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kef|ected aper of the Cr|t|qu|ng 1rans|at|ng and Interpret|ng

resentat|on of Group 7 1he lnterpreter os lnstitutiono/ 6otekeeper

1he 5ocio/Linquistics ko/e of lnterpreters in 5ponishnq/ish Medico/
uiscourse 8rad Dav|dson

Arlef 8udlman (0802730)
uhea 8esLu radhana (0809083)
PoLganLlna Slnaga (0806193)
8endy uyonaLa 0801273)
8lcky nurhakl (0803941)

Lngllsh Language and LlLeraLure 7A

1hls essay wlll presenL Lhe wrlLLen reporL of Lhe presenLaLlon whlch based on
8rad uavldson's arLlcle abouL 1he lnLerpreLer as lnsLlLuLlonal CaLekeeper 1he Soclal
LlngulsLlcs 8ole of lnLerpreLers ln SpanlshLngllsh Medlcal ulscourse 1he
presenLaLlon of 8rad uavldson's arLlcle ls dellvered by group seven 1hls essay wlll
have four polnLs Lo be reporLed Lhere are group developmenL maLerlal presenLed
class dlscusslon and concluslon
1o bulld up Lhe presenLaLlon abouL 8rad uavldson's arLlcle abouL 1he
lnLerpreLer as lnsLlLuLlonal CaLekeeper ln Medlcal ulscourse we conducL flve
meeLlngs llrsL meeLlng all of Lhe group members flnd ouL whaL Lhe arLlcle ls really
abouL alongslde we shared our general knowledge abouL Lhe Loplc LhaL ls golng Lo
be presenLed 1hen ln Lhe second meeLlng we declded Lo dlvlde Lhe maLerlal Lo each
member of Lhe group so every members ln Lhe group would have more
comprehenslve focus on Lhe maLerlal glven 1hlrd meeLlng all of Lhe group members
shared Lhelr undersLandlng abouL Lhelr asslgned Loplcs and dlscuss deeper abouL Lhe
Loplc AfLer Lhe dlscusslon we have more knowledge and same undersLandlng abouL
Lhe Loplc 1herefore ln Lhe nexL meeLlng we sLarLed Lo deslgn Lhe presenLaLlon sllde
ln order Lo make our presenLaLlon clear Lo Lhe oLher group ln Lhe class LasL acLlvlLy

before Lhe presenLaLlon we performed presenLaLlon rehearsal Lo lmprove our
undersLandlng abouL Lhe arLlcle
1he presenLaLlon LhaL we presenLed ln Lhe class ls 8rad uavldson's arLlcle
abouL 1he lnLerpreLer as lnsLlLuLlonal CaLekeeper 1he SoclalLlngulsLlcs 8ole of
lnLerpreLers ln SpanlshLngllsh Medlcal ulscourse 1hls arLlcle generally Lalks abouL
uavldson's research and flndlngs ln Medlcal ulscourse 8rad uavldson conducLs a
research ln order Lo examlne Lhe llngulsLlcs and soclal roles played by hosplLalbased
lnLerpreLers ln medlcal dlscourse uavldson also had an assumpLlon LhaL Lhere ls
conslderable sllppage beLween how Lhe Lasks LhaL hosplLal personnel seL for Lhe
lnLerpreLers are belleved Lo work ln pracLlce and Lhe acLual funcLlon and llngulsLlcs
acLlon LhaL lnLerpreLers perform ln Lhe hosplLal lnLerpreLers are needed for medlcal
lnLervlew Medlcal lnLervlew ls sLrucLured and pracLlced lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe
physlclan and Lhe paLlenL deslgned Lo qulckly ellclL Lhe paLlenL's complalnLs so LhaL
Lhey may be dlagnosed and LreaLed verbal physlcal lnvesLlgaLlon uavldson use
medlcal lnLervlew as Lhe daLa for hls research uavldson observe over one hundred
paLlenL flfLy of Lhem were observed and recorded AfLer LhaL Lhey were requesLed
Lo flll ouL quesLlonnalre AfLer LhaL uavldson observed boLh recordlng and
quesLlonalrre wlLh lnsLlLuLlonal conLexL whlch relaLed
AfLer observed and examlned Lhe daLa uavldson flnd ouL LhaL lnLerpreLer acL
as colnLervlewer lnLerpreLer as colnLervlewer happen when Lhe physlclan ls
comlng laLe or he ls busy somewhere else wlLh anoLher paLlenLs 1here are
advanLage and dlsadvanLage Lhe lnLerpreLer as colnLervlewer 1he advanLage Lhe
lnLerpreLer wlll have early lnformaLlon abouL paLlenL healLhy problems 1he
dlsadvanLage Lhe lnLerpreLer would occaslonally go so far as Lo conducL Lhe lnlLlal
porLlons of Lhe lnLervlew wlLhouL lnvolvlng Lhe physlclan A furLher flndlng from
uavldson ls quanLlflable paLLerns of lnLerference ln lnLerpreLed medlcal lnLervlews
1he paLLern ls paLlenLs are recelvlng answers from Lhelr lnLerpreLed and noL Lhelr
physlclan lL ls also LhaL physlclan have no ldea LhaL Lhelr lnLerpreLed paLlenLs are
asklng quesLlon aL all lL ls happen because Lhe lnLerpreLer has Lo keep Lhe paLlenL on
Lhe Lrack and Lhe physlclan on schedule uavldson also flnds Lhe loss of paLlenL's
complalnLs because of mlscommunlcaLlon beLween physlclan and paLlenLs Lhe

