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Shermeen khan

Skype ld shermeen33

SLraLeglc Leadershlp pracLlce

Table of Contents
AbsLracL 3
11 Managers belng effecLlve leaders 4
12 A leader belng an effecLlve manager 3
13 8alance requlred beLween demand sLraLeglc managemenL and sLraLeglc leader shlp 6
2 Leadershlp pracLlces LhaL supporL values 7
21 8ole of Lhe sLraLeglc leader ln creaLlng Lhe vlslon for Lhe organlzaLlon and communlcaLlng lL Lo
oLhers 7
22 lmpacL of personal energy self bellef and commlLmenL on Lhe leadershlp sLyles and lLs appllcaLlon
ln Lhe sLraLeglc envlronmenL 8
23 ulscusslon on eLhlcal leadershlp engenderlng empowermenL and LrusL and lLs lmpacL on Lhe
organlzaLlon's pracLlce 8
3 Leadershlp sLraLegles and lLs lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon's pracLlces 9
31 1ransformaLlonal leadershlp and lLs lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon's sLraLegy 9
32 1ransacLlonal leadershlp and lLs lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon's sLraLegy 9
33 SlLuaLlonal leadershlp and lLs lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon's sLraLegy 10
4AppllcaLlon of SLraLeglc managemenL and leadershlp on vlrgln moblles10
8eference LlsL 12


ln Lhls asslgnmenL aL Lhe beglnnlng a dlsLlncLlon beLween managers and leader has been made and an
lllusLraLlon of Lhe dlfferenL aLLrlbuLes LhaL can be assoclaLed wlLh Lhem has also been made 1here are
cerLaln roles LhaL Lhe managers of Lhe organlzaLlon have Lo play 1hey have been looked upon as well

1hen a dlscusslon as Lo Lhe concepL of a sLraLeglc manager acLlng as a sLraLeglc leader has been analyzed
and Lhen a sLraLeglc leader acLlng as a sLraLeglc manager has also been analyzed 1hen a dlscusslon
regardlng Lhe balance requlred beLween Lhe role of a leader and Lhe role of a manager has also been

1hen Lhe sLraLeglc leader's role ln creaLlng Lhe vlslon and mlsslon of Lhe organlzaLlon along wlLh
communlcaLlng lL Lo Lhe organlzaLlon has also been analyzed ln Lhe llghL of Lhe leadershlp roles LhaL Lhe
manager are expecLed Lo play ln an organlzaLlon

1hen Lhe leadershlp sLyles have been dlscussed along wlLh whaL lnfluences energy moLlvaLlon and
deLermlnaLlon have on Lhe leadershlp and lLs lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon has also been looked upon
1hen Lhe engenderlng of power and LrusL Lhrough eLhlcal leadershlp has also been lllusLraLed along wlLh
lLs lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon's pracLlce

1hen Lhere ls a brlef dlscusslon on whaL LransformaLlonal LransacLlonal and slLuaLlonal leadershlp ls and
lLs overall lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon's sLraLegy lL depends on Lhe cholces LhaL Lhe leader makes

1 Relationsbip between Strategic management and leadersbip

lor any organlzaLlon lL ls essenLlal LhaL lL conslsLs of managers who are leaders and can lL Lowards a
dlrecLlon LhaL would enable Lhe organlzaLlon Lo prosper and achleve lLs sLraLeglc ob[ecLlves AlLhough
belng a good manager and a leader are Lwo separaLe Lhlngs buL belng a good leader usually consldered
Lo be an essenLlal elemenL of belng a good manager

Leadershlp ls consldered Lo be uslng your lnLerpersonal and lnLellecLual skllls ln order Lo declde whaL Lhe
goals of Lhe organlzaLlon wlll be and Lhen play a vlLal role ln deLermlnlng whaL Lhe culLure of Lhe
organlzaLlon would be (uk| 199S) Leadershlp ls a process and a properLy (Iago 1982) lL can be
consldered as a properLy as only Lhose people LhaL are consldered Lo be leaders have Lhe aLLrlbuLes
whlch can be assoclaLed wlLh a leader 1hey have Lhe power Lo convlnce oLher people and mold Lhelr
behavlor Lo a paLLern LhaL ls more sulLable Lo Lhe organlzaLlon (Manfred 1994)
A person can be a manager and noL necessarlly be a leader and on Lhe oLher hand a person can be a
leader and noL a manger 8elng a manager and leader are Lwo separaLe Lhlngs

