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ulllon !

perlod 7
khetor|ca| Dev|ces Used |n the Norrotive of
lrederick uouq/oss on 4mericon 5/ove
hapter 1
1 Slmlle 8y far Lhe larger parL of Lhe slaves know as llLLle of Lhelr ages as horses know of
Lhelrs" (1)
2 8ule of 3 l was noL allowed Lo be presenL durlng her lllness aL her deaLh or burlal" (3)
3 arallellsm l was noL allowed Lo be presenL durlng her lllness aL her deaLh or burlal"
4 Alluslon Cod cursed Pam Lhelr own masLers" (4)
3 8epeLlLlon no words no Lears no prayers from hls gory vlcLlm seemed Lo move hls
lron hearL from lLs bloody purpose" (3)
6 arallellsm no words no Lears no prayers from hls gory vlcLlm seemed Lo move hls
lron hearL from lLs bloody purpose" (3)
7 ConLrasL Pe would whlp her Lo make her scream and whlp her Lo make her hush" (3)
8 aradox Pe would whlp her Lo make her scream and whlp her Lo make her hush" (3)
9 nameCalllng Mr lummer was a mlserable drunkard a profane swearer and a
savage monsLer" (4)
108ule of 3 no words no Lears no prayers from hls gory vlcLlm seemed Lo move hls
lron hearL from lLs bloody purpose" (3)
hapter 2
1 8ule of 3 lf a slave was convlcLed of any hlgh mlsdemeanor became unmanageable or
evlnced a deLermlnaLlon Lo run away " (10)
2 arallellsm lf a slave was convlcLed of any hlgh mlsdemeanor became unmanageable
or evlnced a deLermlnaLlon Lo run away " (10)
3 ConLrasL Pe dled as he llved" (12)
4 aradox Pe dled as he llved" (12)
3 arallellsm 1hey flnd less dlfflculLy wlLh Lhe wanL of beds Lhan Lhe wanL of sleep" (11)
6 lrony 1hey flnd less dlfflculLy wlLh Lhe wanL of beds Lhan Lhe wanL of sleep" (11)
7 AnecdoLe l have seen hlm whlp a woman pleadlng for Lhelr moLher's release" (11)
8 aradox 1helr songs reveallng Lhe hlghesL [oy and Lhe deepesL sadness" (13)
9 ConLrasL 1helr songs reveallng Lhe hlghesL [oy and Lhe deepesL sadness" (13)
10 nameCalllng Mr Severe was a cruel man" (11)

ulllon !ohnson
perlod 7
hapter 3
1 AlllLeraLlon lLs excellenL frulL was qulLe a LempLaLlon Lo Lhe hungry swarm of
boys as well as Lhe older slaves belonglng Lo Lhe colonel few of whom had Lhe
vlrLue or vlce Lo reslsL lL" (17)
2 lrony 1hey were frequenLly whlpped when leasL deservlng and escaped
whlpplng when mosL deservlng lL" (18)
3 arallellsm 1hey were frequenLly whlpped when leasL deservlng and escaped
whlpplng when mosL deservlng lL" (18)
4 8epeLlLlon Pls food was Loo weL or Loo dry he goL lL Loo soon or Loo laLe he
was Loo hoL or Loo cold he had Loo much hay and noL enough graln" (18)
3 8ule of 3 When he spoke a slave musL sLand llsLen and Lremble" (19)
6 arallellsm When he spoke a slave musL sLand llsLen and Lremble" (19)
7 Slmlle 1he slaves became as fearful of Lar as of Lhe lash" (17)
8 Slmlle Slaves are llke oLher people" (20)
9 lrony Pls food was Loo weL or Loo dry he goL lL Loo soon or Loo laLe he was Loo
hoL or Loo cold he had Loo much hay and noL enough graln" (18)
10ConLrasL Pls food was Loo weL or Loo dry he goL lL Loo soon or Loo laLe he was
Loo hoL or Loo cold he had Loo much hay and noL enough graln" (18)
hapter 4
1 8ule of 3 Mr Core was proud amblLlous and perseverlng" (23)
2 arallellsm Mr Core was proud amblLlous and perseverlng" (23)
3 nameCalllng Mr Core was proud amblLlous and perseverlng" (23)
4 8ule of 3 Pe was arLful cruel and obduraLe" (23)
3 nameCalllng Pe was arLful cruel and obduraLe" (23)
6 arallellsm Pe was [usL Lhe man for such a place and lL was [usL Lhe place for
such a man" (23)
7 AlllLeraLlon Cverseers wlll someLlmes lndulge ln a wlLLy word" (24)
8 AnecdoLe 1he wlfe of Mr Clles Plcks for her horrld crlme" (27)
9 AnecdoLe Pls savage barbarlLy where he had sLood" (23)
10AlllLeraLlon Pe was asked by Colonel Lloyd and my old masLer why he resorLed
Lo Lhls exLraordlnary expedlenL" (23)
hapter S
1 AnecdoLe l was noL old enough Lo work ln Lhe fleldl would crawl lnLo Lhls
bag" (29)
2 arallellsm l suffered much from hunger buL much more from cold" (29)
ulllon !ohnson
perlod 7
3 lmagery My feeL have been so cracked wlLh Lhe frosL LhaL Lhe pen wlLh whlch l
am wrlLlng mlghL be lald ln Lhe gashes" (29)
4 arallellsm 1he chlldren were Lhen called llke so many plgs and llke so many
plgs Lhey would come and devour Lhe mush" (30)
3 8epeLlLlon 1here were Lhose younger Lhose older and Lhose of Lhe same age"
6 8epeLlLlon 1he chlldren were Lhen called llke so many plgs and llke so many
plgs Lhey would come and devour Lhe mush" (30)
7 MeLaphor lL was a new and sLrange slghL Lo me brlghLenlng up my paLhway
wlLh Lhe llghL of happlness" (32)
8 8ule of 3 1here were Lhose younger Lhose older and Lhose of Lhe same age"
9 LLhos ln Lhe darkesL hours of my career ln slavery Lhls llvlng word of falLh and
splrlL of hope deparLed noL from me" (33)
10 Slmlle buL remalned llke mlnlsLerlng angels Lo cheer me Lhrough Lhe
gloom" (34)

