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Appositive : noun phrase that re-identifies or describes its neighbouring noun

eg: "Canada, a multicultural country, is recognized by its maple leaf flag."

Imperative : form of verb used when giving a command; formed with BASE
VERB only
eg: "Brush your teeth!"

Adverb of manner : Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually
placed after the main verb or after the object.
O e swims ellafter the main verb)
O e ran7apidly sloly quickly
O She spoke...softly loudly agg7essively
O ames coughed loudly to attract her attention.
O e plays the flute -eautifully. after the object)
O e ate the chocolate cake g7eedily

Adverb of place : Adverbs of place tell us e7esomething happens.

They are usually placed after the main verb or after the object:
after the main verb:
O I looked eve7ye7e
O ohn looked aay up do3 a7ou3d
O I'm going ome out -ack
O Come i3
after the object:
O They built a house 3ea7-y
O She took the child outside

Noun phrase :
A noun phrase is either a single noun or pronoun or a group of words containing a noun or a pronoun that function
together as a noun or pronoun, as the subject or object of a verb.
EG: John was late.
('John' is the noun phrase Iunctioning as the subject oI the verb.)
EG: The people that I saw coming in the building at nine o'clock have just leIt.
('The people ... nine o'clock' is a lengthy noun phrase, but it Iunctions as the subject oI the main verb 'have just leIt'.)


Noun Phrase modiIiers Meaning
1. a boy (1NH) seorang anak
2. a naughty boy (12NH) anak nakal
3. a sleeping child (13NH) anak yang sedang tidur
4. singing birds (3NH) burung-burung yang berkicau
5. a wtitten test (14NH) test tertulis
6. the imported products (14NH) produk-produk yang diimpor
7. a birthday cake (15NH) roti ulang tahun
8. The tree behind the house (1NH6) Pohon yang berada dibelakang rumah
9. The people living in poverty (1NH7) Orang-orang yang hidup dalam kemiskinan
10. The papers presented at the
(1NH8) Makalah yang dipresentasikan dalam
pertemuan itu
11 the book to read (1NH9) buku untuk dibaca
12. The man who has 3 wives (1NH10) Pria yang mempuny

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