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uay 23 nov 28

ChapLer 16
Nutk|n's Last Stand and A Wa|k to
8eaut|fu| What d|d CU th|nk?
@hls week
W Monday Loday ChapLer 16
W Wednesday lasL day of class evaluaLlons
ChapLer 16 and SLudy Culde
W lrlday brlng any speclflc quesLlons you have
Lo Schrank norLh 262 and we wlll have a
sLudy sesslon for whoever wanLs Lo come
W CUk IINAL 1hursday12]8 9am to Ir|day
12]9 4pm |n C81
Chapter 16 Conservat|on and 8|od|vers|ty
numon inf/uences on the environment
Lectures by Nark Nanteuffel, St. Louis Community College , Clicker Questions by Kristen Curran, University of WisconsinWhitewater
161 8|od|vers|ty benef|ts
humans |n many ways
Conslder also Lhe followlng
vlnblasLlne and vlncrlsLlne Madagascar perlwlnkle
LreaLlng leukemla and Podgkln's lymphoma
Ancrod Malayan plL vlper dlssolves blood cloLs and ls
effecLlve ln LreaLlng some hearL aLLack and sLroke
LplbaLldlne small frog 200 Llmes more effecLlve Lhan
morphlne ln rellevlng paln and ls nonaddlcLlve
163 Where |s most
Why are there more spec|es |n an acre of trop|ca|
ra|n forest than |n an acre farther from the
equator such as |n a temperate forest or pra|r|e?
lotltoJlool 8loJlvetslty CtoJleot
164 Is|and b|ogeography he|ps us
understand the ma|ntenance and
|oss of b|od|vers|ty
There are
causes of
166 We are |n the m|dst of a
mass ext|nct|on
CurrenL raLes of exLlncLlon ln every well
sLudled group of planLs and anlmals supporL
Lhe hypoLhesls LhaL a mass exLlncLlon ls
PlsLorlcally background exLlncLlons raLes are
abouL one exLlncLlon per mllllon specles per
year @he numbers above suggesL LhaL currenL
exLlncLlon raLes are 1000 t|mes (or more)
greater than usua|
Seems Lo be Lhe resulL of Lhe acLlvlLy of one
167 Some ecosystem d|sturbances
are revers|b|e others are not
168 D|srupt|ons of ecosystems can be
% lottoJoctloos of exotlc specles
Why shou|d we worry about
exot|c spec|es?
llke tbe btowo ttee sooke?

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