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W Sw|ss 8ank Corporat|on (S8C) founded ln 1834

W S8C was Lhe Lhlrd largesL ln SwlLzerland wlLh over 300

bllllon CPl(ConfoederaLlo PelveLlca") of asseLs and 117
bllllon CPl of equlLy
W ln 1998 S8C merged wlLh unlon 8ank of SwlLzerland Lo
form u8S Lhe largesL bank ln Lurope and Lhe second
largesL bank ln Lhe world
W 1he companys logo whlch feaLured Lhree keys symbollzlng
Confldence SecurlLy and ulscreLlon
Sw|ss 8ank
Sw|ss Nat|ona| 8ank neadquarters |n 8ern
1ota| 8|ack Money |n Ind|a?
W Swlss bank revealed lndla has more money
Lhan resL of Lhe world
W 1he second besL 8ussla has 4 Llmes lesser
W uS ls noL even Lhere ln Lhe counLlng ln Lop
W lndla has more money ln Swlss banks
Lhan all Lhe oLher counLrles comblned!
8|ack Money
W 8ecenLly due Lo lnLernaLlonal pressure Lhe Swlss
governmenL agreed Lo dlsclose Lhe names of Lhe
accounL holders only lf Lhe respecLlve
governmenLs formally asked for lL
W lndlan governmenL ls noL asklng for
Lhe deLalls no marks for guesslng why?
8|ack Money
W ls lndla poor who says? Ask Lhe Swlss banks
W ulshonesL lndusLrlallsLs Scandalous ollLlclans and corrupL
lAS l8S lS offlcers have deposlLed ln forelgn banks ln Lhelr
lllegal personal accounLs a sum of abouL 51S00 b||||on
W 1hls amounL ls abouL 13 Llmes larger Lhan Lhe counLrys
forelgn debL
W WlLh Lhls amounL 43 crores poor people can geL 8s
100000 each
8|ack Money
W Once this huge amount oI black money and property comes
back to India , the entire Ioreign debt can be repaid in 24 hours.
W AIter paying the entire Ioreign debt, we will have surplus
amount, almost 12 times larger than the Ioreign debt.
W II this surplus amount is invested in earning interest, the amount
oI interest will be more than the annual budget oI the Central
W So even iI all the taxes are abolished, then also the Central
government will be able to maintain the country very
lnulA $1436 8lLLlCn (nLA8L? 7600000/ C8C8LS)
8uSSlA $470 8lLLlCn
uk $390 8lLLlCn
uk8AlnL $100 8lLLlCn
CPlnA $96 8lLLlCn
W WhaL ls 8lack Money?
W ln whaL lace does lndla sLands for havlng
8lack Money ln Swlss 8anks?
W ls lndla poor?
W Can we brlng back our money?
W Why people are opLlng Swlss 8anks Lo deposlL
Lhere black money?

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