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1heres a loL of Lalk abouL geLLlng klds Lo eaL healLhy foods buL whaL abouL geLLlng Lhem on board

wlLh healLhy drlnks? WhaL klds drlnk can drasLlcally affecL Lhe amounL of calorles consumed as well
as Lhe amounL of calclum needed Lo bulld sLrong bones
Serve Water and M||k

lor klds of all ages waLer and mllk are Lhe besL cholces so leL Lhem flow noL only ls waLer calorle
free buL drlnklng lL Leaches klds Lo accepL a lowflavor nosugar beverage as a LhlrsLquencher
8ecause a cup of mllk has 300 mllllgrams of calclum lL can be a blg conLrlbuLor Lo your chllds dally
Peres how much calclum klds need each day
O Loddlers (ages 1 Lo 3 years) 700 mllllgrams of calclum dally
O klds (ages 4 Lo 8 years) 1000 mllllgrams
O older klds (ages 9 Lo 18 years) 1300 mllllgrams
1he currenL dleLary guldellnes for mllk or equlvalenL dalry producLs or forLlfled soy beverages are
O lds ages 2 Lo 3 should drlnk 2 cups (480 mllllllLers) every day
O lds 4 Lhrough 8 should have 2Z cups (600 mllllllLers) per day
O lds 9 and older should have 3 cups (720 mllllllLers) per day
Choose faLfree (sklm) or lowfaL (1) mllk producLs mosL of Lhe Llme
When klds drlnk Loo much [ulce [ulce drlnks sporLs drlnks and soda Lhese beverages can crowd ouL
Lhe mllk Lhey need Sugary drlnks also can plle on Lhe calorles
1hls charL shows Lhe calorles and sugar ln dlfferenL beverages

8 oz
(240 ml) 0 0 g
Lowfat m||k
8 oz
(240 ml) 100 11 g
100 orange
8 oz
(240 ml) 110 22 g
Iu|ce dr|nk (10
fru|t [u|ce)
8 oz
(240 ml) 130 38 g
owdered dr|nk
m|x (w|th sugar
8 oz
(240 ml) 90 24 g
8 oz
(240 ml) 100 27 g

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