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Work out your answer to the following 1. Name two things can fall through. A project A marriage can fall trough

2. They were turned away. What happened to them? There were asked to leave 3. Where would you normally to for a check-up. Where normally go for medical examination to a hospital 4. Name three important breakthroughs is science, medicine or technology this century. Nano technology Vaccine against AH1N1 A new constellation

5. What sort of things can cause the break-up of a marriage Lack of communication, violence, intolerance and one partner being unfaithful. 6. If you had a pink sofa, which colour curtains and carpet would go with it? A pink sofa matches with white carpet and curtains 7. How would you feel If you found out that someone has been checking up on you? I would feel afraid and uncomfortable 8. If you saw the headline CHAMP WINS BY KNOCKOUT in the newspaper, which sport would this be? Boxing. 9. Why was he happy when he was told that his wife would pull through? Because she would recover. 10. What does NATO stand for? NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization

11. Which diseases do children often go down with? The children often catch flu, fever chickenpox. 12. Name at least two things you have grown out of. The tings that I stop doing are play volleyball, play with dolls 13. What does it mean if you are told that your car is a write-off? I was sad and disappointment 14. Where might you find a bypass? I would find a road in a city 15. Name three things you are looking forward to. Finish my career Find a job Buy a car

16. Why did she cry when she heard that her friend had passed away? She cry because her best friend died 17. Name someone or something that has made a successful comeback Chayanne 18. Name something that you havent got round to doing yet Go to the doctor 19. What might you get a good or a bad write-up for? I might get a good write-u for a book 20. What are the drawbacks, If any, of being (a) a woman (b) a man? The drawbacks of being a woman is the period 21. Who might you phone if you had a break-in? I might phone the police 22. Name any film you have seen or book you have read that hasnt lived up to your expectations. Avatar

39 A-Z (Dictionary) quiz 2 Use a dictionary, if necessary, to work out the answer to the following.

1. How often does an annual event take place? An annual event takes place once a year 2. What does a burglar do? A burglar appropriates other people's things 3. Name a continent. The name a continent is Europe 4. How would you be feeling if you were depressed? If I am down, I feel with discouragement and pessimism 5. What is an eagle? The eagles are a large bird that stands out for their size, strength, and power and vision flight 6. What is not there enough of during a famine? During the famine there is not enough food 7. Where in a house would you expect to find a grater? I expect to find a grater in the kitchen of my house 8. What would you have difficulty in doing if you were feeling hoarse? If I'm hoarse, I would have difficult to talk 9. If you are illiterate, what can not you do? If I am illiterate I cant read or write 10. How many people are there usually in a jury? Usually a jury has twelve people 11. What is a knuckle part of? A knuckle is part of a hand 12. A ladybird is a type of what? A ladybird is a type of insect 13. What does not a mean person like doing? A mean person doesnt like to help other people

14. Where would you normally wear a necklace? Usually I would I wear a necklace in my neck 15. What would you expect to find in an orchard? I expect to find in an orchard many vegetables 16. If you were feeling peckish, what would you feel like doing? If I was feeling peckish I (will) like eat many things 17. Where would you expect to find a quilt? I expect to find a quilt in my bed or my closet 18. Who or what would use runway? Uses the runway are the airplane, pursuit plane or jet plane 19. What is a salmon a type of? A salmon is a type of fish 20. What sort of a crime is treason? The treason is a type of crime against the existence and security of the state and the constitutional regime. 21. A unicorn is a mythological beast. What does it look like? A unicorn looks like a young horse, usually white, with a spiral horn, legs of antelope, goat beard, a lion's tail aspect and his eyes are blue 22. If you vaccinate people, what do you protect them against? If I vaccinate people, I protect them against the risks of illness 23. What is widower? The widower is the person who hispartner has died 24. What are the bars of a xylophone made of? The bars of a xylophone are made of wood or bamboo or metal 25. If you are yawning a lot, then you are probably feelingwhat? If I am yawning so I am probably feeling very sleepy or tired 26. What is zoo short for? ZOO is the short for zoological garden.

