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Two parts:
]ob Description: about the job. systematic approach by which we actually try to describe the job and what done, resources
used, hazardous things if used, reporting relationships.
]ob Specifications: about the person. what are the skill sets required, competencies, experiences, qualifications, required to
perform the job successfully.
1. Business all about
2. Department
3. Hierarchical levels
4. proceed with introduction of job analysis and steps followed under job analysis.

HRP: is basically the man power demand and supply in terms of org effectiveness as far as the organizational objectives is
Demand forecasting: Forecasting the demand for tomorrow and next year. How many man power you require for next year
of business. Are you going to expand.. mergers S acquisitions. Business policies n all to determine manpower demand.
Trend analysis of wastes.
Work study technique: how much work is needed to be done in a specific time period. Determine non productive time, idle
Supply forecasting: socio cultural and political environment. !T firm can bear with contingencies. !n manufacturing you
cannot go by surplus man power supply. !t causes huge losses. Succession planning helps determine who moves to what
position and who retire at what point of the year.
Analysis and forecasting the effect of changing conditions conditions of work: !f from labour intensive you convert to capital
intensive. How many levels are wiped out how many manpowers are wiped out. What people you need to redploy.
Net availability of manpower: Chunck determined from the above process. You need to recruit so you also have to consider
the lead time.
Training: What is the organization about? Functional details? Nethods available for training TN! and TNA. which one u
think is effective for the situation/job.. which method u choosing.. y/logic for choosing.. how would you implement it.

How are you going design employee reward system considering all the pros and cons related to the compensation?

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