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1here ls hardly a soul ln Lhe world LhaL ls noL dependenL on Coogle for Lhe LlnlesL blL of lnformaLlon
needed Lvery person LhaL uses Coogle ls fasclnaLed by Lhe accuracy wlLh whlch lL glves Lhe mosL
relevanL and requlred lnformaLlon
8ehlnd Lhls accuracy and fasclnaLlon lles a very lmpresslve and exLraordlnary success sLory 1he Coogle
SLory as Lhe book ls called
1he book covers everyLhlng Coogle has done Lo be where Lhey are Loday Lhe re[ecLlons Lhey faced
before brlnglng Coogle lnLo acLlon how 8rln and age pulled lL off aL Lhe Llme of doL com crash how
Lhey won Lhelr long baLLle agalnsL lnvesLors Wall sLreeL and MlcrosofL
lor all Lhe Lechles" ouL Lhere lf you are Lhlnklng LhaL Lhe book reveals Coogle's greaLesL SecreL Success
formulas and Lhelr LlckeL Lo maklng anoLher Coogle a blg nC for Lhem lnsLead lL explalns Lo you Lhe
clrcumsLances under whlch Lhe Coogle success was born 1here ls a loL Lo learn Lhough who knows lf lL
has been desLlned for anoLher Coogle Lo be born
1he Coogle SLory covers a wlde range of everyLhlng abouL Coogle wlLhouL geLLlng lnLo Loo much
Lechnlcal deLall and aL Lhe same Llme noL laylng sLress enLlrely on Lhe buslness or flnanclal slde lf you
are looklng for only one or Lhe oLher ln greaL deLall you won'L flnd lL here Lhls book does noL cover
everyLhlng abouL 'everyLhlng' buL Lhe glsL of lL all
1he book ls very lnLeresLlng as noL many of us mlghL have googled" abouL Coogle l never looked lnLo
Lhe full sLory of Coogle or kepL up wlLh all of lLs relaLed news over Lhe years and l cerLalnly dldn'L know
half of Lhe Lhlngs ln Lhe book abouL Lhe Coogle culLure and how lL became whaL lL ls Loday
WrlLLen by uavld A vlse a [ournallsL and he obvlously had some lnslder access Lo develop Lhe sLory and
Lell many Lhlngs from Lhe perspecLlve of Lhe founders Sergey 8rln and Larry age
ln Lhls book Coogle has been porLrayed as an enLlLy Lo whlch people connecL Lo boLh elecLronlcally and
emoLlonally 1he auLhor has shown poslLlvlLy and confldence on Coogle as a search englne by saylng
LhaL lL requlred no adverLlslng sLlll became hlghly popular
1he aLLlLudes and manLra of uon'L 8e Lvll" ls carrled well Lhrough Lhe book as well and evldence ls seen
ln Lhe many declslons made by 8rln and age Lo grow Coogle ln a parLlcular way
1he sLory covers some of Lhe problems LhaL Coogle faced ln Lhe beglnnlng Pe has menLloned Lhe Llmes
when flrms llke ?ahoo Lurned down Lhe offer of buylng Lhe Coogle search englne and Lhe declslons 8rln
and age made LhaL helped Lhem Lake on Lhese challenges successfully Pow Lhey belleved LhaL Lhere
was someLhlng more Lo Coogle Lhan [usL a search englne 1he bralns Lhey puL behlnd lL Lhe
lncomparably good hardware and sofLware Lhey puL Lo use Lhe age 8anklng meLhod for sorLlng Lhe
resulLs accordlng Lo relevance and savlng Lhe Coogle users from Lhe unwanLed search resulLs
ome Lo Lhlnk of lL lL doesn'L really maLLer how one wanLs Lo crlLlclze Coogle Lhey are sLlll exLremely
A number of Lhlngs can be learned from lL abouL drlvlng a company Lowards success wlLh an unshakable
aLLlLude abouL PCW Lhlngs can be done wlLh llmlLed resources and supporL you [usL have Lo have Lhe
sense of declslon Lhe bralns and Lhe guLs Lo do lL lf you expecL Lo learn greaL lessons abouL buslness
markeLlng and enLrepreneurshlp Lhen Lhe Coogle SLory ls well worLh lL!
1he moral of Lhe book Lo me ls Lo perslsL ln your goals no maLLer how much clrcumsLances Lry Lo pull
you back
1hls book ls noL only abouL how a search englne was bullL lL ls also Lhe sLory of how Lhe company was
bullL 1haLs where Lhe worLh of Lhe book comes Lhrough lL Lakes you on a Lour lnLo Lhe world of
venLure caplLallsm of rlsks of buslness models of overnlghL bllllonalres of susLalnlng brllllance and
bulldlng an emplre A small ldea when pursued wlLh vlgor can become Lhe greaLesL lnvenLlon ever

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