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* @version $Id: joomla.php 9997 2008-02-07 11:27:04Z eddieajau $
* @package Joomla
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.

// no direct access
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
define( '_MOS_MAMBO_INCLUDED', 1 );

* Page generation time
* @package Joomla
class mosProfiler {
/** @var int Start time stamp */
var $start=0;
/** @var string A prefix for mark messages */
var $prefix='';

* Constructor
* @param string A prefix for mark messages
function mosProfiler( $prefix='' ) {
$this->start = $this->getmicrotime();
$this->prefix = $prefix;

* @return string A format message of the elapsed time
function mark( $label ) {
return sprintf ( "\n<div class=\"profiler\">$this->prefix %.3f
$label</div>", $this->getmicrotime() - $this->start );

* @return float The current time in milliseconds
function getmicrotime(){
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

if (phpversion() < '4.2.0') {

require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/compat.php41x.php' );
if (phpversion() < '4.3.0') {
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/compat.php42x.php' );
if (version_compare( phpversion(), '5.0' ) < 0) {
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/compat.php50x.php' );

@set_magic_quotes_runtime( 0 );

if ( @$mosConfig_error_reporting === 0 || @$mosConfig_error_reporting === '0' ) {

error_reporting( 0 );
} else if (@$mosConfig_error_reporting > 0) {
error_reporting( $mosConfig_error_reporting );

require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/version.php' );

require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/database.php' );
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/gacl.class.php' );
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/gacl_api.class.php' );
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/joomla.xml.php' );
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .
'/includes/phpInputFilter/class.inputfilter.php' );

$database = new database( $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password,

$mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix );
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
$mosSystemError = $database->getErrorNum();
$basePath = dirname( __FILE__ );
include $basePath . '/../configuration.php';
include $basePath . '/../offline.php';
$database->debug( $mosConfig_debug );
$acl = new gacl_api();

// platform neurtral url handling

if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) {
$request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
} else {
$request_uri = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
// Append the query string if it exists and isn't null
if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) && !empty( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] )
) {
$request_uri .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $request_uri;

// current server time

$now = date( 'Y-m-d H:i', time() );

// Non http/https URL Schemes

$url_schemes = 'data:, file:, ftp:, gopher:, imap:, ldap:, mailto:, news:, nntp:,
telnet:, javascript:, irc:, mms:';
DEFINE( '_URL_SCHEMES', $url_schemes );
// disable strict mode in MySQL 5
if (!defined( '_JOS_SET_SQLMODE' )) {
/** ensure that functions are declared only once */
define( '_JOS_SET_SQLMODE', 1 );

// if running mysql 5, set sql-mode to mysql40 - thereby circumventing

strict mode problems
if ( strpos( $database->getVersion(), '5' ) === 0 ) {
$query = "SET sql_mode = 'MYSQL40'";
$database->setQuery( $query );

* @package Joomla
* @abstract
class mosAbstractLog {
/** @var array */
var $_log = null;

* Constructor
function mosAbstractLog() {

* Generic constructor
function __constructor() {
$this->_log = array();

* @param string Log message
* @param boolean True to append to last message
function log( $text, $append=false ) {
$n = count( $this->_log );
if ($append && $n > 0) {
$this->_log[count( $this->_log )-1] .= $text;
} else {
$this->_log[] = $text;

* @param string The glue for each log item
* @return string Returns the log
function getLog( $glue='<br/>', $truncate=9000, $htmlSafe=false ) {
$logs = array();
foreach ($this->_log as $log) {
if ($htmlSafe) {
$log = htmlspecialchars( $log );
$logs[] = substr( $log, 0, $truncate );
return implode( $glue, $logs );

* Task routing class
* @package Joomla
* @abstract
class mosAbstractTasker {
/** @var array An array of the class methods to call for a task */
var $_taskMap = null;
/** @var string The name of the current task*/
var $_task = null;
/** @var array An array of the class methods*/
var $_methods = null;
/** @var string A url to redirect to */
var $_redirect = null;
/** @var string A message about the operation of the task */
var $_message = null;

// action based access control

/** @var string The ACO Section */

var $_acoSection = null;
/** @var string The ACO Section value */
var $_acoSectionValue = null;

* Constructor
* @param string Set the default task
function mosAbstractTasker( $default='' ) {
$this->_taskMap = array();
$this->_methods = array();
foreach (get_class_methods( get_class( $this ) ) as $method) {
if (substr( $method, 0, 1 ) != '_') {
$this->_methods[] = strtolower( $method );
// auto register public methods as tasks
$this->_taskMap[strtolower( $method )] = $method;
$this->_redirect = '';
$this->_message = '';
if ($default) {
$this->registerDefaultTask( $default );

* Sets the access control levels
* @param string The ACO section (eg, the component)
* @param string The ACO section value (if using a constant value)
function setAccessControl( $section, $value=null ) {
$this->_acoSection = $section;
$this->_acoSectionValue = $value;
* Access control check
function accessCheck( $task ) {
global $acl, $my;

// only check if the derived class has set these values

if ($this->_acoSection) {
// ensure user has access to this function
if ($this->_acoSectionValue) {
// use a 'constant' task for this task handler
$task = $this->_acoSectionValue;
return $acl->acl_check( $this->_acoSection, $task, 'users', $my-
>usertype );
} else {
return true;

* Set a URL to redirect the browser to
* @param string A URL
function setRedirect( $url, $msg = null ) {
$this->_redirect = $url;
if ($msg !== null) {
$this->_message = $msg;
* Redirects the browser
function redirect() {
if ($this->_redirect) {
mosRedirect( $this->_redirect, $this->_message );
* Register (map) a task to a method in the class
* @param string The task
* @param string The name of the method in the derived class to perform for
this task
function registerTask( $task, $method ) {
if (in_array( strtolower( $method ), $this->_methods )) {
$this->_taskMap[strtolower( $task )] = $method;
} else {
$this->methodNotFound( $method );
* Register the default task to perfrom if a mapping is not found
* @param string The name of the method in the derived class to perform if
the task is not found
function registerDefaultTask( $method ) {
$this->registerTask( '__default', $method );
* Perform a task by triggering a method in the derived class
* @param string The task to perform
* @return mixed The value returned by the function
function performTask( $task ) {
$this->_task = $task;

$task = strtolower( $task );

if (isset( $this->_taskMap[$task] )) {
$doTask = $this->_taskMap[$task];
} else if (isset( $this->_taskMap['__default'] )) {
$doTask = $this->_taskMap['__default'];
} else {
return $this->taskNotFound( $this->_task );

if ($this->accessCheck( $doTask )) {
return call_user_func( array( &$this, $doTask ) );
} else {
return $this->notAllowed( $task );
* Get the last task that was to be performed
* @return string The task that was or is being performed
function getTask() {
return $this->_task;
* Basic method if the task is not found
* @param string The task
* @return null
function taskNotFound( $task ) {
echo 'Task ' . $task . ' not found';
return null;
* Basic method if the registered method is not found
* @param string The name of the method in the derived class
* @return null
function methodNotFound( $name ) {
echo 'Method ' . $name . ' not found';
return null;
* Basic method if access is not permitted to the task
* @param string The name of the method in the derived class
* @return null
function notAllowed( $name ) {
echo _NOT_AUTH;

return null;
* Class to support function caching
* @package Joomla
class mosCache {
* @return object A function cache object
function &getCache( $group='' ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_caching,
$mosConfig_cachepath, $mosConfig_cachetime;

require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .
'/includes/joomla.cache.php' );

$options = array(
'cacheDir' => $mosConfig_cachepath . '/',
'caching' => $mosConfig_caching,
'defaultGroup' => $group,
'lifeTime' => $mosConfig_cachetime
$cache = new JCache_Lite_Function( $options );
return $cache;
* Cleans the cache
function cleanCache( $group=false ) {
global $mosConfig_caching;
if ($mosConfig_caching) {
$cache =& mosCache::getCache( $group );
$cache->clean( $group );
* Joomla! Mainframe class
* Provide many supporting API functions
* @package Joomla
class mosMainFrame {
/** @var database Internal database class pointer */
var $_db = null;
/** @var object An object of configuration variables */
var $_config = null;
/** @var object An object of path variables */
var $_path = null;
/** @var mosSession The current session */
var $_session = null;
/** @var string The current template */
var $_template = null;
/** @var array An array to hold global user state within a session */
var $_userstate = null;
/** @var array An array of page meta information */
var $_head = null;
/** @var string Custom html string to append to the pathway */
var $_custom_pathway = null;
/** @var boolean True if in the admin client */
var $_isAdmin = false;

* Class constructor
* @param database A database connection object
* @param string The url option
* @param string The path of the mos directory
function mosMainFrame( &$db, $option, $basePath, $isAdmin=false ) {
$this->_db =& $db;

// load the configuration values

$this->_setTemplate( $isAdmin );
$this->_setAdminPaths( $option, $this->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ) );
if (isset( $_SESSION['session_userstate'] )) {
$this->_userstate =& $_SESSION['session_userstate'];
} else {
$this->_userstate = null;
$this->_head = array();
$this->_head['title'] = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'];
$this->_head['meta'] = array();
$this->_head['custom'] = array();

//set the admin check

$this->_isAdmin = (boolean) $isAdmin;

$now = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time() );

$this->set( 'now', $now );

* Gets the id number for a client
* @param mixed A client identifier
function getClientID( $client ) {
switch ($client) {
case '2':
case 'installation':
return 2;

case '1':
case 'admin':
case 'administrator':
return 1;

case '0':
case 'site':
case 'front':
return 0;

* Gets the client name
* @param int The client identifier
* @return strint The text name of the client
function getClientName( $client_id ) {
// do not translate
$clients = array( 'site', 'admin', 'installer' );
return mosGetParam( $clients, $client_id, 'unknown' );

* Gets the base path for the client
* @param mixed A client identifier
* @param boolean True (default) to add traling slash
function getBasePath( $client=0, $addTrailingSlash=true ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;

switch ($client) {
case '0':
case 'site':
case 'front':
return mosPathName( $mosConfig_absolute_path,
$addTrailingSlash );

case '2':
case 'installation':
return mosPathName( $mosConfig_absolute_path .
'/installation', $addTrailingSlash );

case '1':
case 'admin':
case 'administrator':
return mosPathName( $mosConfig_absolute_path .
'/administrator', $addTrailingSlash );


* @param string
function setPageTitle( $title=null ) {
if (@$GLOBALS['mosConfig_pagetitles']) {
$title = trim( htmlspecialchars( $title ) );
$title = stripslashes($title);
$this->_head['title'] = $title ? $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'] .
' - '. $title : $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'];
* @param string The value of the name attibute
* @param string The value of the content attibute
* @param string Text to display before the tag
* @param string Text to display after the tag
function addMetaTag( $name, $content, $prepend='', $append='' ) {
$name = trim( htmlspecialchars( $name ) );
$content = trim( htmlspecialchars( $content ) );
$prepend = trim( $prepend );
$append = trim( $append );
$this->_head['meta'][] = array( $name, $content, $prepend, $append );
* @param string The value of the name attibute
* @param string The value of the content attibute to append to the existing
* Tags ordered in with Site Keywords and Description first
function appendMetaTag( $name, $content ) {
$name = trim( htmlspecialchars( $name ) );
$n = count( $this->_head['meta'] );
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
if ($this->_head['meta'][$i][0] == $name) {
$content = trim( htmlspecialchars( $content ) );
if ( $content ) {
if ( !$this->_head['meta'][$i][1] ) {
$this->_head['meta'][$i][1] = $content ;
} else {
$this->_head['meta'][$i][1] = $content .', '.
$this->addMetaTag( $name , $content );

* @param string The value of the name attibute
* @param string The value of the content attibute to append to the existing
function prependMetaTag( $name, $content ) {
$name = trim( htmlspecialchars( $name ) );
$n = count( $this->_head['meta'] );
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
if ($this->_head['meta'][$i][0] == $name) {
$content = trim( htmlspecialchars( $content ) );
$this->_head['meta'][$i][1] = $content . $this-
$this->addMetaTag( $name, $content );
* Adds a custom html string to the head block
* @param string The html to add to the head
function addCustomHeadTag( $html ) {
$this->_head['custom'][] = trim( $html );
* @return string
function getHead() {
$head = array();
$head[] = '<title>' . $this->_head['title'] . '</title>';
foreach ($this->_head['meta'] as $meta) {
if ($meta[2]) {
$head[] = $meta[2];
$head[] = '<meta name="' . $meta[0] . '" content="' . $meta[1] .
'" />';
if ($meta[3]) {
$head[] = $meta[3];
foreach ($this->_head['custom'] as $html) {
$head[] = $html;
return implode( "\n", $head ) . "\n";

* @return string
function getPageTitle() {
return $this->_head['title'];

* @return string
function getCustomPathWay() {
return $this->_custom_pathway;

function appendPathWay( $html ) {

$this->_custom_pathway[] = $html;

* Gets the value of a user state variable
* @param string The name of the variable
function getUserState( $var_name ) {
if (is_array( $this->_userstate )) {
return mosGetParam( $this->_userstate, $var_name, null );
} else {
return null;
* Gets the value of a user state variable
* @param string The name of the user state variable
* @param string The name of the variable passed in a request
* @param string The default value for the variable if not found
function getUserStateFromRequest( $var_name, $req_name, $var_default=null )
if (is_array( $this->_userstate )) {
if (isset( $_REQUEST[$req_name] )) {
$this->setUserState( $var_name, $_REQUEST[$req_name] );
} else if (!isset( $this->_userstate[$var_name] )) {
$this->setUserState( $var_name, $var_default );

// filter input
$iFilter = new InputFilter();
$this->_userstate[$var_name] = $iFilter->process( $this-
>_userstate[$var_name] );

return $this->_userstate[$var_name];
} else {
return null;
* Sets the value of a user state variable
* @param string The name of the variable
* @param string The value of the variable
function setUserState( $var_name, $var_value ) {
if (is_array( $this->_userstate )) {
$this->_userstate[$var_name] = $var_value;
* Initialises the user session
* Old sessions are flushed based on the configuration value for the cookie
* lifetime. If an existing session, then the last access time is updated.
* If a new session, a session id is generated and a record is created in
* the jos_sessions table.
function initSession() {
// initailize session variables
$session =& $this->_session;
$session = new mosSession( $this->_db );

// purge expired sessions


// Session Cookie `name`

$sessionCookieName = mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName();
// Get Session Cookie `value`
$sessioncookie = strval( mosGetParam( $_COOKIE,
$sessionCookieName, null ) );
// Session ID / `value`
$sessionValueCheck = mosMainFrame::sessionCookieValue(
$sessioncookie );

// Check if existing session exists in db corresponding to Session

cookie `value`
// extra check added in 1.0.8 to test sessioncookie value is of correct
if ( $sessioncookie && strlen($sessioncookie) == 32 && $sessioncookie !
= '-' && $session->load($sessionValueCheck) ) {
// update time in session table
$session->time = time();
} else {
// Remember Me Cookie `name`
$remCookieName = mosMainFrame::remCookieName_User();

// test if cookie found

$cookie_found = false;
if ( isset($_COOKIE[$sessionCookieName]) ||
isset($_COOKIE[$remCookieName]) || isset($_POST['force_session']) ) {
$cookie_found = true;

// check if neither remembermecookie or sessioncookie found

if (!$cookie_found) {
// create sessioncookie and set it to a test value set to
expire on session end
setcookie( $sessionCookieName, '-', false, '/' );
} else {
// otherwise, sessioncookie was found, but set to test val or the
session expired, prepare for session registration and register the session
$url = strval( mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI', null )
// stop sessions being created for requests to syndicated
if ( strpos( $url, 'option=com_rss' ) === false && strpos(
$url, 'feed=' ) === false ) {
$session->guest = 1;
$session->username = '';
$session->time = time();
$session->gid = 0;
// Generate Session Cookie `value`

if (!$session->insert()) {
die( $session->getError() );

// create Session Tracking Cookie set to expire on

session end
setcookie( $sessionCookieName, $session->getCookie(),
false, '/' );

// Cookie used by Remember me functionality

$remCookieValue = strval( mosGetParam( $_COOKIE,
$remCookieName, null ) );

// test if cookie is correct length

if ( strlen($remCookieValue) > 64 ) {
// Separate Values from Remember Me Cookie
$remUser = substr( $remCookieValue, 0, 32 );
$remPass = substr( $remCookieValue, 32, 32 );
$remID = intval( substr( $remCookieValue, 64
) );

// check if Remember me cookie exists. Login with

usercookie info.
if ( strlen($remUser) == 32 && strlen($remPass) == 32 ) {
$this->login( $remUser, $remPass, 1, $remID );

* Function used to conduct admin session duties
* Added as of 1.0.8
* Deprecated 1.1
function initSessionAdmin($option, $task) {
global $_VERSION, $mosConfig_admin_expired;

// logout check
if ($option == 'logout') {
require $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path']

$site = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_live_site'];

// check if session name corresponds to correct format

if ( session_name() != md5( $site ) ) {
echo "<script>document.location.href='index.php'</script>\n";

// restore some session variables

$my = new mosUser( $this->_db );
$my->id = intval( mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_user_id',
'' ) );
$my->username = strval( mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_username',
'' ) );
$my->usertype = strval( mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_usertype',
'' ) );
$my->gid = intval( mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_gid', '' )
$my->params = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_user_params',
'' );

$session_id = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_id', '' );

$logintime = mosGetParam( $_SESSION, 'session_logintime', '' );
if ($session_id != session_id()) {
// session id does not correspond to required session format
echo "<script>document.location.href='index.php?mosmsg=Invalid

// check to see if session id corresponds with correct format

if ($session_id == md5( $my->id . $my->username . $my->usertype .
$logintime )) {
// if task action is to `save` or `apply` complete action before
doing session checks.
if ($task != 'save' && $task != 'apply') {
// test for session_life_admin
if ( @$GLOBALS['mosConfig_session_life_admin'] ) {
$session_life_admin =
} else {
$session_life_admin = 1800;

// purge expired admin sessions only

$past = time() - $session_life_admin;
$query = "DELETE FROM #__session"
. "\n WHERE time < '" . (int) $past . "'"
. "\n AND guest = 1"
. "\n AND gid = 0"
. "\n AND userid <> 0"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

$current_time = time();

// update session timestamp

$query = "UPDATE #__session"
. "\n SET time = " . $this->_db->Quote( $current_time )
. "\n WHERE session_id = " . $this->_db->Quote( $session_id
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

// set garbage cleaning timeout


// check against db record of session

$query = "SELECT COUNT( session_id )"
. "\n FROM #__session"
. "\n WHERE session_id = " . $this->_db->Quote( $session_id
. "\n AND username = ". $this->_db->Quote( $my->username )
. "\n AND userid = ". intval( $my->id )
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();

// if no entry in session table that corresponds boot from

admin area
if ( $count == 0 ) {
$link = NULL;

$link = 'index2.php?'.

