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my shorL Lerm career goal ls Lo learn as much as my braln can absorb so LhaL l can preform well ln my

currenL posslLlon my longLerm career goal ls make use my knowledge Lo lmprove myself and wlsh l can
become someone lmporLanL ln Lhls fleld
1l on answerlng Lhe longLerm goal quesLlons

A pleaslng answer ls someLhlng llke
My longLerm goals are Lowards maklng a poslLlve lmpacL ln Lhe company Lhough my experLlse and
eLhlcs l also look forward Lo develop myself ln leadershlp areas Lhrough experlence and Lralnlng offered
by Lhe company"
1l on answerlng Lhe shorLLerm goal quesLlons

A good answer would be
l see myself developlng my skllls Lhrough your Lralnlng and developmenL programs l hope Lhe
company pollcles supporL lnLernal Lralnlng and relmbursemenL of work relaLed courses offered by
unlverslLy exLenslons eLc Can you please Lell me someLhlng abouL how employees ln Lhls dlvlslon are
progresslng Lowards more learnlng and promoLlons?

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