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k|sk Assessment
roducer Megan r|ce

roduct|on Deta||s Mus|c V|deo

1ypes of k|sk letsoool lojoty / neoltb 5ofety / uomoqe to epolpmeot / noltloq ltoJoctloo

8lsk 1ype ueLalls of 8lsk Ways Lo mlnlmlse rlsk erson(s) 8esponslble


Low baLLery on camera Always check Lhe baLLery llfe on Lhe camera roducer


WeaLher may change for example raln Check weaLher forecasL before shooL roducer


no Lapes ln camera Check Lhere ls a Lape ln Lhe camera roducer

AcLors and erson ell

AcLors are noL puncLual or cancel on shooL Make sure person ell know Llmes and daLes roducer

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