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DAILY LESSON PLAN Date Time Class Subject Learning area Learning objectives Learning outcomes : 11th January

2010 : 0825 0945 HRS : 5 Kemanusiaan : Science : Microorganisms and Their Effects on Living Things : Synthesizing ideas about the factors that affect the growth of microorganisms. : At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i) ii) Activities: i) ii) Identify factors that affect the growth of microorganisms. Explain how each factor affects the growth of microorganisms. Teacher helps students to recall about the classifications and characteristics of microorganisms of each class. By using PowerPoint slides, teacher displays the notes and briefs the 5 factors that affect the growth of microorganisms. iii) iv) v) vi) Prior Knowledge Teaching Aids Learning Approach Students listen to the explanation and write down notes. Teacher also displays related video regarding the topic from the Science Form 5 courseware. 5 questions regarding the topic are given to students to answer. Students summarize what they had learned. : Students already learned about the 5 types of microorganisms and their characteristics. : Text book, laptop with LCD projector, Science Form 5 courseware and PowerPoint slides. : Technology based learning


: Lesson plan is carried out successfully. Students are able to identify the factors that affect the growth of microorganisms and briefly explain them.

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