// check if site designated as a production site

// for a demo site disallow expired page
// link must also be a Joomla link to stop malicious
if ( $link && strpos( $link, 'index2.php?option=com_'
) === 0 && $_VERSION->SITE == 1 && @$mosConfig_admin_expired === '1' ) {
$now = time();

$file = $this->getPath( 'com_xml',

'com_users' );
$params =& new mosParameters( $my->params,
$file, 'component' );

// return to expired page functionality

$params->set( 'expired', $link );
$params->set( 'expired_time', $now );

// param handling
if (is_array( $params->toArray() )) {
$txt = array();
foreach ( $params->toArray() as $k=>$v) {
$txt[] = "$k=$v";
$saveparams = implode( "\n", $txt );

// save expired page info to user data

$query = "UPDATE #__users"
. "\n SET params = ". $this->_db->Quote(
$saveparams )
. "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $my->id
. "\n AND username = ". $this->_db->Quote( $my-
>username )
. "\n AND usertype = ". $this->_db->Quote( $my-
>usertype )
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

"<script>document.location.href='index.php?mosmsg=Admin Session
} else {
// load variables into session, used to help secure
/popups/ functionality
$_SESSION['option'] = $option;
$_SESSION['task'] = $task;
} else if ($session_id == '') {
// no session_id as user has not attempted to login, or
session.auto_start is switched on
if (ini_get( 'session.auto_start' ) || !ini_get(
'session.use_cookies' )) {
echo "<script>document.location.href='index.php?mosmsg=You
need to login. If PHP\'s session.auto_start setting is on or session.use_cookies
setting is off, you may need to correct this before you will be able to
} else {
echo "<script>document.location.href='index.php?mosmsg=You
need to login'</script>\n";
} else {
// session id does not correspond to required session format
echo "<script>document.location.href='index.php?mosmsg=Invalid

return $my;

* Function used to set Session Garbage Cleaning
* garbage cleaning set at configured session time + 600 seconds
* Added as of 1.0.8
* Deprecated 1.1
function setSessionGarbageClean() {
/** ensure that funciton is only called once */
if (!defined( '_JOS_GARBAGECLEAN' )) {
define( '_JOS_GARBAGECLEAN', 1 );

$garbage_timeout = $this->getCfg('session_life_admin') + 600;

@ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $garbage_timeout);

* Static Function used to generate the Session Cookie Name
* Added as of 1.0.8
* Deprecated 1.1
function sessionCookieName() {
global $mainframe, $mosConfig_live_site;

if( substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 0, 7 ) == 'http://' ) {

$hash = md5( 'site' . substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 7 ) );
} elseif( substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 0, 8 ) == 'https://' ) {
$hash = md5( 'site' . substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 8 ) );
} else {
$hash = md5( 'site' . $mainframe->getCfg( 'live_site' ) );
return $hash;

* Static Function used to generate the Session Cookie Value
* Added as of 1.0.8
* Deprecated 1.1
function sessionCookieValue( $id=null ) {
global $mainframe;

$type = $mainframe->getCfg( 'session_type' );

$browser = @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

switch ($type) {
case 2:
// 1.0.0 to 1.0.7 Compatibility
// lowest level security
$value = md5( $id .

case 1:
// slightly reduced security - 3rd level IP authentication for
those behind IP Proxy
$remote_addr = explode('.',$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$ip = $remote_addr[0] .'.'.
$remote_addr[1] .'.'. $remote_addr[2];
$value = mosHash( $id . $ip . $browser );

// Highest security level - new default for 1.0.8 and beyond
$value = mosHash( $id . $ip . $browser );

return $value;

* Static Function used to generate the Rememeber Me Cookie Name for Username
* Added as of 1.0.8
* Depreciated 1.1
function remCookieName_User() {
$value = mosHash( 'remembermecookieusername'.
mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName() );

return $value;

* Static Function used to generate the Rememeber Me Cookie Name for Password
* Added as of 1.0.8
* Depreciated 1.1
function remCookieName_Pass() {
$value = mosHash( 'remembermecookiepassword'.
mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName() );

return $value;

* Static Function used to generate the Remember Me Cookie Value for Username
* Added as of 1.0.8
* Depreciated 1.1
function remCookieValue_User( $username ) {
$value = md5( $username . mosHash( @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) );

return $value;

* Static Function used to generate the Remember Me Cookie Value for Password
* Added as of 1.0.8
* Depreciated 1.1
function remCookieValue_Pass( $passwd ) {
$value = md5( $passwd . mosHash( @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) );

return $value;

* Login validation function
* Username and encoded password is compare to db entries in the jos_users
* table. A successful validation updates the current session record with
* the users details.
function login( $username=null, $passwd=null, $remember=0, $userid=NULL ) {
global $acl, $_VERSION;

$bypost = 0;
$valid_remember = false;

// if no username and password passed from function, then function is

being called from login module/component
if (!$username || !$passwd) {
$username = stripslashes( strval( mosGetParam( $_POST,
'username', '' ) ) );
$passwd = stripslashes( strval( mosGetParam( $_POST,
'passwd', '' ) ) );

$bypost = 1;
// extra check to ensure that Joomla! sessioncookie exists
if (!$this->_session->session_id) {
mosErrorAlert( _ALERT_ENABLED );


$row = null;
if (!$username || !$passwd) {
mosErrorAlert( _LOGIN_INCOMPLETE );
} else {
if ( $remember && strlen($username) == 32 && $userid ) {
// query used for remember me cookie
$harden = mosHash( @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] );

$query = "SELECT id, name, username, password, usertype,

block, gid"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $userid
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

list($hash, $salt) = explode(':', $user->password);

$check_username = md5( $user->username . $harden );

$check_password = md5( $hash . $harden );

if ( $check_username == $username && $check_password ==

$passwd ) {
$row = $user;
$valid_remember = true;
} else {
// query used for login via login module
$query = "SELECT id, name, username, password, usertype,
block, gid"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE username = ". $this->_db->Quote( $username )

$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$this->_db->loadObject( $row );

if (is_object($row)) {
// user blocked from login
if ($row->block == 1) {

if (!$valid_remember) {
// Conversion to new type
if ((strpos($row->password, ':') === false) && $row-
>password == md5($passwd)) {
// Old password hash storage but authentic ...
lets convert it
$salt = mosMakePassword(16);
$crypt = md5($passwd.$salt);
$row->password = $crypt.':'.$salt;

// Now lets store it in the database

$query = 'UPDATE #__users'
. ' SET password = '.$this->_db-
. ' WHERE id = '.(int)$row->id;
if (!$this->_db->query()) {
// This is an error but not sure what to
do with it ... we'll still work for now

list($hash, $salt) = explode(':', $row->password);

$cryptpass = md5($passwd.$salt);
if ($hash != $cryptpass) {
if ( $bypost ) {
} else {

// fudge the group stuff

$grp = $acl->getAroGroup( $row->id );
$row->gid = 1;
if ($acl->is_group_child_of( $grp->name, 'Registered',
'ARO' ) || $acl->is_group_child_of( $grp->name, 'Public Backend', 'ARO' )) {
// fudge Authors, Editors, Publishers and Super
Administrators into the Special Group
$row->gid = 2;
$row->usertype = $grp->name;

// initialize session data

$session =& $this->_session;
$session->guest = 0;
$session->username = $row->username;
$session->userid = intval( $row->id );
$session->usertype = $row->usertype;
$session->gid = intval( $row->gid );

// check to see if site is a production site

// allows multiple logins with same user for a demo site
if ( $_VERSION->SITE ) {
// delete any old front sessions to stop duplicate
$query = "DELETE FROM #__session"
. "\n WHERE session_id != ". $this->_db->Quote(
$session->session_id )
. "\n AND username = ". $this->_db->Quote( $row-
>username )
. "\n AND userid = " . (int) $row->id
. "\n AND gid = " . (int) $row->gid
. "\n AND guest = 0"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

// update user visit data

$currentDate = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s");

$query = "UPDATE #__users"

. "\n SET lastvisitDate = ". $this->_db->Quote(
$currentDate )
. "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $session->userid
if (!$this->_db->query()) {

// set remember me cookie if selected

$remember = strval( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'remember', ''
) );
if ( $remember == 'yes' ) {
// cookie lifetime of 365 days
$lifetime = time() + 365*24*60*60;
$remCookieName =
$remCookieValue = mosMainFrame::remCookieValue_User(
$row->username ) . mosMainFrame::remCookieValue_Pass( $hash ) . $row->id;
setcookie( $remCookieName, $remCookieValue,
$lifetime, '/' );
} else {
if ( $bypost ) {
} else {

* User logout
* Reverts the current session record back to 'anonymous' parameters
function logout() {
$session =& $this->_session;
$session->guest = 1;
$session->username = '';
$session->userid = '';
$session->usertype = '';
$session->gid = 0;


// kill remember me cookie

$lifetime = time() - 86400;
$remCookieName = mosMainFrame::remCookieName_User();
setcookie( $remCookieName, ' ', $lifetime, '/' );


* @return mosUser A user object with the information from the current
function getUser() {
global $database;

$user = new mosUser( $this->_db );

$user->id = intval( $this->_session->userid );

$user->username = $this->_session->username;
$user->usertype = $this->_session->usertype;
$user->gid = intval( $this->_session->gid );

if ($user->id) {
$query = "SELECT id, name, email, block, sendEmail, registerDate,
lastvisitDate, activation, params"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $user->id
$database->setQuery( $query );
$database->loadObject( $my );

$user->params = $my->params;
$user->name = $my->name;
$user->email = $my->email;
$user->block = $my->block;
$user->sendEmail = $my->sendEmail;
$user->registerDate = $my->registerDate;
$user->lastvisitDate = $my->lastvisitDate;
$user->activation = $my->activation;

return $user;
* @param string The name of the variable (from configuration.php)
* @return mixed The value of the configuration variable or null if not
function getCfg( $varname ) {
$varname = 'mosConfig_' . $varname;
if (isset( $GLOBALS[$varname] )) {
return $GLOBALS[$varname];
} else {
return null;

function _setTemplate( $isAdmin=false ) {

global $Itemid;
$mosConfig_absolute_path = $this->getCfg( 'absolute_path' );

if ($isAdmin) {
$query = "SELECT template"
. "\n FROM #__templates_menu"
. "\n WHERE client_id = 1"
. "\n AND menuid = 0"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$cur_template = $this->_db->loadResult();
$path =
if (!file_exists( $path )) {
$cur_template = 'joomla_admin';
} else {
$assigned = ( !empty( $Itemid ) ? " OR menuid = " . (int) $Itemid
: '' );

$query = "SELECT template"

. "\n FROM #__templates_menu"
. "\n WHERE client_id = 0"
. "\n AND ( menuid = 0 $assigned )"
. "\n ORDER BY menuid DESC"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
$cur_template = $this->_db->loadResult();

// TemplateChooser Start
$jos_user_template = strval( mosGetParam( $_COOKIE,
'jos_user_template', '' ) );
$jos_change_template = strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST,
'jos_change_template', $jos_user_template ) );
if ($jos_change_template) {
// clean template name
$jos_change_template = preg_replace( '#\W#', '',
$jos_change_template );
if ( strlen( $jos_change_template ) >= 40 ) {
$jos_change_template = substr($jos_change_template, 0
, 39);

// check that template exists in case it was deleted

if (file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/templates/'.
$jos_change_template .'/index.php' )) {
$lifetime = 60*10;
$cur_template = $jos_change_template;
setcookie( 'jos_user_template',
"$jos_change_template", time()+$lifetime);
} else {
setcookie( 'jos_user_template', '', time()-3600 );
// TemplateChooser End

$this->_template = $cur_template;

function getTemplate() {
return $this->_template;

* Determines the paths for including engine and menu files
* @param string The current option used in the url
* @param string The base path from which to load the configuration file
function _setAdminPaths( $option, $basePath='.' ) {
$option = strtolower( $option );

$this->_path = new stdClass();

// security check to disable use of `/`, `\\` and `:` in $options

if (strpos($option, '/') !== false || strpos($option, '\\') !== false
|| strpos($option, ':') !== false) {
mosErrorAlert( 'Restricted access' );

$prefix = substr( $option, 0, 4 );

if ($prefix != 'com_' && $prefix != 'mod_') {
// ensure backward compatibility with existing links
$name = $option;
$option = "com_$option";
} else {
$name = substr( $option, 4 );

// components
if (file_exists( "$basePath/templates/$this-
>_template/components/$name.html.php" )) {
$this->_path->front =
$this->_path->front_html = "$basePath/templates/$this-
} else if (file_exists( "$basePath/components/$option/$name.php" )) {
$this->_path->front =
$this->_path->front_html =

if (file_exists(
"$basePath/administrator/components/$option/admin.$name.php" )) {
$this->_path->admin =
$this->_path->admin_html =

if (file_exists(
"$basePath/administrator/components/$option/toolbar.$name.php" )) {
$this->_path->toolbar =
$this->_path->toolbar_html =
$this->_path->toolbar_default =

if (file_exists( "$basePath/components/$option/$name.class.php" )) {
$this->_path->class =
} else if (file_exists(
"$basePath/administrator/components/$option/$name.class.php" )) {
$this->_path->class =
} else if (file_exists( "$basePath/includes/$name.php" )) {
$this->_path->class = "$basePath/includes/$name.php";

if ($prefix == 'mod_' &&

file_exists("$basePath/administrator/modules/$option.php")) {
$this->_path->admin =
$this->_path->admin_html =
} else if
(file_exists("$basePath/administrator/components/$option/admin.$name.php" )) {
$this->_path->admin =
$this->_path->admin_html =
} else {
$this->_path->admin =
$this->_path->admin_html =
* Returns a stored path variable
function getPath( $varname, $option='' ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
if ($option) {
$temp = $this->_path;
$this->_setAdminPaths( $option, $this->getCfg(
'absolute_path' ) );
$result = null;
if (isset( $this->_path->$varname )) {
$result = $this->_path->$varname;
} else {
switch ($varname) {
case 'com_xml':
$name = substr( $option, 4 );
$path =
if (file_exists( $path )) {
$result = $path;
} else {
$path =
if (file_exists( $path )) {
$result = $path;

case 'mod0_xml':
// Site modules
if ($option == '') {
$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path .
} else {
$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path .
if (file_exists( $path )) {
$result = $path;

case 'mod1_xml':
// admin modules
if ($option == '') {
$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path .
} else {
$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path .
if (file_exists( $path )) {
$result = $path;

case 'bot_xml':
// Site mambots
$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path .
if (file_exists( $path )) {
$result = $path;

case 'menu_xml':
$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path .
if (file_exists( $path )) {
$result = $path;

case 'installer_html':
$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path .
if (file_exists( $path )) {
$result = $path;

case 'installer_class':
$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path .
if (file_exists( $path )) {
$result = $path;
if ($option) {
$this->_path = $temp;
return $result;
* Detects a 'visit'
* This function updates the agent and domain table hits for a particular
* visitor. The user agent is recorded/incremented if this is the first
* A cookie is set to mark the first visit.
function detect() {
global $mosConfig_enable_stats;
if ($mosConfig_enable_stats == 1) {
if (mosGetParam( $_COOKIE, 'mosvisitor', 0 )) {
setcookie( 'mosvisitor', 1 );

if (phpversion() <= '4.2.1') {

$agent = getenv( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' );
$domain = @gethostbyaddr( getenv( "REMOTE_ADDR" ) );
} else {
if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ) {
} else {
$agent = 'Unknown';

$domain = @gethostbyaddr( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );


$browser = mosGetBrowser( $agent );

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*)"
. "\n FROM #__stats_agents"
. "\n WHERE agent = " . $this->_db->Quote( $browser )
. "\n AND type = 0"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
if ($this->_db->loadResult()) {
$query = "UPDATE #__stats_agents"
. "\n SET hits = ( hits + 1 )"
. "\n WHERE agent = " . $this->_db->Quote( $browser )
. "\n AND type = 0"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
} else {
$query = "INSERT INTO #__stats_agents"
. "\n ( agent, type )"
. "\n VALUES ( " . $this->_db->Quote( $browser ) . ", 0 )"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

$os = mosGetOS( $agent );

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*)"

. "\n FROM #__stats_agents"
. "\n WHERE agent = " . $this->_db->Quote( $os )
. "\n AND type = 1"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
if ($this->_db->loadResult()) {
$query = "UPDATE #__stats_agents"
. "\n SET hits = ( hits + 1 )"
. "\n WHERE agent = " . $this->_db->Quote( $os )
. "\n AND type = 1"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
} else {
$query = "INSERT INTO #__stats_agents"
. "\n ( agent, type )"
. "\n VALUES ( " . $this->_db->Quote( $os ) . ", 1 )"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

// tease out the last element of the domain

$tldomain = split( "\.", $domain );
$tldomain = $tldomain[count( $tldomain )-1];

if (is_numeric( $tldomain )) {
$tldomain = "Unknown";

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*)"

. "\n FROM #__stats_agents"
. "\n WHERE agent = " . $this->_db->Quote( $tldomain )
. "\n AND type = 2"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
if ($this->_db->loadResult()) {
$query = "UPDATE #__stats_agents"
. "\n SET hits = ( hits + 1 )"
. "\n WHERE agent = " . $this->_db->Quote( $tldomain )
. "\n AND type = 2"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
} else {
$query = "INSERT INTO #__stats_agents"
. "\n ( agent, type )"
. "\n VALUES ( " . $this->_db->Quote( $tldomain ) . ", 2 )"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

* @return correct Itemid for Content Item
function getItemid( $id, $typed=1, $link=1, $bs=1, $bc=1, $gbs=1 ) {
global $Itemid;

// getItemid compatibility mode, holds maintenance version number

$compat = (int) $this->getCfg('itemid_compat');
$compat = ($compat == 0)? 12 : $compat;

$_Itemid = '';

if ($_Itemid == '' && $typed && $this->getStaticContentCount()) {

$exists = 0;
foreach( $this->get( '_ContentTyped', array() ) as $key => $value
) {
// check if id has been tested before, if it is pull from
class variable store
if ( $key == $id ) {
$_Itemid = $value;
$exists = 1;
// if id hasnt been checked before initaite query
if ( !$exists ) {
// Search for typed link
$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__menu"
. "\n WHERE type = 'content_typed'"
. "\n AND published = 1"
. "\n AND link =
'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . (int) $id . "'"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
// pull existing query storage into temp variable
$ContentTyped = $this->get( '_ContentTyped',
array() );
// add query result to temp array storage
$ContentTyped[$id] = $this->_db->loadResult();
// save temp array to main array storage
$this->set( '_ContentTyped', $ContentTyped );