Use un diccionario, si fuera necesario, calcular la respuesta al siguiente. 1. Con qu frecuencia un evento anual tiene lugar? Un evento anual tiene lugar una vez al ao 2. Qu hace un ladrn? Un ladrn se apropia de las cosas de otras personas 3. Nombre de un continente El nombre de un continente es Europa 4. Cmo se sentira usted si est deprimido? Si estoy deprimido me sentira con desaliento y pesimismo 5. Qu es un guila? El guila es una ave de gran tamao que se destaca por su tamao, fuerza, potencia y vuelo de la visin. 6. Qu no existe suficiente durante un hambre? Durante el hambre no existe suficiente comida 7. Dnde en una casa usted esperara encontrar un rallador? Yo espero encontrar un rallador en la cocina de mi casa 8. Qu tendra usted la dificultad en hacer si usted se sintiera ronco? Si me siento ronca, se me dificulta para hablar 9. Si usted es analfabeto, qu no puede usted hacer? Si yo soy analfabeto, yo no puedo leer ni escribir 10. Cuntas personas hay por lo general en un jurado? Por lo general un jurado tiene 12 personas 11. De qu parte es un nudillo? Un nudillo es una parte de una mano 12. Una mariquita es un tipo de qu? Una mariquita es un tipo de insecto 13. Qu significa que una persona no le gusta lo que hace? Es una persona mala no le gusta ayudar a otras personas 14. Dnde normalmente llevara usted un collar? Yo normalmente llevara un collar en el cuello


Qu esperara usted encontrar en un huerto? Yo esperara encontrar en un huerto muchos vegetales


Si usted se senta hambriento, qu le apetece hacer? Si yo me senta hambriento me gustara/gusta comer muchos alimentos


Dnde esperara usted encontrar un edredn? Yo esperara encontrar un edredn en mi cama o closet


Quin o que usara la pista de aterrizaje y despegue? Usan la pista los aviones o aviones de guerra


Qu es un salmn un tipo de? Un salmn es un tipo de pescado


Qu tipo o clase de crimen es la traicin? La traicin es un tipo de crimen: contra la existencia y seguridad del Estado y el rgimen constitucional


El unicornio es un animal mitolgico. Qu aspecto tiene? El unicornio tiene el aspecto de un caballo joven, generalmente blanco, con un cuerno en espiral, patas de antlope, barba de chivo, una cola de aspecto leonino y sus ojos son azules


Si usted vacuna a la gente, contra qu los protege usted? Si yo vacuno a las personas. I las protejo contra los riesgos de enfermedades


que es el viudo? El viudo es la persona que se le ha muerto su pareja


De qu se hacen las barras de un xilfono? Las barras de un xilfono se hacen de madera o bamb


Si usted est bostezando mucho, entonces usted est probablemente sintiendo... qu? Si estoy bostezando entonces estoy sintiendo probablemente mucho sueo o cansancio


Cul es la abreviatura de zoolgico? ZOO es la abreviatura de zoolgico

59 Idioms quiz

1. What kind of party is a stag party? A stag party is a friends' meeting that is done before marrying. 2. If you were at a restaurant and the person with you offered to go dutch, what would this mean? That means that each pay your bill 3. Our postman passed away last week. what has happened to him? Our postman died for any reason 4. A tiresome, irritating person is often described as a pain in what part of the body? An irritating and heavy person is a pain in the rear 5. Jim is behind bars. Where is he? Jim is in jail/ prison 6. Amanda is down in the mouth today. How is she feeling? Amanda is feeling sad and alone 7. Why would not normally go to a party in your birthday suit I would not go to a party with my birthday dress because it is just for this occasion that is my birthday. 8. What sort of a relationship would you have with someone if you got on like a house on fire? I would have a relationship of friendship with that person and we would have much patience 9. Why are blacklegs generally unpopular? The blacklegs are generally unpopular for his incorrect way of acting. 10. My uncle have been given a golden handshake. What has happened to him?