Managers being effective leaders:
Managers have Lo perform varlous acLlvlLles ln Lhe organlzaLlon whlch ln Lurn requlres many leadershlp
quallLles Some of Lhese acLlvlLles lnclude creaLlng an agenda ln whlch an effecLlve's manager would
have Lo be able Lo esLabllsh dlrecLlon for Lhe organlzaLlon whlch would lllusLraLe hlm as belng an
effecLlve leader (kotter 1990) LsLabllshlng dlrecLlon over here means LhaL ln order Lo be an effecLlve
leader Lhe manager would have Lo have a vlslon regardlng Lhe fuLure of Lhe organlzaLlon and Lhen come
up wlLh sulLable sLraLegles LhaL would help Lhe organlzaLlon Lo fulflll LhaL vlslon
AnoLher acLlvlLy LhaL Lhe managers need Lo perform ls developlng a human neL work for achlevlng Lhe
goals lor any organlzaLlon lLs employees are lLs asseLs lf Lhe employees are noL moLlvaLed enough and
Lhe rlghL composlLlon of LalenLed employees ls noL avallable Lo Lhe organlzaLlon Lhen Lhe organlzaLlon's
chances of success become a loL less lor a manager Lo be an effecLlve leader he musL be able Lo allgn
people (kotter 1990) Pe should be able Lo communlcaLe wlLh Lhe employees clearly and glve Lhem Lhe
relevanL dlrecLlon so LhaL Lhey can also follow a paLh LhaL would enable Lhem Lo help Lhe organlzaLlon Lo
achleve lLs vlslon and glve beneflL Lo Lhe employees as well

1he manager of Lhe organlzaLlon should be able Lo execuLe Lhe plans LhaL he makes lannlng ls an
essenLlal elemenL of belng an effecLlve manager and ln order Lo execuLe Lhe plan and show LhaL he ls an
effecLlve leader Lhe manager has Lo be able Lo moLlvaLe and lnsplre A manager should be able Lo
moLlvaLe hls employees Lo overcome any hurdles LhaL come ln Lhelr way

ln order Lo lllusLraLe LhaL a manager ls an effecLlve leader Lhe manager has Lo be able Lo reacL Lo
ouLcomes and make changes LhaL are necessary for Lhe beLLermenL of Lhe organlzaLlon and lLs
employees 1hey should be lnnovaLlve ln Lhe approaches Lhey use Lo handle Lhe employees of Lhe
organlzaLlon and Lhey should be able creaLe a relaLlonshlp among employees LhaL could help Lhem Lo
geL Lhe besL ouL of Lhem

1hese were cerLaln aLLrlbuLes LhaL a manager has Lo lllusLraLe ln order Lo show hls leader shlp sklll as
belng a manager ls LoLally dlfferenL from belng a leader alLhough Lhey are relaLed Lo one anoLher

leader being an effective manager:
As lL has been already dlscussed above LhaL a leader ls a person LhaL has Lhe convlnclng powers and Lhe
ablllLy Lo gulde oLhers buL belng a manager ls dlfferenL from belng a leader lor a leader Lo be able Lo
show LhaL he ls an effecLlve manager he musL be able Lo make a plan As a leader ls a person who has a
sLrong vlslon regardlng how he wanLs Lhe fuLure Lo be Lherefore ln order Lo show LhaL he ls an effecLlve
manager he musL be able Lo plan for LhaL fuLure 1hls lnvolves Lhe leader Lo make a schedule LhaL needs
Lo be followed and declde Lhe Llme Lo be Laken Lo achleve a parLlcular goal Pe should be able Lo make
[udgmenLs as Lo how Lhe resources would be allocaLed and how Lhey could be used efflclenLly and