$_Itemid = $ContentTyped[$id];

if ($_Itemid == '' && $link && $this->getContentItemLinkCount()) {

$exists = 0;
foreach( $this->get( '_ContentItemLink', array() ) as $key =>
$value ) {
// check if id has been tested before, if it is pull from class
variable store
if ( $key == $id ) {
$_Itemid = $value;
$exists = 1;
// if id hasnt been checked before initaite query
if ( !$exists ) {
// Search for item link
$query = "SELECT id"
."\n FROM #__menu"
."\n WHERE type = 'content_item_link'"
. "\n AND published = 1"
. "\n AND link =
'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . (int) $id . "'"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
// pull existing query storage into temp variable
$ContentItemLink = $this->get( '_ContentItemLink',
array() );
// add query result to temp array storage
$ContentItemLink[$id] = $this->_db->loadResult();
// save temp array to main array storage
$this->set( '_ContentItemLink', $ContentItemLink );

$_Itemid = $ContentItemLink[$id];

if ($_Itemid == '') {
$exists = 0;
foreach( $this->get( '_ContentSection', array() ) as $key =>
$value ) {
// check if id has been tested before, if it is pull from class
variable store
if ( $key == $id ) {
$_Itemid = $value;
$exists = 1;
// if id hasnt been checked before initaite query
if ( !$exists ) {
$query = "SELECT AS sid, ms.type AS stype, AS
cid, mc.type AS ctype, as sectionid, As catid, ms.published AS spub,
mc.published AS cpub"
. "\n FROM #__content AS i"
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS s ON i.sectionid ="
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__menu AS ms ON ms.componentid = "
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ON i.catid ="
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__menu AS mc ON mc.componentid = "
. "\n WHERE ( ms.type IN ( 'content_section',
'content_blog_section' ) OR mc.type IN ( 'content_blog_category',
'content_category' ) )"
. "\n AND = " . (int) $id
. "\n ORDER BY ms.type DESC, mc.type DESC,,"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$links = $this->_db->loadObjectList();

if (count($links)) {
foreach($links as $link) {
if ($link->stype == 'content_section' && $link-
>sectionid == $id && !isset($content_section) && $link->spub == 1) {
$content_section = $link->sid;

if ($link->stype == 'content_blog_section' &&

$link->sectionid == $id && !isset($content_blog_section) && $link->spub == 1) {
$content_blog_section = $link->sid;

if ($link->ctype == 'content_blog_category' &&

$link->catid == $id && !isset($content_blog_category) && $link->cpub == 1) {
$content_blog_category = $link->cid;

if ($link->ctype == 'content_category' &&

$link->catid == $id && !isset($content_category) && $link->cpub == 1) {
$content_category = $link->cid;

if (!isset($content_section)) {
$content_section = null;

// pull existing query storage into temp variable

$ContentSection = $this->get( '_ContentSection',
array() );
// add query result to temp array storage
$ContentSection[$id] = $content_section;
// save temp array to main array storage
$this->set( '_ContentSection', $ContentSection );

$_Itemid = $ContentSection[$id];
if ( $compat <= 11 && $_Itemid == '') {
$exists = 0;
foreach( $this->get( '_ContentBlogSection', array() ) as $key =>
$value ) {
// check if id has been tested before, if it is pull from
class variable store
if ( $key == $id ) {
$_Itemid = $value;
$exists = 1;
// if id hasnt been checked before initaite query
if ( !$exists ) {
if (!isset($content_blog_section)) {
$content_blog_section = null;

// pull existing query storage into temp variable

$ContentBlogSection = $this->get(
'_ContentBlogSection', array() );
// add query result to temp array storage
$ContentBlogSection[$id] = $content_blog_section;
// save temp array to main array storage
$this->set( '_ContentBlogSection', $ContentBlogSection );

$_Itemid = $ContentBlogSection[$id];

if ($_Itemid == '') {
$exists = 0;
foreach( $this->get( '_ContentBlogCategory', array() ) as $key =>
$value ) {
// check if id has been tested before, if it is pull from
class variable store
if ( $key == $id ) {
$_Itemid = $value;
$exists = 1;
// if id hasnt been checked before initaite query
if ( !$exists ) {
if (!isset($content_blog_category)) {
$content_blog_category = null;

// pull existing query storage into temp variable

$ContentBlogCategory = $this->get(
'_ContentBlogCategory', array() );
// add query result to temp array storage
$ContentBlogCategory[$id] = $content_blog_category;
// save temp array to main array storage
$this->set( '_ContentBlogCategory', $ContentBlogCategory );

$_Itemid = $ContentBlogCategory[$id];

if ($_Itemid == '') {
// ensure that query is only called once
if ( !$this->get( '_GlobalBlogSection' ) && !defined(
'_JOS_GBS' ) ) {
define( '_JOS_GBS', 1 );

// Search in global blog section

$query = "SELECT id "
. "\n FROM #__menu "
. "\n WHERE type = 'content_blog_section'"
. "\n AND published = 1"
. "\n AND componentid = 0"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$this->set( '_GlobalBlogSection', $this->_db-
>loadResult() );

$_Itemid = $this->get( '_GlobalBlogSection' );


if ($compat >= 12 && $_Itemid == '') {

$exists = 0;
foreach( $this->get( '_ContentBlogSection', array() ) as $key =>
$value ) {
// check if id has been tested before, if it is pull from
class variable store
if ( $key == $id ) {
$_Itemid = $value;
$exists = 1;
// if id hasnt been checked before initaite query
if ( !$exists ) {
if (!isset($content_blog_section)) {
$content_blog_section = null;

// pull existing query storage into temp variable

$ContentBlogSection = $this->get(
'_ContentBlogSection', array() );
// add query result to temp array storage
$ContentBlogSection[$id] = $content_blog_section;
// save temp array to main array storage
$this->set( '_ContentBlogSection', $ContentBlogSection );

$_Itemid = $ContentBlogSection[$id];

if ($_Itemid == '') {
$exists = 0;
foreach( $this->get( '_ContentCategory', array() ) as $key =>
$value ) {
// check if id has been tested before, if it is pull from
class variable store
if ( $key == $id ) {
$_Itemid = $value;
$exists = 1;
// if id hasnt been checked before initaite query
if ( !$exists ) {
if (!isset($content_category)) {
$content_category = null;

// pull existing query storage into temp variable

$ContentCategory = $this->get( '_ContentCategory',
array() );
// add query result to temp array storage
//$ContentCategory[$id] = $this->_db->loadResult();
$ContentCategory[$id] = $content_category;
// save temp array to main array storage
$this->set( '_ContentCategory', $ContentCategory );

$_Itemid = $ContentCategory[$id];

if ($_Itemid == '') {
// ensure that query is only called once
if ( !$this->get( '_GlobalBlogCategory' ) && !defined( '_JOS_GBC'
) ) {
define( '_JOS_GBC', 1 );

// Search in global blog category

$query = "SELECT id "
. "\n FROM #__menu "
. "\n WHERE type = 'content_blog_category'"
. "\n AND published = 1"
. "\n AND componentid = 0"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$this->set( '_GlobalBlogCategory', $this->_db->loadResult()

$_Itemid = $this->get( '_GlobalBlogCategory' );


if ( $_Itemid != '' ) {
// if Itemid value discovered by queries, return this value
return $_Itemid;
} else if ( $compat >= 12 && $Itemid != 99999999 && $Itemid > 0 ) {
// if queries do not return Itemid value, return Itemid of page - if it
is not 99999999
return $Itemid;
} else if ( $compat <= 11 && $Itemid === 0 ) {
// if queries do not return Itemid value, return Itemid of page - if it
is not 99999999
return $Itemid;

* @return number of Published Blog Sections
* Kept for Backward Compatability
function getBlogSectionCount( ) {
return 1;

* @return number of Published Blog Categories
* Kept for Backward Compatability
function getBlogCategoryCount( ) {
return 1;

* @return number of Published Global Blog Sections
* Kept for Backward Compatability
function getGlobalBlogSectionCount( ) {
return 1;

* @return number of Static Content
function getStaticContentCount( ) {
// ensure that query is only called once
if ( !$this->get( '_StaticContentCount' ) && !defined( '_JOS_SCC' ) ) {
define( '_JOS_SCC', 1 );

$query = "SELECT COUNT( id )"

."\n FROM #__menu "
."\n WHERE type = 'content_typed'"
."\n AND published = 1"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
// saves query result to variable
$this->set( '_StaticContentCount', $this->_db->loadResult() );

return $this->get( '_StaticContentCount' );


* @return number of Content Item Links
function getContentItemLinkCount( ) {
// ensure that query is only called once
if ( !$this->get( '_ContentItemLinkCount' ) && !defined(
'_JOS_CILC' ) ) {
define( '_JOS_CILC', 1 );

$query = "SELECT COUNT( id )"

."\n FROM #__menu "
."\n WHERE type = 'content_item_link'"
."\n AND published = 1"
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
// saves query result to variable
$this->set( '_ContentItemLinkCount', $this->_db->loadResult() );

return $this->get( '_ContentItemLinkCount' );


* @param string The name of the property
* @param mixed The value of the property to set
function set( $property, $value=null ) {
$this->$property = $value;

* @param string The name of the property
* @param mixed The default value
* @return mixed The value of the property
function get($property, $default=null) {
if(isset($this->$property)) {
return $this->$property;
} else {
return $default;

/** Is admin interface?

* @return boolean
* @since 1.0.2
function isAdmin() {
return $this->_isAdmin;

* Component database table class
* @package Joomla
class mosComponent extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int Primary key */
var $id = null;
/** @var string */
var $name = null;
/** @var string */
var $link = null;
/** @var int */
var $menuid = null;
/** @var int */
var $parent = null;
/** @var string */
var $admin_menu_link = null;
/** @var string */
var $admin_menu_alt = null;
/** @var string */
var $option = null;
/** @var string */
var $ordering = null;
/** @var string */
var $admin_menu_img = null;
/** @var int */
var $iscore = null;
/** @var string */
var $params = null;

* @param database A database connector object
function mosComponent( &$db ) {
$this->mosDBTable( '#__components', 'id', $db );

* Utility class for all HTML drawing classes
* @package Joomla
class mosHTML {
function makeOption( $value, $text='', $value_name='value',
$text_name='text' ) {
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->$value_name = $value;
$obj->$text_name = trim( $text ) ? $text : $value;
return $obj;

function writableCell( $folder, $relative=1, $text='', $visible=1 ) {

$writeable = '<b><font color="green">Writeable</font></b>';
$unwriteable = '<b><font color="red">Unwriteable</font></b>';

echo '<tr>';
echo '<td class="item">';
echo $text;
if ( $visible ) {
echo $folder . '/';
echo '</td>';
echo '<td align="left">';
if ( $relative ) {
echo is_writable( "../$folder" ) ? $writeable : $unwriteable;
} else {
echo is_writable( "$folder" ) ? $writeable : $unwriteable;
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';

* Generates an HTML select list
* @param array An array of objects
* @param string The value of the HTML name attribute
* @param string Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
* @param string The name of the object variable for the option value
* @param string The name of the object variable for the option text
* @param mixed The key that is selected
* @returns string HTML for the select list
function selectList( &$arr, $tag_name, $tag_attribs, $key, $text,
$selected=NULL ) {
// check if array
if ( is_array( $arr ) ) {
reset( $arr );

$html = "\n<select name=\"$tag_name\" $tag_attribs>";

$count = count( $arr );

for ($i=0, $n=$count; $i < $n; $i++ ) {

$k = $arr[$i]->$key;
$t = $arr[$i]->$text;
$id = ( isset($arr[$i]->id) ? @$arr[$i]->id : null);

$extra = '';
$extra .= $id ? " id=\"" . $arr[$i]->id . "\"" : '';
if (is_array( $selected )) {
foreach ($selected as $obj) {
$k2 = $obj->$key;
if ($k == $k2) {
$extra .= " selected=\"selected\"";
} else {
$extra .= ($k == $selected ? " selected=\"selected\"" :
$html .= "\n\t<option value=\"".$k."\"$extra>" . $t .
$html .= "\n</select>\n";

return $html;

* Writes a select list of integers
* @param int The start integer
* @param int The end integer
* @param int The increment
* @param string The value of the HTML name attribute
* @param string Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
* @param mixed The key that is selected
* @param string The printf format to be applied to the number
* @returns string HTML for the select list
function integerSelectList( $start, $end, $inc, $tag_name, $tag_attribs,
$selected, $format="" ) {
$start = intval( $start );
$end = intval( $end );
$inc = intval( $inc );
$arr = array();

for ($i=$start; $i <= $end; $i+=$inc) {

$fi = $format ? sprintf( "$format", $i ) : "$i";
$arr[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $fi, $fi );

return mosHTML::selectList( $arr, $tag_name, $tag_attribs, 'value',

'text', $selected );

* Writes a select list of month names based on Language settings
* @param string The value of the HTML name attribute
* @param string Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
* @param mixed The key that is selected
* @returns string HTML for the select list values
function monthSelectList( $tag_name, $tag_attribs, $selected ) {
$arr = array(
mosHTML::makeOption( '01', _JAN ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '02', _FEB ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '03', _MAR ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '04', _APR ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '05', _MAY ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '06', _JUN ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '07', _JUL ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '08', _AUG ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '09', _SEP ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '10', _OCT ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '11', _NOV ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '12', _DEC )

return mosHTML::selectList( $arr, $tag_name, $tag_attribs, 'value',

'text', $selected );

* Generates an HTML select list from a tree based query list
* @param array Source array with id and parent fields
* @param array The id of the current list item
* @param array Target array. May be an empty array.
* @param array An array of objects
* @param string The value of the HTML name attribute
* @param string Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
* @param string The name of the object variable for the option value
* @param string The name of the object variable for the option text
* @param mixed The key that is selected
* @returns string HTML for the select list
function treeSelectList( &$src_list, $src_id, $tgt_list, $tag_name,
$tag_attribs, $key, $text, $selected ) {

// establish the hierarchy of the menu

$children = array();
// first pass - collect children
foreach ($src_list as $v ) {
$pt = $v->parent;
$list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array();
array_push( $list, $v );
$children[$pt] = $list;
// second pass - get an indent list of the items
$ilist = mosTreeRecurse( 0, '', array(), $children );

// assemble menu items to the array

$this_treename = '';
foreach ($ilist as $item) {
if ($this_treename) {
if ($item->id != $src_id && strpos( $item->treename,
$this_treename ) === false) {
$tgt_list[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $item->id, $item-
>treename );
} else {
if ($item->id != $src_id) {
$tgt_list[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $item->id, $item-
>treename );
} else {
$this_treename = "$item->treename/";
// build the html select list
return mosHTML::selectList( $tgt_list, $tag_name, $tag_attribs, $key,
$text, $selected );

* Writes a yes/no select list
* @param string The value of the HTML name attribute
* @param string Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
* @param mixed The key that is selected
* @returns string HTML for the select list values
function yesnoSelectList( $tag_name, $tag_attribs, $selected, $yes=_CMN_YES,
$no=_CMN_NO ) {
$arr = array(
mosHTML::makeOption( '0', $no ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '1', $yes ),

return mosHTML::selectList( $arr, $tag_name, $tag_attribs, 'value',

'text', $selected );

* Generates an HTML radio list
* @param array An array of objects
* @param string The value of the HTML name attribute
* @param string Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
* @param mixed The key that is selected
* @param string The name of the object variable for the option value
* @param string The name of the object variable for the option text
* @returns string HTML for the select list
function radioList( &$arr, $tag_name, $tag_attribs, $selected=null,
$key='value', $text='text' ) {
reset( $arr );
$html = "";
for ($i=0, $n=count( $arr ); $i < $n; $i++ ) {
$k = $arr[$i]->$key;
$t = $arr[$i]->$text;
$id = ( isset($arr[$i]->id) ? @$arr[$i]->id : null);

$extra = '';
$extra .= $id ? " id=\"" . $arr[$i]->id . "\"" : '';
if (is_array( $selected )) {
foreach ($selected as $obj) {
$k2 = $obj->$key;
if ($k == $k2) {
$extra .= " selected=\"selected\"";
} else {
$extra .= ($k == $selected ? " checked=\"checked\"" : '');
$html .= "\n\t<input type=\"radio\" name=\"$tag_name\"
id=\"$tag_name$k\" value=\"".$k."\"$extra $tag_attribs />";
$html .= "\n\t<label for=\"$tag_name$k\">$t</label>";
$html .= "\n";

return $html;

* Writes a yes/no radio list
* @param string The value of the HTML name attribute
* @param string Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
* @param mixed The key that is selected
* @returns string HTML for the radio list
function yesnoRadioList( $tag_name, $tag_attribs, $selected, $yes=_CMN_YES,
$no=_CMN_NO ) {
$arr = array(
mosHTML::makeOption( '0', $no ),
mosHTML::makeOption( '1', $yes )

return mosHTML::radioList( $arr, $tag_name, $tag_attribs, $selected );


* @param int The row index
* @param int The record id
* @param boolean
* @param string The name of the form element
* @return string
function idBox( $rowNum, $recId, $checkedOut=false, $name='cid' ) {
if ( $checkedOut ) {
return '';
} else {
return '<input type="checkbox" id="cb'.$rowNum.'"
name="'.$name.'[]" value="'.$recId.'" onclick="isChecked(this.checked);" />';

function sortIcon( $base_href, $field, $state='none' ) {

global $mosConfig_live_site;

$alts = array(
'none' => _CMN_SORT_NONE,
'asc' => _CMN_SORT_ASC,
'desc' => _CMN_SORT_DESC,
$next_state = 'asc';
if ($state == 'asc') {
$next_state = 'desc';
} else if ($state == 'desc') {
$next_state = 'none';

$html = "<a href=\"$base_href&field=$field&order=$next_state\">"

. "<img src=\"$mosConfig_live_site/images/M_images/sort_$state.png\"
width=\"12\" height=\"12\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$alts[$next_state]}\" />"
. "</a>";
return $html;

* Writes Close Button
function CloseButton ( &$params, $hide_js=NULL ) {
// displays close button in Pop-up window
if ( $params->get( 'popup' ) && !$hide_js ) {
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
document.write('<div align="center" style="margin-top: 30px;
margin-bottom: 30px;">');
document.write('<a href="#"
onclick="javascript:window.close();"><span class="small"><?php echo