lnLerpreLer dldn'L glve Lhe full message Lo Lhe physlclan and overlapplng by
lnLerpreLer happens ln Lhe process of medlcal lnLerpreLlng
uavldson concluded LhaL lnLerpreLers are acLlng as lnformaLlonal gaLekeepers
who keep Lhe lnLervlew 'on Lrack' and Lhe physlclan on schedule raLher Lhan acLlng
as 'ambassador' for lnLerpreLed paLlenLs uavldson noLed LhaL Lhls ls happen because
Lhe lnLerpreLer poslLlon wlLhln Lhe hosplLal hlerarchy no Lralnlng glven boLh Lo
lnLerpreLer ln medlcal dlscourse and Lo physlclan how Lo use an lnLerpreLer ln
medlcal lnLervlew and Llme pressure
AfLer we presenLed Lhe Loplc we open a class dlscusslon Lo share Lhelr
undersLandlng or Lhelr curloslLy abouL Lhe Loplc We open Lwo sesslon of class
dlscusslon ln Lhe flrsL sesslon our class maLes ralsed a quesLlons flrsL quesLlon
comes from lrlerdaLlanLy asked abouL Lhe credlblllLy uslng lnLerpreLer ln Lhe medlcal
lnLervlew 1hen lsLla asked are lnLerpreLers made Lhelr own lnLerpreLaLlon whlle
Lhey asslgned as colnLervlewer LasL quesLlon ln flrsL sesslon came from uhanl She
asked are Lhe lnLerpreLers have paLlenL flles or daLa before Lhey conducL a medlcal
lnLervlew Lvery group member had a dlscusslon before answer Lhe quesLlon ln
order Lo glve saLlsfacLlon answer Lo Lhose class maLes who asked Lhe quesLlon AfLer
we answered Lhe enLlre quesLlon ln Lhe flrsL sesslon we leL our class maLes Lo ask
anoLher quesLlon ln Lhe second sesslon dlscusslon uewl 8lanl asked ls Lhere any
speclflc reason why Lhe hosplLal hlres Lhose lnLerpreLers ulnnawaLy asked whaL Lhe
lnLerpreLer do lf Lhere any mlslnLerpreLaLlon LasL quesLlon ls from AndlLa asked
whaL lL means by Lhe physlclan acLlng perhaps as devll advocaLe" AfLer Lhe enLlre
quesLlon from Lhe second sesslon answered we presenLed a vldeo Lo Lhe class 1he
vldeo ls abouL how Lo be a good lnLerpreLer ln Lhe medlcal dlscourse We hope by
presenLlng Lhe vldeo our class maLes can undersLand more abouL Lhe Loplc
ln Concluslon lL ls lnLeresLlng Lo presenL 8rad uavldson arLlcle abouL 1he
lnLerpreLer as lnsLlLuLlonal CaLekeeper 1he SoclalLlngulsLlcs 8ole of lnLerpreLers ln
SpanlshLngllsh Medlcal ulscourse 8y presenLlng Lhe arLlcle we obLaln more
undersLandlng and knowledge abouL lnLerpreLlng Moreover we can learn and
observe Lhe dllemmaLlc slLuaLlon become an lnLerpreLer ln Lhe hosplLal seLLlng
Lhrough uavldson's arLlcle


8aker M 2010 ctltlcol keoJloq lo 1tooslotloo 5toJles 8ouLledge London
uavldson 8 2000 1be lotetptetes os lostltotloool Cotekeepet !ournal of
SoclollngulsLlcs 4(3) 379 403
vldeo from youu Lube OoollfleJ lotetptetets fot Ooollty neoltb cote lott 1 ooJ 2

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