A leader has Lhe ablllLy Lo conLrol people and for a leader Lo be an effecLlve manager he musL be able Lo
organlze Lhe sLaff and Lhe people LhaL are followlng hlm 1hls lnvolves creaLlng a sLrucLure LhaL would
enable Lo allocaLe Lhe rlghL people Lo Lhe rlghL [ob Pe should be able Lo declde whlch Lasks are Lo be
glven Lo whlch people and how much Llme Lhey should be able Lo Lake ln order Lo achleve an ob[ecLlve
1hey should be able Lo esLabllsh a chaln of command and Lhe meLhod of communlcaLlon LhaL would be
effecLlve and reduce Lhe wasLage of Llme 1hey should be able Lo delegaLe auLhorlLy and creaLe an
effecLlve sysLem LhaL would enable Lhem Lo monlLor and [udge wheLher Lhelr ob[ecLlves were compleLed
or noL
A leader belng an effecLlve manager would show LhaL he compares Lhe ouLcomes wlLh Lhe plans LhaL he
had made and he hlmself can [udge how successful he had been Pe would Lry Lo brlng a blL of
predlcLablllLy ln Lhe resulLs LhaL are comlng Lhrough hls efforLs
1hese were cerLaln aLLrlbuLes LhaL a leader belng an effecLlve manager would be lllusLraLlng lL ls
necessary for a leader Lo show Lhese aLLrlbuLes lf he wanLs Lo become an effecLlve manager

Balance required between demand strategic management and strategic
leader sbip:

ln order Lo analyze Lhe balance LhaL ls requlred ln order Lo undersLand Lhe demands of belng a leader
and belng a manager We can do Lhls by sLudylng how n|ckman (1992) dlsLlngulshed managers and
leader and Lhen Lry Lo conclude as Lo whaL exLenL Lhe balance ls requlred beLween sLraLeglc
managemenL and Lhe sLraLeglc leadershlp
Pe sLaLed LhaL Lhe manager uses Lhe loglc of a raLlonal mlnd whlle on Lhe oLher hand a leader uses Lhe
lnLulLlon of Lhe hearL A leader leLs emoLlons run ln Lo hls declslon and does noL use Lhe raLlonallLy of hls
mlnd A manager senses dangers and usually ls conservaLlve buL on Lhe oLher hand Lhe leader ls more
opLlmlsLlc and senses opporLunlLles and Lake declslons Lo make Lhe besL use of Lhem
A manager focuses more on Lhe shorL Lerm resulLs and ls malnly worrled abouL Lhe near fuLure whlle a
leader Lhlnks on Lhe longer grounds and sees Lhe lmpllcaLlons of hls declslons ln Lhe long run A manager
usually follows vlslons LhaL have been seL up by Lhe organlzaLlon for hlm and a leader on Lhe oLher hand
has hls own vlslon and he has Lo convlnce Lhe organlzaLlon or Lhe people followlng hlm Lo adopL hls
A manager depends upon Lhe auLhorlLy LhaL ls delegaLed Lo hlm by Lhe organlzaLlon whlle a leader relles
on hls convlnclng power and lnfluences oLhers A manager focuses on conLrolllng oLhers and playlng a
vlLal role ln order Lo lmprove and monlLor Lhe employee's performance whlle Lhe leader lnsplres oLher
Lo do work
1hese were cerLaln dlfferences LhaL were ldenLlfled by Plckman beLween managers and leaders 1here
needs Lo be a balance beLween a person acLlng as a manager as well as a leader for Lhe organlzaLlon aL
Lhe same Llme Pe should be able Lo follow hls hearL and as well as use hls raLlonale mlnd A good
sLraLeglc manager and a sLraLeglc leader should also be able sense dangers for Lhe organlzaLlons and
look for loopholes and also be able Lo ldenLlfy opporLunlLles for Lhe organlzaLlon LhaL mlghL be
A sLraLeglc manager and leader should focus on Lhe shorL Lerm and as well as Lhe long Lerm lmpacL of hls
declslons and hls manner of funcLlonlng Pe should have hls own vlslon and also show respecL for Lhe
organlzaLlons vlslon and flnd a balance as Lo whlch vlslon he has Lo aLLaln
WlLhln Lhe boundarles seL by Lhe organlzaLlon for hlm he should be able Lo lnsplre oLhers Lo do work
effecLlvely and help Lhe organlzaLlon Lo achleve lLs ob[ecLlves 1hese were cerLaln aLLrlbuLes LhaL a
person needs Lo flnd a balance ln order Lo be a sLraLeglc leader and as well as a sLraLeglc manager

Leadersbip practices tbat support values:

Role of tbe strategic leader in creating tbe vision for tbe organization and
communicating it to otbers:
1he sLraLeglc leader ln an organlzaLlon whlch ls ofLen Lhe hlgh level manager of an organlzaLlon has Lo
play varlous roles ln an organlzaLlon We can look aL Lhese roles played by Lhe sLraLeglc leaders of Lhe
organlzaLlon and analyze Lhelr lmpacL on Lhe values and culLure of Lhe organlzaLlon 1hls wlll also enable
us Lo undersLand Lhe role LhaL a sLraLeglc manager has Lo play ln decldlng whaL Lhe vlslon and mlsslon
for Lhe organlzaLlon wlll be Pe has Lo seL Lhe dlrecLlon ln whlch Lhe organlzaLlon has Lo move forward
and Lake beneflL from ln Lhe long run lollowlng are cerLaln roles played by managers LhaL would help us
Lo undersLand Lhe lmpacL LhaL sLraLeglc managers have on Lhe organlzaLlon's values and prlnclples

nornsby Warkoczesk| (2000) ldenLlfled one ma[or role of a sLraLeglc leader ls creaLlng a new mlndseL
LhaL means LhaL Lhe manager musL be able Lo acL as a change drlver Pe should be able Lo convlnce
people Lo accepL change and ln playlng hls role as a change drlver we can see LhaL he has a vlLal role
brlnglng a change ln Lhe organlzaLlon whlch could be aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe mlsslon vlslon Lhe mode of
communlcaLlon belng used ln Lhe organlzaLlon or Lhe culLure of Lhe organlzaLlon

8ussell 8aynolds consulLlng (nappan|em| 2000) descrlbes Lhe role of Lhe sLraLeglc leader of Loday
recognlze opporLunlLles whlch means LhaL a manager ls expecLed Lo acL as a responslble enLrepreneur
and ln dolng so he has Lo seL up a vlslon for Lhe organlzaLlon he should be able Lo creaLe smaller
ob[ecLlves LhaL would enable Lhe employees of Lhe organlzaLlon Lo achleve LhaL vlslon ln Lhe fuLure
8elng an enLrepreneur suggesLs LhaL Lhe manager Lhe manager musL be creaLlve and be able Lo Lake
calculaLed rlsks LhaL have a greaLer chance of paylng off Pe should be able Lo see beyond Lhe
boundarles of Lhe organlzaLlon ln order Lo come up wlLh new opporLunlLles for Lhe organlzaLlon and
explolL new horlzons Such roles played by hlm make hlm seL Lhe culLure of Lhe organlzaLlon
ln playlng Lhese roles Lhe sLraLeglc leader seLs up vlslon mlsslon and values for Lhe organlzaLlon and
Lhen he also has Lo be able Lo communlcaLe Lhese Lo Lhe employees of Lhe organlzaLlon nornsby
Warkoczesk| (2000) ldenLlfled Lhe sLraLeglc leader's role of acLlng as communlcaLor as LhaL of a
capLlvaLor 1hey suggesL LhaL Lhe manager musL be able Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely and he musL be able
Lo moLlvaLe Lhe employees and creaLe passlon ln Lhem ln order Lo make Lhem work for a common goal
8y communlcaLlng effecLlvely Lhe sLraLeglc leader allows hlm Lo explaln Lo Lhe employees whaL Lhe
vlslon and mlsslon of Lhe organlzaLlon ls and whaL ls lL LhaL Lhey are Lrylng Lo achleve and make Lhem
reallze abouL whaL ls expecLed from Lhem