* Writes Back Button
function BackButton ( &$params, $hide_js=NULL ) {
// Back Button
if ( $params->get( 'back_button' ) && !$params->get( 'popup' ) && !
$hide_js) {
<div class="back_button">
<a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>
<?php echo _BACK; ?></a>

* Cleans text of all formating and scripting code
function cleanText ( &$text ) {
$text = preg_replace( "'<script[^>]*>.*?</script>'si", '', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '/<a\s+.*?href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/is',
'\2 (\1)', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '/<!--.+?-->/', '', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '/{.+?}/', '', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '/&nbsp;/', ' ', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '/&amp;/', ' ', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '/&quot;/', ' ', $text );
$text = strip_tags( $text );
$text = htmlspecialchars( $text );

return $text;

* Writes Print icon
function PrintIcon( &$row, &$params, $hide_js, $link, $status=NULL ) {
if ( $params->get( 'print' ) && !$hide_js ) {
// use default settings if none declared
if ( !$status ) {
$status =

// checks template image directory for image, if non found

default are loaded
if ( $params->get( 'icons' ) ) {
$image = mosAdminMenus::ImageCheck( 'printButton.png',
'/images/M_images/', NULL, NULL, _CMN_PRINT, _CMN_PRINT );
} else {
$image = _ICON_SEP .'&nbsp;'. _CMN_PRINT. '&nbsp;'.

if ( $params->get( 'popup' ) && !$hide_js ) {

// Print Preview button - used when viewing page
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
document.write('<td align="right" width="100%"
document.write('<a href="#"
onclick="javascript:window.print(); return false;" title="<?php echo
document.write('<?php echo $image;?>');
} else {
// Print Button - used in pop-up window
<td align="right" width="100%" class="buttonheading">
<a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" target="_blank"
onclick="'<?php echo $link; ?>','win2','<?php echo $status; ?>');
return false;" title="<?php echo _CMN_PRINT;?>">
<?php echo $image;?></a>

* simple Javascript Cloaking
* email cloacking
* by default replaces an email with a mailto link with email cloacked
function emailCloaking( $mail, $mailto=1, $text='', $email=1 ) {
// convert text
$mail = mosHTML::encoding_converter( $mail );
// split email by @ symbol
$mail = explode( '@', $mail );
$mail_parts = explode( '.', $mail[1] );
// random number
$rand = rand( 1, 100000 );

$replacement = "\n <script language='JavaScript'

$replacement .= "\n <!--";
$replacement .= "\n var prefix = '&#109;a' + 'i&#108;' +
$replacement .= "\n var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '=';";
$replacement .= "\n var addy". $rand ." = '". @$mail[0] ."' +
$replacement .= "\n addy". $rand ." = addy". $rand ." + '".
implode( "' + '&#46;' + '", $mail_parts ) ."';";

if ( $mailto ) {
// special handling when mail text is different from mail addy
if ( $text ) {
if ( $email ) {
// convert text
$text =
mosHTML::encoding_converter( $text );
// split email by @ symbol
$text = explode( '@', $text );
$text_parts = explode( '.', $text[1] );
$replacement .= "\n var addy_text". $rand ." =
'". @$text[0] ."' + '&#64;' + '". implode( "' + '&#46;' + '", @$text_parts )
} else {
$replacement .= "\n var addy_text". $rand ." =
'". $text ."';";
$replacement .= "\n document.write( '<a ' + path +
'\'' + prefix + ':' + addy". $rand ." + '\'>' );";
$replacement .= "\n document.write( addy_text". $rand
." );";
$replacement .= "\n document.write( '<\/a>' );";
} else {
$replacement .= "\n document.write( '<a ' + path +
'\'' + prefix + ':' + addy". $rand ." + '\'>' );";
$replacement .= "\n document.write( addy". $rand ." );
$replacement .= "\n document.write( '<\/a>' );";
} else {
$replacement .= "\n document.write( addy". $rand ." );";
$replacement .= "\n //-->";
$replacement .= '\n </script>';

// XHTML compliance `No Javascript` text handling

$replacement .= "<script language='JavaScript'
$replacement .= "\n <!--";
$replacement .= "\n document.write( '<span style=\'display:
none;\'>' );";
$replacement .= "\n //-->";
$replacement .= "\n </script>";
$replacement .= _CLOAKING;
$replacement .= "\n <script language='JavaScript'
$replacement .= "\n <!--";
$replacement .= "\n document.write( '</' );";
$replacement .= "\n document.write( 'span>' );";
$replacement .= "\n //-->";
$replacement .= "\n </script>";

return $replacement;

function encoding_converter( $text ) {

// replace vowels with character encoding
$text = str_replace( 'a', '&#97;', $text );
$text = str_replace( 'e', '&#101;', $text );
$text = str_replace( 'i', '&#105;', $text );
$text = str_replace( 'o', '&#111;', $text );
$text = str_replace( 'u', '&#117;', $text );

return $text;

* Category database table class
* @package Joomla
class mosCategory extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int Primary key */
var $id = null;
/** @var int */
var $parent_id = null;
/** @var string The menu title for the Category (a short name)*/
var $title = null;
/** @var string The full name for the Category*/
var $name = null;
/** @var string */
var $image = null;
/** @var string */
var $section = null;
/** @var int */
var $image_position = null;
/** @var string */
var $description = null;
/** @var boolean */
var $published = null;
/** @var boolean */
var $checked_out = null;
/** @var time */
var $checked_out_time = null;
/** @var int */
var $ordering = null;
/** @var int */
var $access = null;
/** @var string */
var $params = null;

* @param database A database connector object
function mosCategory( &$db ) {
$this->mosDBTable( '#__categories', 'id', $db );
// overloaded check function
function check() {
// check for valid name
if (trim( $this->title ) == '') {
$this->_error = "Your Category must contain a title.";
return false;
if (trim( $this->name ) == '') {
$this->_error = "Your Category must have a name.";
return false;

$ignoreList = array('description');

// check for existing name

$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__categories "
. "\n WHERE name = " . $this->_db->Quote( $this->name )
. "\n AND section = " . $this->_db->Quote( $this->section )
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

$xid = intval( $this->_db->loadResult() );

if ($xid && $xid != intval( $this->id )) {
$this->_error = "There is a category already with that name,
please try again.";
return false;
return true;

* Section database table class
* @package Joomla
class mosSection extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int Primary key */
var $id = null;
/** @var string The menu title for the Section (a short name)*/
var $title = null;
/** @var string The full name for the Section*/
var $name = null;
/** @var string */
var $image = null;
/** @var string */
var $scope = null;
/** @var int */
var $image_position = null;
/** @var string */
var $description = null;
/** @var boolean */
var $published = null;
/** @var boolean */
var $checked_out = null;
/** @var time */
var $checked_out_time = null;
/** @var int */
var $ordering = null;
/** @var int */
var $access = null;
/** @var string */
var $params = null;

* @param database A database connector object
function mosSection( &$db ) {
$this->mosDBTable( '#__sections', 'id', $db );
// overloaded check function
function check() {
// check for valid name
if (trim( $this->title ) == '') {
$this->_error = "Your Section must contain a title.";
return false;
if (trim( $this->name ) == '') {
$this->_error = "Your Section must have a name.";
return false;

$ignoreList = array('description');

// check for existing name

$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__sections "
. "\n WHERE name = " . $this->_db->Quote( $this->name )
. "\n AND scope = " . $this->_db->Quote( $this->scope )
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

$xid = intval( $this->_db->loadResult() );

if ($xid && $xid != intval( $this->id )) {
$this->_error = "There is a section already with that name,
please try again.";
return false;
return true;

* Module database table class
* @package Joomla
class mosContent extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int Primary key */
var $id = null;
/** @var string */
var $title = null;
/** @var string */
var $title_alias = null;
/** @var string */
var $introtext = null;
/** @var string */
var $fulltext = null;
/** @var int */
var $state = null;
/** @var int The id of the category section*/
var $sectionid = null;
/** @var int DEPRECATED */
var $mask = null;
/** @var int */
var $catid = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $created = null;
/** @var int User id*/
var $created_by = null;
/** @var string An alias for the author*/
var $created_by_alias = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $modified = null;
/** @var int User id*/
var $modified_by = null;
/** @var boolean */
var $checked_out = null;
/** @var time */
var $checked_out_time = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $frontpage_up = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $frontpage_down = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $publish_up = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $publish_down = null;
/** @var string */
var $images = null;
/** @var string */
var $urls = null;
/** @var string */
var $attribs = null;
/** @var int */
var $version = null;
/** @var int */
var $parentid = null;
/** @var int */
var $ordering = null;
/** @var string */
var $metakey = null;
/** @var string */
var $metadesc = null;
/** @var int */
var $access = null;
/** @var int */
var $hits = null;

* @param database A database connector object
function mosContent( &$db ) {
$this->mosDBTable( '#__content', 'id', $db );

* Validation and filtering
function check() {
// filter malicious code
$ignoreList = array( 'introtext', 'fulltext' );
$this->filter( $ignoreList );

TODO: This filter is too rigorous,
need to implement more configurable solution
// specific filters
$iFilter = new InputFilter( null, null, 1, 1 );
$this->introtext = trim( $iFilter->process( $this->introtext ) );
$this->fulltext = trim( $iFilter->process( $this->fulltext ) );
if (trim( str_replace( '&nbsp;', '', $this->fulltext ) ) == '') {
$this->fulltext = '';

return true;

* Converts record to XML
* @param boolean Map foreign keys to text values
function toXML( $mapKeysToText=false ) {
global $database;

if ($mapKeysToText) {
$query = "SELECT name"
. "\n FROM #__sections"
. "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $this->sectionid
$database->setQuery( $query );
$this->sectionid = $database->loadResult();

$query = "SELECT name"

. "\n FROM #__categories"
. "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $this->catid
$database->setQuery( $query );
$this->catid = $database->loadResult();

$query = "SELECT name"

. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $this->created_by
$database->setQuery( $query );
$this->created_by = $database->loadResult();

return parent::toXML( $mapKeysToText );


* Module database table class
* @package Joomla
class mosMenu extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int Primary key */
var $id = null;
/** @var string */
var $menutype = null;
/** @var string */
var $name = null;
/** @var string */
var $link = null;
/** @var int */
var $type = null;
/** @var int */
var $published = null;
/** @var int */
var $componentid = null;
/** @var int */
var $parent = null;
/** @var int */
var $sublevel = null;
/** @var int */
var $ordering = null;
/** @var boolean */
var $checked_out = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $checked_out_time = null;
/** @var boolean */
var $pollid = null;
/** @var string */
var $browserNav = null;
/** @var int */
var $access = null;
/** @var int */
var $utaccess = null;
/** @var string */
var $params = null;

* @param database A database connector object
function mosMenu( &$db ) {
$this->mosDBTable( '#__menu', 'id', $db );

function check() {
$this->id = (int) $this->id;
$this->params = (string) trim( $this->params . ' ' );

$ignoreList = array( 'link' );

$this->filter( $ignoreList );

return true;

* Users Table Class
* Provides access to the jos_user table
* @package Joomla
class mosUser extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int Unique id*/
var $id = null;
/** @var string The users real name (or nickname)*/
var $name = null;
/** @var string The login name*/
var $username = null;
/** @var string email*/
var $email = null;
/** @var string MD5 encrypted password*/
var $password = null;
/** @var string */
var $usertype = null;
/** @var int */
var $block = null;
/** @var int */
var $sendEmail = null;
/** @var int The group id number */
var $gid = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $registerDate = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $lastvisitDate = null;
/** @var string activation hash*/
var $activation = null;
/** @var string */
var $params = null;

* @param database A database connector object
function mosUser( &$database ) {
$this->mosDBTable( '#__users', 'id', $database );

* Validation and filtering
* @return boolean True is satisfactory
function check() {
global $mosConfig_uniquemail;

// Validate user information

if (trim( $this->name ) == '') {
$this->_error = addslashes( _REGWARN_NAME );
return false;

if (trim( $this->username ) == '') {

$this->_error = addslashes( _REGWARN_UNAME );
return false;

// check that username is not greater than 25 characters

$username = $this->username;
if ( strlen($username) > 25 ) {
$this->username = substr( $username, 0, 25 );

// check that password is not greater than 50 characters

$password = $this->password;
if ( strlen($password) > 50 ) {
$this->password = substr( $password, 0, 50 );

if (eregi( "[\<|\>|\"|\'|\%|\;|\(|\)|\&|\+|\-]", $this->username) ||

strlen( $this->username ) < 3) {
$this->_error = sprintf( addslashes( _VALID_AZ09 ), addslashes(
return false;

if ((trim($this->email == "")) || (preg_match("/[\w\.\-]+@\w+[\w\.\-]

*?\.\w{1,4}/", $this->email )==false)) {
$this->_error = addslashes( _REGWARN_MAIL );
return false;

// check for existing username

$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__users "
. "\n WHERE username = " . $this->_db->Quote( $this->username )
. "\n AND id != " . (int)$this->id
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$xid = intval( $this->_db->loadResult() );
if ($xid && $xid != intval( $this->id )) {
$this->_error = addslashes( _REGWARN_INUSE );
return false;

if ($mosConfig_uniquemail) {
// check for existing email
$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__users "
. "\n WHERE email = " . $this->_db->Quote( $this->email )
. "\n AND id != " . (int) $this->id
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$xid = intval( $this->_db->loadResult() );
if ($xid && $xid != intval( $this->id )) {
$this->_error = addslashes( _REGWARN_EMAIL_INUSE );
return false;

return true;

function store( $updateNulls=false ) {

global $acl, $migrate;
$section_value = 'users';

$k = $this->_tbl_key;
$key = $this->$k;
if( $key && !$migrate) {
// existing record
$ret = $this->_db->updateObject( $this->_tbl, $this, $this-
>_tbl_key, $updateNulls );
// syncronise ACL
// single group handled at the moment
// trivial to expand to multiple groups
$groups = $acl->get_object_groups( $section_value, $this->$k,
'ARO' );
if(isset($groups[0])) $acl->del_group_object( $groups[0],
$section_value, $this->$k, 'ARO' );
$acl->add_group_object( $this->gid, $section_value, $this->$k,
'ARO' );

$object_id = $acl->get_object_id( $section_value, $this->$k,

'ARO' );
$acl->edit_object( $object_id, $section_value, $this->_db-
>getEscaped( $this->name ), $this->$k, 0, 0, 'ARO' );
} else {
// new record
$ret = $this->_db->insertObject( $this->_tbl, $this, $this-
>_tbl_key );
// syncronise ACL
$acl->add_object( $section_value, $this->_db->getEscaped( $this-
>name ), $this->$k, null, null, 'ARO' );
$acl->add_group_object( $this->gid, $section_value, $this->$k,
'ARO' );
if( !$ret ) {
$this->_error = strtolower(get_class( $this ))."::store failed
<br />" . $this->_db->getErrorMsg();
return false;
} else {
return true;

function delete( $oid=null ) {

global $acl;

$k = $this->_tbl_key;
if ($oid) {
$this->$k = intval( $oid );
$aro_id = $acl->get_object_id( 'users', $this->$k, 'ARO' );
$acl->del_object( $aro_id, 'ARO', true );

$query = "DELETE FROM $this->_tbl"

. "\n WHERE $this->_tbl_key = " . (int) $this->$k
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

if ($this->_db->query()) {
// cleanup related data

// :: private messaging
$query = "DELETE FROM #__messages_cfg"
. "\n WHERE user_id = " . (int) $this->$k
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
if (!$this->_db->query()) {
$this->_error = $this->_db->getErrorMsg();
return false;
$query = "DELETE FROM #__messages"
. "\n WHERE user_id_to = " . (int) $this->$k
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
if (!$this->_db->query()) {
$this->_error = $this->_db->getErrorMsg();
return false;

return true;
} else {
$this->_error = $this->_db->getErrorMsg();
return false;

* Gets the users from a group
* @param string The value for the group (not used 1.0)
* @param string The name for the group
* @param string If RECURSE, will drill into child groups
* @param string Ordering for the list
* @return array
function getUserListFromGroup( $value, $name, $recurse='NO_RECURSE',
$order='name' ) {
global $acl;

// Change back in
//$group_id = $acl->get_group_id( $value, $name, $group_type = 'ARO');
$group_id = $acl->get_group_id( $name, $group_type = 'ARO');
$objects = $acl->get_group_objects( $group_id, 'ARO', 'RECURSE');

if (isset( $objects['users'] )) {
mosArrayToInts( $objects['users'] );
$gWhere = '(id =' . implode( ' OR id =', $objects['users'] ) .

