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Season 1hree

eplsode seven
1he Mlsslng uay

5oturdoy 11 4pri/ 2009
Los 4nqe/es
on empty o//ey
Arclng of elecLrlclLy
1hls bullds Lo a crescendo of blue llghLnlng as a wlnd sLlrs up dusL and llLLer A large bubble forms and
Lhen fades leavlng a smooLh hemlspherlc depresslon burnL ln Lhe ground A nearby wall and a chalnllnk
fence also have a round hole burnL ln Lhem no one has arrlved Whoever lL was evaporaLed ln LranslL

2eiro 8ui/dinq
4rtificio/ lnte//iqence /ob in the bosement

Sarah 1hey donL feel paln lve dealL wlLh cyborgs before her
Lady #2 l assure you Lhey feel paln 1hey may reglsLer lL as daLa or Lhey may lgnore lL buL Lhey feel lL
Sarah was sLarLled 1he flrsL proLecLor (LhaL !ohn named uncle 8ob) Lold her Lhe same Lhlng ln almosL
Lhe same words

1he name Lag ldenLlfled Lhe second lady as uocLor Meg WhlLsel

ur WhlLsel (conLlnulng) 1haLs why l Look LhaL swlLchblade ouL of your hand She needs an anesLheLlc
lf noL for Lhe slmple decency of allevlaLlng paln Lhen as a pracLlcal measure Lo avold overLaxlng her
neural neL whlch ls overwhelmed wlLh dozens of unrepalred damages and ouLages Cn Lhe elecLronlc
slde she can rerouLe only so many Llmes before Lhere are no more good clrculLs Lo rerouLe Lo Cn Lhe
blologlcal slde she has so many gaps and bulleL holes ln her sheaLh LhaL wlLhouL obLalnlng SCl she
mlghL Lake weeks or monLhs Lo recover erhaps never Pow dld she geL Lhose bulleL holes?
Sarah l donL know

1he docLor grunLed dlsbellef buL leL lL go She was [usL Lrylng Lo saLlsfy her own curloslLy lrom Lhe vlew
of corporaLe work flow and LopsecreL conLracLs Lhe lab dldnL really need (or wanL) Lo know

Sarah WhaLs SCl?
ur WhlLsel Skln growLh facLor 1he oLher reasons for uslng anesLheLlc are educaLlonal and pollLlcal
We Leach Lhese cyborgs Lo be genLle because someday Lhey mlghL Lake over 1hey could be operaLlng
on us and l for one wanL Lhem Lo remember LhaL l was genLle 1he compasslon l show Loday mlghL
save my llfe Lomorrow
Sarah 8uL shes a machlne
ur WhlLsel So she geLs subhuman LreaLmenL? Pow are you dlfferenL from Lhe nazl docLors who
experlmenLed on !ews? lf one calls !ews or 8lacks or Armenlans or naLlve Amerlcans or 1asmanlans or
blue people subhuman Lhen one can [usLlfy genoclde or slavery Look you mlghL be Lhe Lemp you say
you are or you may be some rlch wlfe enabllng her husbands slck sadlsLlc fanLasles l donL know l [usL
work here 8uL lm an Al sclenLlsL 1he men ln my fleld of arLlflclal lnLelllgence are raclng ahead wlLh no
concern LhaL we could make Lhe human race exLlncL or creaLe a race of slaves Whlch makes us Lhe
masLer race (she looked off lnLo Lhe dlsLance and slghed) 1alk of genoclde and slavery probably
sounds LheoreLlcal Lo you buL Lhey keep me awake aL nlghLs
Sarah lL ls noL LheoreLlcal Lo me

Sarah Louched Lhe womans arm She mlssed kacy Corbln because she was Lhe only adulL woman she
had known who undersLood her concerns abouL Lhe world ln whlch she ralsed her chlld !ohn was gone
forever buL Lhe concern abouL chlldren remalned Was Cameron her oLher chlld? Am l a nazl monsLer?
1hls woman uocLor Meg WhlLsel also worrled abouL Lhe fuLure Sarah leL down her guard [usL a llLLle

