnLer SLaLe MlgranL Workmen on any day of Lhe
precedlng Lwelve monLhs
An lnLer SLaLe MlgranL Workman ls a person who ls recrulLed by or Lhrough conLracLor ln one sLaLe for
employmenL ln an esLabllshmenL ln anoLher sLaLe wlLh or wlLhouL Lhe knowledge of Lhe prlnclpal
employer of such esLabllshmenL
lmporLanL rovlslons
Lvery esLabllshmenL Lo whlch Lhls AcL applles shall geL lLself reglsLered no rlnclpal employer of such
esLabllshmenL shall employ lnLer SLaLe MlgranL Workmen unless lL has obLalned a cerLlflcaLe of
reglsLraLlon Lvery conLracLor Lo whom Lhls AcL applles shall obLaln Lhe prescrlbed llcence before
recrulLlng workmen for employmenL ouL slde Lhe sLaLe or before employlng lnLer SLaLe MlgranL
Workmen ln Lhe sLaLe
1he AcL lays down LhaL wage raLes hours of work and servlce condlLlons of lnLer SLaLe MlgranL
Workmen shall be same as Lhose appllcable Lo oLher workers ln Lhe esLabllshmenL dolng same klnd of
1he conLracLor musL comply wlLh Lhe followlng provlslons
8egular paymenL of wages
Lqual pay for equal work lrrespecLlve of sex or worker
rovlde and malnLaln sulLable resldenLlal accommodaLlon for workers
rovlde such proLecLlve cloLhlng as may be prescrlbed
ln case of faLal accldenL or serlous ln[ury reporL Lo auLhorlLles of boLh sLaLes and nexL of kln of
1he workers shall be pald dlsplacemenL allowance as prescrlbed
Workers shall be pald Lravelllng expenses for onward and reLurn [ourneys 1hey have Lo be pald wages
durlng Lhe [ourney perlod as lf Lhey were on duLy
rovlde free medlcal faclllLles durlng perlod of employmenL
MalnLaln records as prescrlbed ln Lhe AcL
enalLy for non compllance
ConLravenLlon of any provlslon ln Lhe AcL llne upLo 8s 1000/ lmprlsonmenL up Lo one year or
CbsLrucLlng lnspecLor llne upLo 8s 2000/ lmprlsonmenL up Lo Lwo years or boLh
8efusal Lo produce any record or prevenLlng any one from appearlng before Lhe lnspecLor llne upLo
8s 2000/ lmprlsonmenL up Lo Lwo years or boLh

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