To my uncle has been give a recognition for all his years of work 11. Where on the body would you find crow is feet? The place of the body where the houndstooth checks appear is in the contour of the eyes 12. How would you be behaving towards someone if you were giving him or her the cold shoulder? I behave with indifference 13. What does a gate-crasher usually do? An intruder usually trying to disappear 14. How would you be feeling if you were full of beans? If it was full of beans I fuel with energy and motivation 15. Where (or what) would you be if you were in the land of Nod? I would be in the land where Cain fled after killing his brother 16. What is a busman`s holiday? It is the time that deals with an activity similar to the habitual work 17. What are you doing when you name the day? When I name the day I am looking forward to be another day 18. What sort of person is an early bird? An early rising person is a punctual person 19. Why do not people usually like playing gooseberry?

20. I have just bought the local rag. What have i bought?

1. Que tipo de fiesta es una despedida de soltero? Una despedida de soltero es una reunin de amigos que se hace antes de casarse. 2. Si usted estuviera en un restaurante y la persona con usted esta le ofrece que cada uno pague su cuenta. Que significa esto?

3. Nuestro cartero falleci la semana pasada. qu le ha pasado? Nuestro cartero se muri por alguna razn 4. Una persona pesada, irritante a menudo es descrita como un dolor en qu parte del cuerpo? Una persona irritante y pesada es un dolor en el trasero 5. Jim est entre rejas. dnde est l? Jim esta en la crcel 6. Amanda est deprimida hoy. como se esta sintiendo? Amanda se siente triste y se siente sola 7. Por qu normalmente usted no ira a una fiesta con su vestido de cumpleaos? Yo no ira a una fiesta con mi vestido de cumpleaos porque es solo para esa ocasin, es decir mi cumpleaos. 8. Qu tipo de una relacin tendra usted con alguien que se enfadara muy rpido? Yo tendra una relacin de amistad con esa persona y le tendra mucha paciencia 9. Por qu son los esquiroles generalmente impopulares? Los esquiroles son generalmente impopulares por su incorrecta manera de actuar. 10. Han dado a mi to una gratificacin. qu le ha pasado? A mi to se le ha dado un reconocimiento por todos sus aos de trabajo

11. En que lugar del cuerpo podras encontrar patas de gallo? El lugar del cuerpo donde aparecen las patas de gallo es en el contorno de los ojos 12. Como usted se comporta hacia alguien si usted le da la espalda? Yo me comporto con indiferencia 13. Que hace un intruso por lo general? Un intruso por lo general intenta pasar desapercibido 14. Como usted se siente si estuviera de nimo elevado? Si estuviera de nimo elevado me sentira con la mente en blanco 15. Donde o que haras si estuvieras en la tierra de Nod? Yo puedo estar en la tierra donde Cain huyo luego de matar a su hermano. 16. Que es un conductor de autobs en las vacaciones? Es el tiempo que gasta en una actividad similar a la habitual del trabajo 17. Que haces cuando llamas el da?

