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t is already a given that we are living in a modern world and because oI this, we may be

Iacing diIIerent kinds oI stresses that we can get Irom our jobs, doing our daily errands, and
even Irom our Iamily liIe. And because oI these reasons, we may sometimes Ieel like we just
want to stop and give up Irom all oI the daily obstacles and challenges that we encounter on
this thing called liIe. But then we have to move on and learn to cope in order Ior us to live,
but there are some things that we can do to help avoid stress and eradicate it Irom our lives.
To help us understand more about stress, it would be best Ior us the help ourselves know
what the causes oI stress are. You will be surprised that some oI it may be caused by your
own irresponsible behavior, negative attitudes, and ill Ieelings or even unrealistic
expectations. Here are some oI the most common causes oI stresses that most people
experience and that greatly aIIect their own health and the lives oI other people around them.
One oI the most common causes oI stress is Irustration that may be brought about by
unrealistic expectations that we oIten impose on our relationships, jobs, and even on the
government. It is important to understand that these Irustrations can be a hindrance Ior you to
achieve your goal and meet your needs though this cause oI stress may also be external.
External Irustrations may point to the Ieelings oI being discriminated, having to go through a
divorce, a job that is unsatisIying, death oI a loved one, and so much more that, Ior some
people, may seem to be trivial but impacts us in a great way.
Another cause oI stress may be conIlicts that we are Iacing, whether we may have an ill
relationship with one oI our Iamily members, our bosses or to one oI our co-workers, and
even our relationship with our partner or our Iriends. At other times, the decisions that we
make that concern the people that are close to us may also be considered to be a cause oI
stress especially iI we are under time pressure.
And lastly, another common cause oI stress is the pressure that we may be Ieeling which
directly points to the expectations and demands oI other people on us. Either you may be
pressured to get good grades, do well in your job, or even be the best housewiIe or the perIect
mother can bring out great stress to most oI us.

LlsLlng Lhe causes of sLress ls Lrlcky 1here can be lnnumerable sLress facLors slnce dlfferenL
lndlvlduals reacL dlfferenLly Lo Lhe same sLress condlLlons LxLreme sLress slLuaLlons for an lndlvldual
may prove Lo be mlld for anoLher for yeL anoLher person Lhe slLuaLlons mlghL noL quallfy as sLress
sympLoms aL all SLress ls ofLen Lermed as a LwenLleLh cenLury syndrome born ouL of man`s race
Lowards modern progress and lLs ensulng complexlLles lor LhaL maLLer causes such as a slmple
fllghL delay Lo managlng a Leenage chlld aL home can puL you under sLress

A sLress condlLlon can be real or percelved ?eL our braln reacLs Lhe same way Lo boLh causes of
sLress by releaslng sLress hormones equal Lo Lhe degree of sLress felL 1he braln doesn`L dlfferenLlaLe
beLween real and lmaglned sLress lL could happen whlle waLchlng a horror movle or when one ls
apprehenslve of some lmmlnenL danger

lL ls sald LhaL llfe acLs and you reacL Cur aLLlLude ls our reacLlon Lo whaL llfe hands ouL Lo us A
slgnlflcanL amounL of sLress sympLoms can be avolded or aroused by Lhe way we relaLe Lo sLressors
SLress ls creaLed by whaL we Lhlnk raLher Lhan by whaL has acLually happened lor lnsLance handllng
adopLed chlldren adolescenLs academlc fallures reLlremenLs Lax audlLs or sudden loss of money
needs a relaxed aLLlLude focused wlll and preparedness Lo face Lhe qulrks of llfe poslLlvely
CLherwlse one Lends Lo feel sLressed and reacLs ln anger and frusLraLlon WlLh a beLLer conLrol of
aLLenLlon one can feel LhaL Lhe world ls a more congenlal place Lo llve ln

Agaln ln case of a marlLal confllcL lnsLead of adopLlng an accuslng and frusLraLlng aLLlLude such as
?ou made my llfe hell or ?ou are noL meeLlng my emoLlonal needs Lhe Amerlcan cllnlcal
psychoLheraplsL Wlllard l Parley suggesLs LhaL accepLlng ?es we have a problem helps clear
Lhe clouds lallure ln adopLlng a reallsLlc aLLlLude Lo evenLs creaLes sympLoms of depresslon and
aggravaLes sLress slLuaLlons

ALLlLude Lo me ls more lmporLanL Lhan facLs lL ls more lmporLanL Lhan Lhe pasL Lhan educaLlon
Lhan money Lhan clrcumsLances Lhan fallures Lhan successes Lhan whaL oLher people Lhlnk or say
or do l am convlnced LhaL llfe ls 10 per cenL whaL happens Lo me and 90 per cenL how l reacL Lo lL
And so lL ls wlLh you says Charles Swlndoll auLhor and publlc speaker

A rlghL aLLlLude can make a reslllenL person ouL of us ln Lhe face of sLressful slLuaLlons
Also called: Psychological stress
We all have stress sometimes. For some people, it happens beIore having to speak in public.
For other people, it might be beIore a Iirst date. What causes stress Ior you may not be
stressIul Ior someone else. Sometimes stress is helpIul it can encourage you to meet a
deadline or get things done. But long-term stress can increase the risk oI diseases like
depression, heart disease and a variety oI other problems. A stress-related illness called post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops aIter an event like war, physical or sexual assault,
or a natural disaster. II you have chronic stress, the best way to deal with it is to take care oI
the underlying problem. Counseling can help you Iind ways to relax and calm down.
Medicines may also help.
Stress and the immune system play a vital role ...

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