Impact of personal energy, self belief and commitment on tbe leadersbip
styles and its application in tbe strategic environment:
1here many leader shlp Lheorles LhaL have been developed wlLh Lhe passage of Llme Cne such ma[or
Lheory was glven by |ed|er (1967) lledler came up wlLh Lhe LC Lheory LC sLands for Lhe leasL
preferred coworker ln Lhls Lheory lledler ldenLlfled Lwo sLyles of leadershlp Cne leadershlp sLyle was
named as Lhe Lask orlenLed and Lhe oLher one was relaLlonshlp orlenLed sLyle of leadershlp
1ask orlenLed leadershlp was malnly assoclaLed wlLh belng [ob cenLered and relaLlonshlp orlenLed
leadershlp sLyle was Lo show concern for people lledler also developed a quesLlonnalre whlch could be
used Lo measure Lhe way a leader behaved wlLh hls followers 1he scale ln Lhe quesLlonnalre was used
Lo measure how Lhe leader felL regardlng hls leasL preferred coworker 1he scale could would assoclaLe
hlgher numbers Lo Lhe leasL preferred coworker belng helpful relaxed and lnLeresLlng and lower score
Lo Lhe leasL preferred co worker as belng frusLraLlng Lense and borlng A hlgh score for a leader would
show LhaL Lhe sLraLeglc leader's sLyle ls relaLlonshlp orlenLed and a lower score would suggesL LhaL Lhe
leader's sLyle ls Lask orlenLed
lL was lmporLanL Lo dlscuss Lhese sLyles as lL shows LhaL lf a sLraLeglc leader has Lhe requlred energy and
wlll Lo work and he belleves ln hlmself and ls commlLLed Lo Lhe cause of Lhe organlzaLlon Lhen he would
adapL any of Lhese sLyles whlch he deems Lo be more relevanL Lo Lhe organlzaLlon lf Lhe sLraLeglc leader
feels LhaL he needs Lo be sLrlcL Lo geL Lhe [ob done Lhen he would prefer belng Lask orlenLed and be
dlsllked by hls employees lf he has Lo lf Lhe culLure of Lhe organlzaLlon requlres hlm Lo be frlendller wlLh
hls employees Lhen he should choose Lhe relaLlonshlp sLyle of leadershlp ln boLh cases he needs Lo
show commlLmenL and deslre Lo succeed as leadershlp sLyles mlghL vary buL wlLhouL energy
commlLmenL and self bellef no maLLer whlch leadershlp sLyle a sLraLeglc leader would choose lLs lmpacL
would be negllglble

Discussion on etbical leadersbip engendering empowerment and trust,
and its impact on tbe organization's practice:
LLhlcs reflecL Lhe way LhaL a person acLs morally 8elng an eLhlcal leader means LhaL Lhe leader ls person
who can dlsLlngulsh beLween rlghL and wrong and Lhen laLer on lnsLlll Lhls quallLy ln Lhe employees LhaL
are worklng for hlm Such a leader represenLs eLhlcal values ln hls preachlng and enables oLher Lo adopL
Lhose values as well
An eLhlcal leader Lherefore forms a bond wlLh hls followers and expecLs Lhem Lo make Lhe rlghL
declslons for Lhe beLLermenL of Lhe organlzaLlon llke he does 1hls creaLes unlLy among Lhe workers of
Lhe organlzaLlon urns (1998) suggesLs LhaL eLhlcal leaders have Lo make Lhe rlghL declslons and lnsLlll
Lhelr prlnclples ln Lhelr followers and be sLrong enough Lo face Lhe consequences
LLhlcal leadershlp leads Lowards delegaLlon of auLhorlLy Lo oLher employees so LhaL Lhey can express
Lhemselves as well 1he eLhlcal pracLlce can have a varled lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon LLhlcs requlre
people Lo make Lhe rlghL declslon whlch ls ofLen very hard Lo do so 1he leader has Lo do Lhe rlghL Lhlng
even lf lL mlghL end up hurLlng Lhe organlzaLlon lollowlng eLhlcal leadershlp sLraLegy has a severe
lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon's sLraLegy 1he facL LhaL Lhe rlghL declslon whlch ls morally correcL has Lo be
made lrrespecLlve of lLs lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon has Lo become Lhe parL of Lhe organlzaLlon's pollcy
1hls helps ln prevenLlng Lhe organlzaLlon from lndulglng lLself ln fraudulenL acLlvlLles as well
Leadersbip strategies and its impact on tbe organization's practices

