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lML1 All/nLC

?emen All/nLC
8ahraln All/nLC
LgypL LlecLlons All/nLC
Syrla Puman 8lghLs Aff/neg
Syrla lnLerneL Aff/neg
Syrla 8earlng WhlLness Aff/neg
Syrlan 1ournamenL lmpacL Core
Pegemony Leadershlp Core
Puman 8lghLs CredlblllLy Core
k Answers 1oolbox
uemocracy AsslsLance k
Lmplre k
lramework llle
lslam 8eps k
lslamlc lemlnlsm k
neollberal Cap k
nleLzsche k
SoverelgnLy k
1he ClfL k
WhlLeness k
CorrupLlon 8eform CondlLlon C
Lu C
MlllLary lnLervenLlon C (Syrla and Llbya)
Ald 1radeoff uA
Arab Sprlng MovemenLs uA
Chlna 8elaLlons uA
lran ConLalnmenL uA
lsrael 8elaLlons uA
uebL Celllng 1ks and Skl1A
Saudl 8elaLlons uA
Spendlng uA
1 llle
1 1nC/2AC

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