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Created by Mrs.

Dixon, ET
Choose u Ietter, If you put it in front Choose u Ietter, If you put it in front
of of _uck _uck is it u word? CIick on thut is it u word? CIick on thut
Ietter to see if it is u word, Ietter to see if it is u word,
Note: Make sure you click
on the letter and not the
Click the arrow when
you are finished.
Click the bear
Click on the bear
to continue
Come bock here ond hug Mom.
In fhe gome Ieopfrog, you jump
over someone's bock.
Click on the bear
to continue
This type of saw is called a "hack saw.
Click on the bear
to continue
ock ond II wenf up fhe hII.
Click on the bear
to continue
Sean lacks some skills in Math.
lack" means to need or to
be missing
Click on the bear
to continue
Mock, ock ond Zock ore frpIefs.
Click on the bear
to continue
d od heIp pock your sufcose7
Click on the bear
to continue
%he duck soys "Quock, Quock".
Click on the bear
to continue
%he dress s hongng on
fhe rock ond fhe shoes ore
pIoced on fhe shoe rock.
Click on the bear
to continue
%he sock s fuII of groceres.
Click on the bear
to continue
&se fhe fhumb fock on fhe
buIIefn boord.
Click on the bear
to continue
%he wnner's nome s Zock.
Click on the bear
to continue

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