Transformational leadersbip and its impact on tbe organization's strategy:
1hls ls Lhe Lype of leadershlp ln whlch Lhe leader has Lhe ablllLy Lo lnsplre Lhe employees Lo compleLe
Lhelr mlsslon Pe lnsLllls a passlon for achlevemenL ln Lhe employees and makes Lhem go beyond
expecLaLlons lL allows for people worklng ln Lhe organlzaLlon Lo Lhlnk dlfferenL and new ldeas
1ransformaLlonal leadershlp requlres aLLrlbuLes such as encouraglng calculaLed rlsk Laklng keeplng cool
slmpllfylng Lhlngs and developlng a vlslon (Lab|ch)
lLs lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon's sLraLegy can be analyzed from Lhe facL LhaL lL helps Lhe organlzaLlons
funcLlonlng ln Lhe currenL envlronmenL Lo adapL qulckly Lo changes ln Lhe envlronmenL CurrenLly Lhe
envlronmenL ln whlch Lhe organlzaLlons funcLlon ls becomlng more and more dynamlc wlLh so many
facLors lnfluenclng lL such as pollLlcs war economlc crlsls and globallzaLlon 1ransformaLlonal leadershlp
enables Lo lnsLlll confldence ln Lhe employees of Lhe organlzaLlon and as well as Lhe organlzaLlon lLself
whlch enables lL Lo effecLlvely cope wlLh Lhese change and combaL and hurdles LhaL come Lhelr way
An organlzaLlon essenLlally requlres LransformaLlonal leadershlp as lL enables Lo brlng abouL a poslLlve
change ln Lhe manner ln whlch Lhe company ls run and Lake lL Lowards a more proflLable paLh koueche
aker and kose (1989) sLaLed LhaL Lhe LransformaLlonal leader ls Lhe one LhaL communlcaLes ln mosL
effecLlve and preclse manner wlLh Lhe employees and hence has everyone ln Lhe organlzaLlon on Lhe
same page whlch evenLually leads everyone Lo follow Lhe organlzaLlonal sLraLegy