$query = "SELECT id AS value, name AS text"

. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE block = '0'"
. "\n AND " . $gWhere
. "\n ORDER BY ". $order
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$options = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
return $options;
} else {
return array();

* Template Table Class
* Provides access to the jos_templates table
* @package Joomla
class mosTemplate extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int */
var $id = null;
/** @var string */
var $cur_template = null;
/** @var int */
var $col_main = null;

* @param database A database connector object
function mosTemplate( &$database ) {
$this->mosDBTable( '#__templates', 'id', $database );

* Utility function to return a value from a named array or a specified default
* @param array A named array
* @param string The key to search for
* @param mixed The default value to give if no key found
* @param int An options mask: _MOS_NOTRIM prevents trim, _MOS_ALLOWHTML allows
safe html, _MOS_ALLOWRAW allows raw input
define( "_MOS_NOTRIM", 0x0001 );
define( "_MOS_ALLOWHTML", 0x0002 );
define( "_MOS_ALLOWRAW", 0x0004 );
function mosGetParam( &$arr, $name, $def=null, $mask=0 ) {
static $noHtmlFilter = null;
static $safeHtmlFilter = null;

$return = null;
if (isset( $arr[$name] )) {
$return = $arr[$name];

if (is_string( $return )) {
// trim data
if (!($mask&_MOS_NOTRIM)) {
$return = trim( $return );

if ($mask&_MOS_ALLOWRAW) {
// do nothing
} else if ($mask&_MOS_ALLOWHTML) {
// do nothing - compatibility mode
} else {
// send to inputfilter
if (is_null( $noHtmlFilter )) {
$noHtmlFilter = new InputFilter( /* $tags, $attr,
$tag_method, $attr_method, $xss_auto */ );
$return = $noHtmlFilter->process( $return );

if (!empty($return) && is_numeric($def)) {

// if value is defined and default value is numeric set
variable type to integer
$return = intval($return);

// account for magic quotes setting

if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$return = addslashes( $return );

return $return;
} else {
return $def;

* Strip slashes from strings or arrays of strings
* @param mixed The input string or array
* @return mixed String or array stripped of slashes
function mosStripslashes( &$value ) {
$ret = '';
if (is_string( $value )) {
$ret = stripslashes( $value );
} else {
if (is_array( $value )) {
$ret = array();
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
$ret[$key] = mosStripslashes( $val );
} else {
$ret = $value;
return $ret;

* Copy the named array content into the object as properties
* only existing properties of object are filled. when undefined in hash,
properties wont be deleted
* @param array the input array
* @param obj byref the object to fill of any class
* @param string
* @param boolean
function mosBindArrayToObject( $array, &$obj, $ignore='', $prefix=NULL,
$checkSlashes=true ) {
if (!is_array( $array ) || !is_object( $obj )) {
return (false);

$ignore = ' ' . $ignore . ' ';

foreach (get_object_vars($obj) as $k => $v) {
if( substr( $k, 0, 1 ) != '_' ) { // internal attributes
of an object are ignored
if (strpos( $ignore, ' ' . $k . ' ') === false) {
if ($prefix) {
$ak = $prefix . $k;
} else {
$ak = $k;
if (isset($array[$ak])) {
$obj->$k = ($checkSlashes &&
get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? mosStripslashes( $array[$ak] ) : $array[$ak];

return true;

* Utility function to read the files in a directory
* @param string The file system path
* @param string A filter for the names
* @param boolean Recurse search into sub-directories
* @param boolean True if to prepend the full path to the file name
function mosReadDirectory( $path, $filter='.', $recurse=false, $fullpath=false )
$arr = array();
if (!@is_dir( $path )) {
return $arr;
$handle = opendir( $path );

while ($file = readdir($handle)) {

$dir = mosPathName( $path.'/'.$file, false );
$isDir = is_dir( $dir );
if (($file != ".") && ($file != "..")) {
if (preg_match( "/$filter/", $file )) {
if ($fullpath) {
$arr[] = trim( mosPathName( $path.'/'.$file,
false ) );
} else {
$arr[] = trim( $file );
if ($recurse && $isDir) {
$arr2 = mosReadDirectory( $dir, $filter, $recurse,
$fullpath );
$arr = array_merge( $arr, $arr2 );
return $arr;

* Utility function redirect the browser location to another url
* Can optionally provide a message.
* @param string The file system path
* @param string A filter for the names
function mosRedirect( $url, $msg='' ) {
global $mainframe;

// specific filters
$iFilter = new InputFilter();
$url = $iFilter->process( $url );
if (!empty($msg)) {
$msg = $iFilter->process( $msg );

// Strip out any line breaks and throw away the rest
$url = preg_split("/[\r\n]/", $url);
$url = $url[0];

if ($iFilter->badAttributeValue( array( 'href', $url ))) {

$url = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_live_site'];

if (trim( $msg )) {
if (strpos( $url, '?' )) {
$url .= '&mosmsg=' . urlencode( $msg );
} else {
$url .= '?mosmsg=' . urlencode( $msg );

if (headers_sent()) {
echo "<script>document.location.href='$url';</script>\n";
} else {
@ob_end_clean(); // clear output buffer
header( 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently' );
header( "Location: ". $url );

function mosErrorAlert( $text, $action='window.history.go(-1);', $mode=1 ) {

$text = nl2br( $text );
$text = addslashes( $text );
$text = strip_tags( $text );

switch ( $mode ) {
case 2:
echo "<script>$action</script> \n";

case 1:
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;
"._ISO."\" />";
echo "<script>alert('$text'); $action</script> \n";
//echo '<noscript>';
//mosRedirect( @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $text );
//echo '</noscript>';

function mosTreeRecurse( $id, $indent, $list, &$children, $maxlevel=9999,
$level=0, $type=1 ) {

if (@$children[$id] && $level <= $maxlevel) {

foreach ($children[$id] as $v) {
$id = $v->id;

if ( $type ) {
$pre = '<sup>L</sup>&nbsp;';
$spacer = '.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
} else {
$pre = '- ';
$spacer = '&nbsp;&nbsp;';

if ( $v->parent == 0 ) {
$txt = $v->name;
} else {
$txt = $pre . $v->name;
$pt = $v->parent;
$list[$id] = $v;
$list[$id]->treename = "$indent$txt";
$list[$id]->children = count( @$children[$id] );

$list = mosTreeRecurse( $id, $indent . $spacer, $list, $children,

$maxlevel, $level+1, $type );
return $list;

* Function to strip additional / or \ in a path name
* @param string The path
* @param boolean Add trailing slash
function mosPathName($p_path,$p_addtrailingslash = true) {
$retval = "";

$isWin = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN');

if ($isWin) {
$retval = str_replace( '/', '\\', $p_path );
if ($p_addtrailingslash) {
if (substr( $retval, -1 ) != '\\') {
$retval .= '\\';

// Check if UNC path

$unc = substr($retval,0,2) == '\\\\' ? 1 : 0;

// Remove double \\
$retval = str_replace( '\\\\', '\\', $retval );

// If UNC path, we have to add one \ in front or everything breaks!

if ( $unc == 1 ) {
$retval = '\\'.$retval;
} else {
$retval = str_replace( '\\', '/', $p_path );
if ($p_addtrailingslash) {
if (substr( $retval, -1 ) != '/') {
$retval .= '/';

// Check if UNC path

$unc = substr($retval,0,2) == '//' ? 1 : 0;

// Remove double //
$retval = str_replace('//','/',$retval);

// If UNC path, we have to add one / in front or everything breaks!

if ( $unc == 1 ) {
$retval = '/'.$retval;

return $retval;

* Class mosMambot
* @package Joomla
class mosMambot extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int */
var $id = null;
/** @var varchar */
var $name = null;
/** @var varchar */
var $element = null;
/** @var varchar */
var $folder = null;
/** @var tinyint unsigned */
var $access = null;
/** @var int */
var $ordering = null;
/** @var tinyint */
var $published = null;
/** @var tinyint */
var $iscore = null;
/** @var tinyint */
var $client_id = null;
/** @var int unsigned */
var $checked_out = null;
/** @var datetime */
var $checked_out_time = null;
/** @var text */
var $params = null;

function mosMambot( &$db ) {

$this->mosDBTable( '#__mambots', 'id', $db );

* Module database table class
* @package Joomla
class mosModule extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int Primary key */
var $id = null;
/** @var string */
var $title = null;
/** @var string */
var $showtitle = null;
/** @var int */
var $content = null;
/** @var int */
var $ordering = null;
/** @var string */
var $position = null;
/** @var boolean */
var $checked_out = null;
/** @var time */
var $checked_out_time = null;
/** @var boolean */
var $published = null;
/** @var string */
var $module = null;
/** @var int */
var $numnews = null;
/** @var int */
var $access = null;
/** @var string */
var $params = null;
/** @var string */
var $iscore = null;
/** @var string */
var $client_id = null;

* @param database A database connector object
function mosModule( &$db ) {
$this->mosDBTable( '#__modules', 'id', $db );
// overloaded check function
function check() {
// check for valid name
if (trim( $this->title ) == '') {
$this->_error = "Your Module must contain a title.";
return false;

return true;

* Session database table class
* @package Joomla
class mosSession extends mosDBTable {
/** @var int Primary key */
var $session_id = null;
/** @var string */
var $time = null;
/** @var string */
var $userid = null;
/** @var string */
var $usertype = null;
/** @var string */
var $username = null;
/** @var time */
var $gid = null;
/** @var int */
var $guest = null;
/** @var string */
var $_session_cookie = null;

* @param database A database connector object
function mosSession( &$db ) {
$this->mosDBTable( '#__session', 'session_id', $db );

* @param string Key search for
* @param mixed Default value if not set
* @return mixed
function get( $key, $default=null ) {
return mosGetParam( $_SESSION, $key, $default );

* @param string Key to set
* @param mixed Value to set
* @return mixed The new value
function set( $key, $value ) {
$_SESSION[$key] = $value;
return $value;

* Sets a key from a REQUEST variable, otherwise uses the default
* @param string The variable key
* @param string The REQUEST variable name
* @param mixed The default value
* @return mixed
function setFromRequest( $key, $varName, $default=null ) {
if (isset( $_REQUEST[$varName] )) {
return mosSession::set( $key, $_REQUEST[$varName] );
} else if (isset( $_SESSION[$key] )) {
return $_SESSION[$key];
} else {
return mosSession::set( $key, $default );

* Insert a new row
* @return boolean
function insert() {
$ret = $this->_db->insertObject( $this->_tbl, $this );

if( !$ret ) {
$this->_error = strtolower(get_class( $this ))."::store failed
<br />" . $this->_db->stderr();
return false;
} else {
return true;

* Update an existing row
* @return boolean
function update( $updateNulls=false ) {
$ret = $this->_db->updateObject( $this->_tbl, $this, 'session_id',
$updateNulls );

if( !$ret ) {
$this->_error = strtolower(get_class( $this ))."::store failed
<br />" . $this->_db->stderr();
return false;
} else {
return true;

* Generate a unique session id
* @return string
function generateId() {
$failsafe = 20;
$randnum = 0;

while ($failsafe--) {
$randnum = md5( uniqid( microtime(), 1 ) );
$new_session_id = mosMainFrame::sessionCookieValue( $randnum );

if ($randnum != '') {
$query = "SELECT $this->_tbl_key"
. "\n FROM $this->_tbl"
. "\n WHERE $this->_tbl_key = " . $this->_db->Quote(
$new_session_id )
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
if(!$result = $this->_db->query()) {
die( $this->_db->stderr( true ));

if ($this->_db->getNumRows($result) == 0) {

$this->_session_cookie = $randnum;
$this->session_id = $new_session_id;

* @return string The name of the session cookie
function getCookie() {
return $this->_session_cookie;

* Purge lapsed sessions
* @return boolean
function purge( $inc=1800, $and='' ) {
global $mainframe;

if ($inc == 'core') {
$past_logged = time() - $mainframe->getCfg( 'lifetime' );
$past_guest = time() - 900;

$query = "DELETE FROM $this->_tbl"

. "\n WHERE ("
// purging expired logged sessions
. "\n ( time < '" . (int) $past_logged . "' )"
. "\n AND guest = 0"
. "\n AND gid > 0"
. "\n ) OR ("
// purging expired guest sessions
. "\n ( time < '" . (int) $past_guest . "' )"
. "\n AND guest = 1"
. "\n AND userid = 0"
. "\n )"
} else {
// kept for backward compatability
$past = time() - $inc;
$query = "DELETE FROM $this->_tbl"
. "\n WHERE ( time < '" . (int) $past . "' )"
. $and

return $this->_db->query();
function mosObjectToArray($p_obj) {
$retarray = null;
$retarray = array();
foreach (get_object_vars($p_obj) as $k => $v)
$retarray[$k] = mosObjectToArray($v);
$retarray[$k] = $v;
return $retarray;
* Checks the user agent string against known browsers
function mosGetBrowser( $agent ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;

require( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/includes/agent_browser.php' );

if (preg_match( "/msie[\/\sa-z]*([\d\.]*)/i", $agent, $m )

&& !preg_match( "/webtv/i", $agent )
&& !preg_match( "/omniweb/i", $agent )
&& !preg_match( "/opera/i", $agent )) {
// IE
return "MS Internet Explorer $m[1]";
} else if (preg_match( "/netscape.?\/([\d\.]*)/i", $agent, $m )) {
// Netscape 6.x, 7.x ...
return "Netscape $m[1]";
} else if ( preg_match( "/mozilla[\/\sa-z]*([\d\.]*)/i", $agent, $m )
&& !preg_match( "/gecko/i", $agent )
&& !preg_match( "/compatible/i", $agent )
&& !preg_match( "/opera/i", $agent )
&& !preg_match( "/galeon/i", $agent )
&& !preg_match( "/safari/i", $agent )) {
// Netscape 3.x, 4.x ...
return "Netscape $m[1]";
} else {
// Other
$found = false;
foreach ($browserSearchOrder as $key) {
if (preg_match( "/$key.?\/([\d\.]*)/i", $agent, $m )) {
$name = "$browsersAlias[$key] $m[1]";
return $name;

return 'Unknown';

* Checks the user agent string against known operating systems
function mosGetOS( $agent ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;

require( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/includes/agent_os.php' );

foreach ($osSearchOrder as $key) {

if (preg_match( "/$key/i", $agent )) {
return $osAlias[$key];

return 'Unknown';

* @param string SQL with ordering As value and 'name field' AS text
* @param integer The length of the truncated headline
function mosGetOrderingList( $sql, $chop='30' ) {
global $database;

$order = array();
$database->setQuery( $sql );
if (!($orders = $database->loadObjectList())) {
if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
echo $database->stderr();
return false;
} else {
$order[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 1, 'first' );
return $order;
$order[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 0, '0 first' );
for ($i=0, $n=count( $orders ); $i < $n; $i++) {

if (strlen($orders[$i]->text) > $chop) {

$text = substr($orders[$i]->text,0,$chop)."...";
} else {
$text = $orders[$i]->text;

$order[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $orders[$i]->value, $orders[$i]-

>value.' ('.$text.')' );
$order[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $orders[$i-1]->value+1, ($orders[$i-1]-
>value+1).' last' );

return $order;

* Makes a variable safe to display in forms
* Object parameters that are non-string, array, object or start with underscore
* will be converted
* @param object An object to be parsed
* @param int The optional quote style for the htmlspecialchars function
* @param string|array An optional single field name or array of field names not
* to be parsed (eg, for a textarea)
function mosMakeHtmlSafe( &$mixed, $quote_style=ENT_QUOTES, $exclude_keys='' ) {
if (is_object( $mixed )) {
foreach (get_object_vars( $mixed ) as $k => $v) {
if (is_array( $v ) || is_object( $v ) || $v == NULL || substr(
$k, 1, 1 ) == '_' ) {
if (is_string( $exclude_keys ) && $k == $exclude_keys) {
} else if (is_array( $exclude_keys ) && in_array( $k,
$exclude_keys )) {
$mixed->$k = htmlspecialchars( $v, $quote_style );

* Checks whether a menu option is within the users access level
* @param int Item id number
* @param string The menu option
* @param int The users group ID number
* @param database A database connector object
* @return boolean True if the visitor's group at least equal to the menu access
function mosMenuCheck( $Itemid, $menu_option, $task, $gid ) {
global $database, $mainframe;

if ( $Itemid != '' && $Itemid != 0 && $Itemid != 99999999 ) {

$query = "SELECT *"
. "\n FROM #__menu"
. "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $Itemid
} else {
$dblink = "index.php?option=" . $database->getEscaped( $menu_option,
true );

if ($task != '') {
$dblink .= "&task=" . $database->getEscaped( $task, true );

$query = "SELECT *"

. "\n FROM #__menu"
. "\n WHERE published = 1 AND"
. "\n link LIKE '$dblink%'"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$results = $database->loadObjectList();
$access = 0;

foreach ($results as $result) {

$access = max( $access, $result->access );

// save menu information to global mainframe

if(isset($results[0])) {
// loads menu info of particular Itemid
$mainframe->set( 'menu', $results[0] );
} else {
// loads empty Menu info
$mainframe->set( 'menu', new mosMenu($database) );

return ($access <= $gid);


* Returns formated date according to current local and adds time offset
* @param string date in datetime format
* @param string format optional format for strftime
* @param offset time offset if different than global one
* @returns formated date
function mosFormatDate( $date, $format="", $offset=NULL ){
global $mosConfig_offset;
if ( $format == '' ) {
// %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
$format = _DATE_FORMAT_LC;
if ( is_null($offset) ) {
$offset = $mosConfig_offset;
if ( $date && ereg( "([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})[ ]([0-9]{2}):([0-
9]{2}):([0-9]{2})", $date, $regs ) ) {
$date = mktime( $regs[4], $regs[5], $regs[6], $regs[2], $regs[3],
$regs[1] );
$date = $date > -1 ? strftime( $format, $date + ($offset*60*60) ) :
return $date;

* Returns current date according to current local and time offset
* @param string format optional format for strftime
* @returns current date
function mosCurrentDate( $format="" ) {
global $mosConfig_offset;
if ($format=="") {
$format = _DATE_FORMAT_LC;
$date = strftime( $format, time() + ($mosConfig_offset*60*60) );
return $date;

* Utility function to provide ToolTips
* @param string ToolTip text
* @param string Box title
* @returns HTML code for ToolTip
function mosToolTip( $tooltip, $title='', $width='', $image='tooltip.png',
$text='', $href='#', $link=1 ) {
global $mosConfig_live_site;

if ( $width ) {
$width = ', WIDTH, \''.$width .'\'';
if ( $title ) {
$title = ', CAPTION, \''.$title .'\'';
if ( !$text ) {
$image = $mosConfig_live_site . '/includes/js/ThemeOffice/'.
$text = '<img src="'. $image .'" border="0" alt="tooltip"/>';
$style = 'style="text-decoration: none; color: #333;"';
if ( $href ) {
$style = '';
} else{
$href = '#';

$mousover = 'return overlib(\''. $tooltip .'\''. $title .', BELOW, RIGHT'.

