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How Nurconon "Sclentology" Becume

Purt Okluhomu.
All SclenLology docLrlnes and pracLlces wheLher dlssemlnaLed dlrecLly by Lhe Church of SclenLology or
coverLly Lhrough lLs fronL groups llke narconon are conLalned ln Lhe 330000 pages of L 8on Pubbard's
nonsclence flcLlon wrlLlngs whlch Lhe Church of SclenLology has declared Lo be SclenLology's sacred
scrlpLures" and whlch Lhe l8S has recognlzed as such
1he narconon program conslsLs solely of Lhese rellglous docLrlnes and pracLlces decepLlvely markeLed as
secular applled rellglous phllosophy" 1he narconon programs conslsLs of Lwo SclenLology rellglous
pracLlces 1he deLoxlflcaLlon componenL whlch ls Lhe SclenLology rellglous pracLlce of Lhe urlflcaLlon
8undown conslsLlng of flve hours a day ln superheaLed saunas for Lhree or more weeks accompanled by
leLhal amounLs of vlLamlns and mlnerals Cver Lhe lasL Lwo years Lwo people have dled aL narconon
Arrowhead ln lLLsburg CounLy due Lo negllgence one of Lhose deaLhs happened CcL 26Lh 2011 1he
second rellglous pracLlce ls Lhe rehablllLaLlon program conslsLlng excluslvely of elghL modules of
sLudylng SclenLology docLrlne whlch ls ldenLlcal Lo Lhe baslc Lralnlng all SclenLologlsLs recelve
1he lssue here ls Lhe legallLy of publlc schools expendlng Lax payer dollars on promoLlng Lhe rellglous
pracLlces of SclenLology Slmply puL lL ls lllegal under llrsL AmendmenL docLrlnes of separaLlon of church
and sLaLe whlch prohlblL such fundlng 1hls ls why boLh narconon and Lhe Church of SclenLology are
vehemenL ln Lhelr denlals LhaL Lhey have anyLhlng Lo do wlLh each oLher and malnLaln Lhe flcLlon LhaL
narconon's pracLlces are dlsLlncL from Lhose of SclenLology narconon ls SclenLology's mosL lucraLlve
fronL group wlLh a score of rehab faclllLles and programs LhaL generaLe aL mlnlmum $30MM a year ln
revenues All of Lhls would be [eopardlzed by publlc exposure of Church of SclenLology conLrol lL ls for
Lhls reason LhaL SclenLology's execuLlve managemenL ls Lerrlfled of a lawsulL ever golng Lo Lrlal by [ury
numerous lawsulLs have been flled by narconon paLlenLs and Lhelr famllles who have funded Lhelr
rehablllLaLlon programs wlLh causes of acLlon from lssues of whlch by now you are well aware
fraudulenL promoLlon of 70 and hlgher success raLes medlcal malpracLlce wrongful deaLhs and
proselyLlzlng All such sulLs so far have been seLLled ouL of courL lesL Lhe decepLlons be exposed
AnoLher lmporLanL lssue regardlng publlc fundlng of narconon ls SclenLology's War on sychlaLry lL ls
core SclenLology docLrlne LhaL Lhe greaLesL danger faclng human clvlllzaLlon ls Lhe menLal healLh
professlons expllclLly Lhe medlcal speclalLy of psychlaLry psychology ln all lLs forms lncludlng cllnlcal
educaLlonal and counsellng psychology and all Lhe soclal servlce professlons whlch depend on Lhem
SclenLology decelLfully says LhaL lL ls only a psychlaLrlc reform group" 1hls conLenLlon ls glven Lhe lle by
SclenLology leader uavld Mlscavlge hlmself Pe has seL as ob[ecLlves for Lhe mlllennlum for all
SclenLologlsLs lncludlng of course Lhose runnlng narconon Lhe followlng
Cb[ect|ve Cne p|ace Sc|ento|ogy at the abso|ute center of soc|ety Cb[ect|ve 1wo the tota|
erad|cat|on of psych|atry |n a|| |ts forms
SclenLology's vehemence ls so lnLense LhaL ur nada SLoLland of Lhe Amerlcan sychlaLrlc AssoclaLlon
has referred Lo SclenLology as an anLlpsychlaLry haLe group" narconon and all SclenLology fronL
groups (Crlmonon Applled ScholasLlcs no Chlld LefL 8ehlnd 1lLle l Sea Crg A8LL (AssoclaLlon for
8eLLer Llvlng and LducaLlon) lnLernaLlonal 1he Way Lo Papplness AnLlurug 1he 1ruLh AbouL urugs
LducaLlon Campalgn CCP8 (ClLlzens Commlsslon Cn Puman 8lghLs) promoLe and dlssemlnaLe Lhe anLl
psychlaLrlc campalgn 1hey conslder menLal healLh professlonals Lo be crlmlnals and noL only Lhem buL
psychlaLrlc paLlenLs because Lhey are Laklng psychlaLrlc medlcaLlons on whlch Lhelr emoLlonal heallng
and sLablllLy depend
-J C (19891993) A proposed drug LreaLmenL and rehablllLaLlon cenLer whlch could be ln
operaLlon on lndlan land aL Lhe former Chllocco lndlan School norLh of newklrk by !une 13Lh may be
parL of a noLorlous rellglous culL narconon was approved for a 73bed faclllLy by Lhe SLaLe PealLh
lannlng Commlsslon ln !anuary of Lhls year as parL of 1he Chllocco uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy 1he
pro[ecLed cosL ls $400000 for renovaLlon and Lhe flve lndlan Lrlbes lnvolved are pro[ecLed Lo recelve
$16000000 ln lease paymenLs over 23 years Accordlng Lo publlshed reporLs narconon ls Lhe drug
