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Sr No Iunct|on Code Lxamp|e

1 Copy Irom source to destination MOV Rd, Rs MOV B, C or MOV B, M

2 Move immediate 8-bit MVI Rd, data MVI B, 57H or MVI M, 57H
3 Load accumulator LDA 16-bit address LDA 2034H
4 Load accumulator indirect LDAX B/D Reg. pair LDAX B
3 Load register pair immediate LXI Reg. pair, 16-bit data LXI H, 2034H or LXI H, XYZ
6 Load H and L registers direct LHLD 16-bit address LHLD 2040H
7 Store accumulator direct STA 16-bit address STA 4350H
8 Store accumulator indirect STAX Reg. pair STAX B
9 Store H and L registers direct SHLD 16-bit address SHLD 2470H
10 Exchange H and L with D and E XCHG none XCHG
11 Copy H and L registers to the stack pointer SPHL none SPHL
12 Exchange H and L with top oI stack XTHL none XTHL
13 Push register pair onto stack PUSH Reg. pair PUSH B or PUSH A
14 Pop oII stack to register pair POP Reg. pair POP H or POP A
O/p data Irom accumulator to a port 8-bit address
Cu1 8blL porL address OUT F8H
Input data to accumulator Irom a port with 8-bit address
IN 8-bit port address IN 8CH
17 Add register or memory to accumulator ADD R ADD B or ADD M
18 Add register to accumulator with carry ADC R ADC B or ADC M
19 Add immediate to accumulator ADI 8-bit data ADI 45H
20 Add immediate to accumulator with carry ACI 8-bit data ACI 45H
21 Add register pair to H and L registers DAD Reg. pair DAD H
22 Subtract register or memory Irom accumulator SUB R SUB B or SUB M
23 Subtract source and borrow Irom accumulator SBB R SBB B or SBB M
24 Subtract immediate Irom accumulator SUI 8-bit data SUI 45H
23 Subtract immediate Irom accumulator with borrow SBI 8-bit data SBI 45H
26 Increment register or memory by 1 INR R INR B or INR M
27 Increment register pair by 1 INX R INX H
28 Decrement register or memory by 1 DCR R DCR B or DCR M
29 Decrement register pair by 1 DCX R DCX H
30 Decimal adjust accumulator DAA none DAA
31 Jump unconditionally JMP 16-bit address JMP 2034H or JMP XYZ
32 Jump conditionally JZ 16-bit address JZ 2034H or JZ XYZ
33 JC Jump on Carry CY 1 !C
34 JNC Jump on no Carry CY 0 !nC
33 JP Jump on positive S 0 !
36 JM Jump on minus S 1 !M
37 JZ Jump on zero Z 1 !Z
38 JNZ Jump on no zero Z 0 !nZ
39 JPE Jump on parity even P 1 !L
40 JPO Jump on parity odd P 0 !C
41 Unconditional subroutine call CALL 16-bit address CALL 2034H or CALL XYZ
42 Call conditionally CZ 16blL address CZ 2034H or CZ XYZ
43 CC Call on Carry CY 1 CC
44 CNC Call on no Carry CY 0 CnC
43 CP Call on positive S 0 C
46 CM Call on minus S 1 CM
47 CZ Call on zero Z 1 CZ 2034P or CZ x?Z
48 CNZ Call on no zero Z 0 CnZ
49 CPE Call on parity even P 1 CL
30 CPO Call on parity odd P 0 CC

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