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HaIanan 1


Mata Pc!ajaran : B. InggrIs
Tangga! : 01 Marct 2009
Kndc 5na! : 911


Tcxt I

Thiid WoiId counliies oflen nislakenIy decide lo peinil iapid indusliiaIizalion. When
lhis indusliiaIizalion occuis, nany nev facloiies open, and voikeis gel jols. UnfoilunaleIy,
nany of lhese nev jols aie nol peinanenl. The Ieadeis of an indusliy vanl lheii facloiies lo le
as pioduclive as possilIe, and lhey viII do anylhing lo achieve lhal goaI. Whenevei lhey can,
lhey lake advanlage of aulonalion, vhich neans lhal voikeis aie iepIaced ly a noie efficienl
nachine. ____________________.

Guna|an Petun]uk A da|an ncnjauao sca| ncncr 41 sanpai ncncr 60

41. The nain infoinalion of lhe lexl leIIs us aloul _____.
(A) iapid econonic giovlh in deveIoping counliies
() lhe inpoilance of aulonalion foi Thiid WoiId counliies
(C) lhe advanlage and disadvanlage of indusliiaIizalion
(D) lhe advanlage of aulonalion foi Ieadeis of indusliies
(L) aulonalion vhich is lhe lesl vay lo gel naxinun piofil

42. Which of lhe foIIoving senlences is lhe lesl concIuding senlence foi lhe lexl`
(A) Thus, indusliiaIizalion can loosl Thiid WoiId counliies econonic giovlh.
() In shoil, nany enpIoyees have lhe oppoilunily lo gel nev jols.
(C) Theiefoie, lheie is an inciease in enpIoyees slandaid of Iiving.
(D) To concIude, indusliiaIisls can lellei shaie lheii piofil vilh enpIoyees.
(L) As a iesuIl, aulonalion nay inciease lhe iale of unenpIoynenl.

Tcxt II

In sludying lhe phenonenon usuaIIy iefeiied lo as sIeep, ve aie acluaIIy deaIing vilh
noie lhan one phenonenon. In poinl of facl, ve spend lhe nighl aIleinaling lelveen lvo
diffeienl lypes of sIeep, each vilh diffeienl liain nechanisn and diffeienl puiposes.
As a peison faIIs asIeep, his liain vaves deveIop a sIovei and Iess ieguIai pallein in a
vaking slale. This is caIIed oilhodox sIeep. In lhis slale lhe liain is appaienlIy iesling. Ils lIood
suppIy is ieduced, and ils lenpeialuie faIIs sIighlIy. iealhing and heail iale aie ieguIai. The
nuscIes ienain sIighlIy lensed. Aflei aloul an houi in lhis slale, hovevei, lhe liain vaves
legin lo shov a noie aclive pallein again, even lhough lhe peison is appaienlIy asIeep veiy
deepIy. This is caIIed paiadoxicaI sIeep lecause il has nuch in connon vilh leing avake.
IaiadoxicaI (aclive) sIeep is naiked ly iiieguIai liealhing and heail iale, incieased lIood
suppIy lo lhe liain, and incieased liain lenpeialuie. Mosl of lhe nuscIes aie ieIaxed. Theie aie
vaiious jeiky novenenls of lhe lody and face, incIuding shoil luisl of iapid eye novenenl,
vhich indicale lhal ve aie dieaning. Thus, ve spend lhe nighl aIleinaling lelveen lhese lvo
vilaI 'iesloialion jols: voiking on lhe liain and voiking on lhe lody.
HaIanan 2
43. The lvo diffeienl lypes of sIeep aie chaiacleiized ly diffeienl _____.
(A) Ienglhs of sIeep
() degiees of soundness
(C) sIeep novenenls
(D) liain vave pallein
(L) eye novenenls

44. Il seens lhal oui liain gels sone iesl _____.
(A) aflei seveiaI houis of sIeeping
() duiing lhe oilhodox sIeep
(C) lefoie and aflei lhe oilhodox sIeep
(D) vhen ve vake up fion sIeeping
(L) duiing lhe paiadoxicaI sIeep

45. The second slage of sIeep is caIIed paiadoxicaI sIeep lecause _____.
(A) il cones aflei lhe oilhodox phase of sIeeping
() ve sIeep lul oui nuscIes aie lense
(C) il is lolaIIy diffeienl fion oilhodox sIeep
(D) ve onIy diean duiing lhis phase of sIeeping
(L) lhe liain is aclive duiing lhis phase of sIeeping

46. Oilhodox sIeep is chaiacleiized ly aII of lhe foIIoving, LXCLIT _____.
(A) ieguIai heail iale and liealhing
() Iovei liain lenpeialuie
(C) jeiky lody novenenls
(D) ieduced suppIy of oxygen lo lhe liain
(L) sIighlIy lensed nuscIes

47. Iion lhe lexl ve nay concIude lhal vhiIe ve aie sIeeping _____.
(A) oui liain is iesloiing oui physicaI and nenlaI condilion
() ve can ieaIIy le as aclive as vhen ve aie avake
(C) lhe lensed nuscIes aie caused ly lhe changing phase of sIeeps
(D) oilhodox sIeep is noie inpoilanl lhan paiadoxicaI sIeep
(L) iiieguIai heail iale vhiIe sIeeping is due lo lad dieans