18. Qu clase de persona es un madrugador? Una persona madrugadora es un apersona puntual 19. 20.

46 VOCABUKARY QUIEZZES: ADJETIVES QUIZ Work out answer to the following. 1. Name two objects that would be cumbersome to carry. - An umbrella - An animal (a pig) 2. Name something a vain person might do. - Illusions (unreality) - Promises (lack of strength) 3. Name three people you consider to be successful. - Camilo Villegas - Rafael Nadal -Lionel Messi 4. Name three things that taste delicious. - An ice cream - The lasagna - A Hot Dog 5. What does not a tight-fisted person like doing? A tight-fisted person doesnt like to help other people 6. Give two examples of what would be considered anti-social behavior in your country. - Doing graffitis - Doing terrorist acts 7. How would you be feeling if you were furious or livid? If I was furious or livid, I would be in bad mood 8. What do big-headed people like doing? Big-headed people like study a lot andread a look of book 9. Describe a typical man or woman in your country. A typical man is: dark skin, brown eyes, small mouth, friendly and responsible 10. Name two things that are poisonous. - Insecticides - Chemicals 11. How would you be feeling if you were tipsy? If I was tipsy I feel drunk with dizziness and vomiting 12. She was hoarse. Suggest why. She was hoarse because she had a chill 13. What is the average (a) salary (b) life expectancy in your country? The average is the life expectancy of my country 14. The student is writing was illegible. Why was not the teacher pleased?

The teacher was not pleased because the student wrote bad 15. What is often congested? The traffic 16. How would you be feeling if you were famished? If I was famished I would be desperate to eat 17. Give an example of a supernatural event. A supernatural event is the appearance of a ghost or a zombie. 18. What is pig-headed another word for? (It starts with s.) Is a person who does not change attitude or opinion. The synonym is stubborn 19. This cheese is mouldy. Would you eat it or not? If cheese is mouldy, I would not eat it 20. What can an ambidextrous person do? If a person is ambidextrous can write with both hands 21. Why were the organisers of the open-air pop concert worried when someone told them that it was overcast? Because the concert cant be done. 22. Give an example of what a child could do to make his/her parents proud of him/her. Having a good behavior Doing his homework.

Haga ejercicio, responder a la siguiente. 1. Nombre dos objetos que sera engorroso de llevar. Un paraguas Una animal ( un puerco) 2. Nombre algo que una persona podra hacer vano. Ilusiones (Falto de realidad) Promesas ( falto de solidez) 3. Nombre tres personas con las que cuenta para tener xito Camilo Villegas Rafael Nadal Lionel Messi 4. Nombra tres cosas que son deliciosas. Un helado La lasaa Un perro caliente 5. 6. D dos ejemplos de lo que se considera un comportamiento antisocial en su pas. Hacer grafiti Hacer actos terroristas 7. Cmo se sentira si ests enfadado o furioso? Si yo estuviera enfadado o furioso me sentira con mal humor 8. 9. Describir un tpico hombre o una mujer en su pas. Un tpico hombre es de: piel triguea, ojos cafs, boca pequea, amable y responsable 10. Nombre dos cosas que son venenosas. Los insecticidas Los productos qumicos 11. Cmo se sentira si ests borracho? Si estuviera borracho me sentira con mareos y con vomito 12. Ella era ronca. Sugerir por qu. Ella era ronca porque tuvo un refriado 13. Cul es la media (a) sueldo) (b) la esperanza de vida en su pas? La medida es la esperanza de vida de mi pas 14. El estudiante escribi ilegible. Por qu el maestro no estaba contento? El profesor no estaba contento porque el estudiante escribi mal

15. Qu se congestiona? El trafico 16. Cmo se sentira si ests hambriento? Si estuviera hambriento me sentira desesperado por comer 17. D un ejemplo de un acontecimiento sobrenatural. Un acontecimiento sobrenatural es la aparicin de un fantasma o un zombi 18. Qu es testarudo y otra palabra para? (Comienza con s.) Es una persona que no cambia de actitud o parecer. El sinnimo es terco 19. Este queso es mohoso. Comera usted o no? Si el queso esta mohoso no me lo comera 20. Qu puede hacer una persona ambidiestro? Si una persona es ambidiestra puede escribir con las dos manos 21. Por qu los organizadores de un concierto al aire libre estn preocupados cuando alguien les dijo que estaba nublado? Porque el concierto no puede llevarse a cabo 22. D un ejemplo de lo que un nio podra hacer para que sus padres estn orgullosos de l / ella. Tener buen comportamiento Hacer las tareas

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