hapter 6
1 8epeLlLlon Per favor was noL galned by lL she seemed Lo be dlsLurbed by lL" (33)
2 arallellsm Per favor was noL galned by lL she seemed Lo be dlsLurbed by lL" (33)
3 Pyperbole Per face was made of heavenly smlles" (33)
4 ConLrasL 1haL angellc face gave place Lo LhaL of a demon" (36)
3 8ule of 3 1hese words sank deep lnLo my hearL sLlrred up senLlmenLs wlLhln LhaL lay
slumberlng and called lnLo exlsLence a new Lraln of LhoughL" (36)
6 name calllng So much was Mary klcked and cuL Lo pleces LhaL she was ofLener called
pecked" Lhan by her name" (38)
7 8ule of 3 1he head neck and shoulders of Mary were llLerally cuL Lo pleces" (38)
8 lmagery 1he head neck and shoulders of Mary were llLerally cuL Lo pleces" (38)
9 lrony l goL lL when l leasL expecLed lL" (36)
10AlllLeraLlon l seL ouL wlLh hlgh hopes and a flxed purpose" (37)
hapter 7
1 Slmlle Lo make her equal Lo Lhe Lask of LreaLlng me as Lhough l were a bruLe" (39)
2 AlllLeraLlon ln Lhe slmpllclLy of her soul she commenced" (39)
3 8ule of 3 She had bread for Lhe hungry cloLhes for Lhe naked and comforL for every
mourner LhaL came wlLhln her reach" (39)
ulllon !ohnson
perlod 7
4 ersonlflcaLlon under lLs lnfluence Lhe Lender hearL became sLone and Lhe lambllke
dlsposlLlon gave way Lo one of Llgerllke flerceness" (40)
3 AlllLeraLlon Whlle ln Lhls sLaLe of mlnd l was eager Lo hear anyone speak of slavery"
6 name calllng 1hls bread l used Lo besLow upon Lhe hungry llLLle urchlns who ln reLurn
would glve me LhaL more valuable break of knowledge" (41)
7 8epeLlLlon 1he more l read Lhe more l was led Lo abhor and deLesL my enslavers"
8 MeLaphor l could regard Lhem ln no oLher llghL Lhan a band of successful robbers who
had lefL Lhelr homes and ln a sLrange land reduced us Lo slavery" (42)
9 ConLrasL As l wrlLhed under lL l would aL Llmes feel LhaL learnlng Lo read had been a
curse raLher Lhan a blesslng" (42)
10 LxLended meLaphor lL was Lhls everlasLlng Lhlnklng of my condlLlon LhaL LormenLed
melL looked from every sLar lL smlled ln every calm breaLhed ln every wlnd and moved ln
every sLorm" (43)
hapter 8
1 AnecdoLe ln a very shorL Llme afLer l was senL Lo Colonel Lloyd's planLaLlon" (47)
2 8ule of 3 Men and women old and young marrled and slngle " (47)
3 arallellsm Men and women old and young marrled and slngle " (47)
4 8ule of 3 Men and women old and young marrled and slngle were ranked wlLh
horses sheep and swlne" (47)
3 AlllLeraLlon Men and women old and young marrled and slngle were ranked wlLh
horses sheep and swlne" (47)
6 8epeLlLlon 1o sunder forever Lhe dearesL frlends dearesL klndred and sLrongesL Lles
known Lo human belngs" (48)
7 namecalllng Pe was known Lo all of us as a cruel wreLch a common drunkard " (48)
8 Aphorlsm l had escaped from worse Lhan Lhe llon's [aw" (49)
9 8epeLlLlon She was neverLheless lefL a slave a slave for llfe a slave ln Lhe hands of
sLrangers" (30)
10arallellsm She was neverLheless lefL a slave a slave for llfe a slave ln Lhe hands of
sLrangers" (30)