Tcxt III

Rainfoiesls ciicIe lhe gIole foi lvenly degiees of Ialilude on lolh sides of lhe equaloi. In
lhal __(48)__ naiiov land of lhe pIanel, noie lhan haIf of aII lhe species of pIanls and aninaIs
in lhe voiId nake lheii hone. SeveiaI hundied diffeienl __(49)__ of liees nay giov in a singIe
acie, __(5O)__ jusl one of lhose liees nay le lhe halilal foi noie lhan len lhousand kinds of
spideis, anls, and olhei insecls. UnfoilunaleIy, haIf of lhe voiIds iainfoiesls have aIieady leen
deslioyed, and al lhe cuiienl iale, anolhei 25 peicenl viII le Iosl ly lhe nexl yeai. Lveiy sixly
seconds, one hundied acies of iainfoiesl is leing cIeaied. y lhe line you finish ieading lhis
passage, lvo hundied acies viII le deslioyed. When lhis happens, conslanl iains eiode lhe
foinei foiesl fIooi and lhe ecoIogy of lhe iegion is aIleied foievei. Thousands of spices of
pIanls and aninaIs aie __(51)__ lo exlinclion and, since ve aie nol alIe lo __(52)__ ianificalions
of lhis lo a deIicale gIolaI ecoIogy, ve do nol knov vhal ve nay le doing lo lhe fuluie of lhe
hunan species as veII.
HaIanan 3
48. (A) ieIalion
() ieIalive
(C) ieIalives
(D) ieIalivily
(L) ieIaliveIy

49. (A) giovlhs
() vaiielies
(C) pIanlalions
(D) oiiginaIilies
(L) lianspIanlalions

5O. (A) so
() vhen
(C) aIlhough
(D) and
(L) lul

51. (A) dooned
() aiiesled
(C) denied
(D) accused
(L) adnilled

52. (A) piediclalIe
() piedicled
(C) piediclaliIily
(D) piediclion
(L) piedicl


Petun]uk: Sca| ncncr 53 sanpai ncncr 60 |ida| ocrnuuongan dcngan oacaan

53. Liika _____ on hei iepoil foi lhiee days in a iov vilhoul nuch sIeep. Thals vhy she Iooks
so liied.
(A) voiks
() is voiking
(C) has leen voiking
(D) vas voiking
(L) had leen voiking

54. My daughlei is inleiesled in neeling fanous peopIe and _____ ailicIes on lhen.
(A) viiling
() lo viile
(C) le viiling
(D) she is viiling
(L) viII le viiling
HaIanan 4
55. 'May I loiiov youi caIcuIaloi, pIease`
'Soiiy, I canl find il in ny lag. I _____ al hone.
(A) had lo Ieave il
() nusl have Iefl il
(C) shouId Ieave il
(D) have lo Ieave il
(L) shouId have Iefl il

56. 'You Iook lioulIed. Whals lhe nallei`
'The acadenic counseIoi _____ loId ne lhal unIess I gel al Ieasl -foi appIied science, I
vonl le alIe lo giaduale lhis yeai.
(A) lhal I spoke
() vhich I spoke lo
(C) I spoke lo
(D) lo vho I spoke
(L) vhon I spoke

57. If his falhei veie nol lhe piesidenl of lhis conpany, he vouId nol le voiking heie lecause
(A) he is nol lhal liighl
() he vanls lo have his ovn lusiness
(C) he has voiked haid foi il
(D) hes voilh gelling lhe jol
(L) he iefused his falheis iequesl

58. Lncouiaged ly lhe good iesuIl of lhe nalh lesl, _____.
(A) lheie viII le lvo cIass sessions foi nalh each veek
() lodays nalh Iesson has leen canceIIed
(C) lhe iesuIls of lhe olhei suljecls aie aIso consideied
(D) lhe nalh suljecl is gelling easiei and easiei
(L) ny liolhei is nov sludying even haidei lhan lefoie

59. _____, lhe liaining piogian vas alIe lo achieve ils goaI.
(A) Since eveiylhing vas veII pIanned.
() AIlhough lhey nade good aiiangenenl
(C) Lven if lhe slage vas in good condilion
(D) The facl lhal lheie vas exceIIenl evenl
(L) In case lhey did nol cone

6O. Sulnilling his Ioan appIicalion fion jusl lhiee veeks lefoie lhe lank vas Iiquidaled, Mi.
Iiiyanlo had lo canceI his pIan lo luy nodein nachineiy. This neans lhal _____.
(A) Mi. Iiiyanlo nusl have knovn lhal lhe lank vas going lo le Iiquidaled.
() Mi. Iiiyanlo couId nol gel a lank Ioan as lhe lank vas Iiquidaled.
(C) They infoined Mi. Iiiyalno in advance lhal il vas going lo le Iiquidaled.
(D) Mi. Iiayilno venl ahead vilh his nodeinizalion pIan foi his facloiy
(L) lhe lank did nol pIan lo exlend a capilaI Ioan lo Mi. Iiayilno

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