$width .');';

$tip = "<!-- Tooltip -->\n";

if ( $link ) {
$tip .= '<a href="'. $href .'" onmouseover="'. $mousover .'"
onmouseout="return nd();" '. $style .'>'. $text .'</a>';
} else {
$tip .= '<span onmouseover="'. $mousover .'" onmouseout="return nd();"
'. $style .'>'. $text .'</span>';

return $tip;

* Utility function to provide Warning Icons
* @param string Warning text
* @param string Box title
* @returns HTML code for Warning
function mosWarning($warning, $title='Joomla! Warning') {
global $mosConfig_live_site;

$mouseover = 'return overlib(\''. $warning .'\', CAPTION, \''. $title .'\',


$tip = "<!-- Warning -->\n";

$tip .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onmouseover="'. $mouseover .'"
onmouseout="return nd();">';
$tip .= '<img src="'. $mosConfig_live_site
.'/includes/js/ThemeOffice/warning.png" border="0" alt="warning"/></a>';
return $tip;

function mosCreateGUID(){
$r = rand();
$u = uniqid(getmypid() . $r . (double)microtime()*1000000,1);
$m = md5 ($u);

function mosCompressID( $ID ){


function mosExpandID( $ID ) {

return ( implode(unpack("H*",Base64_decode($ID)), '') );

* Function to create a mail object for futher use (uses phpMailer)
* @param string From e-mail address
* @param string From name
* @param string E-mail subject
* @param string Message body
* @return object Mail object
function mosCreateMail( $from='', $fromname='', $subject, $body ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_sendmail;
global $mosConfig_smtpauth, $mosConfig_smtpuser;
global $mosConfig_smtppass, $mosConfig_smtphost;
global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_mailer;

$mail = new mosPHPMailer();

$mail->PluginDir = $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/includes/phpmailer/';

$mail->SetLanguage( 'en', $mosConfig_absolute_path .
'/includes/phpmailer/language/' );
$mail->CharSet = substr_replace(_ISO, '', 0, 8);
$mail->From = $from ? $from : $mosConfig_mailfrom;
$mail->FromName = $fromname ? $fromname : $mosConfig_fromname;
$mail->Mailer = $mosConfig_mailer;

// Add smtp values if needed

if ( $mosConfig_mailer == 'smtp' ) {
$mail->SMTPAuth = $mosConfig_smtpauth;
$mail->Username = $mosConfig_smtpuser;
$mail->Password = $mosConfig_smtppass;
$mail->Host = $mosConfig_smtphost;
} else

// Set sendmail path

if ( $mosConfig_mailer == 'sendmail' ) {
if (isset($mosConfig_sendmail))
$mail->Sendmail = $mosConfig_sendmail;
} // if
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->Body = $body;

return $mail;

* Mail function (uses phpMailer)
* @param string From e-mail address
* @param string From name
* @param string/array Recipient e-mail address(es)
* @param string E-mail subject
* @param string Message body
* @param boolean false = plain text, true = HTML
* @param string/array CC e-mail address(es)
* @param string/array BCC e-mail address(es)
* @param string/array Attachment file name(s)
* @param string/array ReplyTo e-mail address(es)
* @param string/array ReplyTo name(s)
* @return boolean
function mosMail( $from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode=0,
$cc=NULL, $bcc=NULL, $attachment=NULL, $replyto=NULL, $replytoname=NULL ) {
global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_debug;

// Allow empty $from and $fromname settings (backwards compatibility)

if ($from == '') {
$from = $mosConfig_mailfrom;
if ($fromname == '') {
$fromname = $mosConfig_fromname;

// Filter from, fromname and subject

if (!JosIsValidEmail( $from ) || !JosIsValidName( $fromname ) || !
JosIsValidName( $subject )) {
return false;

$mail = mosCreateMail( $from, $fromname, $subject, $body );

// activate HTML formatted emails

if ( $mode ) {

if (is_array( $recipient )) {
foreach ($recipient as $to) {
if (!JosIsValidEmail( $to )) {
return false;
$mail->AddAddress( $to );
} else {
if (!JosIsValidEmail( $recipient )) {
return false;
$mail->AddAddress( $recipient );
if (isset( $cc )) {
if (is_array( $cc )) {
foreach ($cc as $to) {
if (!JosIsValidEmail( $to )) {
return false;
} else {
if (!JosIsValidEmail( $cc )) {
return false;
if (isset( $bcc )) {
if (is_array( $bcc )) {
foreach ($bcc as $to) {
if (!JosIsValidEmail( $to )) {
return false;
$mail->AddBCC( $to );
} else {
if (!JosIsValidEmail( $bcc )) {
return false;
$mail->AddBCC( $bcc );
if ($attachment) {
if (is_array( $attachment )) {
foreach ($attachment as $fname) {
$mail->AddAttachment( $fname );
} else {
//Important for being able to use mosMail without spoofing...
if ($replyto) {
if (is_array( $replyto )) {
reset( $replytoname );
foreach ($replyto as $to) {
$toname = ((list( $key, $value ) = each( $replytoname )) ?
$value : '');
if (!JosIsValidEmail( $to ) || !JosIsValidName( $toname ))
return false;
$mail->AddReplyTo( $to, $toname );
} else {
if (!JosIsValidEmail( $replyto ) || !JosIsValidName( $replytoname
)) {
return false;
$mail->AddReplyTo($replyto, $replytoname);

$mailssend = $mail->Send();

if( $mosConfig_debug ) {
//$mosDebug->message( "Mails send: $mailssend");
if( $mail->error_count > 0 ) {
//$mosDebug->message( "The mail message $fromname <$from> about
$subject to $recipient <b>failed</b><br /><pre>$body</pre>", false );
//$mosDebug->message( "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "" );
return $mailssend;
} // mosMail

* Checks if a given string is a valid email address
* @param string $email String to check for a valid email address
* @return boolean
function JosIsValidEmail( $email ) {
$valid = preg_match( '/^[\w\.\-]+@\w+[\w\.\-]*?\.\w{1,4}$/', $email );

return $valid;

* Checks if a given string is a valid (from-)name or subject for an email
* @since 1.0.11
* @deprecated 1.5
* @param string $string String to check for validity
* @return boolean
function JosIsValidName( $string ) {
* The following regular expression blocks all strings containing any low
control characters:
* 0x00-0x1F, 0x7F
* These should be control characters in almost all used charsets.
* The high control chars in ISO-8859-n (0x80-0x9F) are unused (e.g.
* Since they are valid UTF-8 bytes (e.g. used as the second byte of a two
byte char),
* they must not be filtered.
$invalid = preg_match( '/[\x00-\x1F\x7F]/', $string );
if ($invalid) {
return false;
} else {
return true;

* Initialise GZIP
function initGzip() {
global $mosConfig_gzip, $do_gzip_compress;

$do_gzip_compress = FALSE;
if ($mosConfig_gzip == 1) {
$phpver = phpversion();
$useragent = mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', '' );
$canZip = mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', '' );

$gzip_check = 0;
$zlib_check = 0;
$gz_check = 0;
$zlibO_check = 0;
$sid_check = 0;
if ( strpos( $canZip, 'gzip' ) !== false) {
$gzip_check = 1;
if ( extension_loaded( 'zlib' ) ) {
$zlib_check = 1;
if ( function_exists('ob_gzhandler') ) {
$gz_check = 1;
if ( ini_get('zlib.output_compression') ) {
$zlibO_check = 1;
if ( ini_get('session.use_trans_sid') ) {
$sid_check = 1;

if ( $phpver >= '4.0.4pl1' && ( strpos($useragent,'compatible') !==

false || strpos($useragent,'Gecko') !== false ) ) {
// Check for gzip header or northon internet securities or
if ( ( $gzip_check || isset( $_SERVER['---------------']) ) &&
$zlib_check && $gz_check && !$zlibO_check && !$sid_check ) {
// You cannot specify additional output handlers if
// zlib.output_compression is activated here
ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler' );
} else if ( $phpver > '4.0' ) {
if ( $gzip_check ) {
if ( $zlib_check ) {
$do_gzip_compress = TRUE;

header( 'Content-Encoding: gzip' );

* Perform GZIP
function doGzip() {
global $do_gzip_compress;
if ( $do_gzip_compress ) {
*Borrowed from!
$gzip_contents = ob_get_contents();

$gzip_size = strlen($gzip_contents);
$gzip_crc = crc32($gzip_contents);

$gzip_contents = gzcompress($gzip_contents, 9);

$gzip_contents = substr($gzip_contents, 0, strlen($gzip_contents) - 4);

echo "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
echo $gzip_contents;
echo pack('V', $gzip_crc);
echo pack('V', $gzip_size);
} else {

* Random password generator
* @return password
function mosMakePassword($length=8) {
$salt =
$makepass = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
$makepass .= $salt[mt_rand(0,61)];
return $makepass;

if (!function_exists('html_entity_decode')) {
* html_entity_decode function for backward compatability in PHP
* @param string
* @param string
function html_entity_decode ($string, $opt = ENT_COMPAT) {

$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES);

$trans_tbl = array_flip ($trans_tbl);

if ($opt & 1) { // Translating single quotes

// Add single quote to translation table;
// doesn't appear to be there by default
$trans_tbl["&apos;"] = "'";
if (!($opt & 2)) { // Not translating double quotes
// Remove double quote from translation table

return strtr ($string, $trans_tbl);


* Plugin handler
* @package Joomla
class mosMambotHandler {
/** @var array An array of functions in event groups */
var $_events = null;
/** @var array An array of lists */
var $_lists = null;
/** @var array An array of mambots */
var $_bots = null;
/** @var int Index of the mambot being loaded */
var $_loading = null;

/** Added as of 1.0.8 to ensure queries are only called once **/

/** @var array An array of the content mambots in the system */

var $_content_mambots = null;
/** @var array An array of the content mambot params */
var $_content_mambot_params = array();
/** @var array An array of the content mambot params */
var $_search_mambot_params = array();

* Constructor
function mosMambotHandler() {
$this->_events = array();
* Loads all the bot files for a particular group
* @param string The group name, relates to the sub-directory in the mambots
function loadBotGroup( $group ) {
global $database, $my;

$group = trim( $group );

if (is_object( $my )) {
$gid = $my->gid;
} else {
$gid = 0;

$group = trim( $group );

switch ( $group ) {
case 'content':
if (!defined( '_JOS_CONTENT_MAMBOTS' )) {
/** ensure that query is only called once */
define( '_JOS_CONTENT_MAMBOTS', 1 );

$query = "SELECT folder, element, published, params"

. "\n FROM #__mambots"
. "\n WHERE access <= " . (int) $gid
. "\n AND folder = 'content'"
. "\n ORDER BY ordering"
$database->setQuery( $query );

// load query into class variable _content_mambots

if (!($this->_content_mambots = $database-
>loadObjectList())) {
//echo "Error loading Mambots: " . $database-
return false;

// pull bots to be processed from class variable

$bots = $this->_content_mambots;

$query = "SELECT folder, element, published, params"
. "\n FROM #__mambots"
. "\n WHERE published >= 1"
. "\n AND access <= " . (int) $gid
. "\n AND folder = " . $database->Quote( $group )
. "\n ORDER BY ordering"
$database->setQuery( $query );

if (!($bots = $database->loadObjectList())) {
//echo "Error loading Mambots: " . $database-
return false;

// load bots found by queries

$n = count( $bots);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$this->loadBot( $bots[$i]->folder, $bots[$i]->element, $bots[$i]-
>published, $bots[$i]->params );

return true;
* Loads the bot file
* @param string The folder (group)
* @param string The elements (name of file without extension)
* @param int Published state
* @param string The params for the bot
function loadBot( $folder, $element, $published, $params='' ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
global $_MAMBOTS;

$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/mambots/' . $folder . '/' .

$element . '.php';
if (file_exists( $path )) {
$this->_loading = count( $this->_bots );
$bot = new stdClass;
$bot->folder = $folder;
$bot->element = $element;
$bot->published = $published;
$bot->lookup = $folder . '/' . $element;
$bot->params = $params;
$this->_bots[] = $bot;

require_once( $path );

$this->_loading = null;
* Registers a function to a particular event group
* @param string The event name
* @param string The function name
function registerFunction( $event, $function ) {
$this->_events[$event][] = array( $function, $this->_loading );
* Makes a option for a particular list in a group
* @param string The group name
* @param string The list name
* @param string The value for the list option
* @param string The text for the list option
function addListOption( $group, $listName, $value, $text='' ) {
$this->_lists[$group][$listName][] = mosHTML::makeOption( $value, $text
* @param string The group name
* @param string The list name
* @return array
function getList( $group, $listName ) {
return $this->_lists[$group][$listName];
* Calls all functions associated with an event group
* @param string The event name
* @param array An array of arguments
* @param boolean True is unpublished bots are to be processed
* @return array An array of results from each function call
function trigger( $event, $args=null, $doUnpublished=false ) {
$result = array();
if ($args === null) {
$args = array();
if ($doUnpublished) {
// prepend the published argument
array_unshift( $args, null );
if (isset( $this->_events[$event] )) {
foreach ($this->_events[$event] as $func) {
if (function_exists( $func[0] )) {
if ($doUnpublished) {
$args[0] = $this->_bots[$func[1]]->published;
$result[] = call_user_func_array( $func[0],
$args );
} else if ($this->_bots[$func[1]]->published) {
$result[] = call_user_func_array( $func[0],
$args );
return $result;
* Same as trigger but only returns the first event and
* allows for a variable argument list
* @param string The event name
* @return array The result of the first function call
function call( $event ) {

$args =& func_get_args();

array_shift( $args );

if (isset( $this->_events[$event] )) {
foreach ($this->_events[$event] as $func) {
if (function_exists( $func[0] )) {
if ($this->_bots[$func[1]]->published) {
return call_user_func_array( $func[0], $args );
return null;

* Tab Creation handler
* @package Joomla
class mosTabs {
/** @var int Use cookies */
var $useCookies = 0;

* Constructor
* Includes files needed for displaying tabs and sets cookie options
* @param int useCookies, if set to 1 cookie will hold last used tab between
page refreshes
function mosTabs( $useCookies, $xhtml=NULL ) {
global $mosConfig_live_site, $mainframe;

if ( $xhtml ) {
$mainframe->addCustomHeadTag( '<link rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" media="all" href="includes/js/tabs/tabpane.css" id="luna-tab-
style-sheet" />' );
} else {
echo "<link id=\"luna-tab-style-sheet\" type=\"text/css\"
rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . $mosConfig_live_site.
"/includes/js/tabs/tabpane.css\" />";

echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"". $mosConfig_live_site .


$this->useCookies = $useCookies;

* creates a tab pane and creates JS obj
* @param string The Tab Pane Name
function startPane($id){
echo "<div class=\"tab-page\" id=\"".$id."\">";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo " var tabPane1 = new WebFXTabPane( document.getElementById(
\"".$id."\" ), ".$this->useCookies." )\n";
echo "</script>\n";

* Ends Tab Pane
function endPane() {
echo "</div>";

* Creates a tab with title text and starts that tabs page
* @param tabText - This is what is displayed on the tab
* @param paneid - This is the parent pane to build this tab on
function startTab( $tabText, $paneid ) {
echo "<div class=\"tab-page\" id=\"".$paneid."\">";
echo "<h2 class=\"tab\">".$tabText."</h2>";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo " tabPane1.addTabPage( document.getElementById( \"".$paneid."\" )
echo "</script>";

* Ends a tab page
function endTab() {
echo "</div>";

* Common HTML Output Files
* @package Joomla
class mosAdminMenus {
* build the select list for Menu Ordering
function Ordering( &$row, $id ) {
global $database;

if ( $id ) {
$query = "SELECT ordering AS value, name AS text"
. "\n FROM #__menu"
. "\n WHERE menutype = " . $database->Quote ( $row->menutype )
. "\n AND parent = " . (int) $row->parent
. "\n AND published != -2"
. "\n ORDER BY ordering"
$order = mosGetOrderingList( $query );
$ordering = mosHTML::selectList( $order, 'ordering',
'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', intval( $row->ordering ) );
} else {
$ordering = '<input type="hidden" name="ordering" value="'. $row-
>ordering .'" />'. _CMN_NEW_ITEM_LAST;
return $ordering;

* build the select list for access level
function Access( &$row ) {
global $database;

$query = "SELECT id AS value, name AS text"

. "\n FROM #__groups"
. "\n ORDER BY id"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$groups = $database->loadObjectList();
$access = mosHTML::selectList( $groups, 'access', 'class="inputbox"
size="3"', 'value', 'text', intval( $row->access ) );

return $access;

* build the select list for parent item
function Parent( &$row ) {
global $database;

$id = '';
if ( $row->id ) {
$id = "\n AND id != " . (int) $row->id;

// get a list of the menu items

// excluding the current menu item and its child elements
$query = "SELECT m.*"
. "\n FROM #__menu m"
. "\n WHERE menutype = " . $database->Quote( $row->menutype )
. "\n AND published != -2"
. $id
. "\n ORDER BY parent, ordering"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$mitems = $database->loadObjectList();

// establish the hierarchy of the menu

$children = array();

if ( $mitems ) {
// first pass - collect children
foreach ( $mitems as $v ) {
$pt = $v->parent;
$list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array();
array_push( $list, $v );
$children[$pt] = $list;

// second pass - get an indent list of the items

$list = mosTreeRecurse( 0, '', array(), $children, 20, 0, 0 );

// assemble menu items to the array

$mitems = array();
$mitems[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '0', 'Top' );

foreach ( $list as $item ) {

$mitems[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $item->id, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
$item->treename );

$output = mosHTML::selectList( $mitems, 'parent', 'class="inputbox"

size="10"', 'value', 'text', $row->parent );

return $output;

* build a radio button option for published state
function Published( &$row ) {
$published = mosHTML::yesnoRadioList( 'published', 'class="inputbox"',
$row->published );
return $published;
* build the link/url of a menu item
function Link( &$row, $id, $link=NULL ) {
global $mainframe;

if ( $id ) {
switch ($row->type) {
case 'content_item_link':
case 'content_typed':
// load menu params
$params = new mosParameters( $row->params,
$mainframe->getPath( 'menu_xml', $row->type ), 'menu' );

if ( $params->get( 'unique_itemid' ) ) {
$row->link .= '&Itemid='. $row->id;
} else {
$temp = split( '&task=view&id=', $row->link);
$row->link .= '&Itemid='. $mainframe-
>getItemid($temp[1], 0, 0);

$link = $row->link;

if ( $link ) {
$link = $row->link;
} else {
$link = $row->link .'&amp;Itemid='. $row->id;
} else {
$link = NULL;

return $link;

* build the select list for target window
function Target( &$row ) {
$click[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '0', 'Parent Window With Browser
Navigation' );
$click[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '1', 'New Window With Browser
Navigation' );
$click[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '2', 'New Window Without Browser
Navigation' );
$target = mosHTML::selectList( $click, 'browserNav', 'class="inputbox"
size="4"', 'value', 'text', intval( $row->browserNav ) );
return $target;

* build the multiple select list for Menu Links/Pages
function MenuLinks( &$lookup, $all=NULL, $none=NULL, $unassigned=1 ) {
global $database;

// get a list of the menu items

$query = "SELECT m.*"
. "\n FROM #__menu AS m"
. "\n WHERE m.published = 1"
//. "\n AND m.type != 'separator'"
//. "\n AND NOT ("
// . "\n ( m.type = 'url' )"
// . "\n AND ( LIKE '%index.php%' )"
// . "\n AND ( LIKE '%Itemid=%' )"
//. "\n )"
. "\n ORDER BY m.menutype, m.parent, m.ordering"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$mitems = $database->loadObjectList();
$mitems_temp = $mitems;

// establish the hierarchy of the menu

$children = array();
// first pass - collect children
foreach ( $mitems as $v ) {
$id = $v->id;
$pt = $v->parent;
$list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array();
array_push( $list, $v );
$children[$pt] = $list;
// second pass - get an indent list of the items
$list = mosTreeRecurse( intval( $mitems[0]->parent ), '', array(),
$children, 20, 0, 0 );

