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Writers Workshop

The Yr1 children have been busy learning to become authors. They have been writing regularly in class on a variety of topics during Writers Workshop. Some of these topics include writing about: their weekend or holiday, a special event e.g. a birthday party, a response to a story that they have heard or read, a story they make up themselves etc. During writers workshop the children draw a detailed picture and write a few lines (please remember all children are at different stages in their writing, some may write more than others; please praise all their attempts at writing). Below are some examples of the type of format they use at school, you could prepare something similar at home:

When writing, most of the children will benefit from using an alphabet chart to help them in their attempt to write and sound out words. Here is an example of one, you may also have alphabet charts at home or you may like to use a different one from the internet:

When your child has finished their writing: Ask him/her to read their writing to you. Ask him/her to talk about his/her drawing and maybe add more detail to it. Encourage your child to read his/her writing to a larger audience e.g. siblings, neighbours etc. If your child wants help spelling words encourage them to have a go first. Please do not correct every word misspelt and remember to PRAISE all of their attempts at writing.

Enjoy watching your children develop into authors! Yr1 Team

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