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Self-Cuided Conference

8y kevln Plralal
Mon lrom 1he 5outh
W JrlLLen 8y 8oald uahl
W Man lrom 1he SouLh" ls a sLory ln whlch a beL ls
made by a man and a old guy for one's Cadlllac
and a flnger
W 1he beL lnvolves one man uslng hls llghLer LhaL he
proclalmed always works even ln Lhe wlnd 1he
oLher man challenges hlm Lo llghL lL Len Llmes ln a
row wlLhouL faulL and he wlll glve hlm Lhe glfL of
hls Cadlllac lf he falls however he has Lo cuL off
a flnger from hls lefL hand and glve lL Lo Lhe man
W 1he man goes Lo Lhe room of Lhe old guy and
he ls followed Lo Lwo wlLnesses Lhe narraLor
and a glrl he was wlLh Pe Lhen has hls flnger
Lled Lo a knlfe Lo make sure hls flnger ls cuL off
as soon as he falls Lo lgnlLe hls llghLer
W uesplLe Lhe lnLeresL galned ln a beL of such
sLandards Lhe beL ls called off afLer Lhe man
manages Lo llghL hls llghLer Lhe sevenLh Llme
W glrls happens Lo enLer Lhe room upon Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe elghLh llghL up and addresses
Lhe crowd ln Lhe room saylng Lhe old man ls a
lunaLlc and he has been gambllng wlLh
sLrangers for years
W Cver Lhls Llme he has won numerous amounLs
of flngers buL he has also losL a few cars lL
[usL so happens LhaL Lhe glrl only manages Lo
have Lwo flngers lefL on her hand
9loL vs SLory
W L M lorsLer has sald LhaL a sLory ls a narraLlve
sequence ln whlch someLhlng ls Lold ln
W s for a ploL Lhls has Lhe same feaLures buL lL
lays mosL of lLs emphasls surroundlng Lhe
broader deLalls ln whlch a slLuaLlon occurs
W ln oLher words ploL glves you Lhe cause of Lhe
effecLs Lold ln a sLory
W Cause and effecL ofLen demonsLraLe Lhe ploL
and sLory relaLlonshlp 1herefore a ploL ls
used Lo dlvulge ln why someLhlng happened
or why lL happened Lhe way lL dld 9loLs are
changeable ln LhaL all can relaLe Lo each oLher
buL ln Lhe case for dlfferenL sLorles Lhey can
glve Lwo dlfference lncldenLs and Lhey can
relaLe Lo each oLher ln no way shape or form
SLory ln Man lrom 1he SouLh"
W 1he sLory porLlon of uahl's Man lrom 1he
SouLh" ls generally LhaL Lwo grown men
lnvolve Lhemselves ln a beL wlLh one each
oLher whlle hanglng ouL by a swlmmlng pool
W 1he beL has one man waglng a flnger whlle
Lhe oLher wages a Cadlllac
W DnforLunaLely Lhe beL ls never compleLed as lL
ls shuL down abrupLly on Lhe arrlval of a glrl ln
Lhe man's aparLmenL
W s a resulL a beL was made and never
compleLed because Lhe man never goL Lo
flnlsh hls aLLempLs Lo llghL hls llghLer
9loL ln Man lrom 1he SouLh"
W lf someone was Lo make an aLLempL Lo flnd
ouL a reasonable ploL ouLllne ln Lhls shorL
sLory Lhey may say LhaL Lhe man was lucky
LhaL he wasn'L able Lo flnlsh Lhe beL because
maybe hls llghLer wasn'L golng Lo work
W 8y havlng Lhe glrl Lell Lhe people she won
everyLhlng from Lhe man lL makes sense Lo
undersLand why Lhere was no polnL ln
flnlshlng Lhe beL
W 1he maln ploL of Lhls sLory ls noL Lo geL sucked
lnLo a beL based on overconfldence especlally
noL wlLh a sLranger noneLheless Lven Lhough Lhe
sLory Lells of an lnLeresLlng beL made beLween
Lwo people Lhe ploL Lells of lles and decepLlons
LhaL are ouL Lhere ln our world Loday
W SLorles ofLen use examples such as young gulllble
people who are fooled ln order Lo puL an
emphasls on Lhe facL LhaL people wlll Lry and Lake
advanLage of you

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