// Code that adds menu name to Display of Page(s)

$text_count = 0;
$mitems_spacer = $mitems_temp[0]->menutype;
foreach ($list as $list_a) {
foreach ($mitems_temp as $mitems_a) {
if ($mitems_a->id == $list_a->id) {
// Code that inserts the blank line that seperates
different menus
if ($mitems_a->menutype != $mitems_spacer) {
$list_temp[] = mosHTML::makeOption( -999,
'----' );
$mitems_spacer = $mitems_a->menutype;

// do not display `url` menu item types that contain

`index.php` and `Itemid`
if (!($mitems_a->type == 'url' && strpos($mitems_a-
>link, 'index.php') !== false && strpos($mitems_a->link, 'Itemid=') !== false)) {
$text = $mitems_a->menutype
.' | '. $list_a->treename;
$list_temp[] = mosHTML::makeOption(
$list_a->id, $text );

if ( strlen($text) > $text_count) {

$text_count = strlen($text);
$list = $list_temp;

$mitems = array();
if ( $all ) {
// prepare an array with 'all' as the first item
$mitems[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 0, 'All' );
// adds space, in select box which is not saved
$mitems[] = mosHTML::makeOption( -999, '----' );
if ( $none ) {
// prepare an array with 'all' as the first item
$mitems[] = mosHTML::makeOption( -999, 'None' );
// adds space, in select box which is not saved
$mitems[] = mosHTML::makeOption( -999, '----' );
if ( $unassigned ) {
// prepare an array with 'all' as the first item
$mitems[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 99999999, 'Unassigned' );
// adds space, in select box which is not saved
$mitems[] = mosHTML::makeOption( -999, '----' );

// append the rest of the menu items to the array

foreach ($list as $item) {
$mitems[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $item->value, $item->text );
$pages = mosHTML::selectList( $mitems, 'selections[]',
'class="inputbox" size="26" multiple="multiple"', 'value', 'text', $lookup );
return $pages;

* build the select list to choose a category
function Category( &$menu, $id, $javascript='' ) {
global $database;

$query = "SELECT AS `value`, c.section AS `id`, CONCAT_WS( ' / ',

s.title, c.title) AS `text`"
. "\n FROM #__sections AS s"
. "\n INNER JOIN #__categories AS c ON c.section ="
. "\n WHERE s.scope = 'content'"
. "\n ORDER BY,"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$rows = $database->loadObjectList();
$category = '';
if ( $id ) {
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ( $row->value == $menu->componentid ) {
$category = $row->text;
$category .= '<input type="hidden" name="componentid" value="'.
$menu->componentid .'" />';
$category .= '<input type="hidden" name="link" value="'. $menu-
>link .'" />';
} else {
$category = mosHTML::selectList( $rows, 'componentid',
'class="inputbox" size="10"'. $javascript, 'value', 'text' );
$category .= '<input type="hidden" name="link" value="" />';
return $category;

* build the select list to choose a section
function Section( &$menu, $id, $all=0 ) {
global $database;

$query = "SELECT AS `value`, AS `id`, s.title AS `text`"

. "\n FROM #__sections AS s"
. "\n WHERE s.scope = 'content'"
. "\n ORDER BY"
$database->setQuery( $query );
if ( $all ) {
$rows[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 0, '- All Sections -' );
$rows = array_merge( $rows, $database->loadObjectList() );
} else {
$rows = $database->loadObjectList();

if ( $id ) {
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ( $row->value == $menu->componentid ) {
$section = $row->text;
$section .= '<input type="hidden" name="componentid" value="'.
$menu->componentid .'" />';
$section .= '<input type="hidden" name="link" value="'. $menu-
>link .'" />';
} else {
$section = mosHTML::selectList( $rows, 'componentid',
'class="inputbox" size="10"', 'value', 'text' );
$section .= '<input type="hidden" name="link" value="" />';
return $section;

* build the select list to choose a component
function Component( &$menu, $id ) {
global $database;

$query = "SELECT AS value, AS text,"

. "\n FROM #__components AS c"
. "\n WHERE != ''"
. "\n ORDER BY"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$rows = $database->loadObjectList( );

if ( $id ) {
// existing component, just show name
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ( $row->value == $menu->componentid ) {
$component = $row->text;
$component .= '<input type="hidden" name="componentid" value="'.
$menu->componentid .'" />';
} else {
$component = mosHTML::selectList( $rows, 'componentid',
'class="inputbox" size="10"', 'value', 'text' );
return $component;

* build the select list to choose a component
function ComponentName( &$menu, $id ) {
global $database;

$query = "SELECT AS value, AS text,"

. "\n FROM #__components AS c"
. "\n WHERE != ''"
. "\n ORDER BY"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$rows = $database->loadObjectList( );

$component = 'Component';
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ( $row->value == $menu->componentid ) {
$component = $row->text;

return $component;

* build the select list to choose an image
function Images( $name, &$active, $javascript=NULL, $directory=NULL ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;

if ( !$directory ) {
$directory = '/images/stories';

if ( !$javascript ) {
$javascript = "onchange=\"javascript:if
{document.imagelib.src='..$directory/' +
document.forms[0].image.options[selectedIndex].value} else

$imageFiles = mosReadDirectory( $mosConfig_absolute_path .

$directory );
$images = array( mosHTML::makeOption( '', '- Select Image -' ) );
foreach ( $imageFiles as $file ) {
if ( eregi( "bmp|gif|jpg|png", $file ) ) {
$images[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $file );
$images = mosHTML::selectList( $images, $name, 'class="inputbox"
size="1" '. $javascript, 'value', 'text', $active );

return $images;

* build the select list for Ordering of a specified Table
function SpecificOrdering( &$row, $id, $query, $neworder=0 ) {
global $database;

if ( $neworder ) {
} else {

if ( $id ) {
$order = mosGetOrderingList( $query );
$ordering = mosHTML::selectList( $order, 'ordering',
'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', intval( $row->ordering ) );
} else {
$ordering = '<input type="hidden" name="ordering" value="'. $row-
>ordering .'" />'. $text;
return $ordering;

* Select list of active users
function UserSelect( $name, $active, $nouser=0, $javascript=NULL,
$order='name', $reg=1 ) {
global $database, $my;

$and = '';
if ( $reg ) {
// does not include registered users in the list
$and = "\n AND gid > 18";

$query = "SELECT id AS value, name AS text"

. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE block = 0"
. $and
. "\n ORDER BY $order"
$database->setQuery( $query );
if ( $nouser ) {
$users[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '0', '- No User -' );
$users = array_merge( $users, $database->loadObjectList() );
} else {
$users = $database->loadObjectList();

$users = mosHTML::selectList( $users, $name, 'class="inputbox" size="1"

'. $javascript, 'value', 'text', $active );

return $users;

* Select list of positions - generally used for location of images
function Positions( $name, $active=NULL, $javascript=NULL, $none=1,
$center=1, $left=1, $right=1 ) {
if ( $none ) {
$pos[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '', _CMN_NONE );
if ( $center ) {
$pos[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'center', _CMN_CENTER );
if ( $left ) {
$pos[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'left', _CMN_LEFT );
if ( $right ) {
$pos[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'right', _CMN_RIGHT );

$positions = mosHTML::selectList( $pos, $name, 'class="inputbox"

size="1"'. $javascript, 'value', 'text', $active );

return $positions;

* Select list of active categories for components
function ComponentCategory( $name, $section, $active=NULL, $javascript=NULL,
$order='ordering', $size=1, $sel_cat=1 ) {
global $database;

$query = "SELECT id AS value, name AS text"

. "\n FROM #__categories"
. "\n WHERE section = " . $database->Quote( $section )
. "\n AND published = 1"
. "\n ORDER BY $order"
$database->setQuery( $query );
if ( $sel_cat ) {
$categories[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '0', _SEL_CATEGORY );
$categories = array_merge( $categories, $database-
>loadObjectList() );
} else {
$categories = $database->loadObjectList();

if ( count( $categories ) < 1 ) {

mosRedirect( 'index2.php?option=com_categories&section='.
$section, 'You must create a category first.' );

$category = mosHTML::selectList( $categories, $name, 'class="inputbox"

size="'. $size .'" '. $javascript, 'value', 'text', $active );

return $category;

* Select list of active sections
function SelectSection( $name, $active=NULL, $javascript=NULL,
$order='ordering' ) {
global $database;

$categories[] = mosHTML::makeOption( '0', _SEL_SECTION );

$query = "SELECT id AS value, title AS text"
. "\n FROM #__sections"
. "\n WHERE published = 1"
. "\n ORDER BY $order"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$sections = array_merge( $categories, $database->loadObjectList() );

$category = mosHTML::selectList( $sections, $name, 'class="inputbox"

size="1" '. $javascript, 'value', 'text', $active );

return $category;

* Select list of menu items for a specific menu
function Links2Menu( $type, $and ) {
global $database;

$query = "SELECT *"

. "\n FROM #__menu"
. "\n WHERE type = " . $database->Quote( $type )
. "\n AND published = 1"
. $and
$database->setQuery( $query );
$menus = $database->loadObjectList();

return $menus;
* Select list of menus
* @param string The control name
* @param string Additional javascript
* @return string A select list
function MenuSelect( $name='menuselect', $javascript=NULL ) {
global $database;

$query = "SELECT params"

. "\n FROM #__modules"
. "\n WHERE module = 'mod_mainmenu'"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$menus = $database->loadObjectList();
$total = count( $menus );
$menuselect = array();
for( $i = 0; $i < $total; $i++ ) {
$params = mosParseParams( $menus[$i]->params );
$menuselect[$i]->value = $params->menutype;
$menuselect[$i]->text = $params->menutype;
// sort array of objects
SortArrayObjects( $menuselect, 'text', 1 );

$menus = mosHTML::selectList( $menuselect, $name, 'class="inputbox"

size="10" '. $javascript, 'value', 'text' );

return $menus;

* Internal function to recursive scan the media manager directories
* @param string Path to scan
* @param string root path of this folder
* @param array Value array of all existing folders
* @param array Value array of all existing images
function ReadImages( $imagePath, $folderPath, &$folders, &$images ) {
$imgFiles = mosReadDirectory( $imagePath );

foreach ($imgFiles as $file) {

$ff_ = $folderPath . $file .'/';
$ff = $folderPath . $file;
$i_f = $imagePath .'/'. $file;

if ( is_dir( $i_f ) && $file != 'CVS' && $file != '.svn') {

$folders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $ff_ );
mosAdminMenus::ReadImages( $i_f, $ff_, $folders, $images );
} else if ( eregi( "bmp|gif|jpg|png", $file ) && is_file(
$i_f ) ) {
// leading / we don't need
$imageFile = substr( $ff, 1 );
$images[$folderPath][] = mosHTML::makeOption( $imageFile,
$file );
* Internal function to recursive scan the media manager directories
* @param string Path to scan
* @param string root path of this folder
* @param array Value array of all existing folders
* @param array Value array of all existing images
function ReadImagesX( &$folders, &$images ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;

if ( $folders[0]->value != '*0*' ) {
foreach ( $folders as $folder ) {
$imagePath = $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/images/stories' .
$imgFiles = mosReadDirectory( $imagePath );
$folderPath = $folder->value .'/';

foreach ($imgFiles as $file) {

$ff = $folderPath . $file;
$i_f = $imagePath .'/'. $file;

if ( eregi( "bmp|gif|jpg|png", $file ) && is_file(

$i_f ) ) {
// leading / we don't need
$imageFile = substr( $ff, 1 );
$images[$folderPath][] = mosHTML::makeOption(
$imageFile, $file );
} else {
$folders = array();
$folders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'None' );

function GetImageFolders( &$temps, $path ) {

if ( $temps[0]->value != 'None' ) {
foreach( $temps as $temp ) {
if ( substr( $temp->value, -1, 1 ) != '/' ) {
$temp = $temp->value .'/';
$folders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $temp, $temp );
} else {
$temp = $temp->value;
$temp = ampReplace( $temp );
$folders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $temp, $temp );
} else {
$folders[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 'None Selected' );

$javascript = "onchange=\"changeDynaList( 'imagefiles',

, 0, 0);\"";
$getfolders = mosHTML::selectList( $folders, 'folders',
'class="inputbox" size="1" '. $javascript, 'value', 'text', '/' );

return $getfolders;

function GetImages( &$images, $path, $base='/' ) {

if ( is_array($base) && count($base) > 0 ) {
if ( $base[0]->value != '/' ) {
$base = $base[0]->value .'/';
} else {
$base = $base[0]->value;
} else {
$base = '/';

if ( !isset($images[$base] ) ) {
$images[$base][] = mosHTML::makeOption( '' );

$javascript = "onchange=\"previewImage( 'imagefiles',

'view_imagefiles', '$path/' )\" onfocus=\"previewImage( 'imagefiles',
'view_imagefiles', '$path/' )\"";
$getimages = mosHTML::selectList( $images[$base], 'imagefiles',
'class="inputbox" size="10" multiple="multiple" '. $javascript , 'value', 'text',
null );

return $getimages;

function GetSavedImages( &$row, $path ) {

$images2 = array();

foreach( $row->images as $file ) {

$temp = explode( '|', $file );
if( strrchr($temp[0], '/') ) {
$filename = substr( strrchr($temp[0], '/' ), 1 );
} else {
$filename = $temp[0];
$images2[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $file, $filename );

$javascript = "onchange=\"previewImage( 'imagelist', 'view_imagelist',

'$path/' ); showImageProps( '$path/' ); \"";
$imagelist = mosHTML::selectList( $images2, 'imagelist',
'class="inputbox" size="10" '. $javascript, 'value', 'text' );

return $imagelist;

* Checks to see if an image exists in the current templates image directory
* if it does it loads this image. Otherwise the default image is loaded.
* Also can be used in conjunction with the menulist param to create the
chosen image
* load the default or use no image
function ImageCheck( $file, $directory='/images/M_images/', $param=NULL,
$param_directory='/images/M_images/', $alt=NULL, $name=NULL, $type=1,
$align='middle', $title=NULL, $admin=NULL ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $mainframe;

$cur_template = $mainframe->getTemplate();

$name = ( $name ? ' name="'. $name .'"' : '' );

$title = ( $title ? ' title="'. $title .'"' : '' );
$alt = ( $alt ? ' alt="'. $alt .'"' : ' alt=""' );
$align = ( $align ? ' align="'. $align .'"' : '' );

// change directory path from frontend or backend

if ($admin) {
$path = '/administrator/templates/'. $cur_template
} else {
$path = '/templates/'. $cur_template .'/images/';

if ( $param ) {
$image = $mosConfig_live_site. $param_directory . $param;
if ( $type ) {
$image = '<img src="'. $image .'" '. $alt . $name . $align
.' border="0" />';
} else if ( $param == -1 ) {
$image = '';
} else {
if ( file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path . $path . $file ) ) {
$image = $mosConfig_live_site . $path . $file;
} else {
// outputs only path to image
$image = $mosConfig_live_site. $directory . $file;

// outputs actual html <img> tag

if ( $type ) {
$image = '<img src="'. $image .'" '. $alt . $name . $title
. $align .' border="0" />';

return $image;

* Checks to see if an image exists in the current templates image directory
* if it does it loads this image. Otherwise the default image is loaded.
* Also can be used in conjunction with the menulist param to create the
chosen image
* load the default or use no image
function ImageCheckAdmin( $file, $directory='/administrator/images/',
$param=NULL, $param_directory='/administrator/images/', $alt=NULL, $name=NULL,
$type=1, $align='middle', $title=NULL ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $mainframe;
$cur_template = $mainframe->getTemplate();

$name = ( $name ? ' name="'. $name .'"' : '' );

$title = ( $title ? ' title="'. $title .'"' : '' );
$alt = ( $alt ? ' alt="'. $alt .'"' : ' alt=""' );
$align = ( $align ? ' align="'. $align .'"' : '' );

$path = '/administrator/templates/'. $cur_template .'/images/';

if ( $param ) {
$image = $mosConfig_live_site. $param_directory . $param;
if ( $type ) {
$image = '<img src="'. $image .'" '. $alt . $name . $align
.' border="0" />';
} else if ( $param == -1 ) {
$image = '';
} else {
if ( file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path . $path . $file ) ) {
$image = $mosConfig_live_site . $path . $file;
} else {
// outputs only path to image
$image = $mosConfig_live_site. $directory . $file;

// outputs actual html <img> tag

if ( $type ) {
$image = '<img src="'. $image .'" '. $alt . $name . $title
. $align .' border="0" />';
// functionality consolidated into ImageCheck
$image = mosAdminMenus::ImageCheck( $file, $directory, $param,
$param_directory, $alt, $name, $type, $align, $title, $admin=1 );

return $image;

function menutypes() {
global $database;

$query = "SELECT params"

. "\n FROM #__modules"
. "\n WHERE module = 'mod_mainmenu'"
. "\n ORDER BY title"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$modMenus = $database->loadObjectList();

$query = "SELECT menutype"

. "\n FROM #__menu"
. "\n GROUP BY menutype"
. "\n ORDER BY menutype"
$database->setQuery( $query );
$menuMenus = $database->loadObjectList();
$menuTypes = '';
foreach ( $modMenus as $modMenu ) {
$check = 1;
mosMakeHtmlSafe( $modMenu) ;
$modParams = mosParseParams( $modMenu->params );
$menuType = @$modParams->menutype;
if (!$menuType) {
$menuType = 'mainmenu';

// stop duplicate menutype being shown

if ( !is_array( $menuTypes) ) {
// handling to create initial entry into array
$menuTypes[] = $menuType;
} else {
$check = 1;
foreach ( $menuTypes as $a ) {
if ( $a == $menuType ) {
$check = 0;
if ( $check ) {
$menuTypes[] = $menuType;

// add menutypes from jos_menu
foreach ( $menuMenus as $menuMenu ) {
$check = 1;
foreach ( $menuTypes as $a ) {
if ( $a == $menuMenu->menutype ) {
$check = 0;
if ( $check ) {
$menuTypes[] = $menuMenu->menutype;

// sorts menutypes
asort( $menuTypes );

return $menuTypes;

* loads files required for menu items
function menuItem( $item ) {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;