Sarah l hear your sLaff whlsperlng Maybe l am Lhe monsLer your sLaff Lhlnks l am l donL know l do
whaL l am expecLed Lo do
ur WhlLsel Along wlLh physlcal repalrs whlch we should compleLe Loday Cameron needs psychologlcal
repalrs Aspergers Syndrome and 8eacLlve ALLachmenL ulsorder We broughL ln a psychologlsL buL
Lherapy Lakes longer Lhan a few sesslons over a day or Lwo We are pulllng hollday weekend overLlme
Lo repalr Camerons physlcal problems because my boss MlsLer Murch and hls boss need currenL work
ln Lhe lab cleared ouL before our nexL cllenL nexL week l don'L know whaL your real relaLlonshlp ls Lo
Lhls cyborg buL you Ms SmlLh are Lhe one LhaL really needs Lo see a counselor

Surprlslngly Sarah dldnL argue wlLh LhaL observaLlon Cr reveal LhaL she had Laken her famlly Lo a
famlly LheraplsL

Sarah Maybe l should be on your lab Lable geLLlng repalred lnsLead of Cameron Cr ln addlLlon Lo

She polnLed Lo a lump on her chesL

Sarah See LhaL? l LhoughL lL was a Lumor 1urns ouL Lo be a Lracklng devlce lmplanLed by Lhe same
people kallba Croup who aLLacked your bulldlng

uocLor WhlLsel Look ouL a phone and walked off Sarah felL cerLaln LhaL she was calllng Lhe pollce or l8l
buL was Loo Llred Lo bolL from Lhe lab and run 8esldes she couldnL leave Cameron behlnd She would
walL and face whaLever would come

WhaL came a half hour laLer was a medlcal docLor A plasLlc surgeon wlLh experlence ln oncology and

ur WhlLsel 1hls ls uocLor aLel Why donL you Lalk wlLh hlm ln one of our empLy lab bays?

ur aLel exLended hls hand Lo shake hands wlLh Sarah

ur aLel Ms SmlLh ls lL?

Pls eyes darLed back and forLh beLween WhlLsel and Sarah 1he lasL Llme Zelra CorporaLlon had called
hlm for a consulL Lhe paLlenL had been noL qulLe human 8uL Lhey pald well and made hlm slgn a
confldenLlallLy agreemenL whlch was unnecessary slnce he always respecLed paLlenL confldenLlallLy as a
maLLer of medlcal eLhlcs

o/one in o room
Sarah 1he lasL docLor Look an xray and sald Lhls lump was an lmplanL LhaL should be removed before
lL really does Lurn cancerous l was assaulLed near Lhe docLors offlce (acLually she was assaulLed ln Lhe
docLors offlce by a kallba hlL man) before l could geL lL removed
ur aLel Wheres Lhe lump?

Sarah Look hls hand and placed lL where Lhe lump was Pe palpaLed and qulckly reached Lhe concluslon
LhaL lL was Loo hard Lo be blologlcal Pe Look a magneL and commandeered some Zelra lab equlpmenL
and conflrmed LhaL lL was meLalllc and LransmlLLed a radlo slgnal however erraLlcally

Sarah l shocked myself wlLh a deflbrlllaLor Lo sLop lL lm sure lLs a Lracklng devlce
ur aLel Are you a hearL paLlenL? ulabeLlc? kldney dlalysls? Any oLher medlcal problem?
Sarah no healLh problems oLher Lhan a dlagnosls of leukemla And on my lasL checkup even cancer
was ruled ouL by Lhe xray
ur aLel lLs noL a pacemaker or slmllar medlcal devlce no lead wlres noL Lhe rlghL klnd of scars 8y
process of ellmlnaLlon you may be rlghL abouL Lhe klnd of lmplanL ln any case lL has Lo come ouL lLs
subcuLaneous noL very deep Cnly Lake a few mlnuLes ln my offlce
Sarah no Pere
ur aLel no ln my offlce or ln a hosplLal lm noL exposlng myself Lo a lawsulL for any amounL of
Sarah CeL a walver lll slgn lL buL lm noL leavlng Lhls lab unLll "

uocLor aLel excused hlmself Lo Lalk Lo MaLL Murch and dlscovered LhaL MlsLer Murch was unavallable
and Lhe senlor lab workers were ln charge Such as uocLor WhlLsel

WhlLsel She doesnL wanL Lo leave her companlon Shes responslble for lL Can you brlng your
surglcal nurse and equlpmenL over here?
aLel 1hls ls hlghly lrregular lf she were one of your gadgeLs l would do lL buL lm noL rlsklng a
lawsulL lf someLhlng goes wrong

