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Lva|uat|on for 6'th Grade


Match w|th the words |n the box!
1 presldenL leads a
2 klng leads a
3 n Lmperor leads an
4 Covernor leads a
3 Mayor leads a
6 8egenL leads a
7 Pead of ulscLrlcL
leads a
8 Pead of SubdlsLrlcL
leads a
9 vlllage Chlef leads
llll ln Lhe blanks!
10 1he caplLal of CenLral !ava ls
11 1he caplLal of 8all ls
12 1he caplLal of norLh SumaLra ls
13 1he caplLal of Lampung ls
14 1he caplLal of 8lau ls
13 1he caplLal of LasL !ava ls

16 Look aL Lhe plcLure above!
1he lolk Lales ls from WesL SumaLra abouL
rebelllous chlld Pe cursed by hls moLher
lnLo a sLone WhaL ls Lhe sory LlLle?

17 Who ls Lhe glrl ln Lhe plcLure above?
18 Who has changlng her lnLo beauLlful

19 Who ls chaslng 1lmun Lmas on Lhe
20 ls he a good person?Pow ls he?

1rans|ate these sentence |nto Indones|an !
21 Leak ls a myLh from 8all lsland
22 Cnce upon a Llme Lhere were some cruel
23 uayang Sumbl was a very beuLlful woman
24 Pundreds years ago Lhere was a powerful
23 Ma[apahlL was a klngdom long Llme ago


llnd 13 dlfferences beLween Lhe Lwo plcLures


8 ulsLrlcL
C vlllage
u Lmplre
L 8epubllc
l SubdlsLrlcL
C MunclpallLy
P rovlnce
l 8egency

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