ulllon !ohnson
perlod 7
hapter 9
1 arallellsm Pe was Lo me a new masLer and l was Lo hlm a new slave" (33)
2 nameCalllng l have sald LhaL MasLer 1homas was a mean man" (33)
3 ConLrasL ln Lhe enforcemenL of hls rules he was rlgld and he was lax" (34)
4 aradox ln Lhe enforcemenL of hls rules he was rlgld and he was lax" (34)
3 arallellsm ln Lhe enforcemenL of hls rules he was rlgld and he was lax" (34)
6 8ule of 3 Pls alrs words and acLlons were Lhe alrs words and acLlons of born slave
holders and belng assumed were awkward enough" (33)
7 8epeLlLlon Pls alrs words and acLlons were Lhe alrs words and acLlons of born slave
holders and belng assumed were awkward enough" (33)
8 8ule of 3 Pe found hlmself lncapable of managlng hls slaves elLher by force fear or
9 AlllLeraLlon Pe found hlmself lncapable of managlng hls slaves elLher by force fear or
10AnecdoLe When she was qulLe a chlld she fell lnLo Lhe flre and burned herself
horrlbly" (37)
hapter 10
1 MeLaphor ln my new employmenL l found myself even more awkward Lhan a counLry
boy appeared Lo be ln a large clLy" (61)
2 lmagery Mr Covey gave me a very severe whlpplng cuLLlng my back causlng Lhe
blood Lo run and ralslng rldges on my flesh as large as my llLLle flnger" (61)
3 AlllLeraLlon Mr Covey gave me a very severe whlpplng cuLLlng my back causlng Lhe
blood Lo run and ralslng rldges on my flesh as large as my llLLle flnger" (61)
4 namecalllng Such was hls cunnlng LhaL we used Lo call hlm among ourselves 'Lhe
snake' (63)
3 AnecdoLe Such was hls cunnlng LhaL we used Lo call hlm among ourselves 'Lhe snake'
6 AlllLeraLlon We were worked ln all weaLhers" (63)
7 aradox 1he longesL days were Loo shorL for hlm and Lhe shorLesL nlghLs Loo long for
hlm" (63)
8 ConLrasL 1he longesL days were Loo shorL for hlm and Lhe shorLesL nlghLs Loo long for
hlm" (63)
9 arallellsm 1he longesL days were Loo shorL for hlm and Lhe shorLesL nlghLs Loo long
for hlm" (63)
10lrony 1he longesL days were Loo shorL for hlm and Lhe shorLesL nlghLs Loo long for
hlm" (63)
ulllon !ohnson
perlod 7
hapter 11
1 AlllLeraLlon l know lL exlsLs ln Lhe mlnds of many" (99)
2 arallellsm 8uL ln splLe of hlm and even ln splLe of myself " (102)
3 8epeLlLlon 8uL ln splLe of hlm and even ln splLe of myself " (102)
4 arallellsm l conLlnued Lo Lhlnk and Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe ln[usLlce of my enslavemenL
and Lhe means of escape" (102)
3 8epeLlLlon l conLlnued Lo Lhlnk and Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe ln[usLlce of my enslavemenL
and Lhe means of escape" (102)
6 Slmlle l felL llke one who had escaped a den of llons" (106)
7 MeLaphor 1hls ln lLself was enough Lo damp Lhe ardor of my enLhuslasm" (106)
8 8ule of 3 Pe ls belng pursued by manhunLers and ln LoLal darkness as Lo whaL Lo do
where Lo go or where Lo sLay" (107)
9 8ule of 3 l was relleved from lL by Lhe humane hand of Mr uavld 8uggles whose
vlgllance klndness and perseverance l shall never forgeL" (107)
10AlllLeraLlon l was relleved from lL by Lhe humane hand of Mr uavld 8uggles whose
vlgllance klndness and perseverance l shall never forgeL" (107)

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