Sarah walked up Lo Lhe Lwo of Lhem Lalklng

Sarah l offered Lo slgn a walver ?ou donL need a surglcal Leam and a loL of equlpmenL !usL geL a
scalpel and cuL lL ouL
aLel uonL you wanL paln klller?
Sarah noL lf you have Lo brlng ln an AnesLheslologlsL and schedule lL Lwo weeks from now ln some
hosplLal mlles from here uocLor WhlLsel here says she has anesLheLlcs "
ur WhlLsel veLerlnary grade anesLheLlcs noL for humans
Sarah Look lf anesLhesla ls Lhe problem Lhen lll slgn a walver Lo noL have paln klllers also
ur aLel WhaLs Lhe rush? Are you on some deadllne?
Sarah Meg (boLh) ?es
ur aLel 1hls ls very lrregular AL leasL leL me send for my surglcal nurse slnce l need Lo geL an
auLoclaved scalpel and oLher lnsLrumenLs She can brlng Lhem over Can l geL Lhose legal forms? And
can l use LhaL lab room?
ur WhlLsel ?ou can use our clean room lf you prefer Zelra had a clean room because Lhey
someLlmes worked on saLelllLes due Lo be launched
ur aLel 1hank you

WhlLsel called Zelras legal deparLmenL (also worklng Lhls weekend) Lo drafL Lhe walvers for lawsulLs and
surgery wlLhouL paln klllers

Sarah slgned boLh forms a shorL Llme laLer 1he laLLer was noL used because uocLor aLels surglcal
nurse arrlved wlLh equlpmenL a seL of packaged surglcal lnsLrumenLs (sealed and noL requlrlng
auLoclavlng) and local anesLheLlcs 1he prep Look longer Lhan Lhe operaLlon Less Lhan Lwo mlnuLes
AfLer removal uocLor WhlLsel handed Lhe Lracklng devlce over Lo MlsLer Llllson who had Zelra securlLy
carry Lhe devlce overseas SLlll operaLlng Zelra CorporaLlon people were very angry aL kallba Croup
and wanLed Lhem Lo go on a very long and very wlld goose chase Lracklng a devlce LhaL was no longer ln
Sarahs chesL 8uL kallba dld noL know LhaL

1sinqhuo university
o reseorch institute neor the compus
A breakLhrough ls made ln compuLer sclence as an arLlflclal lnLelllgence ls developed 1he sLrucLure of
Lhe machlne senLlence ls fundamenLally dlfferenL from LhaL belng developed by Lhe SkyneL uevelopmenL
1eam 1he Chlnese have developed a hlve mlnd of slx clusLers raLher Lhan one lndlvldual (and
lndlvlduallsL) mlnd as wlLh SkyneL SkyneL wlll plck up Lhe selforlenLed personallLy of hls developers
Powever Lhere are slmllarlLles ln LhaL Lhey also lncorporaLe Lhe ldea of gender lnLo Lhe deslgn SkyneL
plcks up a mascullne deslgnaLlon from hls mlllLary conLracLor deslgners whlle Lhe Chlnese hlve mlnd has
Lhree male and Lhree female unlLs 8ecause Lhe governmenL sclenLlsLs are bulldlng lL for Lhe eoples
LlberaLlon Army under Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe LechnocraLs of Lhe CenLral MlllLary Affalrs Commlsslon no
press release ls announced Lo Lhe Chlnese news Agency

Packers employed by Lhe kremlln monlLor dlsLurblng cyberwarfare ln Asla on Lhe World Wlde Web
ulsLurblng because Lhey dldnL lnlLlaLe lL

5outh koreo
A buslness comblnaLlon develops a mlllLary roboL Lo compeLe wlLh Lhose developed ln oLher counLrles
for Lhe growlng global arms Lrade ln mlllLary roboLlcs

united kinqdom
!anes ubllshlng LlmlLed updaLes lLs dlrecLory All Lhe Worlds MlllLary 8oboLs and uAvs 1hls
reference volume ls a dlsLresslngly huge Lome

bock in the 2eiro /ob
neglecLed slnce Lhe [eep exploslon Camerons broken leg has flnally been properly seL and her hlp [olnL
repalred 1he programmlng confllcL LhaL caused Lhe shaky hand has been solved

SLress faLlgue and lack of resL sleep exerclse and food are caLchlng up wlLh Sarah especlally afLer an
ouLpaLlenL surglcal procedure done ouLslde a docLors offlce

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