rehablllLaLlon program for Lhe Church of SclenLology founded by L 8on Pubbard LasL lrlday Soclology
rofessor 8lchard Cfshe of Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla aL 8erkley conflrmed LhaL narconon ls an
organlzaLlon of Lhe Church of SclenLology l Lhlnk lLs common knowledge ouL here he sald ln a 1981
8eaders ulgesL arLlcle Lhe Church of SclenLology was descrlbed as a frlghLenlng culL 1rlbal members
conLacLed abouL Lhe Chllocco pro[ecL were noL aware of a posslble connecLlon Lo Lhe Church of
SclenLology All Lheyve been Lold ls LhaL lL ls a prlvaLe corporaLlon awnee offlce of Lhe 8ureau of
lndlan Affalrs sald Lhey were noL aware of Lhe connecLlon and were very surprlsed because Lhe
state and Lhe governors off|ce were lnvolved ln geLLlng narconon Lo come Lo Chllocco narconons
llLeraLure says noLhlng abouL any connecLlon wlLh Lhe Church of SclenLology buL does say lL adheres Lo
Lhe meLhods of L 8on Pubbard narconon maLerlal presenLed Lo newklrk Mayor Carry 8llger aL
ceremonles held aL Chllocco on SaLurday Aprll 8 says only LhaL Lhe narconon program owes lLs success
Lo Lhe unlque Lechnology of L 8on Pubbard narconon uses Lhe Pubbard MeLhod of drug
rehablllLaLlon Lo handle Lhe rooL causes of why Lhe person Look drugs ln Lhe flrsL place 1he only
connecLlon beLween SclenLology and narconon ln lLs own maLerlal seems Lo be a reference Lo 81C
LhaL appears ln llLeraLure from narconon ln flne prlnL lL says LhaL Pubbard ls a Lrademark and servlce
mark owned by 81C and ls used wlLh lLs permlsslon ln llLeraLure recelved by Lhe newklrk Llbrary from
Lhe Church of SclenLology adverLlslng books by L 8on Pubbard a fooLnoLe announces LhaL ulaneLlcs
SclenLologlsL and SclenLology are Lrademarks and servlce marks owned by 8ellglous 1echnology CenLer
(Lhe same 81C?) and are used wlLh lLs permlsslon narconon ls a drug LreaLmenL program founded by
Wllllam 8enlLez abouL 1963 whlle he was ln Lhe Arlzona SLaLe rlson accordlng Lo 1he 1ruLh AbouL
urugs by Cene Chlll and !ohn uuff 1he book proudly proclalms LhaL narconons programs are based on
Lhe Lechnology of L 8on Pubbard buL makes no menLlon of SclenLology 1he 1ruLh AbouL urugs a
narconon publlcaLlon says LhaL narconon ls a mulLlphase program LhaL lncludes drug free wlLhdrawal
afLer a full medlcal exam a urlflcaLlon rogram LhaL cleanses Lhe body of remalnlng accumulaLlons of
drugs Lralnlng and counsellng Lo brldge Lhe lndlvldual over Lo llfe as a drug free conLrlbuLlng member of
13 uecember 1991 1he Cklahoma SLaLe 8oard of MenLal PealLh flnds LhaL -arconons therapy |s not
effect|ve |n the treatment of chem|ca| dependency and |s not med|ca||y safe lL refuses narconon
Chlloccos (now Arrowhead) requesL for cerLlflcaLlon for servlces Lo a 73bedresldenLlal drug and
alcohol cenLer esLabllshed on lederal land owned by Lhe Chllocco uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy
20 AugusL 1992 AfLer narconon galns cerLlflcaLlon from Lhe Commlsslon on AccredlLaLlon of
8ehablllLaLlve laclllLles (CA8l) Lhe Cklahoma 8oard of MenLal PealLh and SubsLance Abuse Servlces
voLes unanlmously Lo exempL Lhe narconon Chllocco (now Arrowhead) faclllLy from a requlremenL Lo
be cerLlfled by Lhe sLaLe
27 CcLober 1992 narconon ls granLed a llcense from Lhe Cklahoma SLaLe ueparLmenL of PealLh
marklng Lhe flrsL Llme slnce lL opened for buslness more Lhan Lwo years ago LhaL lL offlclally can be
called legal 1he llcense ls good for a year and can be renewed SLaLe llcenslng makes lL easler for
narconon Chllocco (now Arrowhead) or lLs paLlenLs Lo geL relmbursemenL for lLs servlces Lhrough
lnsurance companles
1oday 1hey are everywhere! 1hree deaLhs aL narconon Arrowhead ln Lhe lasL 2 years Lhey have been
here sense 1989 you do Lhe maLh
1here are undoubLedly sLudenLs faculLy and sLaff ln Lhe LawLon publlc school sysLem who are or have
been on reglmes of psychlaLrlc medlcaLlons And l applaud LS MacArLhur Plgh School and urcell !r
Plgh for becomlng lnformed and placlng Lhe chlldren flrsL raLher Lhan worrylng abouL bad or good press
coverage durlng Lhelr declslon
Church of Scientology also has a history of being convicted for fraud worldwide and public education is
not immune from their con. Our children deserve the best education they can get; sadly, the Oklahoma
schools have been targeted by Church of Scientology via Narconon Arrowhead. The kids deserve better
than this and pray that our State Officials and Law enforcement look into Narconon of Oklahoma nc..
Cod bless
Colln Penderson

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