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Iade in

1 - INT. G4 (Classroom/Hallway) - Day

camera will be placed near the door entrance oI the room. door will be open. camera will
watch immy walking towards the door, as she reaches the camera, the camera will pan and
Iollow her towards the seat.
(As IMMY is walking, the text scrolling along the bottom oI the screen shows what she is
The text message reads:
"Hey, can we meet up in G4 to chat?
Screen Iades to black and then Iades back in to the reply, this makes it seem like time has
moved on.
OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT oI immy'S phone with JESS's reply to her text message.
The text message reads:
"Yeah sure, I'm on my way"
Iade to black
2 - int. Hallway - dAY
Mid shot Irom behind oI JESS walking up to the door.
There is then an extreme close up oI JESS's hand opening the door handle.
3 - INT. Classroom (G4) - Day
IMMY is already sitting at the table in the room waiting Ior JESS to arrive. This is the Iirst
time in the Iilm where we see IMMY.
High angle long shot oI JESS coming through the door and into the room where IMMY is.
"Thanks Ior coming, we needed to talk"
"That's alright! What's up?"
The speech is occurring as JESS is coming through the door and shutting it behind her.
JESS then goes to take a seat in Iront oI IMMY.
AIter JESS has sat down IMMY goes on to say:
"I'm really sorry"
Don't be so stupid IMMY, What have you done?
"I Ieel it is best to tell you and not keep it a secret Irom you anymore, but i slept with your
EXTREME CLOSE UP: as IMMY is saying the above dialogue on JESS's Iace to show her
reactions to what IMMY has said.
"Oh... when was this!?"
"Well your not going to mad at me are you? It happened a couple oI weeks ago"
"Why would i not be mad at you?"
as JESS is saying this line, the camera Pans Irom her head Over to IMMY. we then see
IMMY pull out Irom underneath the table a silver chain and sit it slightly under her hand on
the table top
CLOSE UP: oI JESS's Iace catching a glimps oI the silver chain being put onto the table
What is that? Where did you get that?
"I told you, you wouldn't be mad with me"
There is a low angle shot here to make Immy seem big and powerIul as she says this.
"Please IMMY, Don't!
As JESS says this it is a high angle shot to make JESS seem very weak and vulnerable to
As JESS says the above dialogue, IMMY gets up and walks out oI the room.
there is then a high angle shot oI IMMY getting up and walking towards the door.
extreme close up oI the door handle while the door slams shut, giving the impression that it is
being shut in JESS's Iace.

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