Transactional leadersbip and its impact on tbe organization's strategy:
1ransacLlonal leadershlp ls Lhe Lype of leadershlp ln whlch work ls exchanged for resources 8ewards are
used by Lhe leader as Lhe maln source of moLlvaLlon for hls followers and he Lakes correcLlve measures
whenever he deems Lhem Lo be necessary
1he LransacLlonal leader prefers Lo seL a chaln of command LhaL musL be followed and ensures LhaL Lhe
communlcaLlon Lhrough Lhls chaln of command ls smooLh and ls less Llme consumlng 1he leader has Lo
glve orders Lo hls follower and Lhere ls less delegaLlon of auLhorlLy 1he followers musL do whaL Lhe
leader Lells Lhem Lo do roper channels for compleLlng work are formulaLed and everyone has Lo follow
LhaL sysLem
1he lmpacL of LransacLlonal leadershlp on Lhe organlzaLlons sLraLegy ls LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon's sLrucLure
becomes rlgld 1here guldellnes for everyone and everyone has Lo follow Lhose guldellnes 1he reward
LhaL ls Lo be glven Lo Lhe employees depends upon Lhe work performed by Lhem lL makes Lhe
organlzaLlon more resulL orlenLed
Situational leadersbip and its impact on tbe organization's strategy:
SlLuaLlonal leadershlp model assumes LhaL Lhe leader has Lo adapL hls behavlor accordlng Lo varlous
slLuaLlons 1here are cerLaln slLuaLlonal facLors LhaL need Lo be assessed ln order Lo see whaL changes
Lhe behavlor of Lhe leader and Lo whaL exLenL lL depends upon Lhe varlous slLuaLlons and Lo whaL
exLenL Lhe manager uses hls auLhorlLy and Lo whaL exLenL he allows Lhe employees Lo lnLeracL 1hls can
be from Lhe polnL LhaL Lhe manager announces Lhe declslon he makes or Lhe oLher exLreme ln whlch Lhe
manager allows Lhe employees Lo funcLlon wlLhln Lhe boundarles LhaL are seL up by hlm (1annebaum
Schm|dt 1973)
1he lmpacL of Lhe slLuaLlonal leadershlp on Lhe organlzaLlon's sLraLegy depends upon Lhe favorableness
of Lhe leader 1he Lype of leadershlp pracLlce LhaL he chooses has an lmpacL on Lhe organlzaLlon's
sLraLegy lL he chooses LhaL Lhe employees should have no auLhorlLy Lhen Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe
organlzaLlon becomes rlgld whlle lf he chooses LhaL Lhere should be delegaLlon of auLhorlLy Lhen Lhe
sLrucLure of Lhe organlzaLlon becomes a loL more flexlble
pplication of strategic management and leadersbip on Virgin mobiles :
vlrgln Croup LLd whlch was founded by 8lchard 8ranson on 1968 ls capLurlng global markeLs due Lo
leadershlp and managemenL ways Pe has goL maLchless leadershlp sLyle due Lo whlch company has
lncreaslng number of brands day by day lnnovaLlve leadershlp Lechnlques adopLed by 8lchard 8ranson
lead Lo success of company SLraLeglcally he LargeLs small markeLs for launchlng hls producLs and
servlces no one has prevlously LargeLed Lhose segmenLs so company geLs monopoly over lL Plgh proflLs
are galned ln Lhls manner ( Werdlgler) ConLlnuous success leads people Lo have falLh and bellef on
managemenL 1hey auLomaLlcally become loyal Lowards lL
As company ls operaLed ln more Lhan 8 counLrles so lL has goL a complex level of culLure vlrgln brand ls
correlaLed Lo all venLures whlch are glven separaLe lndependence as a company uue Lo lnnovaLlon and
creaLlve ablllLy cusLomers as well as employees become loyal Lo company ManagemenL sLyle adopLed
by company leads lLs employees Lo be compeLlLlve
Leadershlp and managemenL are consldered separaLe ldenLlLles 1ransformaLlonal leadershlp ls acqulred
by Lop managers who have goL experlence ln markeL (Accessed 19
CcLober 2011) Coals are seLLled ln
accordance wlLh requlremenL so LhaL Lhey could be easlly achlevable by company as a whole 1hey
lnclude [olnL venLures adapLaLlon of new Lechnology and expanslon ln lnLernal markeLs lL provldes
challenglng envlronmenL Lo company whlch ls helpful ln accompllshmenL of goals and uLlllzaLlon of
effecLlve skllls whlch are helpful ln provldlng compeLlLlve edge Lo company lndlvlduals are moLlvaLed ln
Lerms of group performance whlch ls helpful ln enhancemenL of Leam managemenL skllls 8ewards are
glven on basls of lndlvldual performances
lL ls lmporLanL for companles Lo focus on lower managemenL sLaff because Lhey are backbone of
company 1ask whlch ls glven musL be done on Llme and lL ls responslblllLy for Lop managers Lo geL [ob
done from Lhem Mangers are hlred ln dlvlslon and experlence whlch Lhey have goL accordlng Lo a
parLlcular deparLmenL uay Lo day Lask musL be performed efflclenLly so LhaL lL ls helpful ln
accompllshlng Lask on Llme Lmployees musL be glvlng a keen sense of lmporLance from lL execuLlves
LhaL Lhey are lnvolved ln meanlngful Lask CrganlzaLlon of goals ls lmporLanL accordlng Lo challenglng
Lask Success of vlrgln ls dependenL upon all Lhese facLors (Accessed 19
CcLober 2011)

Reference List

8urns ! 1998 mpowetmeot fot cbooqe
lledler lL 1967 A 1beoty of leoJetsblp ffectlveoess
Pappanleml 2000 wooteJ A new 8reed of Leader
Plckman C8 1992 MloJ of o Moooqet 5ool of o leoJet
Pornsby 1 Warkeoczesky L 2000 1be New koles Of leoJets A SLep by SLep Culde Lo CompeLlLlve
!ago AC 1982 Moooqemeot scleoce pp313316
koLLer ! 1990 WhaL Leaders 8eally uo" notvotJ 8osloess kevlew pp 103101
Lablch 1he Seven keys Lo 8uslness Leadershlp"
Manfred l8 1994 1be AcoJemy of Moooqemeot execotlve pp 7389aL vlrgln Croup L1u
ManagemenL and leadershlp of 8lchard 8ranson
Avallable (onllne )
hLLp//wwwupxsuccesscom/leadershlp_rlchard_bransonhLml ( LasL accessed 19Lh CcLober 2011)
8oueche !L 8aker CA 8ose 88 1989 5boteJ vlsloo 1toosfotmotloool leoJetsblp lo commoolty
1annenbaum 8 SchmldL W 1973 notvotJ 8osloess kevlew Pow Lo Choose a Leadershlp aLLern"
?ukl CA 1993 leoJetsblp lo Otqoolzotloos 3

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