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MarkeLlng Pead
Alr lmpex Cargo Agency
karol 8agh
new uelhl110004
november 2011
Sub[ecL 8equesLlng Lo sponsor our evenL
8especLed slr/madam
We Lhe sLudenLs of LLulMS Mandl road are organlzlng Lhe evenL called
lnnovaLe yourself" whlch conslsLs of followlng acLlvlLles
O uanclng compeLlLlon
O Slnglng compeLlLlon
O Mlmlcry
O 1heaLer/play
O lnsLrumenLal muslc
1he ob[ecLlve of Lhls evenL ls Lo brlng ouL or showcase Lhe hldden LalenL of Lhe
SLudenLs lL ls a College level evenL
1hls evenL wlll also help your radlo channel Lo galn more popularlLy amongsL
?ouLh Lhls wlll lead Lo hlgh 18S We wlll also puL your banners all over ln our
college whlch wlll lead Lo publlclLy
So we requesL you Lo klndly sponsor our evenL and hope Lo see a poslLlve
response from your slde

name of Lhe evenL lnnovaLe yourself"
1lme 1100 am Lo 300 pm
uaLe 4
venue LLulMS audlLorlum

1hanklng you
?ours slncerely
LLulMS sLudenLs

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