$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path
.'/administrator/components/com_menus/'. $item .'/';
include_once( $path . $item .'.class.php' );
include_once( $path . $item .'.menu.html.php' );

class mosCommonHTML {

function ContentLegend( ) {
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" align="center">
<tr align="center">
<img src="images/publish_y.png" width="12" height="12" border="0"
alt="Pending" />
Published, but is <u>Pending</u> |
<img src="images/publish_g.png" width="12" height="12" border="0"
alt="Visible" />
Published and is <u>Current</u> |
<img src="images/publish_r.png" width="12" height="12" border="0"
alt="Finished" />
Published, but has <u>Expired</u> |
<img src="images/publish_x.png" width="12" height="12" border="0"
alt="Finished" />
Not Published
<td colspan="8" align="center">
Click on icon to toggle state.

function menuLinksContent( &$menus ) {

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function go2( pressbutton, menu, id ) {
var form = document.adminForm;

// assemble the images back into one field

var temp = new Array;
for (var i=0, n=form.imagelist.options.length; i < n; i++) {
temp[i] = form.imagelist.options[i].value;
form.images.value = temp.join( '\n' );

if (pressbutton == 'go2menu') { = menu;
submitform( pressbutton );

if (pressbutton == 'go2menuitem') { = menu;
form.menuid.value = id;
submitform( pressbutton );
foreach( $menus as $menu ) {
<td colspan="2">
<hr />
<td width="90px" valign="top">
<a href="javascript:go2( 'go2menu', '<?php echo $menu-
>menutype; ?>' );" title="Go to Menu">
<?php echo $menu->menutype; ?>
<td width="90px" valign="top">
Link Name
<a href="javascript:go2( 'go2menuitem', '<?php echo $menu-
>menutype; ?>', '<?php echo $menu->id; ?>' );" title="Go to Menu Item">
<?php echo $menu->name; ?>
<td width="90px" valign="top">
switch ( $menu->published ) {
case -2:
echo '<font color="red">Trashed</font>';
case 0:
echo 'UnPublished';
case 1:
echo '<font color="green">Published</font>';
<input type="hidden" name="menu" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="menuid" value="" />

function menuLinksSecCat( &$menus ) {

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function go2( pressbutton, menu, id ) {
var form = document.adminForm;

if (pressbutton == 'go2menu') { = menu;
submitform( pressbutton );

if (pressbutton == 'go2menuitem') { = menu;
form.menuid.value = id;
submitform( pressbutton );
foreach( $menus as $menu ) {
<td colspan="2">
<td width="90px" valign="top">
<a href="javascript:go2( 'go2menu', '<?php echo $menu-
>menutype; ?>' );" title="Go to Menu">
<?php echo $menu->menutype; ?>
<td width="90px" valign="top">
<?php echo $menu->type; ?>
<td width="90px" valign="top">
Item Name
<a href="javascript:go2( 'go2menuitem', '<?php echo $menu-
>menutype; ?>', '<?php echo $menu->id; ?>' );" title="Go to Menu Item">
<?php echo $menu->name; ?>
<td width="90px" valign="top">
switch ( $menu->published ) {
case -2:
echo '<font color="red">Trashed</font>';
case 0:
echo 'UnPublished';
case 1:
echo '<font color="green">Published</font>';
<input type="hidden" name="menu" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="menuid" value="" />

function checkedOut( &$row, $overlib=1 ) {

$hover = '';
if ( $overlib ) {
$date = mosFormatDate( $row-
>checked_out_time, '%A, %d %B %Y' );
$time = mosFormatDate( $row->checked_out_time,
'%H:%M' );
$editor = addslashes( htmlspecialchars(
html_entity_decode( $row->editor, ENT_QUOTES ) ) );
$checked_out_text = '<table>';
$checked_out_text .= '<tr><td>'. $editor .'</td></tr>';
$checked_out_text .= '<tr><td>'. $date .'</td></tr>';
$checked_out_text .= '<tr><td>'. $time .'</td></tr>';
$checked_out_text .= '</table>';
$hover = 'onMouseOver="return overlib(\''. $checked_out_text
.'\', CAPTION, \'Checked Out\', BELOW, RIGHT);" onMouseOut="return nd();"';
$checked = '<img src="images/checked_out.png" '. $hover

return $checked;

* Loads all necessary files for JS Overlib tooltips
function loadOverlib() {
global $mosConfig_live_site, $mainframe;

if ( !$mainframe->get( 'loadOverlib' ) ) {
// check if this function is already loaded
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php
echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/includes/js/overlib_mini.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php
echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/includes/js/overlib_hideform_mini.js"></script>
// change state so it isnt loaded a second time
$mainframe->set( 'loadOverlib', true );

* Loads all necessary files for JS Calendar
function loadCalendar() {
global $mosConfig_live_site;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo
$mosConfig_live_site;?>/includes/js/calendar/calendar-mos.css" title="green" />
<!-- import the calendar script -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo
<!-- import the language module -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo

function AccessProcessing( &$row, $i ) {

if ( !$row->access ) {
$color_access = 'style="color: green;"';
$task_access = 'accessregistered';
} else if ( $row->access == 1 ) {
$color_access = 'style="color: red;"';
$task_access = 'accessspecial';
} else {
$color_access = 'style="color: black;"';
$task_access = 'accesspublic';

$href = '
<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="return listItemTask(\'cb'. $i
.'\',\''. $task_access .'\')" '. $color_access .'>
'. $row->groupname .'

return $href;

function CheckedOutProcessing( &$row, $i ) {

global $my;

if ( $row->checked_out) {
$checked = mosCommonHTML::checkedOut( $row );
} else {
$checked = mosHTML::idBox( $i, $row->id, ($row->checked_out &&
$row->checked_out != $my->id ) );

return $checked;

function PublishedProcessing( &$row, $i ) {

$img = $row->published ? 'publish_g.png' : 'publish_x.png';
$task = $row->published ? 'unpublish' : 'publish';
$alt = $row->published ? 'Published' : 'Unpublished';
$action = $row->published ? 'Unpublish Item' : 'Publish item';

$href = '
<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="return listItemTask(\'cb'. $i
.'\',\''. $task .'\')" title="'. $action .'">
<img src="images/'. $img .'" border="0" alt="'. $alt .'" />

return $href;

* Special handling for newfeed encoding and possible conflicts with page
encoding and PHP version
* Added 1.0.8
* Static Function
function newsfeedEncoding( $rssDoc, $text ) {
if (!defined( '_JOS_FEED_ENCODING' )) {
// determine encoding of feed
$feed = $rssDoc->toNormalizedString(true);
$feed = strtolower( substr( $feed, 0, 150 ) );
$feedEncoding = strpos( $feed, 'encoding=&quot;utf-
8&quot;' );
if ( $feedEncoding !== false ) {
// utf-8 feed
$utf8 = 1;
} else {
// non utf-8 page
$utf8 = 0;

define( '_JOS_FEED_ENCODING', $utf8 );


if (!defined( '_JOS_SITE_ENCODING' )) {
// determine encoding of page
if ( strpos( strtolower( _ISO ), 'utf' ) !== false ) {
// utf-8 page
$utf8 = 1;
} else {
// non utf-8 page
$utf8 = 0;

define( '_JOS_SITE_ENCODING', $utf8 );

if ( phpversion() >= 5 ) {
// handling for PHP 5
// handling for utf-8 feed
// utf-8 page
$encoding = 'html_entity_decode';
} else {
// non utf-8 page
$encoding = 'utf8_decode';
} else {
// handling for non utf-8 feed
// utf-8 page
$encoding = '';
} else {
// non utf-8 page
$encoding = 'utf8_decode';
} else {
// handling for PHP 4
// handling for utf-8 feed
// utf-8 page
$encoding = '';
} else {
// non utf-8 page
$encoding = 'utf8_decode';
} else {
// handling for non utf-8 feed
// utf-8 page
$encoding = 'utf8_encode';
} else {
// non utf-8 page
$encoding = 'html_entity_decode';

if ( $encoding ) {
$text = $encoding( $text );
$text = str_replace('&apos;', "'", $text);

return $text;

* Sorts an Array of objects
function SortArrayObjects_cmp( &$a, &$b ) {
global $csort_cmp;

if ( $a->$csort_cmp['key'] > $b->$csort_cmp['key'] ) {

return $csort_cmp['direction'];

if ( $a->$csort_cmp['key'] < $b->$csort_cmp['key'] ) {

return -1 * $csort_cmp['direction'];

return 0;

* Sorts an Array of objects
* sort_direction [1 = Ascending] [-1 = Descending]
function SortArrayObjects( &$a, $k, $sort_direction=1 ) {
global $csort_cmp;

$csort_cmp = array(
'key' => $k,
'direction' => $sort_direction

usort( $a, 'SortArrayObjects_cmp' );

unset( $csort_cmp );

* Sends mail to admin
function mosSendAdminMail( $adminName, $adminEmail, $email, $type, $title, $author
) {
global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_live_site;

$subject = _MAIL_SUB." '$type'";

$message = _MAIL_MSG;
eval ("\$message = \"$message\";");

mosMail($mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $adminEmail, $subject,


* Includes pathway file
function mosPathWay() {
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;

$Itemid = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid', '' ) );

require_once ( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/pathway.php' );

* Displays a not authorised message
* If the user is not logged in then an addition message is displayed.
function mosNotAuth() {
global $my;

echo _NOT_AUTH;
if ($my->id < 1) {
echo "<br />" . _DO_LOGIN;

* Replaces &amp; with & for xhtml compliance
* Needed to handle unicode conflicts due to unicode conflicts
function ampReplace( $text ) {
$text = str_replace( '&&', '*--*', $text );
$text = str_replace( '&#', '*-*', $text );
$text = str_replace( '&amp;', '&', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '|&(?![\w]+;)|', '&amp;', $text );
$text = str_replace( '*-*', '&#', $text );
$text = str_replace( '*--*', '&&', $text );

return $text;
* Prepares results from search for display
* @param string The source string
* @param int Number of chars to trim
* @param string The searchword to select around
* @return string
function mosPrepareSearchContent( $text, $length=200, $searchword ) {
// strips tags won't remove the actual jscript
$text = preg_replace( "'<script[^>]*>.*?</script>'si", "", $text );
$text = preg_replace( '/{.+?}/', '', $text);

//$text = preg_replace( '/<a\s+.*?href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/is','\2',

$text );

// replace line breaking tags with whitespace

$text = preg_replace( "'<(br[^/>]*?/|hr[^/>]*?/|/(div|h[1-6]|li|p|td))>'si",
' ', $text );

$text = mosSmartSubstr( strip_tags( $text ), $length, $searchword );

return $text;

* returns substring of characters around a searchword
* @param string The source string
* @param int Number of chars to return
* @param string The searchword to select around
* @return string
function mosSmartSubstr($text, $length=200, $searchword) {
$wordpos = strpos(strtolower($text), strtolower($searchword));
$halfside = intval($wordpos - $length/2 - strlen($searchword));
if ($wordpos && $halfside > 0) {
return '...' . substr($text, $halfside, $length) . '...';
} else {
return substr( $text, 0, $length);

* Chmods files and directories recursively to given permissions. Available from
1.0.0 up.
* @param path The starting file or directory (no trailing slash)
* @param filemode Integer value to chmod files. NULL = dont chmod files.
* @param dirmode Integer value to chmod directories. NULL = dont chmod
* @return TRUE=all succeeded FALSE=one or more chmods failed
function mosChmodRecursive($path, $filemode=NULL, $dirmode=NULL)
$ret = TRUE;
if (is_dir($path)) {
$dh = opendir($path);
while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
$fullpath = $path.'/'.$file;
if (is_dir($fullpath)) {
if (!mosChmodRecursive($fullpath, $filemode,
$ret = FALSE;
} else {
if (isset($filemode))
if (!@chmod($fullpath, $filemode))
$ret = FALSE;
} // if
} // if
} // while
if (isset($dirmode))
if (!@chmod($path, $dirmode))
$ret = FALSE;
} else {
if (isset($filemode))
$ret = @chmod($path, $filemode);
} // if
return $ret;
} // mosChmodRecursive

* Chmods files and directories recursively to mos global permissions. Available
from 1.0.0 up.
* @param path The starting file or directory (no trailing slash)
* @param filemode Integer value to chmod files. NULL = dont chmod files.
* @param dirmode Integer value to chmod directories. NULL = dont chmod
* @return TRUE=all succeeded FALSE=one or more chmods failed
function mosChmod($path) {
global $mosConfig_fileperms, $mosConfig_dirperms;
$filemode = NULL;
if ($mosConfig_fileperms != '')
$filemode = octdec($mosConfig_fileperms);
$dirmode = NULL;
if ($mosConfig_dirperms != '')
$dirmode = octdec($mosConfig_dirperms);
if (isset($filemode) || isset($dirmode))
return mosChmodRecursive($path, $filemode, $dirmode);
return TRUE;
} // mosChmod

* Function to convert array to integer values
* @param array
* @param int A default value to assign if $array is not an array
* @return array
function mosArrayToInts( &$array, $default=null ) {
if (is_array( $array )) {
foreach( $array as $key => $value ) {
$array[$key] = (int) $value;
} else {
if (is_null( $default )) {
$array = array();
return array(); // Kept for backwards compatibility
} else {
$array = array( (int) $default );
return array( $default ); // Kept for backwards compatibility
* Function to handle an array of integers
* Added 1.0.11
function josGetArrayInts( $name, $type=NULL ) {
if ( $type == NULL ) {
$type = $_POST;

$array = mosGetParam( $type, $name, array(0) );

mosArrayToInts( $array );

if (!is_array( $array )) {
$array = array(0);

return $array;

* Utility class for helping with patTemplate
class patHTML {
* Converts a named array to an array or named rows suitable to option lists
* @param array The source array[key] = value
* @param mixed A value or array of selected values
* @param string The name for the value field
* @param string The name for selected attribute (use 'checked' for radio of
box lists)
function selectArray( &$source, $selected=null, $valueName='value',
$selectedAttr='selected' ) {
if (!is_array( $selected )) {
$selected = array( $selected );
foreach ($source as $i => $row) {
if (is_object( $row )) {
$source[$i]->selected = in_array( $row->$valueName,
$selected ) ? $selectedAttr . '="true"' : '';
} else {
$source[$i]['selected'] = in_array( $row[$valueName],
$selected ) ? $selectedAttr . '="true"' : '';

* Converts a named array to an array or named rows suitable to checkbox or
radio lists
* @param array The source array[key] = value
* @param mixed A value or array of selected values
* @param string The name for the value field
function checkArray( &$source, $selected=null, $valueName='value' ) {
patHTML::selectArray( $source, $selected, $valueName, 'checked' );

* @param mixed The value for the option
* @param string The text for the option
* @param string The name of the value parameter (default is value)
* @param string The name of the text parameter (default is text)
function makeOption( $value, $text, $valueName='value', $textName='text' ) {
return array(
$valueName => $value,
$textName => $text

* Writes a radio pair
* @param object Template object
* @param string The template name
* @param string The field name
* @param int The value of the field
* @param array Array of options
* @param string Optional template variable name
function radioSet( &$tmpl, $template, $name, $value, $a, $varname=null ) {
patHTML::checkArray( $a, $value );

$tmpl->addVar( 'radio-set', 'name', $name );

$tmpl->addRows( 'radio-set', $a );
$tmpl->parseIntoVar( 'radio-set', $template, is_null( $varname ) ?
$name : $varname );

* Writes a radio pair
* @param object Template object
* @param string The template name
* @param string The field name
* @param int The value of the field
* @param string Optional template variable name
function yesNoRadio( &$tmpl, $template, $name, $value, $varname=null ) {
$a = array(
patHTML::makeOption( 0, 'No' ),
patHTML::makeOption( 1, 'Yes' )
patHTML::radioSet( $tmpl, $template, $name, $value, $a, $varname );

* Provides a secure hash based on a seed
* @param string Seed string
* @return string
function mosHash( $seed ) {
return md5( $GLOBALS['mosConfig_secret'] . md5( $seed ) );
* Format a backtrace error
* @since 1.0.5
function mosBackTrace() {
if (function_exists( 'debug_backtrace' )) {
echo '<div align="left">';
foreach( debug_backtrace() as $back) {
if (@$back['file']) {
echo '<br />' . str_replace(
$GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'], '', $back['file'] ) . ':' . $back['line'];
echo '</div>';

function josSpoofCheck( $header=NULL, $alt=NULL , $method = 'post')

switch(strtolower($method)) {
case "get":
$validate = mosGetParam( $_GET, josSpoofValue($alt), 0 );
case "request":
$validate = mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, josSpoofValue($alt), 0 );
case "post":
$validate = mosGetParam( $_POST, josSpoofValue($alt), 0 );

// probably a spoofing attack

if (!$validate) {
header( 'HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden' );
mosErrorAlert( _NOT_AUTH );

// First, make sure the form was posted from a browser.

// For basic web-forms, we don't care about anything
// other than requests from a browser:
if (!isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] )) {
header( 'HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden' );
mosErrorAlert( _NOT_AUTH );

// Make sure the form was indeed POST'ed:

// (requires your html form to use: action="post")
header( 'HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden' );
mosErrorAlert( _NOT_AUTH );

if ($header) {
// Attempt to defend against header injections:
$badStrings = array(

// Loop through each POST'ed value and test if it contains

// one of the $badStrings:
_josSpoofCheck( $_POST, $badStrings );

function _josSpoofCheck( $array, $badStrings )

// Loop through each $array value and test if it contains
// one of the $badStrings
foreach( $array as $v ) {
if (is_array( $v )) {
_josSpoofCheck( $v, $badStrings );
} else {
foreach ( $badStrings as $v2 ) {
if ( stripos( $v, $v2 ) !== false ) {
header( 'HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden' );
mosErrorAlert( _NOT_AUTH );
exit(); // mosErrorAlert dies anyway, double check
just to make sure

* Method to determine a hash for anti-spoofing variable names
* @return string Hashed var name
* @static
function josSpoofValue($alt=NULL)
global $mainframe, $my;

if ($alt) {
if ( $alt == 1 ) {
$random = date( 'Ymd' );
} else {
$random = $alt . date( 'Ymd' );
} else {
$random = date( 'dmY' );
// the prefix ensures that the hash is non-numeric
// otherwise it will be intercepted by globals.php
$validate = 'j' . mosHash( $mainframe->getCfg( 'db' ) . $random . $my-
>id );
return $validate;

* A simple helper function to salt and hash a clear-text password.
* @since 1.0.13
* @param string $password A plain-text password
* @return string An md5 hashed password with salt
function josHashPassword($password)
// Salt and hash the password
$salt = mosMakePassword(16);
$crypt = md5($password.$salt);
$hash = $crypt.':'.$salt;

return $hash;


// Post class declaration initialisations
// some version of PHP don't allow the instantiation of classes
// before they are defined

/** @global mosPlugin $_MAMBOTS */

$_MAMBOTS = new mosMambotHandler();

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