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Nindi Prasmita (1176817)

Mardani Yudi Ningsih (1176647)

Putri Herlina EIendi (1176967)
Rias Rona Pratiwi (1177037)

The reasons oI the answers
1. Answer. A (go)
Reason : it`s caused by the role oI negative sentene in Iuture time.

2. Answer. B (is)
Reason : This is Nominal sentence. So in using nominal sentence need some oI Verb
be (am,is,are/was,were).

3. Answer. C (many)
Reason: There are two meaning Iorm this sentence UN (uncountable noun) and CN
(countable noun). According to the questions we should use 2,3 because the
experience show Countable Noun, here it is the diIIerence between Experience UN
and CN.
Countable Noun : The process oI getting (knowledge or skill Irom doing, seeing or
Ieeling thing).
Uncountable Noun : Something that happens to you that aIIects how you Ieel.
It reIers to the Cambridge Advance Leanern`s Dictioanary.

4. Answer. C. (can not)
Reason : Because in this sentence there is something to do with modal.
The role oI modal (can, may, might, will, should, would, ect)/ not(Ior negative Iorm)
V1 (base).

5. Answer. A. ( the second)
Reason : According to the roles`s numbering oI cardinal number.
The Ordinal Noun

6. Answer. B. (Boring)
Reason : The correct answer was 'boring, it`s caused oI Discribing the object.
This is Participle. (ed/ing) as adj
The diIIerence between boring and bored.
Bored : our Ieeling. E.g. I`m bored.
Boring : Discribing something what you are bored. E.g. This TV program is boring.

7. Answer. B. (Generously)
Reason : It`s suIIix Irom adj to be Noun.
Adj ly Noun that has meaning with the quality.
It reIers to the Practical English Usage third edition.

8. Answer. D. (Kind)
Reason : it has same explanation like in number 7. Adjly Noun

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